Training Workshop for Field Staff

Training Workshop for Field Staff
Survey module on
Violence against Women
Developed for
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Rev. 29 April 2011
I. Introduction to the Workshop
Goals of the workshop
To increase knowledge about gender
based discrimination and violence
To understand the goals and methods of
the Survey on Violence against Women
To develop interviewing skills
To become proficient in the use of the
survey questionnaire/module
[Two weeks long]
 Theory and practice, including field pilot
 Changes may be made to questionnaire
during the process
 Your
input is very valuable!
Field work
– immediately following the training!
Ground Rules
Regular attendance
 Be respectful
 Ask for help when you don’t understand
 Listen without judgement or criticism
 Be willing to challenge your beliefs
 Honor confidentiality
 No one is required to share more than
they want to
II. Sex and Gender
Defining Sex and Gender
Sex refers to the biological differences between
men and women. They are generally permanent
and universal.
Gender refers to the social relations between
men and women. It therefore refers not to men
or women but the relationship between them,
and the way this is socially constructed. Gender
roles can be changed.
III. Violence against women
What is violence against women?
“ any act of gender-based violence that results in,
or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or
psychological harm or suffering to women,
including threats of such acts, coercion or
arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether
occurring in public or private life".
(United Nations, 1993)
Violence against women includes:
partner abuse,
 sexual abuse of girls
 rape, including marital rape
 dowry related violence
 female genital mutilation
 trafficking in women
 forced prostitution
 sexual harassment at the workplace
 violence condoned or carried out by the state
(i.e. rape in war)
Definition of domestic violence
A pattern of assaultive and coercive
including physical, sexual and
psychological attacks, as well as economic
used by adults or adolescents against
family members, most commonly against
their current or former intimate partners.
“So I take a blanket and I
spend the night with my
children out in the cold
because he is hitting me
too much. I have to take
the kids to stop him hitting
them too. I would go out in
the fields and sleep there
all night. I have done that
more than ten times…”
Woman interviewed in Peru
Common types of abusive behaviors
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Psychological abuse
Use of economics
Use of children to control an adult victim
Examples of physical abuse
 Shaking
 Beating with fist or object
 Strangulation
 Burning
 Kicking
 Threats with knife or gun
Examples of sexual abuse
Coerced sex through threats or
 Coerced sex through physical force
 Forcing unwanted sexual acts
 Forcing sex in front of others
 Forcing sex with others
Examples of psychological abuse
Isolation from others
Excessive jealousy
Control her activities
Verbal aggression
Intimidation through destruction of property
Harassment or stalking
Threats of violence
Constant belittling and humiliation
Examples of economic abuse
With-holding funds
 Spending family funds
 Making most financial decisions
 Not contributing financially to the family
 Controlling the victim’s access to health
care, employment, etc.
Examples of using children to control an
adult victim
Physical and sexual abuse of children
Hostage taking of children
Custody battles
Using children to monitor the adult victim
How common is physical or
sexual violence in women’s lives?
Prevalence of physical or sexual violence against women by
anyone (partners and others), since age 15 years
How common is partner violence?
● In most sites, 4 out of 5 women who have been
abused (by anybody: partners and others)
reported being abused by a partner.
● Between 15% (Japan) and 71% (Ethiopia) of everpartnered women experienced physical or sexual
violence by an intimate partner
Source WHO study 2005
Pregnancy is not necessarily a
protected time
“He hit me in the
● In most sites 4%-12% of women
belly and made me
who had been pregnant were
miscarry two babies
beaten during a pregnancy
- identical or
● In almost 100% of cases the abuser
fraternal twins, I
was the father of the unborn child
don’t know. I went
to the hospital with
● Between one-quarter to half of
heavy bleeding and
these women reported being
they cleaned me
punched or kicked in the stomach
Woman interviewed
in Peru
Source WHO study 2005
Physical violence usually occurs together
with sexual and emotional violence
Globally, one-third to one-half of all
physically abused women also report
sexual violence
Almost all physically abused women also
experience severe emotional abuse
IV. Causes and Consequences of
Violence against Women
An ecological framework for
understanding violence
Relationship Individual
Violence is learned behavior
Boys growing up in families where
father is violent are more likely to
become perpetrators of partner
violence in their adulthood.
Domestic violence is learned behavior:
learned through observation
 learned through personal experience
 learned in culture
 learned in family,
 learned in communities, schools, friends,
It may be aggravated,
but not caused by
alcohol and drugs
lack of self-control
economic problems
the victim’s behavior or problems in the
Violence against women is a product of
gender subordination
Four issues are consistently associated with
societies with high levels of domestic violence:
◦ norms of male entitlement/ownership of women
◦ male control of wealth in the family
◦ notions of masculinity tied to male
◦ male control of decision making
Cultural differences in the meaning of
In large parts of the developing world, wife
beating is seen as a form of “correction” or
Beating is acceptable as long as it is for “just
Acceptability depends on who does what to
whom, for what reason
Beating as discipline
“I think that if the wife is
guilty, the husband has the
right to hit her…If I have
done something
wrong…nobody should
defend me. But if I haven’t
done something wrong, I
have a right to be
-- Indigenous woman, Mexico
“If it is a great mistake,
then the husband is
justified in beating his
wife. Why not? A
cow will not be
obedient without
-- Rural man,
Tamil Nadu, India
Health Consequences of Abuse
Fatal Outcomes
maternal deaths
Aids related deaths
Non-fatal outcomes
injurious health behaviors
reproductive health
For example:
unwanted pregnancy
chronic pain syndromes
alcohol/drug use
Irritable bowel syndrome
gynecological disorders
Other consequences of violence
For women:
own health
financial status
ability to work
ability to function
participate in society
For children:
low birthweight
emotional well-being
behavioural difficulties
problems at school
leave home
Domestic and especially partner violence
against women affects many women around
the world -- with grave consequences for
them and their children
V. Support for women living with
Many women internalize social
norms justifying abuse
“My husband slaps me, has
sex with me against my will
and I have to conform.
Before being interviewed I
didn't really think about this.
I thought this is only natural.
This is the way a husband
Woman interviewed in Bangladesh
Some of the barriers to leaving for domestic
violence victims
Fear for more violence
Fear for her children
Thinks it is normal/that he will change
Economic dependence
Family honor/not wanting to shame the family
Lack of safe alternatives
Lack of community/ family support
Women are overwhelmed from physical and
psychological trauma
Silence and stigma
Many women never talk
about domestic violence
with anybody
“I went to my mother first..... I told little by little.
Her reaction was ‘Didn’t we tell you?’ ‘You brought
this upon yourself, now you pay for it’, ‘There is the
child, what will you do? Where will you go?’ and so
on ....”
Woman interviewed in Turkey
Coping & retaliation
Women experiencing violence may utilise a range
of strategies to try to minimise or end violence
Actions to prevent or reduce violence include
leaving & retaliation
People may intervene to stop violence
When severe, may turn to formal and informal
sources of support
Different levels of satisfaction with response
May be others from whom would like to get
Domestic Violence Laws in [country]
 [to
be completed]
Resources for victims of violence in
[to be completed]
VI. Survey on VAW
 Study Structure
 Design
 Sample
 Main Themes
Study goals
To obtain reliable estimates for the main
indicators of violence against women
 To obtain an impression of the extent to which
violence is not reported to authorities
Required indicator outputs (core set) 1
1. Total and age-specific rate of women subject to physical
violence in the last 12 months by severity of violence,
relationship to perpetrator(s) and frequency
2. Total and age -specific rate of women subject to physical
violence during lifetime by severity of violence,
relationship to perpetrator(s) and frequency
3. Total and age-specific rate of women subject to sexual
violence in the last 12 months by severity of violence,
relationship to perpetrator(s) and frequency
4. Total and age-specific rate of women subject to sexual
violence during lifetime by severity of violence,
relationship to perpetrator(s) and frequency
Required indicator outputs (core set) 2
5. Total and age-specific rate of ever-partnered women
subject to sexual and/or physical violence by current or
former intimate partner in the last 12 months by
6. Total and age-specific rate of ever-partnered women
subject to sexual and/or physical violence by current or
former intimate partner during lifetime by frequency
7. Total and age specific rate of women subjected to
psychological violence in the past 12 months by the
intimate partner
8. Total and age specific rate of women subjected to
economic violence in the past 12 months by the intimate
9. Total and age specific rate of women subjected to female
genital mutilation
Required classifications for the
 1-4: severity
(for physical violence)
 1-4: relationship to perpetrator
 1-6: frequency
 1-4: all women
 5-8: ever-partnered
Criteria that were considered for
the VAW module
Set of indicators should be
addressed (as a minimum)
 Building on instruments that have
been well tested and validated
across cultures
 Enabling comparative results (also
with surveys already done)
Central project structure
[to be completed]
Study design
Household survey
Study population all women 15+
Not men for safety and practical reasons
Representative for whole country
Multi-stage sampling scheme
Interview one eligible woman per household
(randomly selected)
[other aspects]
Ethical considerations
Sensitivity of research topic
The survey uses a “safe name”
Individual consent / voluntary participation
Physical safety of informants & researchers
Do no harm, respect women’s decisions & choices
Mechanisms to support researchers & field-workers
Avoid harmful publicity
Provision of crisis intervention
Findings used in advocacy, policy making & intervention
VII. Questionnaire Outline
Structure of VAW module
Questions on demographic characteristics
of respondent (besides age in particular
partnership status and partnership history)
 Questions on partner violence:
psychological, economic, physical, sexual
 Questions on violence by others since age
15: physical and sexual
Intimate Partner violence:
2 sets of questions
A) Questions for current or most recent partner
 B) Questions for any other previous partner
Acts of controlling behaviour
Acts of economic violence
Acts of emotional abuse
Acts of physical violence
Acts of sexual violence
Measurement of controlling
behaviour by partner
He tries to keep you from seeing your friends?
He tries to restrict contact with your family of
He insists on knowing where you are at all times?
He ignores you and treats you indifferently?
He gets angry if you speak with another man?
He is often suspicious that you are unfaithful?
He expects you to ask his permission before
seeking health care for yourself?
Measurement of economic abuse
by partner
He refuses to give you enough money for
household expenses, even when he has money for
other things?
 [other questions if applicable]
Measurement of emotional violence
by partner
Insulted you or made you feel bad about yourself?
 Belittled or humiliated you in front of other
 Done things to scare or intimidate you on purpose
(e.g. by the way he looked at you, by yelling and
smashing things)?
 Verbally threatened to hurt you or someone you
care about?
Measurement of physical violence by partner
Slapped or threw something at that could hurt you?
 Pushed or shoved you or pulled your hair?
Hit with his fist or with anything else that could hurt
 Kicked, dragged or beat you up?
 Choked or burnt you on purpose?
 Threatened with or actually used a gun, knife or
other weapon against you?
Measurement of sexual violence
by partner
Were you ever forced to have sexual
intercourse when you did not want to?
Did you ever have sexual intercourse you did
not want because you were afraid of what he
might do?
Ever force you to do something sexual that
you did not want or that you found degrading
or humiliating?
Reference period
For each of the acts of abuse or violence:
controlling behaviours, economic,
emotional, physical and sexual violence:
◦ past 12 months
◦ lifetime
For acts of emotional, physical and sexual
violence, and for both past 12 months and
before past 12 months: Once, few, many times
In test module for events of physical and
sexual violence in the past 12 months:
 1) daily, weekly, monthly, less than 1/month
 2) estimated absolute count
For physical partner violence and sexual
partner violence:
◦ nature of act
◦ Injuries as direct effect of any physical or sexual
violence (asking for specific injuries)
◦ Miscarriage as direct effect
◦ Self reported impact on physical or mental
◦ Are you ever afraid of partner (never, sometimes,
many times, all the time)
Type of partner relationship
Partner violence questions are separately asked for
◦ current or most recent partner
◦ any previous partner(s)
Type of relationship with partner (married, living
together, dating) is collected for the previous
partners who were violent for each set of
controlling behaviours, emotional, physical and
sexual violence
Non reporting of violence
One question at the end -- referring to
any type of partner violence reported:
“Who have you told about your (previous)
partner’s behaviour?” (pre-coded list)
Measurement of physical violence by
others than partners
Since the age of 15, has anyone ever hit, beaten, kicked
or done anything else to hurt you physically? Threw
something at you? Pushed you or pulled your hair?
Choked or burnt you on purpose? Threatened with or
actually used a gun, knife or other weapon against you?
◦ Anyone else?
◦ How about a relative? How about someone at school
or work? How about a friend or neighbour? A
stranger or anyone else?
Perpetrators, reference period
and severity
Pre-coded list of perpetrators
 For each of the perpetrators mentioned:
 How many times did this happen since you
were 15 y: once, few, many
 How many times did this happen in the past 12
months: once, few, many
 For the each of (max 3) most serious
perpetrators: 3 questions on injuries
1. Measurement of sexual violence by
others than partners – Rape
Since the age of 15, has anyone ever forced
you into sexual intercourse when you did
not want to for example by threatening you,
holding you down or putting you in a situation
that you could not say no. Remember to
include people you have known as well as
strangers. Please at this point exclude
attempts to force you.
 Who did this to you? (followed by probes)
2. Measurement of other forms of
sexual violence by others
Since the age of 15, has anyone attempted to
force you into a sexual act you did not want,
attempted to force you into sexual intercourse
(which did not take place), touched you sexually,
or did anything else sexually that you did not
want. Remember to include people you have
known as well as strangers.
 Who did this to you? (followed by probes)
Perpetrators and reference period
sexual violence (both sets)
Pre-coded list of perpetrators
For each of the perpetrators mentioned:
◦ How many times did this happen since you
were 15: once , few, many
◦ How many times did this happen in the past
12 months: once, few, many
VI. Interviewing Techniques
Introducing the study:
Dress appropriately
 Make a good first impression
 Have a positive approach
 Stress confidentiality
 Answer questions frankly
 Interview the respondent alone
Conducting the interview:
Be neutral
Never suggest answers
Do no change the wording or sequence
of questions
 Use tact with hesitant respondents
 Do not judge the woman
 Do not skip questions
 Do not hurry the interview
 Do not show questionnaire to anyone!
Questionnaire format principles
Lower cast  should be read out
 CAPITALS  should NOT be read out
 Numerical response codes(1, 2, 3,...) : only
one response allowed
 Alphabetical response codes (A, B, C...):
more than one response is allowed
 Questions should be asked as written
 Always put a mark for a question asked
 Follow skip patterns exactly
Accompanying materials
Question by question explanation of the
 Interviewer manual
 [birth dates table]
 [Dummy questionnaire]
[Supervisor manual]
 Code book, analysis plan
Field Procedures
Preparatory activities
 Contacting households
What is a household? In this study:
(1) usually living and eating together
[(2) visitors staying last 4 weeks]
[(3) domestic workers 5 nights/week]
Locating sample households
Problems in contacting households
Selected household moved, dwelling is
 Selected household moved, new
household in dwelling
 Dwelling number and name of head of
household do not match reality in field
 Selected household does not live in the
listed structure
Problems (continued)
Listing shows one household in dwelling,
but two are living there.
 The head of household has changed
 House is closed and family is away
temporarily (a few weeks)
 House is closed and no one lives there
 House is closed, family is out for the day
Introducing the study
“A survey on [use the safe name]”
Do not mention domestic violence in
initial contact
Problems contacting selected women
Selected woman not available
 Respondent refuses to be interviewed
 Interview not completed
 Respondent incapacitated
 Revisiting households
Informed consent
Confidentiality of study
 General purpose of study
 Some topics may be difficult to discuss
 Respondent may skip any question or
stop the interview at any point
 [Signature of interviewer]
Asking questions
Read exactly as written
 Do not suggest one response over
 Read questions in the order indicated
 Follow instructions on how to read
 Do not emphasize one response choice
over another
More tips for asking questions
◦ For correctness
◦ For clarity
◦ Completeness
Don’t skip questions when not required
 “Don’t know”
 Refusal to answer a question
 Do not let woman read the questions
 Follow skips and filters
Recording the responses
Pre-coded responses
◦ One response possible
◦ Multiple responses possible
Safety and ethical issues
Sensitivity of research topic
 Individual consent and
voluntary participation
 Confidentiality
 Physical safety of respondent
 Respecting women’s decisions
 (Child abuse reporting)
 Provision of crisis intervention
Supporting women reporting violence
Your role as an interviewer is:
◦ To record women’s responses to questions
◦ Not to provide counseling or advice
Supporting women reporting violence
Responding to women becoming
◦ Take time to talk with kindness and sensitivity
◦ Be patient and composed
◦ Sympathetic comments, such as “I know this is
◦ Offer tissue
◦ Offer to take a break or finish interview later
Supporting women reporting violence
Only terminate the interview:
◦ if woman states that she does not want to
◦ If you feel that it would be highly detrimental
to continue
Supporting women reporting violence
Handling interruptions
◦ Explore ways to obtain privacy
◦ Re-schedule remaining section of interview
◦ Turn to “dummy” questions
“... I hardly could pull myself together not to cry. I
wanted to get out of the house as soon as
possible and cry out loud.... I hardly made it to
the car; as soon as I told my whole team they
all burst out in tears. The most painful thing for
me was not being able to do anything. At the
end I thought that this very research is about
hope, and I have done my part.”
(interviewer in Turkey)
Support for interviewers
Debriefing sessions with supervisors
Talk to supervisor or other members of
the team
Ask for counseling
Safety for interviewers
Locating a respondent in the evening
 Approaching a respondent
 Interruptions during interview
 Other precautions
 Work as a team
“Maybe I was mediating by listening to her for
half an hour, and it was worth the world when
at the end she thanks me and tells me she
felt worthy.”
(interviewer in Turkey)
Module and trainings materials developed by Henrica (Henriette) Jansen
(c) photos: Henrica Jansen