Annville-Cleona School District Course: JAVA Credit Hours: 0.50 Prerequisites: Algebra I Instructor: Mr. Raymond Kreiser Contact Information: 867-7700 Please provide your extension number: Email: 4212 Course: JAVA Course Description: The course topics include: programming methodology, control statements, user-defined classes, user-interfaces, and arrays. Java is the beginning course for the teaching of programming and problem solving skills. Students may need to spend additional time outside of the classroom on the computer to complete the programming assignments. This class is strongly encouraged for those students wishing to pursue careers in mathematics, science, technology, and computer science. This course does not satisfy a mathematics requirement. Units of Study: The course will cover the following units of study: The history and evolution of computers Edit, Compile, and Execute a java programs in a Java environment; Identify and correct syntax errors, run-time errors, and logic errors in their programs; Construct appropriate Boolean conditions for control statements; Write the code for mutator methods, accessor methods, and constructors of a class; Construct complex Boolean expressions using logical operators; and Construct a graphical user interface. A. Instructional Goals: As a result of this course, all students should be able to write, compile, and execute a simple java program. Students should be able to learn from lecture, cooperative learning, individual problem sets, independent study, and selfdiscovery. B. Student Expectations: It is expected that students will: Come to class on time with all assignments complete Be an active participant be observing teacher modeling, asking appropriate questions, offering solutions to problems, and provide input as necessary. Dedicate an appropriate time amount of time on homework, programming assignments, reading the textbook, and studying the content each evening. Ask questions and seek extra assistance when needed. Take notes and keep an organized notebook. Properly document and structure all of their programming assignments. C. Teacher Expectations: It is expected that I will: • Be available for help, as schedule allows; • Assign programs that adequately review the material and meets the learning objectives of the course while adhering to the time expectations for this course; and • Appropriately assess the material taught in class. GRADING POLICIES/PROCEDURES: A. Assessment Students will be assessed in the following areas with the given weighted scale being used to determine the marking period grade: 40% 30% 20% 5% 5% Computer programs; Test average; Homework and quiz average; Quick quiz average; and Class participation. You will be asked to complete roughly five programs per chapter. These programs will stress the chapter topics that have been introduced and will progressively increase in their difficulty. Copying any portion of the program from a classmate or other source will result in a zero for that given program. Every homework assignment will be collected and graded. The lowest homework assignment or quiz score will be dropped at the end of the marking period before the average is calculated for the marking period grade. The lowest quick quiz will be dropped before calculating the quick quiz average. Every student will receive a mid-marking period report. The student will receive 3 bonus points on a test given that the grade report is returned with the appropriate signatures. B. Grading System The final grade for the student in this course will be determined by the following weighted scale: 50% - Marking period 1; and 50% - Marking period 2. C. Absences and Make-Up Work Following an absence, it is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with his/her teacher to make-up missed work. Make-up work must be completed within a reasonable period of time. For each day the student is absent he/she will be given two days to complete the work and give it to the teacher. Students will not be allowed to make-up work on days of unexcused or illegal absence. Parents may call and request homework for students who have missed two or more days. Extended absences will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Homework can also be found on the handouts provided to the student, contacting another student in the class, or by email D. Late Work Students are expected to complete and turn in assignments when they are due, therefore, late work will not be accepted. (See Student Expectations.) Miscellaneous Information: Text – Fundamentals of Java, 2012. Students should come to class with pencil(s), calculator (TI-84 Plus Silver recommended, any TI-83, TI-84, or TI-nSpire (non-CAS) will work), and a threering binder to keep as a notebook. The calculator may not be provided for the student by the school. Students are expected to obtain their own calculator for use through their high school computer science career. The student is to keep an organized notebook of notes, programs, quizzes, tests, and other handouts that are provided as they progress through the course. Quick quizzes will be given for every chapter. The students will be assigned a set of programs for every chapter except chapter one. Quizzes will be given to make sure students are further understanding the content, with tests to follow up on that content understanding. The student to do well in the course must read the textbook. The student must come to every class with the following the following items: textbook, notebook, calculator, and pencil(s). The student will lose points in the class participation portion of their grade if they are unprepared, disruptive, not being active in class, or late to class. Attendance and participation are both musts! - CONTINUED - Miscellaneous Information: All assignments must be completed with a pencil. Any assignment turned in that is not done in pencil will suffer a 10% deduction of the original possible score. The student will be programming in the Java programming language in the integrated development environment (IDE) of “Netbeans”. This is a free download environment at This site will allow the student to download the IDE onto their home computer since NetBeans will work on any type of computer. The student may need to spend time outside of the classroom on a computer to complete their programming assignments. The textbook must be covered with a book cover at all times. Student Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: