3. Dream interpretation In this activity, the class will break up into small groups and assess the applicability of the several accounts of dreams that they have recently had. In other words, a volunteer in each group will describe a recent dream to the rest of his or her group and then the group will attempt to explain the dream using the psychoanalytic (Freud), problem-solving, and activation-synthesis accounts. The group will be asked to share the dream with the rest of the class, indicate which theory they believe best explains the dream, and explain why they chose that account over others. Theories of Dreaming 1. Dreams as Unconscious Wishes (Freudian) Through dreams, we are able to expresses wishes and desires that have been forced out of the conscious mind 2. Dreams as Reflections of Current Concerns (Problem Solving) Dreams reflect ongoing conscious preoccupations of waking life 3. Dreams as Interpreted by Brain Activity Activation-synthesis theory Dreams are the result of neurons firing spontaneously in the lower part of the brain during REM sleep. This neural activity spreads to other parts of the brain and randomly activates sensations, associations, and memories. We attempt to make sense out of this information and the dream results.