In Latin America, the hacienda created a complex social order in

In Latin America, the hacienda created a complex social order in society. Since most of the land was
controlled by haciendas, it also employed most of the population. Each hacienda is distinct, ranging from
hundreds of thousands to hundreds of people working/living here. Together, the residents of these
haciendas create a village, as some people may be priests, teachers, clerks, accountants, storekeepers,
hired shepherds and cattlemen, and families who rent land. Most of the workers however are African
slaves or natives, enslaved by those who came from Europe, establishing a lower class.
The main argument is how a country mostly of slaves overthrew both its colonial status and its
economic system and established a new political state of entirely free individuals. The French/US
Revolutions influenced the Haitian Revolution by showing them that it was possible to overthrow a
government. The Haitian Revolution influenced revolutionary movements in the US and France by
making social revolutions a sensitive issue in the Americas, showing them the to rebel when their
controllers are most weak.
What events led to the slave revolt of Saint-Domingue (Haiti)? Why was this rebellion successful when
so many other slave revolts failed?
Broader changes to the Atlantic World—the French Revolution, many people overseas were fighting
against slavery. Adam Smith was strongly against it as well, and he had major impacts all over the world.
He promoted hard work.
They felt oppressed, and unable to complete their pursuit for freedom. It was successful because the
French Revolution was occupying French time, and also because the majority of the population is slaves.
Describe the basic social structure of Latin American society in 1800. What factors led to the
revolutions that followed?
Social structure was based on ethnicity, in which Europeans were at the top (Peninsulares), followed by
Creoles (American-born Spaniards), mulattoes (European-African) mestizos (European-American), and
natives. (Approximately 25,000 white colonists. 25,000 mestizos, and about 500,000 slaves.)
Slaves claimed that the government in Europe had abolished slavery but that local slave owners weren’t
setting their slaves free.
What kind of states emerged in Mexico, Gran Colombia, and Brazil after the revolutions?
Gran Colombia- Republic
Mexico – Empire
Brazil- Empire
What factors led the western powers to abolish the slave trade and then slavery in the nineteenth
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations