ICS 57 Take-Home Midterm

ICS 57 Take-Home Midterm
Neighborhood Photo Journal
Your midterm is based on field recordings (photographs) and subsequent analysis of a Silicon Valley neighborhood of
your choice. You may work on your photo journal in pairs or individually. Each student must turn in an individual analysis
Photo Journal Instructions
 Spend time looking through your selected neighborhood before taking any photographs and identify locations
you will be photographing.
 Identify your neighborhood visually through photos (i.e. street sign or neighborhood entrance)
 Using your shots you will construct a photo essay consisting of 15~25 photographs that present a story of your
particular neighborhood.
 Use a variety of angles and distances and shoot for sequences of information rather than aesthetics.
 When reviewing your shots select the pictures that best present a story of this particular neighborhood.
 Layout and sequence of photographs should be intentional and you should be able to how you determined the
sequence of your photos
Photographing space and material objects:
Label photographs that mark visual information based on historical context of this neighborhood
Capture visual indicators of neighborhood history, immigration, class division and other aspects of observable
inequalities or cultural markings.
Photographing people and behavior:
Ask permission to photograph people!!
Capture nonverbal interactions, expressions, social space and other visual aspects of human behavior.
Label your Photos:
 Be creative with your labels. For example, you can create a sign and include it in your photograph or digitally add
text to your photograph.
You may turn in a physical photo journal or email an electronic photo journal in PowerPoint format to your instructor.
Analysis: Write an approximately two page (typed, double spaced, 12 point font) essay. Your analysis should address
the following points:
 Describe why you choose the particular neighborhood. It could be where you or someone you know lives, does
community engagement work, or has significance to you in terms of our class.
 How is the neighborhood organized?
 What material objects indicate social class or race? What do you see that indicates a division in class or race?
 What do you see that defines this neighborhood by religion, race, culture, immigration background or other
social systems?
 What do you see that is reflective of being the “Silicon Valley” as we’ve studied the area?
Your written analysis and your digital photo essay are due on Monday May 5th. Photo journals will be shared in class
on May 5th and 7th. This assignment is worth 200 pts toward your total score in this class. Late submissions will receive
half credit.