Load2Learn - uploading past exam papers All of the fields on Load2Learn marked with an asterisk must be completed. Don’t worry if you don’t capture everything, the exam record and file will go through a validation process with the Load2Learn Team, before it is made live on the site. 1. Before uploading.......................................................................................... 2 Check the past exam paper is not already available ...................................... 2 Copyright guidance ........................................................................................ 2 Exam paper reference number ....................................................................... 2 Internet browser ............................................................................................. 2 2. Create a new resource (upload a past exam paper) .................................. 3 3. Upload a new version (upload a better exam paper file) ........................... 7 4. Key stages (educational level) .................................................................. 10 1 1. Before uploading Check the past exam paper is not already available Before uploading your exam paper file please search Load2Learn (remembering to turn off any search filters you may have set) to see if we already have a version of it. If the paper you wish to upload is not on Load2Learn, please follow the “Create a new resource (upload a past exam paper)” instructions. If a version already exists on Load2Learn and you believe the version you have to be a better one, please follow the "Upload a new version" instructions. Reasons it may be a better version include: Replacing a part-work, with one that is a complete work New version includes images or has higher quality images New version has better copyright permission New version has improved structure/formatting/layout. All resources contributed will go through a validation process before they are approved to appear on the site. Copyright guidance Read our Copyright Guidance page and ensure you meet all the requirements. Exam paper reference number You must know the reference number of the past exam paper you are uploading. Internet browser If you are using Internet Explorer and experience difficulty uploading your resources, we recommend that you use a different browser, such as Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome 2 2. Create a new resource (upload a past exam paper) Log in to www.Load2Learn.org.uk Select “Contribute” from the left-hand menu. Select “contribute your resources here” Select “create a new resource” Select “Exam paper” This brings you to the “Upload Exam Paper” screen. Select the “File format” from the drop down menu, which matches the format of the exam paper file you are uploading. “Choose file” – browse for the file stored on your PC, disc, or USB stick and select it. Then select “Upload”. When uploading the file, if the format you have selected and the format of the file being uploaded do not match, you will receive an error message. Simply, select the correct format type and the exam paper file again. Depending on the size of the file you are uploading, it may take a little while for the “Record details” screen to appear. You will need add information about the exam paper on this screen. Don’t worry if you don’t capture everything, the record and file will go through a validation process with the Load2Learn team, before it is made live on the site. Field Unique id Format type File type Title Author Exam paper reference Exam date Qualification Entry example UPL011411 Exam Word 2003/DOC Edexcel GCSE Mathematics A 2540/01: Foundation Tier: Paper 1 Non-calculator): Practice paper Edexcel 2540/01 GCSE Needs editing? NO NO NO YES – to include Exam board, Level, Subject, Paper reference, Paper type and Date where known Yes – the exam board (unless otherwise stated) Yes – the exam paper reference Yes – if uknown insert a hypen Yes – the drop down menu gives four options: GCSE, A Level, 3 Field Exam category Original publication date Description Keywords Educational level Entry example Edexcel Practice paper for Edexcel GCSE Foundation Tier Mathematics A. Past paper, Mathematics, Maths, Edexcel, Exam, Practice paper Keystage 4 Illustrations provided Yes Language English Permission for use Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002 Permitted regions of United Kingdom Needs editing? Standard grade (Scotland), Highers (Scotland) If you are uploading a SATS paper, select GCSE, but make sure SATS is written in the title, and we will amend the qualification level in the validation process. Yes – the drop down menu only gives one option at present: Edexcel. Select this and we will amend the Exam category in the validation process. Yes – if uknown leave blank. Yes – brief description of the paper. IGNORE the formatting tools. Yes – this is words users may type into the search field to look for available resources. Yes – see Key Stage information. Choose from drop down menu. Does the exam paper file you are uploading contain images? Entry needs to be Yes or No. Yes – this will be English in most cases. If you are uploading a language exam paper, please select the language being taught, such as German Yes – in most cases the papers you are uploading will be under the permission Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002 Yes – select United Kingdom 4 Field distribution Permitted print disabilities Entry example Needs editing? blind physical Contributor Load2Learn Uploader Zip file contains Ms Jennie Short Font size 14 As papers are uploaded under the Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002 only two disability uses can be checked: blind physical Yes – enter your school/organisation name – ensuring consistency with each file you upload. NO Maybe – if you are uploading a Zip file, please state which file format(s) it contains: Large print Moon SEB UEB Editable files Yes – insert the font size the paper is in NO Yes Date of upload 2013-06-17 14:16:16 Part publication If the file you are uploading is the complete paper select No from the drop down menu. Part publication information Word file layout Not formatted If the file you uploading is an incomplete paper – for example only includes questions 1 to 5 out of 8 – select Yes from the drop down menu. If you have selected Yes under Part publication Examples: Includes questions 1 to 5 out of 8. Missing question 3. Select one of the following from the drop down menu: • Structured with headings and styles 5 Field Tactile code Additional information Internal notes Entry example Needs editing? • Not formatted These two options are for files produced by Load2Learn: • Load2Learn specification version 1 • DFCS specification If you are uploading a braille or Moon file, please select the grade. Any further information you wish to add. NO Select “Submit”. You are now at the “Check record details” screen. Double check the information, if you anything needs amending use the browsers back button. If you are happy with the information, at the bottom of the page, check the box for “I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions”. Select “Submit”. You are back at the “Upload Resource” screen and can begin uploading your next file. 6 3. Upload a new version (upload a better exam paper file) Log in to www.Load2Learn.org.uk Find the existing record for the paper. At the bottom of the paper record page, select “Upload new version”. This takes you to the “Upload file” screen. Select the “file format” from the drop down menu, which matches the format of the exam paper file you are uploading. “Choose file” – browse for the file stored on your PC, disc, or USB stick and select it. Select the “nature of difference” from the drop down menu. “Please state the reason” for the difference. Examples: Natures of difference Additional structure Different copyright permissions Addition to part works Other Please state reason Current version is unstructured. The new version is formatted using heading styles. Current version is CLA PDL, new version is publisher permission for all disability types, UK, EU and Worldwide. Current version is missing questions 58, the new version is the full paper. New version has higher quality images. Select “Upload”. This takes you to the “record details” screen. Many of the fields will not need editing, but the following will need looking at. Field Exam category Entry Edexcel Needs editing? Yes – the drop down menu only gives one option at present: Edexcel. Select this and we will amend the Exam category in the 7 Field Entry Original publication date Description Practice paper for AQA GCSE Foundation Tier Mathematics (Linear) B. Illustrations provided Yes Permissions for use Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002 Permitted regions of distribution United Kingdom Permitted print disability uses Blind Physical Contributor Stockport Sensory Support Service Font size 18 Part publication No Needs editing? validation process. If this is currently blank and you know the date, please input it, such as 2012. Maybe – if anything needs adding or amending due to the updated file you have uploaded. Maybe – if the old version didn’t included images, but the new version you have uploaded does, the “No” will need changing to “Yes”. Maybe – is the file you are uploading provided under a better Copyright permission? Maybe – if uploading under a better Copyright permission, have the regions changed? Maybe – if uploading under a better Copyright permission, have the permitted disabilities changed? Yes – enter your school/organisation name – ensuring consistency with each file you upload. Maybe – is the new file in a different font size. Yes If the file you are uploading is the complete exam paper select No from the drop down menu. Part publication information If the book file you uploading is still an incomplete paper select Yes from the drop down menu. If you have selected Yes under Part publication… Examples: 8 Field Word file layout Tactile code Additional information Entry Needs editing? Includes questions 1-5 of 8. Missing question 3. Select one of the following from the drop down menu: Structured with headings and styles Not formatted These two options are for Load2Learn produced books: Load2Learn specification version 1 DFCS specification Maybe – if uploading a Moon or braille file, please state grade. Any further information you wish to add. Select “Submit”. You are now at the “Check record details” screen. Double check the information, if you anything needs amending use the browsers back button. If you are happy with the information check the box for “I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions”. Select “Submit”. You are back at the “Upload Resource” screen and can begin uploading your next file. 9 4. Key stages (educational level) Key Stage Pre-school Learners age 0 to 3 Key Stage 0 3 to 5 Key Stage 1 5 to 7 Key Stage 2 7 to 11 Key Stage 3 11 to 14 Key Stage 4 14 to 16 Key Stage 5 16 to 18 School years 0 / Early Years Foundation Stage Home / Nursery / Reception 0 / Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery / Reception 1 and 2 Infant school / Primary school 3 to 6 Junior school / Primary school 7 to 9 Secondary school 10 to 11 / GCSE Secondary school 12 to 13 / A and AS levels, NVQ’s, etc Sixth form or FE college Issue date: 17 June 2013 Author: Jennie Short, Load2Learn 10