Contents (Please note that “Contents” refers to two separate documents) First document Italian report – Foreword 1. Children in a changing society: analysis of the main processes of demographic and social change for the definition of the context of reference. Part I – Analysis of the phenomenon 1. Qualitative and quantitative Data broken down according to type 7 11 22 23 1.1. Sexual abuse (art. 609 bis and ter, Criminal Code.), Sexual intercourse with minors (art. 609 quater C.C.), Corruption of a minor (art. 609 quinquies C.C.), Gang rape (art. octies C.C.) (Law no. 66 of 15 February 1996, Regulations against sexual violence) 23 1.2 The crimes related to Law no. 269 of 3 August 1998, "Provisions against the exploitation of child prostitution, pornography and sex tourism as new forms of slavery." 27 1.3. Data regarding the enforcement of Law 228/2003 – “Provisions against trafficking in human beings” 37 1.4. Abandonment, situation at risk, maltreatment and domestic violence 39 1.5. Violence in other settings: school, community 45 2. Data of the emergency phone number for minors (114) 51 3. Research data 54 4. Critical areas 58 Part II – Analysis of the national context: action by the central government and administration Premise: preventing violence against children: the system in place 62 Part II – A. Legal and institutional framework 1. International legal instruments concerning violence against children acceded to by Italy 65 2. National legal instruments concerning the various aspects of violence against children 66 2.1 Protection of minors in judicial proceedings 78 2.2. Further qualified rules for the protection of minors victims of violence 81 2.3 A developing picture 84 3. Law enforcement 85 B. Policy-making in an integrated approach: the initiatives of the Italian government against child maltreatment, abuse and sexual exploitation 95 B.1. Coordination activities 96 B.2. Other operative actions: government initiatives 106 B.3. Planning and evaluation of actions 114 _______________________________________ 2nd document Part III – Prevention strategies and their implementation: the role of regions, local communities and NGOs 1 1. A general glance 2. Elements qualifying the actions against the violence on children at a regional and local level 10 3. Primary prevention and capacity building 13 4. Secondary and tertiary prevention: intervention mechanisms 22 5. Implementation and coordination at a regional and local level 40 6. Deterrence mechanisms: the treatment of abusers 44 7. Deterrence mechanisms: the work with juvenile perpetrators of sexual abuse 51 8. Deterrence mechanisms: mediation 9. The involvement of NGOs at a regional and at a local level Part IV –The national seminar Introduction 125 61 63 1. General comments on the seminar 69 2. The contribution of the working groups 74 2.1. Working group No. 1 – “The integration of prevention policies in social and healthcare services: analysis of ongoing processes and existing organizational models” 74 2.2 Working group No. 2 – “Support for positive parenthood and for the role of education. New frontiers in prevention and the valorization of informal networks”. 87 2.3 Working group No. 3 – “Treatment/recovery pathways: comparing experiences. Analysis of the different contexts and of the requirements to make a reparation experience real”. 100 Part V – Conclusions 113