Year 11 Independent Learning CREATIVE ARTS Art Art Photography Drama Music DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Resistant Materials: Controlled Assessment Electronic Products: Controlled Assessment Food Technology Textiles ENGLISH English HUMANITIES Business & Economics Citizenship Geography History Philosophy & Ethics Health and Social Care ICT ICT MATHS Maths MFL French Spanish PE PE SCIENCE Biology Chemistry Physics Additional Science A Specialist School in Science and Humanities Headteacher Mrs Gillian James Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR t: 01943 608424 f: 01943 601285 e: The Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864 Independent Learning Subject Overview CREATIVE ARTS Art Contact : Ms L Mortimer Year: 11 Half-term: Spring 2 The first four weeks of term will involve students in initial planning and preparation for the Summer exams and in completing their portfolio of coursework for final submission on 3rd February. From the 3rd February; students will be working on their final examination project. Students select from a range of given starting point on the exam paper and develop individual responses. The final piece in this scheme will be produced under controlled exam conditions over two days in April and May (the weeks either side of the Easter holiday). Most tasks will be ongoing and linked to class work. Students will be provided with a week by week breakdown of tasks to support them in this process. Portfolio Unit Type of Independent Selection of work for entry with staff guidance. Improvement of chosen units and pieces following staff guidance and mark sheets. learning Exam Exploring and considering ideas and responses to the given starting points using a mind map. Photographs researching personal ideas in response to a starting point from the exam paper. Sketchbook work collecting images by other photographers, exploring and learning about their style and planning links to personal work. As a minimum one, one hour homework each week. Quantity Students are required to keep up with class activities and complete work in their own and time if required. frequency Content Overview Assessment Peer assessment N/A as this is the exam unit Feedback As appropriate:Oral class/individual feedback Small group/paired discussion Written comments in sketchbook/folder Art rooms open every lunchtime and some evenings for students get support, use our materials and work in the space. Wed eves 3-4pm dedicated to GCSE art/photography students Resources / support Deadline(s) On-going deadlines for each phase of work will be given to students throughout the term. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview CREATIVE ARTS Art Photography Contact : Ms L Mortimer Year: 11 Half-term: Spring 2 Content Overview From the 3rd February; students will be working on their final examination project. Students select from a range of given starting point on the exam paper and develop individual responses. The final piece in this scheme will be produced under controlled exam conditions over two days in April (Wks beginning April 20th and 27th). Most tasks will be ongoing and linked to class work. Students will be provided with a week by week breakdown of tasks to support them in this process. Photographs researching personal ideas in response to a starting point from the Type of Independent exam paper. Sketchbook work collecting images by other photographers, exploring and learning learning about their style and planning links to personal work. Development of ideas and exploration of appropriate media and techniques. Presentation of work with annotation notes to explain and evaluate. Quantity and frequency Assessment Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) As a minimum one, one hour homework each week. Students are required to keep up with class activities and complete work in their own time if required. Peer assessment N/A as this is the exam unit As appropriate:Oral class/individual feedback Small group/paired discussion Written comments in sketchbook/folder Art rooms open each lunchtime and some evenings for students get support, use our materials and work in the space. Wed eves 3-4pm dedicated to GCSE art/photography students On-going deadlines for each phase of work will be given to students throughout the term. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview CREATIVE ARTS Drama Contact : Ms L Ramrattan Year: 11 Half-term: Spring 2 Content Concept to Creation Exam Overview Type of Independent Research around context of stimulus. learning Rehearsal Log. Learning Lines. Mapping links between stimulus and emerging piece. Annotating text or emerging text with intentions, acting skills used, staging and design elements. Planning each rehearsal – objective and success criteria. Quantity and frequency Assessment After every exam lesson – 1-1/5 hours. Teacher assessment – use of the criteria. Peer assessment – use of the criteria. Self – assessment. Oral feedback – Peer and Teacher. Written feedback – teacher. Drop in sessions. Lesson to lesson. Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) Back Independent Learning Subject Overview CREATIVE ARTS Music Contact : Mrs V Chapman Year: 11 Half-term: Spring 2 Learning World Music Listening Content 25 Hour controlled time composition-log to be kept Overview Keeping a log of progress with composition 2 Type of Independent Listening to a variety of world music as outlined in the AQA specification. learning Quantity and frequency Listening tasks as follow up exercises one per week. The composition log should be filled in after every controlled time session to enable effective use of the 2 hour write up period. Assessment Self-assessment. Teacher assessments. Peer assessments at checkpoints. Logs checked continuously. Feedback Feedback on the quality of the log/composition itself will be given as the work progresses. Resources / support Exemplar material. Weekly teacher checks and feedback. Students are encouraged to use Showbie as a one to one assessment/tutorial dialogue with teacher. Deadline(s) Group performance: 27th February. All solo and group performances to be completed by Thursday 26th March. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Design Technology: Contact Year: Half-term: Resistant Materials: Controlled Assessment Mr Kerry 11 Spring 2 Content Overview This period of the course is dedicated to completing the major project by controlled assessment. We adhere to strict rules set down by the examination board and this includes independent work. In short the project provides a continuous and extended opportunity for independent work. To manage the work load for students the tasks are broken down into short exercises. Some of these can be completed at home. Type of Independent learning This may include follow up activities to make and record design decisions. Some tasks will be required to research and find specific information to prepare for a lesson activity. Designing using CAD (Computer Aided Design) is a key priority, where students do not have access to ProDesktop (provided in year 10) or Corel Draw 12 at home. We encourage the completion of these tasks in our CAD suite at lunchtimes. Some students will need to source their own materials or components if they require items that we do not stock. The start of this term will also include specific examination preparation for the mock exam. Details will be published on a preparation sheet One formal independent task will be set on a weekly basis. This should take 50 mins to complete. The deadline will usually be over three or four days. Students will be encouraged to set their own tasks and follow up or development activity. We celebrate and encourage enthusiastic and self motivated students. Self review and/or peer assessment in the deadline lesson. Each activity will lead into overall terminal project assessment. In the first instance by students will self assess their progress with teacher guidance. This information will be reported via the school tracking reports. Students make judgements about their own work and how to improve it, formal targets are identified and GCSE grades used to indicate progress. The overall project (controlled Assessment) is to be completed by Thursday 1 st March in the next term. Teachers assess this work ready for examination board moderation. This work is worth 60% of the overall GCSE. Each student is given immediate verbal feedback about the level of response compared to the individual student target. A student with a good response will gain praise and a departmental stamp. Formal comments and targets are shared during the school tracking period. Quantity and frequency Assessment Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) Usually a sheet of A3 paper will be provided. Some activities can be completed on any plain paper. Some access to the internet or specific design books (available in the school library). Other modelling activity will require cereal box type card board, scissors, glue etc. Our CAD programs for this project are ProDesktop and Corel Draw 12, if these programs are used at home we would encourage design files to be developed and transferred via memory stick. We would encourage all students to purchase their own copy of the course text book: Aqa GCSE Design and Technology: Resistant Materials Technology by Ian Fawcett, Roger Smith and Mick Whittle. (Now available used on at a reduced price) We aim in most cases 3 or 4 days to the deadline lesson. However individual groups and specific timetables may not enable this in all instances. If a task is required for the following day students are asked to limit the time they spend or given a shorter more structured exercise. For extended and self initiated tasks (creating ideas, developing, modelling, CAD, etc) this will be on going. Indeed we encourage enthusiasm and commitment to solve problems and innovate (appropriate to the individual and their capacity to fulfil all other commitments). Specific interim deadlines have been published for all D&T subjects. This term they are Thursday 2 nd February and Thursday 1st March. This information is attached to the front of all Major Project folders. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Design Technology: Electronic Products: Controlled Assessment Contact Year: Half-term: Mr Kerry 11 Spring 2 Content Overview This period of the course is dedicated to completing the major project by controlled assessment. We adhere to strict rules set down by the examination board and this includes independent work. In short the project provides a continuous and extended opportunity for independent work. To manage the work load for students the tasks are broken down into short exercises. Some of these can be completed at home. Type of Independent learning This may include follow up activities to make and record design decisions. Some tasks will be required to research and find specific information to prepare for a lesson activity. Designing using CAD (Computer Aided Design) is a key priority, where students do not have access to ProDesktop and PCB wizard (provided in year 10) or Corel Draw 12 at home. We encourage the completion of these tasks in our CAD suite at lunchtimes. Some students will need to source their own materials or components if they require items that we do not stock. The start of this term will also include specific examination preparation for the mock exam. Details will be published on a preparation sheet. One formal independent task will be set on a weekly basis. This should take 50 mins to complete. The deadline will usually be over three or four days. Students will be encouraged to set their own tasks and follow up or development activity. We celebrate and encourage enthusiastic and self motivated students. Self review and/or peer assessment in the deadline lesson. Each activity will lead into overall terminal project assessment. In the first instance by students will self assess their progress with teacher guidance. This information will be reported via the school tracking reports. Students make judgements about their own work and how to improve it, formal targets are identified and GCSE grades used to indicate progress. The overall project (controlled Assessment) is to be completed by Thursday 1st March in the next term. Teachers assess this work ready for examination board moderation. This work is worth 60% of the overall GCSE. Each student is given immediate verbal feedback about the level of response compared to the individual student target. A student with a good response will gain praise and a departmental stamp. Formal comments and targets are shared during the school tracking period. Usually a sheet of A4 paper will be provided. Some activities can be completed on any plain paper. Some access to the internet or specific design books (available in the school library). Other modelling activity will require cereal box type card board, scissors, glue etc. Our CAD programs for this project are Circuit wizard, ProDesktop and Corel Draw 12, if these programs are used at home we would encourage design files to be developed and transferred via memory stick. We would encourage all students to purchase their own copy of the course text book: Aqa GCSE Design and Technology: Electronic Products by Richard Johnson, Samantha Forsyth, Neil Cafferky and Paul Anderson. (Now available used on at a reduced price) We aim in most cases 3 or 4 days to the deadline lesson. However individual groups and specific timetables may not enable this in all instances. If a task is required for the following day students are asked to limit the time they spend or given a shorter more structured exercise. For extended and self initiated tasks (creating ideas, developing, modelling, CAD, etc) this will be on going. Indeed we encourage enthusiasm and commitment to solve problems and innovate (appropriate to the individual and their capacity to fulfil all other commitments). Specific interim deadlines have been published for all D&T subjects. This term they are Thursday 2 nd February and Thursday 1st March. This information is attached to the front of all Major Project folders. Quantity and frequency Assessment Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Design Technology: Food Technology Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs H Druett & Ms K Emsley 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independent learning Students are working on their Controlled Assessment. They will be contributing to criterion 2, 3 and 4 during this half term. This involves developing the chosen design idea in a variety of ways through practical work. Students will undertake detailed trialling and testing of each development. This will lead to the production of their final product. Designing, making, developing ideas and testing Organisation Skills Preparation and collection of food ingredients Detailed evaluation of each practical idea cooked. Help/information sheet provided. This must take into account the product specification, taste testers opinions and an idea of how the product could be developed further. Developments will include shape, form and structure, flavour, texture and nutrition. A final product will be produced taking into account the best elements of all the developments. This should match the specification. When evaluating work students should take into account Quantity and frequency Photograph and print thumbnail sized pictures of each idea. 1x30 mins per week Assessment Teacher Peer Self-Assessment Family assessment of cooked dishes - taste testing Feedback Feedback from taste testing Oral feedback Stamps Resources / support Internet Text Book Recipe Books Food Magazines Library Exemplar material Deadline(s) Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Design Technology: Textiles Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs H Druett & Ms K Emsley 11 Spring 2 Content Overview The Controlled Assessment equates to 60% of the total marks awarded for GCSE Textiles Technology. The Controlled Assessment is made up of Five Criterions. Criterion One – Investigating the Design Context Criterion Two – Development of Design Proposals (including modelling) Criterion Three – Making Criterion Four – Testing and Evaluation Criterion Five – Communication Students will be working on Criterion Three. Type of Independent learning The context of the Controlled Assessment this year is based on either "Japanese Theme or Childs Outfit/Educational Textile Product". Criterion Three Making of the Final Textile Product Manufacturing Production Record Production Diary(including photos of stages) Completed Final Textile Product In producing the above work each student will be reflecting and sharing, recording, testing, selecting questioning and evaluating. Quantity and frequency Assessment Students should expect to spend approximately 45 minutes per week on their Textiles Technology. This Controlled Assessment is marked by the teacher in the sections as they are produced with reference to the GCSE Textiles Marking Criteria. Students make judgements about their own work and have the opportunity to improve upon their standard. Finally it is validated by the teacher during the Final Assessment. Feedback Under the rules of controlled assessment general feedback will be given to the whole class or groups about how to improve the quality of their work. Specific feedback to individuals is not permitted. All students gain praise and stamps given accordingly. Resources / support The course text book: AQA Design and Technology Textiles Technology (Nelson Thornes, 2009) GCSE D&T Textiles AQA Specification – The Revision Guide (CGP 2009) GCSE D&T Textiles AQA Specification – Exam Practice Workbook (CGP 2009) Each student is given an Independent Learning Booklet, Personal Best Sheet and a Tracking Sheet which are used throughout the Controlled Assessment. Students will be encouraged to produce the written sheets on the computer and the design work on paper. All work is submitted on A3 paper. Deadline(s) Any interim set homework will be expected to be completed by the student for the following lesson unless a different date is set by the teacher. Each student is to complete all the relevant sheets and practical work required for Criterion Three by the set date given by the teacher Independent Learning Subject Overview Design Technology: Health and Social Care Contact Year: Half-term: Mrs Walsh 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independent learning The students are currently working on their Unit 3 assessment Students have opportunities in class to complete tasks for their unit 3 assessment. Students will be expected to complete any outstanding tasks that are not completed in lessons at home. The tasks they are completing this term are: Learning Aim A Investigate Different forms of Communication. You must produce an information pack containing a leaflet and a booklet. You need to describe the different forms of verbal and non-verbal communication. Describe different forms of alternative communication for different needs, using examples from health and social care. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of communication used, with reference to a one to one and a group interaction. Assess the effectiveness of different forms of communication for service users with different needs Quantity and frequency This is dependant on how much work students complete in class time. It is expected they should be spending 1 to 3 hours a week outside the classroom Assessment All the work that is completed for their portfolio is assessed both internally and externally and goes towards their final BTEC grade. Note – There are no exams in this subject. Feedback Students are given ongoing verbal feedback in lessons in how to improve their assessed work. After each task, the students are given written feedback with specific targets to improve their work Textbooks Internet resources Assessment criteria sheets Resources / support Deadline(s) Back Independent Learning Subject Overview English English Contact: Year: Half-term: Miss L Anderson or Mr A Colman 11 Spring Term 2b and up to study leave Content Overview Type of Independent learning Quantity and frequency Assessment English Literature Unit 1 Section A: Sunlight on the Grass, an anthology of short stories, Moon on the Tides poetry examination, To Kill a Mockingbird/Of Mice and Men Continued revision for the poetry exam Reading all the short stories in the anthology Sunlight on The Grass. Completing activities based on these short stories in learning logs, for example writing mini essays to help consolidate learning done in class. Re-read eitherTo Kill A Mockingbird (sets 1-2) or Of Mice and Men (set 3). Watch the DVD. Re-read your Learning Log notes from last year. The part b question is particularly ‘context’ based, so it’s worth revising the context sections- ie what life was like in this part of America in the 1930s: racial segregation, class/caste system, attitudes to change/outsiders/people who are different, effect of novel on its readers- changing attitudes to race, Lee’s involvement with Civil Rights Movement etc. You can buy a study guide. Cheap ones can be found on Amazon. Good ones are: York Notes; CPG, Letts Explore, Phillip Allan, Success Text Guide. You could by one and swap with a partner. But remember: study guides will only get you so far. The examiners are looking for your own original interpretation and ideas about the novel if you are aiming for the higher grades. You can also use internet-based revision guides, particularly Bitesize and Spark Notes- just type this into Google. Type To Kill A Mockingbird or Of Mice and Men Analysis’ into YouTube- the enotes clips are quite useful. But be careful- there’s a lot of homemade acting out of key scenes with some very bad acting! Use the past paper questions attached and have a go at answering them. Note- the part a question is focused on the passage; the part b question widens out to the whole novel and includes context Create a list of 5-10 ‘killer quotes’ for the different ‘areas’ of the novel: characters, themes, context, examples of language techniques, narrative point of view etc. You could work with a group of friends on this with each person in the group being responsible for a different area. Type your quotes onto a Word document and e-mail them to each other. It would be expected that students spend at least 2 hours per cycle (2 weeks) on homework set by teachers and on independent work e.g. wider reading. Self assessment Peer assessment Teacher assessment Independent Learning Subject Overview Resources / support Learning logs Teacher support/guidance Exemplar essay responses Option to purchase study guides if needed Library materials Internet revision sites Deadline(s) Deadlines set weekly on a class by class basis See school website for examination dates Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Humanities GCSE Business & Economics Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs Nicholl & Mrs Halliwell 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Unit 3 – Introduction to Economic Understanding Topic 5.3 Big or small Topic 5.4 Is growth good Key Concepts; Economic growth. Poverty, international trade and Monopoly Power Type of A variety of tasks will be set over the course of the unit which reinforce and Independent consolidate class work including; learning Exam questions – these are regularly used to familiarise students with format and expectations and at this stage these are the main focus Completion of case studies based on current business success and failure Revision for end of unit assessments Questions from textbook loaned to all students (Introduction to small business Edexcel ) This is especially useful as it follows exam board specifications and expectations) Students are encouraged to read the specific section in the textbook to consolidate understanding after each lesson Topical enquiry based current economic stories and case studies Students are encouraged to watch news and read quality newspapers (eg First News, Times, Guardian etc) The BBC’s Bitesize site covers more general explanations of business studies Tutor 2U ( Attend weekly revision sessions run by Business staff after school (time and venue to be confirmed by your teacher Quantity and frequency Assessment 1 homework per week approx 30 minutes This will usually be an exam style question Feedback Teacher and peer feedback. Written comments given to student for formal assessment (as above) All students are loaned a textbook to use. (Introduction to Economic Understanding – edexcel Student Book) Numerous links on the Internet; (A variety of business related information and activities) (A range of resources and Resources / support Exam questions marked to examination specifications. Written and oral feedback given Peer and self assessment Independent Learning Subject Overview short video clips) An excellent blog which links to a number of business related articles - Business case studies and virtual learning site Class notes/ worksheets/ Past papers Subject Revision sessions as above (invaluable as these can provide one to one help and address any specific concerns at this stage in a smaller group) Deadline(s) As given by teacher no deadline will be less than a week for longer questions. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Humanities Citizenship Contact: Year: Half-term: Mr Stonehouse 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independent learning Year 11 students will complete the unit on Power, Politics and the Media which will lead to an end of topic test. They will then begin a programme of revision. Students will not be given specific homework tasks save for revising for end of unit assessments. Quantity and frequency Assessment 1 x 30mins per 2 week cycle Teacher will formally assess end of topic test of which Independent Learning will have contributed Feedback Resources / support Written teacher at the end of unit (s) including Citizenship GCSE grade Deadline(s) Deadlines will be set by teacher for a specific lesson Useful resources to support learning include: Year 11 Citizenship Revision booklet Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Humanities Geography Contact: Year: Half-term: Mr Beynon 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Completion of the unit - Ice on the land: Temperature Fluctuations, Ice coverage in the ice age and present day, glaciers, glacial- erosion, transport and deposition, glacial landforms- corries, pyramidal peaks and arêtes, moraine, opportunities in glacial areas, impact of climate change on glacial areas, avalanches. Start of third and final unit – The Development Gap. This unit examines the gap between rich and poor parts of the world – contrasts in development, division of the world, development indicators, physical and human reasons for inequalities, trade/aid and efforts to enable underdeveloped countries to reduce uneven development, contrasts within a trading group – the EU. Type of A variety of tasks will be set over the course of the unit which will include the Independent following: learning Learning of key terms. Consolidation of work covered in school. Specific question sheets to compliment school based work. Exam questions – these are used on a regular basis to help develop understanding and exam technique. Case study research. Completion of case studies. Preparation of case study cards for revision. Revision for end of unit assessments. Quantity 2 x 45 minutes per 2 week cycle. and frequency Assessment Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) Exam style questions as appropriate. Peer and Self Assessment through task specific mark sheets. Written teacher feedback on marking of specific pieces and specific marksheets for peer and self assessments providing opportunities for target setting. Oral feedback given within lesson time. Written feedback in exercise books. Topic specific resources will be provided as necessary. Internet research. Parental support in revision for the end of unit assessment would be appreciated through the form of discussion of subject content and questioning of understanding. GCSE textbooks in the library and GCSE revision guides as bought in previous year. Deadlines for individual tasks will be set by subject teachers as appropriate and recorded in student planners. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Humanities History Contact: Year: Half-term: Mr D Nuttall 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Germany 1918-1945 – Students will be studying the second part of this course; the Rise of the Nazis (1929-1934) Students should be keeping up-to-date by reading about the rise of the Nazis; Type of Independent mainly the impact of the Great depression (1929), the political deal struck by Hitler, the impact of Hitler’s personality, the Reichstag Fire, the Enabling Act. Students have learning been given of the objectives and website links in their exercise books. They should feel confident with their understanding of all the key names and events on the objectives sheet. All students should be able to answer the describe questions on the sheet, giving five points of description to answer the questions. D+ target students should be able to answer the explain questions – giving two full points of explanation. B+ target students should be able to answer the analyse questions giving two sides of the argument. Quantity and frequency 2 x 45mins per 2 week cycle Assessment Exam style questions on the rise of Nazi Germany. Feedback Targets set after the rise of the Nazis assessment. Resources / support Links to Germany websites are also available on the KLP as well as those provided on the sheet. Deadline(s) The rise of the Nazis assessment will be undertaken at the end of the unit. Reading around the topics taught in class should be ongoing. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Humanities Philosophy and Ethics Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs L Lea 11 Miracles Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independent learning Quantity and frequency Assessment This topic considers whether miracles occur and if we can properly define them. It also explores the idea that miracles are based on interpretation rather than real evidence and as such are always subject to doubt and cynicism. Read the account of Jesus healing the paralysed man in the New Testament (Mark 2: 1-12). Use your own words to describe what happened Create and answer questions on miracles using numbers, words, people etc. research on spiritualistic healing Research and write down findings on the Prayer to Heal project To what extent do miracles cause problems for believers? Revise and complete checklist for revision 2 x 45 minutes per 2 week cycle All formal work is teacher assessed End of unit tests are past exam questions Regular opportunities for peer and self-assessment are provided Feedback Written teacher at the end of unit Oral feedback on presentations Self-set targets Resources / support AQA Religious Studies B Religion and Morality VLE resources Youtube Deadline(s) Assessment deadlines to be determined by the teacher and recorded in student planners Back Independent Learning Subject Overview ICT ICT Contact: Year: Half-term: Miss V Brides 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Unit 1 – Topic 5, Shopping Experience. Unit 2 – Working with Digital Tools, activity 3. Improvements to activity 2 Activity 2 review. Activity 4 – evaluating progress on activity 2. Type of Consolidation questions. Independent Improvements to activity 2. learning Evaluating activity 2. Activity 3 – sources table, review, feedback and evaluation. Quantity Theory homework is set on a weekly basis. Practical homework is to be and completed throughout the term. Deadlines will be recorded in the students’ frequency planners. Further reading, research and revisions around the topics covered in lessons should be on going. Assessment Mock exam. End of module assessments in unit 1. Practical work will be assessed by the class teacher and peers. Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) Teacher and test buddy feedback will be given on all products in the practical unit. Unit 1 assessments will be marked by the class teacher. There will also be opportunities to self and peer-assess the project during class time. Ed Excel GCSE ICT textbook. Web based materials. GCSE ICT folder available on the school network. CAB templates. Theory homework is collected due on a weekly basis. All deadlines for practical work will be recorded by students in their planners. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview Maths Maths Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs E Caven 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independent learning Quantity and frequency Assessment Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) Foundation Circumference and area of a circle Circumference of a circle; Area of a circle; Circumferences and areas in terms of π Probability The probability scale; Writing probability as numbers; Two-way tables; Sample space diagrams; Mutually exclusive outcomes and the probability that the outcome of an event will not happen; Estimating probability from relative frequency Ratio and proportion Introduction to ratio; Problems on ratios; Sharing a quantity in a given ratio; Proportion Three-dimensional shapes Types of three-dimensional shapes; Faces, vertices and edges; Nets; Isometric paper; Volume; Planes of symmetry; Surface area; Dimensions; Plans and elevations; Coordinates in three dimensions Transformations Translations, Rotations, Reflections; Enlargement and centre of enlargement Higher Graphs Graphs of quadratic functions; Using graphs of quadratic functions to solve equations Using graphs of quadratic and linear functions to solve quadratic equations Probability Writing probabilities as numbers; Sample space diagrams; Mutually exclusive outcomes; Estimating probability from relative frequency; Independent events; Probability tree diagrams, Conditional probability Further graphs and trial and improvement Graphs of cubic, reciprocal and exponential functions; Trial and improvement Indices, standard form and surds Zero and negative powers, Standard form; Fractional indices, Surds Constructions, loci and congruence Constructions, Loci, Regions; Drawing triangles and congruency; Proofs of standard constructions Further factorising, simplifying, completing the square and algebraic proof Circle geometry Parts of a circle, Isosceles triangles; Tangents and chords, Circle theorems Reading in preparation for a lesson. Consolidation of work covered in school. Examination preparation/revision – MAIN FOCUS WILL BE ON MOCK EXAM TO BE TAKEN IN JANUARY Exercises set from GCSE textbook provided. Online homework set through 2 x 40mins per 2 week cycle Teacher assessed. MOCK EXAM TAKEN IN JANUARY Peer assessed Self-assessed Written teacher feedback Oral feedback Self-set targets Internet materials –; Textbooks (Full & homework) issued to each student Full textbook, practice & past papers on school website Weekly – minimum 48 hours will be given for each written exercise Back Independent Learning Subject Overview MFL French Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs C Witham Content Overview Type of Independent learning 11 Spring 2 MODULE 8: MODE DE VIE Talking about healthy and unhealthy eating; review of parts of the body and saying where it hurts. Lifestyle issues e.g. smoking Writing assignments. Vocabulary/grammar Learning Preparing an oral presentation. Reading in preparation for a lesson. Consolidation of work covered in school. Coursework preparation/revision. Completion of online exercises e.g. Quantity and frequency Assessment 2 x 40mins per 2 week cycle 1 coursework assignment per half term Feedback Resources / support Online materials Textbook Dictionaries (including online dictionaries such as ) Deadline(s) Weekly Controlled Speaking Assessment week beginning 23/2/15 Teacher assessed (according to AQA criteria) Peer assessed Self assessed Written teacher at the end of each task Dedicated Improvement Reflection Time Oral feedback on presentation Feedback according to AQA criteria and targets set GCSE levels recorded in Assessment Folders Back Independent Learning Subject Overview MFL Spanish Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs L Carey 11 Spring 2 Context 4: Education issues. Prelim exam preparation and feedback. Content Overview Type of Writing assignments Independent Vocabulary/grammar learning learning Preparing an oral presentation Reading in preparation for a lesson Consolidation of work covered in school Coursework preparation/revision Completion of online consolidation exercises (Kerboodle) Quantity and frequency Assessment Feedback Resources / support Deadline(s) 2 x 40 mins per 2 week cycle 1 coursework assignment per half term Teacher assessed (according to AQA criteria) Peer assessed Self-assessed GCSE Speaking Controlled Assessment (week beginning 9/03/15) GCSE Writing Controlled Assessment (deadlines vary according to teacher) Written from teacher at the end of each task Oral feedback on presentation Feedback according to AQA criteria and targets set GCSE grades recorded in exercise books Online materials (Kerboodle) Textbook Dictionaries (including online dictionaries such as ) ipads GCSE Speaking Controlled Assessment (week beginning 9/03/15) Weekly for other tasks Back Independent Learning Subject Overview PE PE Contact: Year: Half-term: Mrs Knowles and Mr Carr 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independent learning Quantity and frequency Topic 1.1.2 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body. Revision of topics 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.2, 1.2.2 and 1.2.4. Examine technique; past paper questions. Revision. Consolidating notes. Preparing for written exam. At the end of a lesson pupils given the opportunity to suggest topics they want to recap in the next session. Pupils’ will be set homework after every theory session. The homework will be due for the next theory session. 2 x 30mins per 2 week cycle (SP 1, AJK 1). Assessment Teacher assessed against a set GCSE mark scheme. Feedback Marking of exam style questions. Resources / support Textbook. Internet based materials. Deadline(s) Pupils given two weeks to complete all homework set. Pupils given the opportunity to speak to the teacher during practical lessons if they have any problems/concerns. Department detention given if homework not completed. Back Independent Learning Subject Overview SCIENCE Biology Contact: Year: Half-term: Miss L Porritt 11 Additional Science Spring 2 Content Overview Type of Independen t learning Enzymes Independent Learning of an enrichment nature Visit the following website › Animations and use the programme to investigate how changing the substrate concentration, temperature or pH affects the speed of an enzyme controlled reaction Quantity and frequency Two homeworks plus revision for the topic test Assessment Self-marking of exam questions End of topic test Feedback Qualitative feedback on research Review of end of topic test Resources / support As above Deadline(s) Any additional work as set by the class teacher will generally be required for the next lesson. Research task should be undertaken and submitted in first 4 weeks of term. Consolidation work should be carried out in parallel with the classroom based learning. Consolidate the work covered in class using: 1. The BBC’s Bitesize revision provides general explanations of the science studied along with some practice questions and quizzes. 2. The revision guide 3. Past questions selected from AQA exam papers id=03&prev=03 4. Visit the website › Animations and watch the animations of enzyme/substrate reactions. Draw diagrams to show how the lock and key model works and the effect of temperature on the enzyme. 5. Revise for end of topic test Back Independent Learning Subject Overview SCIENCE Chemistry Contact: Year: Half-term: Miss J Tattersall 11 Spring 2 Moles calculations and soluble salts Content Overview Pupils will complete 1 homework focussing on quality of written communication Type of Independent (QWC) per topic and revision for at least one topic test. learning Quantity and frequency 3 homeworks per half term Assessment Test marking and self and peer assessment Feedback Oral and written feedback. Self-assessment of QWC work recorded in exercise books. Resources / support Pupils have a revision guide provided by the school. Deadline(s) As set by the teacher Back Independent Learning Subject Overview SCIENCE Physics Additional Science Contact: Year: Half-term: Mr Myers 11 Spring 2 Content Overview Sports nutrition & diets. Base line testing of performance & fitness. The use of science in the workplace. Health and safety in the workplace. Independent Learning Directly In Support of the Exam. Consolidation of work covered in class using: 1. Exercise book & revision guide. In particular it is useful for students to familiarise themselves with work covered in previous lessons the night before their next Physics lesson. 2. The BBC’s Bitesize revision provides general explanations of the science studied along with some practice questions and quizzes. 3. Our revision power points also provide explanation of the physics, but with much more focus on what the exam requires, along with common errors made by pupils. The above should all be used by pupils to identify any areas with which they might need more help. They could be done at any interval as best suits the pupil. For more help they could then… 5. Attend a drop in session for one-to-one help from a Physics teacher when revision or other study has identified things with which pupils need help(Wed 12:05 A10). 6. Research into any of the workplaces studied at school, or any other suitable workplace. Quantity and Frequency Assessment Revising for end of topic tests. Approx. 1 per cycle. Via class work if applicable. Feedback Oral or written as applicable Resources / support BBC Bitesize Back