Holly Bennett Hendrickson High School English I Syllabus 2014 – 2015 English I Teacher Misty Davis Holly Bennett Lucinda Handshoe Marlo Rockhold Jared Gamble Room # D105 D203 D209 D201 D106 Direct Phone (512) 594-1423 (512) 594-1296 (512) 594-1302 (512) 594(512) 594-1311 Email (@pfisd.net) Misty.Davis Holly.Bennett Lucinda.Handshoe Marlo.Rockhold Jared.Gamble Tutorial Times M, T, Th, F 8-8:45, W 4:15-5 M,T 8-8:45 and 4:15-5 M, T, Th, F 8-8:45, T, Th 4:15-5:30 M 4:15-5. Fr 8-8:45 and by Appointment T, Th, Fr 8:8-8:45 , Th 4:15-5:30 *Note-late bus runs on Thursday afternoon at 5:30pm in front of the school. * All freshmen teachers are unavailable Wednesday mornings. *All teachers are available to all students. Grades may be checked online by accessing the TxConnect Online Gradebook. You may access Required Materials: the link to TxConnect at www.pflugervilleisd.net/HHS Teacher specific. Please see individual instructor. and clicking on the Parent tab. You must first receive a Course Textbook: Portal ID in order to set up an account on TxConnect. Holt McDougal: Literature. Grade 9. Students will not be issued an English I textbook. We will Portal IDs may be obtained utilize a class set of books kept in the classroom. When necessary, students may access the online from Student Services at textbook at http://my.hrw.com. (I will give specific log-on instructions to students during class.) HHS. Students and parents are highly encouraged to check grades on TxConnect regularly and contact the teacher for any necessary 9-Week Grading Period End Dates: Grading Criteria: Major Grades 80%, Daily Grades 20% clarification. TxConnect October 24, 2014 80% = tests, projects, formal writing assignments accounts set up in middle school DO carry over in to January 8, 2015 (at least four major grades per 9 wk period) high school using the same March 26, 2015 20% = independent practice, quizzes, daily assignments log-in information. June 3, 2015 _____ 100% If you forget log-in information, check with Student Services. EOC / STAAR Information: Students will take the End of Course (EOC) / State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) in the spring of the calendar year. The English EOC/STAAR consists of one four-hour test administered on March 30, 2015. Each student is required to pass the English I EOC/STAAR assessment. For more information, please refer to the HHS and/or PISD websites or ask your child’s English I teacher for details. English I teachers do not teach students how to pass a test. English I teachers guide students to become more accomplished writers and teach them techniques for greater reading comprehension. These skills in critical thinking and application provide students with many beneficial and cross-curriculum strategies, as well as help them to prepare for the EOC/STAAR assessment. Re-testing and/or Re-doing Assignments: Any student scoring below a 70 on a major grade shall be allowed (or may be required) to redo the assignment/test (or alternate assignment/test) after completing any prerequisite work/study material/tutorial. Any student shall be allowed redo within 5 days. The higher grade shall be recorded. Re-testing/Re-doing will be completed within five school days of original assignment. Assignment must be turned in on time to afford this opportunity. There will be no retest/redo on late assignments. 1 Make-Up Work: It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and complete any assignments/projects/tests, etc. that were assigned while the student was absent. The student has five days, starting from the day the student arrives back to class, to obtain and complete missing work. The student should take the initiative to meet with the teacher, or otherwise obtain missing work, before or after class/school. Late Work: Major Assignments Any work turned in after the designated due date is considered late. Students have FIVE days to turn in late work after the designated due date on all MAJOR assignments, with a maximum of 70%. Daily Assignments/Homework No Late Work on Daily or Homework assignments. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an assignment or examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observations, or information from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary penalties. HHS has a zero-tolerance policy for academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Code of Conduct/Academic Integrity: Each student will abide by the Pflugerville ISD Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. Refer to the Pflugerville ISD Code of Conduct and Student Handbook for expectations and regulations (including dress code, cell phone use, etc.). Talon Time: Talon Time will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays, between the third and last period of the day, for thirty minutes. During this time, students work on homework, tutorials, or interventions as deemed necessary by student and/or teacher. Late Night Library and Hendrickson Testing Center: Late Night Library is open on Thursdays, from 4:20 to 5:30. The purpose of LNL is for students to study independently or to form study groups that may or may not require the intervention of a teacher. A qualified teacher is present and available for tutorials at all times during LNL. *Contact your child’s English I teacher if you would like to meet for a face-to-face conference. Please make sure that your contact information, including cell/home phone numbers and email addresses are up-to-date in the front office in case a classroom teacher or the front office needs to get in touch with you for any reason. Thank you. The English I teachers of Hendrickson High School welcome you and your student to Hawk Nation. We welcome parents and community leaders to support and encourage the educational process by being active in the classroom and school. Let us know of any special skills that you are willing to share with us. We are committed to providing your child with a professional, academically challenging experience at HHS that will prepare your student for success in and out of school. Thank you! The English I teachers welcome you to HAWK NATION! 2