Chapter 21 Muscle Blood Flow and Cardiac Output During Exercise; the Coronary Circulation and Ischemic Heart Dz Regulation of blood flow to skeletal muscles and coronary system mainly by local control of vascular resistance based on tissues metabolic need Cardiac Output Control During Exercise Nonathlete: cardiac output can increase 4-5X Athlete: cardiac output can increase 6-7X Blood flow fluctuates w/each heart contraction o End of contractions - blood flow is high for a few secs Contracted muscle will compress vessels lowering flow o Strong tetanic muscle contractions -> sustained compression of vessels -> flow almost stopped -> rapid weakening of muscle contraction Rest: some capillaries have little or no blood flow, Exercise: all capillaries open 2/3X cap surface area Skeletal Muscle o Chemical act directly on arterioles - dilation o O2 is used by activated muscle, Dec. [O2] in tissue fluids -> local arteriolar vasodilation b/c contraction cannot be maintained, and b/c O2 def may cause release vasodilator substances o Adenosine cannot increase blood flow to same extent, and cannot sustain vasodilation for more than 2 hours (good but not good enough) o Maintanence of increased capillary blood flow Potassium ions, ATP, lactic acid, CO2 o Sympathetic Vasoconstrictor Nerves Fibers secrete norepinephrine at nerve endings -> decrease blood flow thru resting m's Adrenal medullae secrete large amounts of norepinephrine and epinephrine into circulating blood during exercise Circulating norepinephrine -> vasoconstrictor effect, excites alpha vasoconstrictor receptors Epinephrine -> slight vasodilator effect b/c excites more of the beta-adrenergic receptors of vessels (vasodilator receptors) o Major effects during exercise Mass discharge of SNS Signals from brain to muscle sand vasomotor center to initiate sym discharge Simultaneously parasym signals to heart are reduced Heart is stim to increase HR and Inc. pumping strength Most arterioles of peripheral circulation are strongly contracted a. Active muscle arterioles are dilated b. Heart stim to supply Inc. flow (2L/min of extra blood flow to muscles) c. Coronary/cerebral systems have poor vasoconstrictor innervation, are spared Muscle walls of veins/capacitative areas are contracted -> Inc. the mean systemic filling pressure -> promotes venous return -> Inc. cardiac output Inc. in arterial pressure Inc. sym stim -> Inc. arterial pressure Vasoconstriction of arterioles and small arteries (except in active muscle) Inc. pumping of heart Inc. in mean systemic filing pressure caused by venous contraction Inc. pressure can be 20-80mmHg Exercise under tense conditions using few muscle still cause total body sym stim, mean arterial pressure can be as high as 170mmHg Exercise using whole body Inc. pressure often only 20-40mmHg b/c of extreme vasodilation is large masses of active muscle Muscle stimulation in lab -> 8X normal blood flow Real life: Raise in arterial pressure, vessel wall stretch, locally released vasodilators -> higher BP -> can increase total flow to 20X normal Inc. in cardiac output Cardiac output Inc. in order to supply skeletal muscles w/O2 and nutrients required for the Inc. activity Sym stim causes Inc. HR and increased strength of contraction (often 2X normal) -> w/o this cardiac output Inc. would be limited to plateau level of the normal heart (2.5 fold vs. 4 fold untrained runner vs. 7 fold marathon runner) Damn! Two important changes Mean systemic filling pressure rises at onset of heavy exercise Sym stim contracts veins Abd tenses -> more compression of entire capacitative vascular system -> greater Inc. in mean systemic filling pressure from 7 to 30mmHg Slope of the venous return curve rotates upward Dec. resistance in all vessels in active muscle Resistance to venous return Dec. Inc. the upward slope of venous return curve Strong hearts - R atrial pressure often falls below normal in heavy exercise b/c Inc. sym stim of heart Coronary Circulation L coronary artery supplies anterior and L lateral portions of L ventricle R coronary artery supplies most of R ventricle and posterior part of L ventricle Coronary sinus - most coronary venous blood from L ventricular muscle, empties into R atrium (75% of total coronary blood flow) o Venous blood from R vent muscle returns to R atrium thru small anterior cardiac veins o Small amount of venous blood flows back into heart thru thebesian veins (very minute) - empty into all heart chambers Resting coronary blood flow = 70ml/min/100g heart weight (225ml/min) ~ 4-5% total cardiac output Strenuous exercise o cardiac output Inc. 4-7fold o work output Inc. 6-9 fold o coronary blood flow Inc. 3-4fold (supply extra nutrients) Coronary cap blood flow in L ventricular muscle o Systole: falls to low value -> cap constricted o Diastole: raises to higher value -> cardiac muscle relaxes no longer obstructing flow Epicardial coronary arteries - outer surface, supply most of the muscle o Smaller arteries branch off and penetrate muscle supplying nutrients Subendocardial arteries - plexus immediately under endocardium o Extra vessels can compensate for reduced flow caused by muscle contraction during systole Control of Flow o Reg by local arteriolar vasodilation in response to nutritional needs contraction increased -> rate of flow is increased Contraction decreased -> rate of flow is decreased o ~70% O2 in coronary arterial blood removed as blood flows thru heart Very little O2 left for heart muscle unless coronary flow Inc. Current theory: Dec. in [O2] in heart -> vasodilator substances released from muscle cells -> dilate arterioles Adenosine - great vasodilator STP degrades to AMP -> degraded to release adenosine into tissue fluids of heart muscle -> Inc. local coronary blood flow Pharm agents that block/partially block vasodilator effect of adenosine doesn't prevent coronary vasodilation caused by Inc. heart muscle activity Infusion of adenosine maintains vascular dilation for only 1-3 hours -> muscle activity still dilates local blood vessels even when adenosine can't any longer Other vasodilators: Adenosine phosphate compounds, K+ ions, H+ ions, CO2, prostaglandins, nitric oxide o Nervous Control Direct Effects - action of nervous transmitter substances Acetylcholine from vagus nerves Released by parasym stim, dilates coronary arteries Norepinephrine/epinephrine from sym nerves on coronary vessels Either vascular constrictor or vascular dilator effects Depends on presence/absence of constrictor or dilator receptors in vessel walls Constrictor receptors = alpha receptors Epicardial coronary vessels Alpha effects can be crazy severe -> vasospastic myocardial ischemia during periods of excess sym drive -> anginal pain Dilator receptors = beta receptors Intramuscular arteries Indirect Effects - secondary changes in coronary blood flow (Inc./Dec. heart activity) More important in normal control Mostly opposite to direct effects Sym stim -> release of norepinephrine/epinephrine -> Inc. in HR and heart contractility and Inc. rate of metabolism of the heart; Inc. in metabolism -> coronary vessels dilate and blood flow Inc. Vagal stim -> release of acetylcholine -> slows heart and depressive effect on heart contractility -> Dec. cardiac O2 consumption & indirectly constricts coronary arteries Metabolic factors - major controllers of myocardial blood flow Usually overrides nervous effects w/in sec Metabolism o Resting conditions: cardiac muscle consumes fatty acids (70% fatty acids) instead of carbs o Anaerobic/ischemic conditions: anaerobic glycolysis Uses lots of blood glucose Forms lots of lactic acid in the tissue -> cardiac pain o >95% of energy from food used to form ATP in mitochondria o Severe coronary ischemia: ATP degrades (cardiac muscle cell membrane is permeable to adenosine) -> adenosine diffuses from muscle cells into bloodstream Released adenosine -> dilation of coronary arterioles during coronary hypoxia Loss of adenosine -> ~1/2 adenine base can be lost w/in 30 min, synthesis at rate of 2% per hour after persistence of 30+ minutes injury or death of tissue can occur ---> major cause of cardiac cellular death during myocardial ischemia Heart Attacks/Dz Ischemic Heart Dz o Most common cause of death in Western culture, 35% of people in the US die of this o Results from insufficient coronary blood flow o Atherosclerosis - most frequent cause of diminished coronary blood flow People at risk Genetic predisposition Overweight or obese and sedentary lifestyle High blood pressure and damage to endothelial cells of coronary blood vessels Atherosclerotic Plaques Large quantities of cholesterol (chol) gradually deposit beneath endothelium of arteries Become invaded by fibrous tissue, frequently become calcified Development of atherosclerotic plaques that protrude into lumen and block/partially block blood flow Common site is first few centimeters of major coronary arteries o Acute Coronary Occlusion Most frequently in pts w/underlying atherosclerotic coronary heart dz, almost never in a person w/normal coronary circulation Results from: Atherosclerotic plaque -> thrombus (local blood clot) -> occludes the artery Thrombus usually occurs where the plaque has broken thru the endothelium, coming in direct contact w/flowing blood Plaque surface is not smooth -> blood platelets adhere, fibrin is deposited, RBCs become entrapped to form a blood clot -> grows until it occludes Occasionally - clot breaks away and flows to a more peripheral point and occludes. Coronary embolus - thrombus that flows along the artery and occludes the vessel more distally Local muscular spasm of a coronary artery Results from: direct irritation of the smooth muscle by edges of a plaque Local nervous reflexes -> excess coronary vascular wall contraction May lead to secondary thrombosis o Collateral Circulation Normal heart: almost no large communications b/w larger coronary arteries Many anastomoses b/w smaller arteries Sudden Occlusion in one of the larger arteries Small anastomoses dilate w/in secs - flow usually <1/2 needed Collateral vessels do NOT enlarge much for next 8-24 hours, but double by 2-3 day, reaching normal/almost normal w/in 1 month Athrerosclerosis constricts over a period of years Collateral vessels can develop at the same time Acute episode of cardiac dysfunction may not occur Sclerotic process may develop beyond collateral limits or collateral vessels may develop atherosclerosis -> work output severely limited ---> most common causes of the cardiac failure o Myocardial Infarction Immediately: Acute coronary occlusion -> blood flow ceases in coronary vessels beyond occlusion Infarction - area of muscle w/zero to little flow that cannot sustain muscle function Soon after onset: Small amounts of collateral blood seep into infarcted area + progressive dilation of local blood vessels = area overfills w/stagnant blood O2 is used up and hemoglobin becomes totally deoxygenated (infarcted area - bluish-brown hue, and vessels appear engorged despite lack of flow) Later Stages: Vessel walls become highly permeable and leak fluid Local muscle tissue becomes edematous Cardiac muscle cells begin to swell, w/in a few hours of almost no blood supply -> cardiac muscle cells die *Cardiac muscle requires ~1.3ml of O2/100g of muscle tissue/min to remain alive o Subendocardial Infarction Frequently occurs even when no evidence of infarction in outer surface portions Subendocardial muscle has extra difficulty getting adequate blood flow b/c vessels are intensely compressed by systolic contraction Compromised blood flow usually damages first to subendocardial regions o Causes of Death Decreased cardiac output Systolic Stretch Normal portions of the vent muscle contract, ischemic portion is forced outward by pressure inside the vent Pumping force is dissipated by bulging area - overall pumping strength is Dec. Coronary shock, cardiogenic shock, cardiac shock or low cardiac output failure Heart becomes incapable of contracting w/sufficient force to pump enough blood into peripheral arterial tree, cardiac failure and death of peripheral tissues Damming of blood in venous system Heart not pumping forward -> blood dams in atria, lung vessels or systemic cir. Little difficulty during 1st few hours after MI Sx develop few days later Acutely diminished cardiac output - diminished blood flow to kidneys Kidneys fail to excrete enough urine Adds progressively to total blood volume -> congestive symptoms V-fib Many people who die of occlusion die b/c of sudden V-fib Danger Periods 1st 10 minutes after the infarction occurs ~ 1 hour later - lasting for a few hours Factors in heart beginning to fibrillate Acute loss of blood supply to cardiac muscle rapid loss of K+ from ischemic muscle Inc. [K+] in extracellular fluids -> irritation of cardiac musculature Ischemic muscle cause "injury current" Ischemic muscle often cannot completely repolarize its membranes o o o o External surface of muscle stays negative Electric current flows from ischemic area to normal area Can elicit abnormal impulses Powerful sympathetic reflexes Heart does NOT pump an adequate volume of blood into arterials Leads to reduced BP Sym Inc. irritability of cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle weakness Causes vent to dilate excessively Inc. pathway length for impulse conduction in heart Freq causes abnormal conduction pathways around infarcted area Predispose development of circus movements Rupture of Infarcted Area 1st day or so little risk of rupture Few days later -> dead muscle fibers begin to degenerate, heart wall stretched thin Dead muscle bulges outward w/each contraction (bigger and bigger bulge) until the heart ruptures When vent ruptures Loss of blood into pericardial space -> rapid development of cardiac tamponade (compression of heart by blood collecting in the pericardial cavity) -> blood cannot flow into the R atrium -> pt dies of Dec. cardiac output (oh sad!) Stages of Recovery from Acute MI Damage Dead Area - center of large area of ischemia Fibers die rapidly (w/in 1-3 hours) from total loss of blood supply Nonfunctional Area - immediately around dead area Failure of contraction and usually failure of impulse conduction Weak Area - around nonfunctional area Still contracting but weakly b/c of mild ischemia Scar Tissue Dead fiber area gets bigger b/c many marginal fibers finally succumb to prolonged ischemia (is succumb one of those non-dirty dirty words?) Nonfunctional muscle (not all) recovers b/c enlargement of collateral arterial channels Rest of nonfunctional muscle either recovers or dies after few days to 3 weeks Fibrous tissue begins developing among dead fibers b/c ischemia can stim growth of fibroblast and promote development of greater than normal quantities of fibrous tissue (rises from the dead!!) Dead tissue gradually replace by fibrous tissue fibrous scar may grow smaller over period of several months to yr b/c fibrous tissue tends to undergo progressive contraction and dissolution Normal areas of heart gradually hypertrophy to compensate Rest! Because it's good for you. Degree of cardiac cellular death determined by degree of ischemia and workload on heart muscle Inc. workload (i.e. exercise, emotional strain, fatigue) - heart needs Inc. O2 and other nutrients Anastomotic blood vessels supplying ischemic areas must also supply their normal areas "Coronary steal" syndrome - Vessels dilate when heart is excessively active -> little blood left to go thru small channels to ischemic areas One of the MOST important factors is tx of MI pt is absolute body rest during recovery process! Heart fully recovered from MI frequently permanent Dec. pumping capability below a normal heart Pain in Coronary Heart Dz Ischemic cardiac muscle often causes pain sensation Theory: ischemia causes muscle to release acidic substances that are NOT removed rapidly enough by slow blood flow; high [abnormal products] stim pain nerve endings Sensory afferent nerve fibers into CNS Angina Pectoris - cardiac pain - progressive constriction of their coronary arteries Usually felt Beneath upper sternum over heart Left arm and left shoulder Neck, & even side of the face EMBRYO: heart and arms originate in the neck, both receive nerve fibers from same SC segments Chronic Angina Pectoris Feel pain when exercising or experiencing emotions that Inc. heart metabolism or constrict coronary vessels b/c sym vasoconstrictor nerve signals Exacerbated by cold temps or a full stomach -> Inc. heart's workload Pain lasts ~few minutes "Hot, pressing, and constricting" ---------- "It's a constricting, hot pain…." o Drug Tx: Short-acting vasodilators - nitroglycerin and other nitrate drugs Vasodilators - angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers and ranolazine -> tx chronic stable angina pectoris Beta blockers - propranolol -> prolonged tx of angina pectoris Block sym beta-adrenergic receptors - prevents sym enhancement of HR and cardiac metabolism o Surgical Tx - coronary artery dz Aortic-coronary bypass surg Remove a section of a subcut vein from an arm or leg Graft vein from the root of the aorta to the side of a peripheral coronary artery beyond the atherosclerotic blockage 1-5 grafts usually performed Anginal pain relieved in most pts Coronary angioplasty Small balloon-tipped catheter (~1mm in diameter) pushed thru partially occluded artery until balloon portion of the catheter straddles partially occluded point balloon inflated w/high pressure -> markedly stretches the dz artery Blood flow thru the vessel often Inc. 3-4fold; more than 75% of pts are relieved of the coronary ischemic symptoms for at least several years Small stainless steel mesh tubes called "stents" inserted to hold the artery open endothelium usually grows over the metal surface of the stent Reclosure (restenosis) occurs in ~25-40% often w/in 6mos of procedure usually due to excessive scar tissue formation Stents that slowly release drugs (drug-eluting stents) may help prevent excessive scar tissue growth Laser beam!! Laser beam from the tip of a coronary artery catheter aimed at the atherosclerotic lesion dissolves lesion w/o substantially damaging the rest of the arterial wall