Middle School Group Career Day Agenda 8:00AM

Middle School Group
Career Day Agenda
8:00AM-8:15AM: Human Knot Team Building Initiative
8:15AM-9:30AM: Goal Setting/Dream Collage (Session#1)
9:30AM-10:15AM: Personal Values Exercise (Session#2)
10:15AM-11:00AM: Career Family Tree (Session#3)
11:00AM-11:45PM: Holland Code Party Game! (Session#4)
11:45PM-12:15PM: Lunch Break
12:15PM-1:45PM-Budget Game! (Session #5)
1:00PM-1:45PM: O’Net Career Research (Session#6)
1:45PM-2:30PM: Work Values Exercise (Session#7)
2:30PM- 3:00PM: Gender Stereotypes Career Lesson (Session#8)
3:00PM-3:15: Wrap up (Group Discussion and Complete Feedback Form)
Session Descriptions:
Introduction: Human Knot Team Building Initiative.
Goal: To get students comfortable and ready for a fun day of activities.
Objective: This will allow students to learn what its like to be a team member.
Session#1: Goal Setting Exercise!
Goal: To help students to think about what they want their life to be like as an adult and to teach them
the goal setting process to help them achieve their life dreams.
Objective: Students will learn the definition of a goal, effective strategies for writing realistic goals, and
how to assess progress towards achieving goals. Students will learn the difference between a wish and
a goal and between long and short term goals. Students will create a “Dream Collage” that includes
pictures of what they want their life to be life as an adult to serve as a visual reminder of the reasons
behind their goals.
Dream Collage Part two of Session one. Each Student will be given a piece of construction paper. They
will then receive different magazines and will be able to cut out pictures that best represent their
dreams and goals. They will glue their pictures on the construction paper and that will be their dream
Goal: To increase students’ awareness of what dreams they might have and what goals go along with
each dream.
Objective: Students will be able to Identify 5 or more current dreams and goals.
Session #2: Personal Values Exercise
Session #3: Create a Family Career Tree. Students will address their closet family members and their
current career status. They will then use a program called Genopro to plug in their family career tree.
Goal: To increase students’ knowledge and influence their family members might have on their own
career aspirations.
Objectives: Students will be able to list their closest family members and the career choices they made.
They will be able to articulate and address why their family was an influential part of their career
Session #4: Holland Code Party Game!
Session # 5: Budget Game! Students will break up into groups of 4 and will then be given and envelope.
Inside each envelope is their pretend career, salary break down, home situation. They will then be given
a work sheet that will allow each group to budget their earnings in the most logic way.
Goal: To increase students’ awareness of a budget plan.
Objectives: Students will be able to budget their money according. This will teach each student the true
value of a dollar.
Session#6: O’Net Career Research. Students will log onto O’Net and research 3 careers as well as job
duties, education, skills, salary, Holland Code, and values.
Goal: To increase students’ awareness of different job occupations that relate to their personality type.
Objectives: Students will be become familiar with the Holland code and what it means to them. They
will also identify at least 3 jobs that relate to their Holland code.
Session#7: Work Values Exercise
Goal: To help students gain a better understanding of their work values and how certain jobs feature
different work values.
Objective: Students will have a brief discussion about each work value on a list of values and how they
pertain to jobs. Each student will receive a blank Bingo card worksheet and will be asked to choose 9
work values that pertain to them to randomly list on the Bingo card. Students will play Bingo for prizes.
Session#8: Gender Stereotype Career Lessons.
Goal: To increase students’ awareness of and knowledge about changing gender roles.
Objective: The student will describe advantages and problems of entering non-traditional occupations
and will also describe stereotypes and biases that limit opportunities for men and women to pursue
certain occupations.
WRAP UP! Students will come together and discuss their day and their thoughts. After discussion
students will be asked to complete a feedback form. This will give us the opportunity to improve our
next career day presentations!