Neighborhood Photo Essay Checklist

Neighborhood Photo Essay Checklist
Your photo essay should be a collection of pictures that clearly convey an idea.
The essay should include pictures of people, places, and landmarks that
represent your neighborhood accurately. You may use music, photo finishing, or
other effects to finish your photo essay.
Does your picture collection have an easily discernible theme?
Are there an adequate number of pictures to fully convey your theme?
Do you, either through composition or in your presentation, present a fully
developed theme? Does the photo essay and/or presentation leave questions?
Does the photo essay convey a message?
Thorough illustration of neighborhood
People, places, and landmarks
“Feel” of neighborhood
What did you intend to demonstrate through your collection of photos?
How did each photo factor in to your theme?
What aspects of your neighborhood did you leave out? Why?
Which aspects of your neighborhood did you focus on, most specifically:?
If you were a casual observer, what impression would you now have of your
neighborhood? Is that an accurate impression?