Chapter 4 - North Mac Schools

Chapter 4
Study Guide
1. List 3 benefits of physical activity for
physical health.
• Improved cardiovascular health.
• Improved respiratory function.
• Improved reaction time.
2. List 3 benefits of physical activity for
mental health.
• Reduced stress.
• Help manage anger or frustration.
• Improved mood/decrease depression.
3. List 3 benefits of physical activity for social
• Meet new people.
• Builds self confidence.
• Interact and cooperate with others.
4. Identify 4 possible negative effects of a
physically inactive lifestyle.
• Unhealthy weight gain.
• Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2
diabetes, and cancer.
• Reduced ability to manage stress.
• Decreased opportunities for friendships.
5. Describe each element of fitness.
• Cardiorespiratory endurance – ability of the heart,
lungs, and blood vessels to utilize and send fuel and
oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of
moderate to vigorous activity.
• Muscular strength – the amount of force a muscle can
• Muscle endurance – the ability of the muscles to
perform physical tasks over a period of time without
becoming fatigued.
5. continued
• Flexibility – the ability to move a body part
through a full range of motion.
• Body composition – the ratio of body fat to lean
body tissue.
6. What category of exercise can improve
cardiorespiratory endurance?
• Aerobic exercise.
7. What category of exercise can improve
muscular strength and endurance?
• Anaerobic exercise.
8. Identify 3 factors that influence your
choice of physical activities.
• Cost.
• Where you live.
• Your level of health.
9. Define the three principles of an effective
fitness program.
• Overload – working the body harder than it is
normally worked.
• Progression – gradual increase in overload
necessary to achieve higher levels of fitness.
• Specificity – particular exercises and activities to
improve particular areas of fitness.
10. Explain each term in the F.I.T.T. formula.
• Frequency – how often you do the activity each
• Intensity – how hard you work at the activity per
• Time – how much time you devote to each
• Type – which activities you select.
11. Define training program.
• A program of formalized physical preparation for
involvement in a sport or another physical
12. What is a health screening? Explain the
importance of having a health screening before
beginning a new activity.
• Health screening – search or check for diseases
or disorders that an individual would otherwise
not have knowledge of or seek help for.
• To ensure that you don’t have a health condition
that could make activity dangerous for you.
13. Identify the amount of water that should
be consumed before and during a workout.
• 16 to 24 ounces 2 to 3 hours before a workout.
• 6 to 12 ounces every 15 to 20 minutes during
the workout.
14. Identify two hot weather health risks.
• Muscle cramps.
• Heat exhaustion.
• Heat stroke.
15. Identify two cold weather health risks.
• Hypothermia.
• Frostbite.
16. What are 3 minor injuries that might
occur during physical activity.
• Muscle cramp.
• Strain.
• Sprain.
17. What do each of the letters in the R.I.C.E.
procedure stand for?
• Rest.
• Ice.
• Compression.
• Elevation.