Positive Production and Consumption externalities: True or False 1.) These are external benefits created by producers_____ Explanation: 2.) An example of a positive production externality would be vaccination _____ Explanation: 3.) If the MSC curve lies above the MPC curve there is a ‘negative cost’ and positive externalities of production are present _____ Explanation: 4.) The optimum amount of production is where MSC = MSB_____ Explanation: 5.) Fig 5.9 shows the under allocation of resources to the production of a good or service. _____ Explanation: 6.) Fig 5.9 would be true of an industry such as the R and D involved in the space program _____ Explanation: 7.) Training is not an example of a positive production externality_____ Explanation: 8.) The under allocation of resources to a good with a positive production externality leads to a welfare gain_____ Explanation: 9.) Ways of correcting positive production externalities include direct government provision and subsidies_____ Explanation: 10.) The optimum level of consumption of goods is where the MSB =MSC_____ Explanation: 11.) When there is a positive consumption externality the free market under allocates resources to the production of the good_____ Explanation: 12.) The difference between MSB and MSC is the amount of output that is under produced for positive consumption externality_____ Explanation: 13.) Health and Education are examples of merit goods_____ Explanation: 14.) Merit goods may not be provided by the market because of low levels of income and poverty and consumer ignorance_____ Explanation: 15.) The best way to correct positive consumption externalities are through legislation, advertising and direct government provision_____ Explanation: 16.) Too much information is likely to make it impossible to calculate precisely the amount of government provision required when there is under allocation of a good _____ Explanation: