Practicum 380_Syllabus-Winter 2014-1

Practicum in Spanish Teaching
Spanish 380 –Winter 2014
Brigham Young University
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Andrea A. Nielsen
801.422.8326 (Office)
801.899.9293 (Cell)
CLASS TIME: Tuesday from 3:00 - 3:50 p.m.
OFFICE HOURS: 2:00 - 2:50 pm on Tuesdays (Please make an appointment)
The purpose of the 15-hour practicum is to give you, a prospective student teacher, an
opportunity to gain hands-on experience in implementing meaningful, engaging instruction, and
assessment in a secondary Spanish classroom. In preparation for student teaching, you will
collaborate with a mentor teacher to observe, plan, and teach lessons. Although observing and
assisting your mentor embraces important parts of your professional development, a minimum of
5 hours of the 15-hour practicum should be dedicated to actively teaching students.
After you submit your application for student teaching and the application is approved, you will
be assigned to a practicum/student teaching placement. Although we try to honor your
preferences and requests regarding these placements, we are not always able to do so. We
encourage you to exercise professionalism with respect to your placement responsibilities,
regardless of where, or with whom they may be. Every effort is made to place practicum
students in the same classroom and with the same mentor teacher where they will be doing their
student teaching. Consequently, you must take both Spanish 378 and Spanish 380 the semester
immediately prior to ScEd 476R/496R (student teaching/internship)—NO EXCEPTIONS.
These courses are only offered during Fall & Winter semesters, so please plan accordingly.
(Note: The hotlinked items in this section will take you to a variety of relevant online resources.)
As a result of active participation in this course, you should be able to:
o Craft meaningful, standards-based, developmentally appropriate language learning
experiences in Spanish using various techniques for creatively engaging students in critical
thinking and problem-solving (INTASC Standards: 1 – Learner Development, 4 – Content
Knowledge, 5 – Application of Content, 7 – Planning for Instruction, 8 – Instructional
Spanish 380 ♦ 2014 ♦ Andrea A. Nielsen M.ED. with support from Cherice Montgomery♦ ♦ 1
Practicum in Spanish Teaching
Spanish 380 –Winter 2014
Brigham Young University
o Cultivate learning environments that actively engage diverse learners (INTASC Standards:
2 – Learning Differences, 3 – Learning Environments, 8 – Instructional Strategies)
o Use informal assessments to evaluate students’ understanding (INTASC Standard: 6 Assessment)
o Engage in professional dialogue and reflection with your mentor teacher to improve your
own professional practice (INTASC Standards: 9 – Professional Learning & Ethical
Practice, 10 – Leadership & Collaboration)
The grading scale for this course is: A, B, C, D, E, I. In order to pass the course, teacher
candidates must fulfill the requirements outlined below.
Completing Professional Paperwork
Field Experience Demographics (FED) – Use this worksheet to gather the information
you need to complete the form on LiveText (Due September 30, 2014)
Praxis II – Sign up for the Praxis II in Spanish (5195) (Results Due December 9, 2014)
Student Teaching Placement Request Form & Application – Complete both of these
no later than September 15th. Note that you’ll need to gather a lot of information and
schedule appointments to meet with several advisors in order to complete the Student
Teaching Application so do not procrastinate!
Cultivating Professional Habits of Mind & Behavior
Attendance - Attendance will be computed by dividing the number of class periods
possible by the number of class periods you attended.
Professional Evaluation - You, your mentor teacher, and I will each complete a
professional evaluation of your performance in the following areas: (Due December
16, 2014 at the latest)
o Preparation – Initiate contact with your mentor teacher, set up appointments,
communicate re: BYU assignments, and collaborate in planning your practicum
o Punctuality – Arrive promptly at all scheduled field placements and stay for the
agreed upon time
Spanish 380 ♦ 2014 ♦ Andrea A. Nielsen M.ED. with support from Cherice Montgomery♦ ♦ 2
Practicum in Spanish Teaching
Spanish 380 –Winter 2014
Brigham Young University
o Professionalism – Follow through on mentors’ requests/suggestions and display
professional communication, decorum, dress, and grooming consistent with the
BYU Honor Code
o Preservation of Privacy – Reflect on and discuss what you have observed
respectfully, maintaining confidentiality regarding those involved
o Planning - Prepare lessons of high quality, share plans with your mentor,
incorporate feedback; engage with students; use Spanish regularly
Developing & Demonstrating Professional Knowledge
Daily Assignments – These assignments will prepare you to be more successful as a
student teacher and may include commenting in class discussions, or completing reading
or viewing guides related to classroom management, exploring online resources,
experimenting with online tools, or writing lesson plans and implementing them.
Focused Observations – These are designed to guide your attention to important issues
as you observe in your field placement. Please choose TWO to complete. (1st
Observation Due October 21, 2014, 2nd Observation Due November 18, 2014)
Lesson Plan & Materials for Professor Nielsen’s Observation Visit – Prepare a lesson
plan and accompanying materials and give them to Professor Nielsen when she comes to
observe you teaching in your practicum placement. (Due by December 16, 2014)
Practicum Placement - Fulfill a 15-hour practicum placement in your assigned
secondary school, including a minimum of 5 hours devoted to actively teaching students.
You will document this portion of your work by turning in a field report on Thursday of
each week until you complete your 15-hours.
In keeping with the principles of the BYU Honor Code, students are expected to be honest in all
of their academic work. Academic honesty means, most fundamentally, that any work you
present as your own must in fact be your own work and not that of another. Violations of this
principle may result in a failing grade in the course and additional disciplinary action by the
Spanish 380 ♦ 2014 ♦ Andrea A. Nielsen M.ED. with support from Cherice Montgomery♦ ♦ 3
Practicum in Spanish Teaching
Spanish 380 –Winter 2014
Brigham Young University
Students are also expected to adhere to the Dress and Grooming Standards. Adherence
demonstrates respect for yourself and others and ensures an effective learning and working
environment. It is the university’s expectation, and my own expectation in class, that each
student will abide by all Honor Code standards. Please call the Honor Code Office at 422-2847
if you have questions about those standards.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any
participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended
to eliminate sex discrimination in education and pertains to admissions, academic and athletic
programs, and university-sponsored activities. Title IX also prohibits sexual harassment of
students by university employees, other students, and visitors to campus. If you encounter
sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the
Equal Employment Office at 801-422-5895 or 1-888-238-1062 (24-hours), or; or contact the Honor Code Office at 801-422-2847.
If you have a disability that may affect your performance in this course, you should get in touch
with the office of Services for Students with Disabilities (1520 WSC). This office can evaluate
your disability and assist the professor in arranging for reasonable accommodations.
One of the purposes of Spanish 380 is to challenge your assumptions, beliefs, and interpretations,
recognizing that these will often differ because we draw from different life experiences. We are
responsible for creating a supportive environment that allows us to take the risks required to do
so. If you encounter a problem with the course instructor or a colleague, you are encouraged to
address it directly with that person in a professional manner. If you are unable to resolve it, then
please contact me, Dr. Larson or Dr. Sherman for assistance.
Topic - This schedule is subject to change in order to address emergent
needs and/or health concerns.
Sept. 2
Discuss the syllabus
Complete Course Information Sheet online
Spanish 380 ♦ 2014 ♦ Andrea A. Nielsen M.ED. with support from Cherice Montgomery♦ ♦ 4
Practicum in Spanish Teaching
Spanish 380 –Winter 2014
Brigham Young University
Observation Requirements
Student Teaching Application
Field Reports
Focus Observations
Teacher/Mentor Evaluations
Complete Photo Permission Sheet
Complete fingerprinting
Complete the Technology Skills Assessment
Register for the Praxis II Spanish Content
Knowledge Test (5195)
Pass the OPI (Advanced Low/Mid)
Log into mylink and report problems
Sept. 9
Complete placement request form
Answer questions about the Student Teaching
Draft of student teaching application
autobiography due Sept 7th – Posted on the
Review and complete application
Review and Approve Student Teaching
Application if not already done – make an
appointment prior to the 15th of September
with Professor Nielsen.
Sept. 16
The Relationship between Knowledge, Skill, and
Sept. 23
Developing Types of Understanding
Student Teaching Application Due
September 15th Student teaching application
due to MCKB by 5 p.m.
Field Report Due
Relationship Among Knowledge, Skill, and
Understanding Assignment Due
Sept. 30
Framing Units
FED Report Due
Developing Types of Understanding
Assignment Due
Oct. 7
Evidence of Understanding
Field Report Due
Oct. 14
Oct. 21
Engaging and Effective Design
Questions to Guide Teachers
Framing Units Assignment Due
Evidence of Understanding Assignment Due
Field Report Due
1st Focused Observation Due
Engaging and Effective Design
Spanish 380 ♦ 2014 ♦ Andrea A. Nielsen M.ED. with support from Cherice Montgomery♦ ♦ 5
Practicum in Spanish Teaching
Spanish 380 –Winter 2014
Brigham Young University
Assignment Due
Oct. 28
Testing Designs
Questions to Guide Teachers
Assignment Due
Nov. 4
Student Lesson Presentations
Field Report Due
Nov. 11
Student Lesson Presentations
Nov. 18
Student Lesson Presentations
Field Report Due
2nd Focused Observation Due
Nov. 25
Dec. 2
No Class – Friday Schedule
Student Lesson Presentations
Dec. 9
Student Lesson Presentations
Due December 9
Teacher Evaluations Due
Dec. 16
Final Exam
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 from 3 – 5 pm
Binder Due
TWS assignment Due
Field Report Due
Field Report Due
Goal: To give you contextualized, hands-on opportunities to explore and apply some of the concepts introduced in
the frame.
The following page contains a list of important dates for student teachers.
BYU Academic Calendar for 2014
September 2, 2014
September 15, 2014
November 21-23, 2014
November 25, 2014
November 26-28, 2014
December 9, 2014
December 11, 2014
December 16, 2014
First Day of classes at BYU
Student Teaching Applications Due to the Education Department
ACTFL Annual Convention and World Language Expo
-San Antonio, Texas
Friday Schedule – No class
Thanksgiving break
Last of Day of Class before the Final
Last Day of Class at BYU
Final Exam from 3:00 - 5:00pm in JFSB 152
Spanish 380 ♦ 2014 ♦ Andrea A. Nielsen M.ED. with support from Cherice Montgomery♦ ♦ 6