Period 3 Revolutionary Era, 1754-1800 The Alien and Sedition Acts


Period 3 Revolutionary Era, 1754-1800

The Alien and Sedition Acts (Acuna)

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation (Elorduy)

Constitutional Convention, Connecticut Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise (Espindola)

James Madison and the Bill of Rights

Revolutionary War Battles: Lexington-Concord, Saratoga, Cowpens, Yorktown (Rivera)

4 Important Revolutionary Politicians: Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock and Thomas

Pinckney (Sanchez)

The Treaty of Paris, 1783 (Nevarez)

Period 4 Early Republic, 1800-1848

Battle of Fallen Timbers and Little Turtle’s War (Armendariz)

Reasons for the War of 1812, the War Hawks and the Battle of Baltimore (1814) (Artalejo)

The Battle of New Orleans & the Treaty of Ghent (Castro)

Tecumseh, Pan-Indian Movement, Battle of Tippecanoe & William Henry Harrison (Diaz)

James Monroe, Monroe Doctrine, and Fort Ross (Guerrero)

The Erie Canal & Cumberland Road (Jordan)

The American System, the Tariff of 1816, and the Second Bank of the United States (D.Macias)

John C. Calhoun and the South Carolina Nullification Crisis (Moncayo)

The Seminole War and the Adams-Onis Treaty (Navarette)

Manifest Destiny and “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!”(Robledo)

Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears (Valle)

Henry Clay, Tallmadge Amendment (1819) and the Missouri Compromise (Castorena)

The Four Whig Presidents(Dominguez)

The Election of 1840, “Tippecanoe and Tyler too!” and the 25 th Amendment (Holguin)

Blackhawk War (1832), Sauk Nation and Captain Abraham Lincoln (Jurado,B.)

The Republic of Texas (1836-1846) and The Annexation of Texas (1845) (Jurado,J.)

Louisiana Purchase (1803) and Sioux Nation (Kilafwasru)

Cyrus McCormick and John Deere(Levario)

Samuel Slater and Francis Cabot Lowell (Lucero)

John Marshall and Marbury vs. Madison (1803)

Early Supreme Court Cases: McCullough vs. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824)

William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Elijah Parish Lovejoy (B. Macias)

Denmark Vesey (1822) and Nat Turner’s Rebellion (1831) (Mariscal)

Baldwin Locomotive Works and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (Montanez)

Eli Whitney, Interchangeable parts and anthracite coal mining (Murillo)

Daniel Webster, Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842), the “Great Triumvirate” (Muus)

John Tyler and “His Accidency”(Stiverson)

James K. Polk, Oregon Treaty, Mexican War (Vasquez)

The Mexican War

Period 5 Antebellum Period

Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the Utah War (Armendarz)

California Gold Rush (Artalejo)

Homestead Act, 1862 and sod houses (Castro)

Pacific Railway Act, 1862 and Promontory Point (Utah), 1869 (Diaz)

Gadsden Purchase (Guerrero)

Mariano Vallejo and the Bear Flag Revolt(Jordan)

Sand Creek Massacre, 1864 (D. Macias)

Commodore Matthew Perry, gunboat diplomacy and Japan (Moncayo)

Nativism and the Know Nothing Party (Navarette)

Free Soil Party (Robledo)

Underground Railroad, 1850-1860 (Valle)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852 (Castorena)

Fugitive Slave Law, 1850 (Rojo)

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 and the Lecompton Constitution, 1857 (Holguin)

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 and Freeport Doctrine, 1858 (B. Jurado)

Harper’s Ferry, 1859 (J. Jurado)

Republican Party, 1854 (Kilafwasru)

Abraham Lincoln (Levario)

Crittenden Compromise, 1860 and Jefferson Davis (Lucero)

Southern Secession and the Confederate States of America (B. Macias)

Fort Sumter, 1861, Antietam, 1862, Vicksburg, 1863 and Gettysburg, 1863 (Mariscal)

March to the Sea, 1864 and Appomattox Court House, 1865 (Montanez)

Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 and Gettysburg Address, 1863 (Murillo)

13th Amendment, 1865, 14th Amendment, 1868 and 15th Amendment, 1870 (Muus) black codes and the Civil Rights Act of 1875 (Rivera)

Radical Republicans, Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens (Stiverson)

Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson, 1868 (Vasquez)

Freedman’s Bureau, 1865-1872 and Black Reconstruction (Acuna)

Hiram Revels, Blanche K. Bruce and Robert Smalls (Elorduy)

Carpetbaggers and scalawags (Espindola) the Ku Klux Klan and Redeemers (Nevarez)

Compromise of 1877 (Sanchez)
