What is money?

What is money?
Ms. Ross
As adapted from Federal Reserve
“Money is what money does.”
Why did money develop?
Barter, swapping goods and services for
other goods and services, is likely to be
-- Barter requires a coincidence of wants.
-- Trade is slowed if there is no coincidence of wants
Many societies have used many things as
money, including stones, shells, elephant tail
bristles, gold and silver coins, furs, salt,
whales’ teeth, and pieces of paper.
Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
-- Money can be used for buying and selling goods and services.
-- Money allows society to avoid the difficulties associated with
Unit of Account
-- Money can be used to judge the relative value of different goods
and services.
-- Money assists consumers and producers in making rational
Functions of Money
Store of value
-- Money can be used to transfer purchasing power from
the present into the future.
Characteristics of “Good” Money
Relatively Scarce
Money Definitions
M1 – Money Definition
M1 is the “narrowest” definition of money in
the United States.
M1 is the “most liquid”
M1 includes
--Currency (coins and paper money) in the hands of the
-- All checkable deposits (all deposits in commercial
banks and savings institutions on which checks of any
size can be drawn.
M1 = 1.372 trillion (as of March, 2008)
More on Components of M1
Coins + paper money
-- coins represent 2-3% of M1
-- paper currency represents a little less than 50% of M1
-- US coins in circulation are token money because the
value of the metal in the coin is worth less than the value
of the coin.
-- All paper money is in the form of Federal Reserve
-- There is more than 700 billion in currency in circulation
More on Components of M1
Checkable Deposits
-- Checkable deposits represent about 50% of M1.
-- Checks and debit cards represent a convenient, safe
way of transporting money and making payments.
-- People can generally convert checkable deposits
quickly into paper money and coin. Therefore, checks
drawn on these deposits are viewed as equivalent to
M2 – Money Definition
M2 is a “broader” definition of money and
includes M1, plus a number of “near-monies”:
-- Savings deposits, including money market deposit
accounts (MMDA’s)
-- small (less than $100,000) time deposits (CD’s)
These “near-monies” can be easily converted
into currency and checkable deposits.
M2 = $7661.6 trillion ( March 2008)
M3 – Money Definition
M3 is an even “broader” definition of money
and includes M2 and :
-- Large ($100,000 or more) time deposits
-- Balances in institutional money funds
-- Repurchase liabilities issues by depository institutions
-- Eurodollars
M3 = $9.727 trillion (as of July 14, 2005)
Commodity Money
Commodity money is anything that serves as
money and has an alternative use.
-- Corn, tobacco, and salt are some examples of
commodities that have been used as money at different
times and places in the world.
-- Precious metals have also been used as commodity
Fiat Money
Fiat money is any item, without intrinsic
value, which has been declared to be money
by the government.
Federal Reserve Notes are fiat money; they
have no intrinsic value.
Legal Tender
Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender.
Legal tender means that paper currency must
be accepted in payment of a debt, or else the
creditor forfeits the privilege of charging
interest and the right to sue the debtor for
Coins and checks are not legal tender, yet
they are widely accepted.
M: the supply of money in the economy
V: the velocity of money, or the number of
times a year that the average dollar is spent
on final goods and services
P: the overall price level in the economy
Q: the quantity of all goods and services
produced; also known as real output
This is a simple model of a macro economy
during a time period.
MV represents the total amount spent by
buyers in the economy.
PQ represents the total amount received by
Therefore MV should be roughly equal to PQ
If there is a change in one of the variables,
there must be a change in one of the other
variables to keep MV equal to PQ.
Money and Prices
There exists a negative relationship between
prices and the value of the dollar.
-- Higher prices lower the value of the dollar because
more dollars are needed to buy a particular amount of
goods, services, or resources
-- Lower prices tend to raise the value of the dollar
because fewer dollars are needed to buy a particular
amount of goods, services, or resources.
Money and Prices
Very high levels of inflation can result in:
-- A breakdown in money’s function as a medium of
-- A breakdown in money’s function as a store of value.
-- A breakdown in money’s function as a unit of account.