I have the first card. Who has the commercial activity that is

I have the first card.
Who has the commercial activity that is widespread in the grasslands of the south?
I have ranching.
Who has the name for the knotted cords used by the Incas to keep financial and historical
I have quipus.
Who has the first Europeans in South America?
I have the Spanish and Portuguese.
Who has a freshwater lake with oceanic life?
I have Lake Nicaragua.
Who has how much the temperature decreases every 1,000 feet?
I have 3.5 degrees.
Who has the number of active volcanoes?
I have 30.
Who has the three distinct areas in Central America ?
I have the Pacific Lowlands, Caribbean lowlands, and Central Highlands.
Who has number of miles that any part of Central America and Caribbean is away from sea?
I have less than 125.
Who has the number of countries in Central America?
I have seven.
Who has the term for a manufacturing plant set up by a foreign firm?
I have maquiladora.
Who has the sinking/settling of lower land due to environmental and human factors?
I have land subsidence.
Who has the people who are a blend of indigenous and mixed European descent?
I have mestizo.
Who has the agreement where Mexico, Canada and United States do trade without any taxes
or tariffs?
I have North American Free Trade Agreement. (NAFTA)
Who has the blending of beliefs and practices from different religion into one?
I have syncretism.
Who has the indigenous people that established an empire in the Andes mountains and built
temples, roads, terraces, and irrigation systems?
I have the Incas.
Who has the climate zone where potato, barley, and quinoa crops are grown?
I have the tierra fría.
Who has the significance of the pampas?
I have breadbasket that produces wheat and corn.
Who has problems experienced by cities like São Paulo that are a result of urban growth?
I have excess human waste and sewage and pollution of rivers.
Who has the mountain plateau in Peru and Bolivia encircled by the Andes?
I have the altiplano.
Who has the phrase for dictators who seized power (often illegally and violently) in South
America in the 19th century?
I have caudillos.
Who has why people choose to settle along the Andes, despite its location along the Ring of
I have cooler climates, volcanic soil (good for agriculture) and natural resources.
Who has what is common in the upbringing of a child, often not found in America?
I have compadre relationship.
Who has the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere?
I have São Paulo.
Who has the loss of highly educated workers to other countries?
I have brain drain.
Who has the factors that link to the health of a country?
I have poverty, lack of sanitation, infectious diseases, and malnutrition.
Who has the highest vertical climate zone located above the tree line?
I have the tierra helada.
Who has the world’s highest navigable large lake?
I have Lake Titicaca.
Who has the pull factor to Mexico City?
I have industrial jobs.
Who has the side of Mexico where the Ring of Fire is located?
I have western.
Who has the mountain range on the eastern side of Mexico?
I have the Sierra Madre Oriental.
Who has one of the causes of deforestation?
I have corporate logging.
Who has the length of the Andes Mountains?
I have 4,000+ miles
Who has the group of mountain ranges that run parallel to one another?
I have the Cordilleras
Who has the second longest river in the world?
I have the Amazon River.
Who has the period where many countries gained their independence in South America?
I have the 1800’s
Who has the cultural and economic hub of a country?
I have primate city.
Who has the reason for outsourcing?
I have cost.
Who has the definition of urbanization?
I have the population shift from rural areas to urban areas
Who has the definition of slash-burn agriculture?
I have the cutting and burning of plants in forests or woodlands to create fields.
Who has the definition of biodiversity?
I have the variety of life in an ecosystem
Who has the technological and economic growth that does not deplete the human and natural
resources of a given area?
I have sustainable development.
Who has the unintended consequence of the Columbian Exchange?
I have diseases such as smallpox, malaria, typhus, cholera.
Who has the practice of business of recreational travel based on concern for the environment?
I have ecotourism.
Who has the 2 week party before the 40-day Lent fasting period?
I have Carnival.
Who has the name of the cowboys that work in the Pampas?
I have gauchos.
Who has the ocean that the Amazon River drains into?
I have the Atlantic Ocean.
Who has the order of the tierra elevations?
I have caliente, templada, fria, and helada.
Who has the two words that describe most of the land of Central America?
I have hilly and mountainous.
Who has the name of the massive civilization that disappeared, but lived in Guatemala?
I have the Mayans.
Who has the type of renewable energy that is most prominent in Latin America?
I have hydroelectricity.
Who has the damaging of coral reefs by the deposition of soil eroded by construction and
I have sedimentation.
Who has the body of water that divides Baja California from the northernmost coast of
mainland Mexico?
I have the Gulf of California.
Who has a tax that the government places on an item coming into the country from a foreign
I have tariff.
Who has a farm product grown to be sold or traded rather than to be used by a family?
I have a cash crop.
Who has the southernmost city in the world?
I have Ushuaia.
Who has the slums built on the outskirts of Sao Paolo that have crudely built shacks?
I have favelas.
Who has the name of the estuary where the Parana, Paraguay, and Uruguay rivers meet?
I have the Rio do la Plata.
Who has the amount of oxygen produced by the Amazon Rainforest?
I have 20%.
Who has the grasslands in Venezuela and Colombia?
I have the Llanos.
Who has items grown in the tierra caliente?
I have bananas and sugarcane.
Who has the meaning of matriarchal?
I have when the oldest female is the leader of the family rather than a male.
Who has the main religion in Latin America?
I have Roman Catholicism.
Who has the amount of Mexican land that is arable?
I have 12.7%.
Who has the largest and most densely populated region of Mexico?
I have the Mexican Plateau.
Who has the city of Mexico that attracts the poor seeking jobs?
I have Mexico City.
Who has the term for climate zones that occur as elevation increases?
I have vertical climate zones.
Who has the Latin American country with the largest oil reserve?
I have Venezuela.
Who has why waterways are important for the region’s economic development?
I have because they provide ways to transport goods and people.
Who has where the Amazon River begins?
I have in the Peruvian Andes.
Who has the phenomenon that creates unusual warm ocean conditions on the west coast?
I have El Nino.
Who has the rainforest that covers one-third of South America and is the world’s wettest
tropical plain?
I have Amazon Rainforest.
Who has the local form of a language used in a particular place?
I have dialect.
Who has the area of land at the top of a mountain that has none or barely any agriculture?
I have timberline.
Who has the year that the Panama Canal opened?
I have 1914.
Who has the definition of archipelago?
I have a group or chain of islands.
Who has the number of islands in the Caribbean?
I have over 7,000.
Who has the products produced and sold from Central America?
I have bananas, sugar cane, corn, and cacao beans.
Who has the first country to gain independence in Latin America?
I have Haiti.
Who has the name for people, plants, or animals native to a region?
I have indigenous.
Who has the indigenous group living in Mexico after winning independence from Spain?
I have Aztecs.
Who has the percentage of people in Mexico who live below the poverty line?
I have more than 50%.
Who has a household made of several generations of family members?
I have extended family.
Who has the mineral that Mexico is the world’s leading producer of?
I have silver.
Who has the Spanish term for “conqueror”?
I have conquistador.
Who has the last card? I do.