Microsoft Word 2013

Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Word 2013 Core
Courseware # 3250
Lesson 4: Formatting
Documents to Print
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Lesson Objectives
• work with document
• change the paper size,
orientation, or margins
• insert page or section
• control the text flow
• work with columns of text
• insert page numbers
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• insert headers or footers
• apply backgrounds or
• proofread your document
• navigate around the
document using special
• prepare to print
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Each new blank document uses default options that
include settings
• View all setup options using Page Setup dialog box
launcher on Page Layout tab
– Margins
• Settings for margins and page orientation
– Paper
• Settings for paper size and paper source
– Layout
• Settings for document sections, headers and footers, and vertical
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Changing the Paper Size
– Default paper size determined by
computer settings
– To change paper size on document:
• Click Page Layout tab, in Page Setup
group, click Size, or
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Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• double-click anywhere in
darker area of ruler to open
Page Setup dialog box, then
click Paper tab
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
Paper size
Choose standard paper size, or specify variety of envelope
Paper source
Select tray containing paper to use for this document;
number of trays available depends on printer.
Displays how document will look when changes applied.
Use Apply to specify whether new settings will be applied
to entire document, specific section of document, selected
text, or all pages from this point forward.
Print Options
Displays Word Options dialog box to specify whether to
print drawings, print background colors, print hidden text,
etc. Properties set here apply to all documents.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Changing the Orientation
– Portrait is vertical; Landscape is horizontal
– To change document orientation:
• Click Page Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click Orientation; or
• double-click darker area of ruler to open
Page Setup dialog box, click Margins tab
to specify orientation
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Changing the Margins
– Amount of space between edge of paper and printed text
– Four margins – top, bottom, left and right
– To set margins using ruler, use Print Layout view to show
both horizontal and vertical rulers
– Margin boundaries appear as divider line between lighter
and darker shades on ruler
– Position cursor at divider line to display
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Margin boundaries for left and right margins appear on top
• Access left margin marker by pointing precisely between left
and first line indent markers
• Access right margin marker by pointing above right indent
Left Margin Marker
Right Margin Marker
Top Margin
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• To adjust margins:
– On Page Layout tab, in Page Setup
group, click Margins, or
– point mouse in ruler at margin to
adjust, when arrow appears, drag to
new measurement for margin, or
– double-click darker area of ruler
to open Page Setup dialog
box to change margins
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
Amount of space from top edge of paper to where text
begins vertically.
Amount of space from bottom edge of paper to where
text ends for each page.
Amount of space from left edge of paper to where text
starts on left side.
Amount of white space added to top or side margin if
document is to be bound.
Sets gutter or binding position for document.
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Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Click Custom Margins to set different measurements
• When adjusting left or right margin, will see before
dragging to new measurement; top or bottom margin
marker appears as
• To set precise measurement, hold ALT while dragging to
display margin measurement
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Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Controlling the Text Flow
– Consider how text will flow
from one page to next
– Text flow options called
pagination controls to determine
how text flows from page to page
– To view pagination controls, click Home tab and in
Paragraph group, click Paragraph dialog box launcher,
click Line and Page Breaks tab
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
Settings affect how particular lines and paragraphs will flow
between pages. Select text to control, then apply options. Can
also specify page break will be associated with line of text so
that Word forces paragraph to begin on new page.
Turn automatic hyphenation to affect how Word will wrap text
from one line to next; can also suppress space that line
numbers will fill if line numbers are active.
Controls how paragraph text flows around text box.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Inserting Page Breaks
– When Word calculates enough text fills page, soft page break
• In Draft view, with non-printing characters displayed, soft page break
appears as:
– When you break page at specific location, you insert manual
page break
• Manual page break appears as:
– To insert hard page break:
• On Insert tab, in Pages group, click Page Break, or
• press CTRL+ENTER, or
• on Page Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click Breaks and click Page
– Page break codes can be deleted using Delete or Backspace
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Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Working with Section Breaks
– Separates document into sections
where specific formatting applied
– To insert section break, on Page
Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click
Breaks. Then choose type of section
break to insert
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
Next Page
Starts new section on next page.
Starts new section on same page.
Even Page
Starts new section on next even page.
Odd Page
Starts new section on next odd page.
Section break code appears at indicated location with appropriate type
shown in brackets:
Can remove section break in same way as page break
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Working with Columns
– Draft view displays appropriate column widths but not side by side
– To view columns side by side, use Print Layout view
– Apply columns to text before or after entering text
– To break column manually and force text to continue in next column,
click Page Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click Breaks and click
Column, or press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
– To insert page break, move to where page break to be, then click Insert
tab, in Pages group, click Page Break, or press CTRL+ENTER
– To set up columns on page where columns already set up, insert
Continuous section break between column layouts
– Entire document affected unless you specify otherwise; separate by
inserting section breaks in appropriate places
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• To create columns, on Page Layout tab, in
Page Setup group, click Columns
• To configure more options for columns, click
More Columns
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
Provide columns of equal width initially and generally used for
newspaper style columns, or other column layouts for web pages.
Number of
Enter number or use incremental buttons to set number of columns to
be applied in document.
Width and
Alter width and spacing between one column and next in these fields.
Use Equal column width for equal spacing between columns; if set,
only options for column 1 display as any changes made there will
affect others.
Apply to
Select text where column structure is to be applied.
Line between
Word automatically inserts vertical line between each column.
Start new
Only available when you apply columns from this point forward.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Setting Up the Document
• Once columns have been applied to text, you can make changes to
the columns. Consider the following when making changes to text in
– To change the number of columns, select the text and use the Columns
command to specify a new number of columns.
– To adjust the width of each column or the spacing between each
column, use the Columns dialog box or drag the appropriate markers in
the ruler for each side of a column to be adjusted (for example, drag for
the left or right margins for the document, or the marker for the left
margin of each inside column).
– Each column has its own indent markers that can be adjusted.
– To insert or turn off vertical lines between each column, in the Columns
dialog box, deselect Line between.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Headers and Footers
• Text or graphics that appear at top of page or at bottom
of page
• Can be same on every page, or alternate different
headers and footers on even and odd numbered pages
– Can use different headers and footers for each section
– Can have different headers and footers on first page of
document or on first page of section
• Prints within top or bottom margin areas
– Can adjust how close header and footer are to document
• Process to insert header or footer same
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Headers and Footers
• Inserting Page Numbers
– Usually inserted into header or footer
– Can also insert page number without adding other text for
header or footer
– To insert page numbers into document, click Insert tab, in
Header & Footer group, click Page Number
• Each displays more options for layout and design of page number
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Word 2013 Core
Using Headers and Footers
Top of Page
Choose style to use for adding page
numbers at top of page in header area.
Bottom of
Choose style to use when adding page
numbers at bottom of page in footer area.
Page Margins
Choose margin position for page number.
Choose style for page number using current position.
Format Page
Choose different numbering style, include chapter number, or
set page numbering to begin at number other than 1.
Remove Page
Remove page numbers from document.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Headers and Footers
• Creating Headers and Footers
– Use options in Header & Footer group on Insert tab
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Word 2013 Core
Using Headers and Footers
• Header & Footer Tools ribbon
• Dashed line with identifier appears at top or bottom of
page marking header or footer area
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Word 2013 Core
Using Headers and Footers
• If document has section breaks, different sections in header or
footer noted
• Link to Previous option allows you to use header or footer defined
for previous section in current section
– Turn feature off to use different header or footer in current section
• Usually no more than two or three lines of text or pictures
• To edit existing header or footer, double-click header or footer area
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Document Backgrounds
• Adding Watermarks
– Appear behind text on every
page of document
– Appears paler than regular
– Used for printed documents;
other backgrounds used for
online documents
– Anchor to header or footer
– Choose from gallery list,
customize or remove it
– Can also save design to gallery
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Document Backgrounds
• Applying Themes
– Set of unified design elements
that provides consistent look
for all pages
– Match theme to message
– Live preview available to
determine if theme appropriate
– To apply theme to document,
on Design tab, in Themes group,
click Themes
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Document Backgrounds
• Change color scheme by using theme, or create own
colors, fonts or effects
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Word 2013 Core
Working with Document Backgrounds
• Using Document Style Sets
– Collection or group of style sets built into Word
– Selected from Document Formatting gallery
• Revert to default, modify or save changes as new
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Proofing Your Document
• Before printing, proofread for spelling or grammatical mistakes,
contextual errors, or repetitive text
• Visual hints display:
Red wavy lines indicate word not recognized in dictionary.
Green wavy lines indicate grammatical or structural error.
Blue wavy lines indicate possible contextual text error.
• Spelling checks for incorrect spelling, duplicate words, and incorrect
• Grammar uses natural language grammar to detect grammatical
errors or weak writing style
• Automatic Spelling and Grammar feature checks for mistakes as you
– click Review tab, in Proofing group, click Spelling & Grammar, or
– press F7
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Word 2013 Core
Proofing Your Document
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Displays misspelled word, grammatical or
contextual error.
Ignore Once
Ignore this occurrence, but continue to find
other occurrences with same spelling.
Ignore All
Ignore all occurrences with this spelling.
Select this to ignore spelling of person’s
name or specialized industry terminology.
Add this to custom dictionary with
miscellaneous words to check spelling in
addition to default dictionary.
List of
Displays list of suggestions for misspelled
word. If correct word in list, click it and then
click Change; can double-click word in list to
change it immediately.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Proofing Your Document
Change this occurrence with selected word from list of
Change All
Change all words with this spelling to selected word
from list of suggestions.
Displays audio icon to listen to pronunciation
of word, or definition of word. Word may also
display list of synonyms or antonyms.
Get a
Download dictionary from Microsoft store if dictionary
not installed on system, based on what is available for
your location and language.
Displays default language enabled for checking
spelling of all documents.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Proofing Your Document
• Proofing tool on status bar changes in
appearance if potential error found
icon means Word beginning check or
no errors
indicates at least one item to check in
• Can also right-click noted error to view
options on how to change word
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Proofing Your Document
Grammar error
Displays why text marked with green wavy line; rule changes with
grammatical error.
List of Suggestions
Provides list of suggestions on how to correct this error.
Ignore all occurrences of this grammatical error in document.
Change noted error in top box with highlighted option in list of suggestions.
Explanation of error and how you might correct it.
Displays default language enabled for checking grammar of all documents.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Proofing Your Document
• Contextual errors
– Words with same sound, but different
spellings and meanings
• Examples include:
– there (refers to a place), their (possessive
form), or they’re (contraction for they are)
– its (possessive form) and it’s (contraction
for it is)
– where (refers to a location) and wear (attire
or clothing)
– bear (the animal, or to endure or support)
and bare (plain or empty)
– to (going somewhere) and two (number) and too (include this)
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
• Using the Navigation Pane
– Quickly navigates to headings in document
– To view Navigation Pane, click View
tab and in Show group, click
Navigation Pane, click Headings tab
• Headings display in hierarchical
• Use arrows at left to expand or collapse
• To navigate to header in list, click heading name
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
• Using the Go To Command
– Move quickly to another location without having to search
– To activate Go To command:
• On Home tab in Editing group, click arrow for Find and click Go To,
• if Find and Replace dialog box active, click Go To tab, or
• press CTRL+G or F5
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
Go to what
Click item from list to what to navigate to.
Enter [Go To
Enter what you want to find or navigate to in this field.
Move to previous or next item for specified Go To item.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
• Working with Hyperlinks
– Direct you to another part of same document, different
document, web page or site on Internet
– Can also use hyperlink to open new blank email
– When you type text similar to email or web site address,
Word automatically converts address to hyperlink
– To change text to a hyperlink:
• On Insert tab, in Links group, click Hyperlink, or
• right-click text and click Hyperlink, or
• press CTRL+K
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
Link to
Click type of hyperlink to set.
Text to Display
Enter text to display in document instead of link address.
Enter brief help message for text that displays for link.
Look in
Go to appropriate location if linking to file saved on local or network drive.
Click to display list of bookmarks that can be linked to this item.
Target Frame
Select frame in web page layout that will show link destination.
Type or paste web address.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
• To modify a hyperlink:
– Right-click hyperlink and click Edit Hyperlink; or
– click in link and, on Insert tab, in Links group, click Hyperlink to display
Edit Hyperlink dialog box, then make necessary changes and close
dialog box.
• To delete hyperlink in document:
– Right-click link and click Remove Hyperlink; or
– click in link and, on Insert tab, in Links group, click Hyperlink to display
Edit Hyperlink dialog box, click Remove Link
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Navigating with References
• Creating Bookmarks
– To create bookmark, click Insert tab, in Links group, click
• Can contain up to 40 characters
using letters, numbers and
• Spaces, punctuation marks or other
characters cannot be used
• Can sort or display bookmarks by
name or location in document
• If enter bookmark with wrong name
or want to delete, select in list and
click Delete
– To move to bookmark, display Go To tab of Find and Replace
dialog box, click Bookmark from Go To what field, and then
enter bookmark name
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Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
• Preview document for overall page layout
• Different printers support different tolerances for
• Activate Print command to have instant preview of
document in Backstage
– Can select options to change for printer, specify what to print with
document, or add properties to file
• In Backstage view, document appears as it will when
• To preview or print document:
– Click File tab and click Print, or
– press CTRL+P
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Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
• Use zoom slider at lower right to zoom in or out, or
Zoom to page to switch to preview full page
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Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
Click to send the document to the printer using options
Specify the number of copies to be printed.
Indicates which printer is active. To change settings for
the printer (e.g. print in color), click Printer Properties.
Print All Pages Set print options for the
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Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
Specify page range to print:
Only these pages.
Only the pages specified
From page 1 to the specified page
From this page to the last page
s#-s# From this section to this section
Print One
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Specify to print on both sides,
and specify whether to flip
pages on long or short edge.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
Specify how multiple copies of document
to be printed.
No Staples
If printer has this capability,
choose whether to have printer
staple each printed copy at
selected position on page.
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Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
Select orientation.
Select paper size.
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Word 2013 Core
Preparing to Print
Select margins.
Select how many pages of document will
print on sheet of paper; scaling document
only to fit onto x number of sheets but
does not affect document – only how it prints.
Page Setup
Open Page Setup dialog box for other page
layout changes.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Lesson Summary
• work with document
• change the paper size,
orientation, or margins
• insert page or section
• control the text flow
• work with columns of text
• insert page numbers
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• insert headers or footers
• apply backgrounds or
• proofread your document
• navigate around the
document using special
• prepare to print
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Review Questions
Explain the purpose of setting margins for a document.
How do pagination settings control the text flow in a
Explain the difference between a soft and manual page
Explain what the different section breaks are and how you
might use each one.
What is the difference between a column break and a page
Explain what a header or footer is.
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Review Questions
What can a watermark consist of?
How can you use themes?
Why might you choose to apply a document style set to a
document instead of applying individual styles?
10. Explain the difference between spelling errors, grammatical errors,
and contextual text errors as they appear in the Spelling &
Grammar checker.
11. Discuss why you might want to preview a document before
12. Give examples of why you might want to change the print options
for a document.
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