S.S. American Revolution Definitions French and Indian War

S.S. American Revolution Definitions
French and Indian War: England paid for this war in the colonies. This made the King unhappy and led to the King forcing the
colonists to pay taxes to get his money back.
Stamp Act: The first direct tax on the colonists. It taxed legal documents, playing cards, and newspapers.
Boycott: Refusal to buy goods. The colonists boycotted the Stamp Act.
Repeal of Stamp Act: The boycott led to the repeal or removal of the Stamp Act.
Tea Act: Not a tax. The Tea Act was the monopoly the King had on tea. The King owned the tea companies so when the colonists
bought tea their money was still going to the King.
Boston Tea Party: The colonists didn’t want people to buy tea because the King was getting the money. One night a few colonists
boarded a ship full of tea in Boston Harbor and threw it in the ocean.
Intolerable Acts: The King’s reaction to the Boston Tea Party. He shut down the port of Boston and told them not to meet in groups.
First Continental Congress: People met because of the Intolerable Acts. Colonists were told to establish militias and take up arms.
Second Continental Congress: After the first shot of the war, colonists met again and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of
Independence. George Washington was also named Commander of the Continental Army.
Partisan Warfare: The colonists way of fighting the war. They would hide behind trees or building and jump out during attacks.
S.S. American Revolution Definitions
French and Indian War: England paid for this war in the colonies. This made the King unhappy and led to the King forcing the
colonists to pay taxes to get his money back.
Stamp Act: The first direct tax on the colonists. It taxed legal documents, playing cards, and newspapers.
Boycott: Refusal to buy goods. The colonists boycotted the Stamp Act.
Repeal of Stamp Act: The boycott led to the repeal or removal of the Stamp Act.
Tea Act: Not a tax. The Tea Act was the monopoly the King had on tea. The King owned the tea companies so when the colonists
bought tea their money was still going to the King.
Boston Tea Party: The colonists didn’t want people to buy tea because the King was getting the money. One night a few colonists
boarded a ship full of tea in Boston Harbor and threw it in the ocean.
Intolerable Acts: The King’s reaction to the Boston Tea Party. He shut down the port of Boston and told them not to meet in groups.
First Continental Congress: People met because of the Intolerable Acts. Colonists were told to establish militias and take up arms.
Second Continental Congress: After the first shot of the war, colonists met again and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of
Independence. George Washington was also named Commander of the Continental Army.
Partisan Warfare: The colonists way of fighting the war. They would hide behind trees or building and jump out during attacks.