Guidelines for purchases under Consolidated User Fee Fund Issued by: State Health Society, Haryana 27-12-2013 Page 1 of 53 PURCHASES UNDER CONSOLIDATED USER FEE FUND 1.0 BACKGROUND : Reference is made to the Government Order Memo No 20/98/2000-5HB-III dated 12-08-2003 and Memo No 3/78/92-HB-III dated 16-01-2004 & 22-01-04 vide which the Swasthya Kalyan Samitis were allowed to retain the user fee and utilise the retained amount for up gradation and modernising the health care services. Various guidelines have since been issued from time to time to guide the SKS to make rational utilisation of these funds. Most of the restrictions imposed earlier were with the intention of ensuring that sanctioned funds under State and NRHM funds are not left un-utilised because of flexibility of utilisation of the user money funds. In order to make improvement of the health facilities, the guidelines are revised. 2.0 SCOPE:- These guidelines define the delegated powers of the authority to purchase various items required for improvement in health facilities including medicines and consumables at various health institutions. They also define the conditions under which purchase is permitted and specified to the maximum limits by following the prescribed purchase procedure. The powers described in this document would be able to guide all health administrative authorities (SKSs, PMO/SMOs and MOs) to make purchases and to incur other expenditures out of User fee in order to facilitate the improvement in the health institutions. 3.0 MERGER OF SPP, IPP AND USER FUNDS FOR VARIOUS PURCHASES 3.1 Justification: The merger of receipt under User charges, SPP and IPP is necessary To have an overall outlook of the finances available with an institution. To avoid difficulties being experienced in the maintenance of separate accounts of these programmes. To avoid confusion with respect to purchase of similar items under different heads and to avoid the purchases of medicines and consumables by different departments of hospital in respect of SPP, IPP and User funds. These items being of similar nature are not ordered as consolidated resulting in non supply and short supply. To avoid overlapping in purchase of items, as currently, one department does not know what the other department is purchasing. Page 2 3.2 Revised Proposal Now onwards all user charges received from SPP, IPP and user funds may be merged in one account namely Consolidated User Charges fund and expenditure on all other items as specified may be incurred out of this fund as per delegated powers. However, State Budget and NRHM funds will remain separate to have proper supervision and accountability of expenditure under those accounts. There will be one store managed by one store in charge. For the purpose of accountability the reporting on number of all surgeries should be done. 4.0 REVISION OF POWERS:- The Haryana Government/State Health Society has been delegating powers to lower level authorities under State budget, NRHM, SPP, IPP, User Fee from time to time, for purchases including local purchase under various programmes. The powers of local purchase delegated earlier need revision in view of increase in load of deliveries, OPD, IPD and surgeries, in the various health institutions. The essential items are either not supplied in time leading to stock outs or the rate contracts/approved sources are not available. The various guidelines issued under the User Charges from time to time, need to be revised. The powers for local purchase of medicines and consumables required to run these programmes at District and Sub District levels also need to be integrated in a single document. 4.1 Better Patient Care: It is envisaged from the very inception of the user money scheme that it should be used for providing better facilities to patients and attendants and improving patient care. Therefore this fund should be used for building of new counters for patient registration, Drug Dispensing, lab sample collection & report distribution; reducing patient wait time; increasing the seating capacities in patient waiting areas; providing free medicines and free surgeries to all; better surgical services; ensuring clean linen, maintenance etc as enumerated in schedule A 4.2 Consolidated User Fee Funds: Henceforth, all funds under IPP, SPP and User charges would be merged into a Consolidated User Fee Fund and all expenditure would now be made from this fund. i. The guidelines below define the maximum power of various health authorities to incur expenditure from this fund: Page 3 SN 1 2 3 4 5 Level Of Institution Authority to whom Amount power delegated District Hospitals of SKS (Hospital) Up to 200 bedded and 20,00,000/above including per month Panchkula. District Hospitals of 200 bedded and above including Panchkula District Hospitals of 100 but below 200 bedded including GH Bahadurgarh and GH 10 Gurgaon District Hospitals of 100 but below 200 bedded including GH Bahadurgarh and GH 10 Gurgaon Other Hospitals Chairperson (Hospital) SKS(Hospital) Chairperson (Hospital) SKS(Hospital) SKS Up 1,00,000/per month Remarks Local Purchase of items specified in schedule A as per prescribed purchase procedure in section 5 to -do- Up to -do10,00,000/per month SKS Up to -do1,00,000/per month Up to 7,00,000/per month 6 Other Hospitals Chairperson Up to SKS(Hospital) 75,000/- per month 7 CHC/UHC/Polyclini SKS (CHC) Up to c UHC/Polyclinic 5,00,000/per month 8 CHC/UHC/Polyclini Chairperson SKS (CHC)/ Up to c UHC/Polyclinic 50,000/- per month 9 PHC/Dispensary SKS (PHC) & SKS Up to Dispensary 2,00,000/per month 10 PHC/Dispensary Chairperson SKS (PHC) Up to & SKS Dispensary 10,000/- per month *CHC: Community Health Center, *UHC: Urban Health Center, -do-do-do-do-do-do- *PHC: Primary Health Center, Page 4 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. The expenditure can be incurred for items specified in Annexure A to these guidelines. Each SKS should ensure that first funds available under State/NRHM budget must be utilised before incurring expenditure under the Consolidated User Fee Fund. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the District Health and Family Welfare Society may transfer the funds from one health facility to another wherever required in the district. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee of State Health Society may be empowered for transfer of user fee funds as deemed necessary from the district health institutions to the HQs for the purpose of meeting deficiencies in services as and when required. The funds thus collected should also be utilised for the strengthening of the Hospital Management Division and Hospital Planning Division under the DGHS. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee of State Health Society may be empowered to transfer user fee funds from institution(s) located in one district to another district with proper justification. The PMO/SMO/MS would be competent to invite the tender for making improvement in hospital services to the patients. In case the funds are absolutely required for items falling under the heads of NRHM Budget (like those defined in Schedule B) and are not specified in Schedule A for running the health facilities efficiently, the SKS may allow to use consolidated user fee funds subject to adjustment later on. However the funds have to be recouped by the end of the Financial Year. The Local Purchase of drugs and consumables should be done only after computer generated. Non Availability Certificate (NAC) from the warehouse for items to be provided from warehouse. The NAC once obtained should be valid till the date of next indent. In case of part supply the document showing part supply as compared to the indent should serve as NAC. For drugs not to be supplied by warehouse and approved for Local purchase (as in Schedule D and E) no NAC is required. The earlier restriction of purchase of medicines only for 1 week is henceforth removed. The SKS committee must plan the purchase of drugs and consumables according to requirement. For those items which are to be indented from warehouse in case of non supply (after obtaining NAC) and in case of part supply, the purchase should be made for the period till next indent. For items which are not to be supplied from warehouse the purchases should be rationalised after examining the required quantity, avoiding overstocking and also considering the economy of scale. Page 5 xi. xii. xiii. If the meeting of SKS is not feasible immediately, the PMO/SMO/MS would also be authorized to make local purchase to the extent the of financial power delegation made subject to final approval of SKS in the next meeting. The Facility in charges should ensure that Drugs and consumables should be purchased keeping in view the actual requirement with proper justification; Press tenders/ quotations where required should be invited; regular meetings of SKS should be convened wherein requirements and expenditure got approved; the doctors of the hospitals must be consulted and transparency maintained. There are certain items which are required for a longer period of time. In order to get the benefit of scale it is envisaged that they should be purchased at one go. However since the utilization of these items would be spread over a longer period, it would not be financially appropriate to book the entire expenditure in the month in which they are purchased. Therefore the expenditure would be amortized by spreading the total expenditure over a period of time for which it is proposed to be utilized. Taking the example of X-ray films, if total monthly requirement of X-ray films is of Rs 1,00,000 and the total yearly requirement would be Rs. 12,00,000. If the X-ray films are purchased for the entire year in month of January, then instead of booking the whole expenditure on X-ray films i.e. Rs 12,00,000 in the month of January, rather it should be amortized/spread over 12 months at the rate of Rs 1,00,000 per month. Even while the full payment to the vender would be made in the January itself. As a result of this, the power of SKS committee would be available for purchase of other items for the month of January i.e. Rs 19,00,000 will be available out of the total power of Rs 20,00,000 if amortisation is done. If amortisation is not done then the entire amount of Rs 12,00,000 would be booked in January and balance of Rs 8,00,000 only will be available to make purchases of other items during January. The corresponding power of every month for remaining months of the year would be reduced to Rs 19,00,000. This system will in respect of other purchases for a longer period of time. 5.0 REPORTING OF EXPENDITURE: I. Each District Accounts Manager should consolidate the monthly receipt and expenditure district-wise and submit to MD NRHM and DGHS by 15th of next month. Page 6 II. The detail of expenditures under all heads including detail of each item (like all drugs and consumables) should be entered on Drug portal as and when these are purchased which will be studied thoroughly to find major expenditures occurring at all districts. It will help to reach at the decision that which additional budget head needs to be sanctioned at state level and which additional drug and consumable needs to be supplied from warehouse. 6.0 PURCHASE PROCEDURE: Items to be purchased should be further categorized into two types:6.1 6.2 For items other than Drug and consumable:- They should first be purchased from approved sources. If not available on approved sources then purchase procedure as specified in table should be followed. For Drugs and consumables the following procedure should be followed:- 6.2.1 Drugs and consumables exclusively for local purchase: Purchase may be made for appropriate period (3 months to 1 year) depending on requirement, as per the procedure laid out below: The purchases are of two kinds viz. Recurring and non-recurring. a) Recurring Items:These are items which are required repeatedly during the year. In case of recurring items, tender would need to be invited where the estimated annual demand for each item is more than one Lac. In case the estimated annual demand is less than Rs. 1 lac, then purchases can be made by inviting quotations. The tender/quotations thus finalized should be valid for a period of 1 year from the date of finalization, so that repeated orders can be placed on the vendor, during the period of validity. b) Non-Recurring Items:- These are items which are required on a particular occasion. In case of non-recurring items purchase is to be made by way of press tenders, if on a particular occasion value of an item is more than Rs1 lac, otherwise (for item below 1 lac) purchases will be made through quotations. For, the recurring items, the purchasing authority at district or hospital level should estimate the demand of each item at the beginning of each financial year and if the annual value of item exceeds Rs 1 lac then tender should be Page 7 invited and supplier and rate fixed. In case the annual demand is estimated to be less than 1 lac then quotations should be called as per procedure. 6.2.2 Drugs and consumables for which rate contract is still pending: To make local purchases for the items whose RC is still pending, local purchase can be made at the district and hospital level as per local purchase guidelines as mentioned supra, till such time as rate contracts are finalized and information is available on Web Portal that the supply of such items will be made from the warehouses on a particular date. 6.2.3 Non supply or part supply from warehouse: I. Drugs and consumables which are on rate contract and orders have been placed but supply is awaited at the warehouse : or II. Drugs and consumables have not been supplied as per indent received from each Health Facility due to limited stock in warehouse : or III. Drugs and consumables which have not been issued to the Health Facilities due to non-availability of the same in the warehouses : In the all the conditions referred in 3 (I), 3 (II) and 3 (III), period of local purchase in such cases should be from date of non supply of such items (against indent placed with the warehouse) till the due date of next indent. In case such drugs and consumables are not available in Warehouses even on the date of next indent further repeat order can be made after recording proper justification of requirement of items. The procedure for local purchase in such cases should be only through quotations irrespective of the amount involved (i.e even if the amount exceeds Rs. 1 lac/item) so that uninterrupted supply chain can be maintained by making local purchases. Page 8 6.3 Mode of purchase: SNO. 1 2 3 MODE Without quotation With Quotation Tender EXISTING REVISED POWERS POWERS Rs 1,000/- per Maximum upto Rs 2500/- per occasion occasion In case of ortho implants Maximum upto Rs 10,000/per occasion Rs 50,000/- per Maximum upto Rs 1,00,000/- per occasion occasion Above 50,000/- Above Rs 1,00,000/- per occasion by per occasion by Civil Surgeon for Civil Surgeon. PHCs,CHCs,UHC,Polyclinic,UD and Sub Centers PMO/MS/SMO for Hospitals * Any expenditure required to be made which is beyond Rs 20,00,000/- per month should be incurred after prior approval of Chairperson of State Health Society 7.0 REVISION OF ESSENTIAL DRUG LIST (EDL) OF HARYANA AND CATEGORISATION BASED ON ITS LEVEL OF PURCHASE: The Committee under the DGHS Haryana, in its meeting on 19-12-2013 revised the EDL and deleted 90 number of medicines and 113 components in existing EDL. Now the revised EDL contains 283 drugs and 427 components (Components means different dosage forms and strengths of the same salt), categorized them into 3 parts: EDL-RC (Schedule C) EDL-Non-RC. (Schedule D) Non-EDL Drugs. List of drugs from Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG). (Schedule E) The categorization is also done on the basis of level of purchase. a) State Level Purchase List: These drugs have a Rate Contract (RC) and would be purchased at state level and supplied through the warehouses. List attached as Schedule C. Page 9 b) District/Institution Level Purchase List: i) EDL-RC Drugs: Non-availability of medicines in warehouse as per EDLRC drugs may be purchased after getting Non Availability Certificate (NAC). ii) EDL-Non-RC Drugs: List of EDL medicines approved for local Purchase attached as Schedule D. These drugs are contained in the EDL and do not have an RC therefore should be purchased locally. These are essential drugs which are required in small quantities in emergencies or/and in uncommon conditions. These are essential drugs which should be purchased and made available in adequate quantities at all times. iii) Non-EDL drugs: a) These are drugs drawn from Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) which may be purchased locally as they are required in small quantities and in uncommon conditions Schedule E. b) In addition to the above lists, the local purchase may also be done by SKS with proper justification recorded in its minutes for any medicines or consumables required for treatment of any particular patient. 8.0 SUPERSESSION OF ALL EARLIER GUIDELINES: These guidelines would supersede all instructions/ guidelines/clarifications issued from time to time, under user fee, SPP and IPP programmes. Page 10 9.0 SCHEDULES AND ANNEXURES SCHEDULE A SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Activity/ Item Lab Articles POP Bandages for Emergency Ortho Implants Dental Articles X Ray/ USG Films Remarks Including reagents and kits The implants must be of Indian make Like printing of OPD cards, Indoor Printing & Stationary items files etc. Items required in Mortuary Medical Gases Contractual Remuneration to the Only with respect to staff sanctioned employees by HQ (MD NRHM/DGHS) This can include electrical fittings and maintaining public health facilities excluding major civil works. This expenditure may be incurred only after expiry of AMG and with For Infrastructure improvements prior approval of MD, NRHM/DGHS Items required for Sanitation Include computer, machinery like lifts, generators, biomedical equipments, Dental chair/ units etc. AMC/CMC should only be done if Maintenance/ Repair/AMC/CMC of funds are not available from regular equipments sources of state Linen, mattress, beds and Blankets Purchases under SPP Purchases under IPP Repair and maintenance and upkeep of health institutions Drugs and consumables as per defined conditions in Section 6.0 Water/ electricity/ Landline In case of non availability of funds telephone Bills under state budget. Contractual Remuneration to Only with prior approval of HQ (MD Specialist where found deficient NRHM/ DGHS) Improvement of Boarding lodging arrangement for patients and attendants Page 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Contracting out/outsourcing services like cleaning, laundry, cooking, diagnostic services POL for Gen sets Drinking water facilities Surgical and Examination instruments Minor equipments These services only with prior approval of MD/DGHS if no funds are available under state/NRHM. like Dental instruments Costing less than Rs 10,000 per equipment Purchases for Biomedical Waste Managment Other items With prior NRHM/DGHS approval of MD *Imp. User Fee Fund should not be spent on items otherwise to be procured from NRHM or State budget. NRHM budget to be spent at institute level should be deposited and maintained in separate account and expenditure should be incurred by following these guidelines unless otherwise directed in any case. Page 12 Schedule B 1. On the basis of examination of expenditure of District Hospital, the user fee is being spent on items for which the budget was specifically provided by NRHM for e.g. on free delivery , and free caesarian, free diagnostics to Antenatal cases. In future however the money may continued to be spent for these activities from user fee fund if required but should be replenished from the respective programme fund within that financial year. a. Jannni Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) Normal Delivery and Caesarean Section. b. Eye Surgeries c. Cleft Lip; Cleft Palate; Tongue Tie operations. d. Any Other Scheme of the State & GOI Page 13 Schedule - C Revised Haryana Essential Drug List with Rate Contract (To be purchased at state level) *Total Drugs = 242 *Total Components = 375 * All drugs to be dispensed in OPD will be made available in IPD as and when required. * All drugs in OPD, IPD should be made available in OT as and when required. * The column IPD combines the drugs to be made available at different work stations of the hospital like wards, Injection Room, Labour Room, Emergency department, ICU, SNCU, Minor OT or any other. Sr. No. Com p.Sr. Medicines No Dosage Forms Strength Category GH 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1. ANAESTHETICS 1.1 General anesthetics and oxygen 3% to 5% in oxygen/Nit Halothane Inhalation rous Oxide. Maint 0.51%,(250ml ) Injection, (as 50 mg Ketamine hydrochloride /ml,10 ml ) vial Injection Thiopenton (sodium) 0.5 g e Powder Midazolam Injection 1 mg/ml 1% vial Propofol Injection (10mg/ml ,10 ml vial) *Isoflurane *Purchase in small quantity & Inhalation 100 ml prescriptio n has to be monitored CHC Usage PHC /UD Sub centre OPD IPD OT GH GH OT CHC OT GH GH OT CHC OT GH OT GH OT Page 14 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 9 10 11 12 13 12 14 15 13 16 14 17 15 18 Fentanyl Injection Sevofluran Inhalation e 1.2 Local anaesthetics Bupivacain e For epidural & local anesthesia Injection (hydrochlorid e) Bupivacain e heavy 5 mg with Dextrose Monohydra Injection te 80 mg/ml for Spinal Anaesthesi a Jelly sterile Lignocaine Jelly sterile Hydrochlor ide Injection 25 mcg/ml (2ml) GH OT 250 ml GH OT 0.5% 5 ml ampoule GH CHC OT 5 mg + 80 mg/ml,4 ml GH ampoule CHC OT 2%, 30 gm GH CHC PHC IPD 5%, 20 gm GH CHC PHC IPD 2%, 30 ml Sub GH CHC PHC IPD vial centre Lignocaine 2% + Hydrochlor Adrenaline Injection GH CHC PHC IPD ide + 1:80,000, Adrenaline 30 ml vial 1.3 Preoperative medication and sedation for short-term procedures 0.5 mg/ml, Injection 1 ml GH CHC PHC IPD OT (sulphate) ampoule Atropine. 0.5 mg/ml, Injection 20 ml GH IPD OT (sulphate) ampoule 0.2 mg/ml Glycopyrol Injection 1 ml GH IPD ate ampoule 5 mg/ml, 2 Diazepam Injection ml GH CHC PHC IPD ampoule 2. ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDICINES Page 15 19 16 20 21 17 22 18 23 24 19 25 26 27 20 28 29 21 30 31 22 32 33 23 34 (NSAIMs), MEDICINES USED TO TREAT GOUT AND DISEASE MODIFYING AGENTS IN RHEUMATOID DISORDERS (DMARDs) 2.1 Non-opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIMs) Tablet Sub 50 mg GH CHC PHC OPD (sodium) centre 25 mg/ml, Diclofenac Injection 3 ml GH CHC PHC IPD Ampoule Gel 1% GH CHC PHC OPD Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg + 50 mg + Tablet GH CHC PHC OPD Paracetam 325 mg ol 325 mg Tab Tablet 200 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Ibuprofen Tablet 400 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Thiocolchic Tablet 4mg GH CHC OPD oside Sub Tablet 500 mg GH CHC PHC OPD centre 125 Sub Suspension mg/5ml,60 GH CHC PHC OPD centre Paracetam ml ol 150 Injection mg/ml,2 ml GH CHC PHC IPD ampoule Drops 150 mg/ml GH CHC PHC OPD Aceclofena Tablet 100 mg GH CHC PHC OPD c 100mg 2.2 Opioid analgesics Morphine Tablet 10 mg GH IPD Sulphate/H ydrochlori de *Purchase 10 mg/ml, in small Injection 1ml GH IPD quantity & ampoule prescriptio n has to be monitored Tablet 50 mg GH CHC OPD Tramadol Hydrochlor 50 mg/ml Injection GH CHC IPD ide 2 ml Page 16 ampoule 24 35 25 36 26 37 27 38 28 39 40 29 41 42 30 43 31 44 32 45 46 33 47 *Pentazoci ne lactate *Purchase 25 mg/ml, in small Injection 1 ml GH CHC PHC quantity & Ampoule prescriptio n has to be monitored *Pethidine Hydrochlor ide *Purchase 50 mg/ml,1 in small Injection ml GH quantity & ampoule prescriptio n has to be monitored 2.4Disease modifying agents used in rheumatoid disorders (DMARDs) Hydroxy Tablet Chloroquin 200 mg GH CHC OPD (Sulfate) e Sulfasalazi Tablet 500 mg GH ne Methotraxa Tablet 2.5 mg GH te 3. ANTIALLERGICS AND MEDICINES USED IN ANAPHYLAXIS Tablet 10 mg GH CHC PHC 5 mg/ml,60 Cetrizine Suspension GH CHC PHC ml Drops 10mg/ml GH Tablet Chlorpheni (hydrogen 4 mg GH CHC PHC ramine maleate) Phenirami 22.75 Injection GH CHC PHC ne maleate mg/ml,2 ml 10 mg GH CHC PHC Hydroxyzin Tablet e Tablet 25 mg GH CHC PHC 4 mg/ml,2 Dexametha Injection ml GH CHC PHC sone (disodium) ampoule IPD IPD OPD OPD OPD Sub OPD centre OPD Sub OPD centre Sub centre IPD OPD OPD Sub centre IPD Page 17 34 35 Hydrocorti sone 49 50 10 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 20 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Prednisolo 5mg/5ml, ne Suspension GH OPD 60 ml There is no evidence for complete clinical similarity between prednisolone and dexamethasone at high doses 4. ANTIDOTES AND OTHER SUBSTANCES USED IN POISONING 4.2 Specific Antisnake venom(pol Injection 10 ml vial GH CHC PHC yvalent solution) Antisnake venom (polyvalent Injection 10 ml vial GH CHC PHC solution)(D ry Powder) 5. ANTICONVULSANTS/ANTIEPILEPTICS Tablet 100 mg, GH CHC PHC OPD Carbamaze Tablet 200 mg GH CHC PHC OPD pine Suspension 20 mg/ml GH CHC PHC OPD 2 mg/ml 2 Injection ml GH CHC ampoule Lorazepam Tablet 1 mg GH CHC OPD Tablet 2 mg GH CHC OPD 36 52 37 53 38 54 55 56 57 40 58 59 60 Magnesium sulphate For use in eclampsia and severe preInjection eclampsia and not for other convulsant disorders 100 mg vial GH 500mg/ml, 1ml ampoule GH CHC CHC PHC Sub centre 48 51 39 Powder for injection (sodium succinate) Tablet Tablet PHC Sub centre IPD IPD IPD IPD IPD Page 18 61 62 41 42 63 Tablet Tablet Phenobarbi Suspension tone GH GH CHC CHC PHC PHC OPD OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC 64 Injection 65 Tablet (sodium) 100 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Suspension 100 mg/ 5 ml GH CHC PHC OPD 50 mg/ml GH CHC PHC 200 mg GH CHC 500 mg GH OPD 250 mg GH OPD 500 mg GH OPD 66 Phenytoin 67 68 43 69 70 44 30 mg 60 mg 20 mg/ 5 ml 200 mg/ ml 71 Sodium valproate/ Valproic acid Divaloprex Sodium equivalent to Valproic Acid Injection (sodium) Enteric coated tablet (sodium) Enteric coated tablet (sodium) Tablet Tablet IPD IPD OPD 6. ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES 6.1.1 Intestinal anthelminthics 72 45 46 Chewable tablet 400 mg GH CHC PHC Suspension 200 mg/5 ml GH CHC PHC 6 mg GH 73 Albendazol e 74 6.1.2 Antifilarials Ivermectin Tablet Sub OPD centre Sub OPD centre OPD 6.2 Antibacterial 6.2.1 Beta Lactam medicines 75 47 76 Amoxicillin 77 Capsule (anhydrous) Capsule (anhydrous) Dispersible Tablet 250 mg, GH CHC PHC OPD 500 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 125 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Page 19 48 78 Tablet 79 Injection 80 81 Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 82 49 83 Ampicillin 84 50 85 Benzathine penicillin 86 51 87 88 Cefixime 89 90 91 52 Injection Injection Dispersible Tablet Injection powder (sodium) Injection powder (penicillin) Injection powder Injection powder Tablet Tablet Dispersible Tablet 500 mg + 125 mg 1gm + 200 mg 250 mg + 50 mg 500 +100 mg 200 mg +28.5 mg GH CHC OPD GH CHC IPD GH CHC IPD GH IPD GH CHC 500 mg GH CHC 6 lacs IU vial GH IPD GH IPD GH IPD 12 lacs IU vial 24 lacs IU vial 100 mg 200 mg OPD PHC IPD GH GH CHC CHC PHC PHC OPD OPD 50 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Tablet 250 mg GH CHC PHC Tablet 500 mg GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC Cefadroxil 92 Syrup 93 Drops 125mg/ 5 ml,30ml 100 mg/ ml GH Sub OPD centre Sub OPD centre Sub OPD centre OPD 6.2.1 Beta Lactam Medicines(Complementary) 94 53 95 96 97 54 98 Injection 250mg GH CHC PHC IPD Injection Injection Injection Ceftriaxone powder Powder (sodium) Injection powder 1 gm 500 mg GH GH CHC PHC IPD IPD 250 mg GH CHC PHC IPD 1 g vial GH CHC PHC IPD Cefotaxime Page 20 6.2.2 Other antibacterial 99 55 100 Injection Amikacin 101 56 102 103 104 105 57 106 58 107 108 59 109 110 Injection Tablet Tablet Azithromyc Tablet in Suspension Levofloxaci Tablet n Ofloxacin* To be used rationally so as to retain its Tablet senstivity as antitubercu lar agent. Tablet Ciprofloxac (hydrochlorid in e) Final Tablet selection (hydrochlorid depends on e) indication for use Injection IV 60 111 Ciprofloxac in +Tinidazol e 61 112 Doxycyclin e 113 62 63 114 115 Injection Erythromy cin Base Tablet Capsule (hydrochlorid e) Tablet Oral suspension powder Injection 100 mg,/2 ml 500 mg/2 ml 250 mg/2 ml 250 mg 500 mg 1 gm 200 mg/5 ml,15ml GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC PHC IPD GH GH GH CHC CHC PHC PHC OPD OPD OPD GH CHC PHC OPD 500 mg GH OPD 200 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 250 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 500 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 200 mg/ 100 ml GH CHC PHC 500 mg + 600 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 100 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 500 mg GH OPD 125 mg/5 ml,30ml GH OPD 40 mg/ ml, GH CHC PHC IPD IPD Page 21 Gentamyci n 116 64 117 118 Metronidaz ole 119 120 65 121 (sulphate) 2 ml vial Tablet 200 mg GH CHC PHC Tablet 400 mg GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre 800 mg + 160 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 200 mg GH CHC PHC 2%,30 gm 1% w/v,15ml GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre OPD GH CHC PHC OPD 150 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 200mg GH OPD 50 mg GH OPD Injection Suspension Sulfametho xazole + trimethopr im (Cotrimoxa zole) Tablet Tablet 500 mg/ 100ml 200 mg/50 ml 100 mg +20 mg Sub OPD centre Sub OPD centre IPD 6.3 Antifungal medicines 122 66 123 124 Pessaries Clotrimazol Cream e Solution 125 67 126 Fluconazol e 127 Capsule/Tabl et Capsule/Tabl et Dispersible Tablet 6.4 Antiviral medicines(Antiherpes medicines) 68 128 129 CHC CHC PHC PHC OPD OPD Tinidazole Tablet 500 mg GH CHC 7. ANTIMIGRAINE MEDICINES FOR ACUTE ATTACK Flunarazin Tablet 10 mg GH e 8. ANTIPARKINSONISM MEDICINES Tablet Trihexyphe (hydrochlorid 2 mg GH nidyl e) 9. MEDICINES AFFECTING THE BLOOD PHC OPD Acyclovir Tablet Tablet 200 mg 400 mg GH GH 6.5 Antiprotozoal medicines 69 130 70 131 71 132 OPD OPD Page 22 9.1 Antianaemia medicines 133 134 72 135 136 Ferrous salt Ferrous salt (sulphate) Ferrous salt (Iron sucrose) Ferrous salt (Iron sorbitol citric acid complex) Tablet Oral solution OPD GH OPD 20mg/ml GH IPD Injection 100 mg/ ml GH IPD Tablet 138 Tablet Large 139 Tablet Medium 73 GH Injection 137 Ferrous sulphate + Folic acid Equivalent to 100 mg elemental iron Equivalent to 25 mg iron /ml 140 Tablet Small 141 Syrup 142 Drops Equivalent to 60 mg iron + 400 mcg folic acid Equivalent to 100 mg iron + 500 mcg folic acid Equivalent to 45 mg iron + 400 mcg folic acid Equivalent to 20 mg iron + 100 mcg folic acid Equivalent to 100 mg elemental iron + 500 mcg folic acid per 5 ml GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre GH OPD Page 23 74 75 143 144 145 146 76 147 148 77 149 78 150 79 151 80 152 153 154 155 81 156 82 157 158 83 159 Folic acid Tablet 5mg GH CHC PHC 9.2 Medicines affecting coagulation Tablet 500 mg GH CHC PHC Ethamsylat Tablet 250 mg GH CHC PHC e 250 mg/2 Injection GH CHC PHC ml 9.2 Medicines affecting Coagulation(Complementary) LMW Injection GH Heparin (LMW) 10 mg/ml, 1 ml GH CHC PHC ampoule, Menadion Sodium Injection 1 mg/0.5 Bisulphite ml water GH CHC PHC based single dose Purified Freeze – Dried Human Injection 250 IU GH Coagulatio n Factor VIII, Virus inactivated 10. BLOOD PRODUCTS AND PLASMA SUBSTITUTES Plasma Volume Injection 500ml GH CHC PHC Expander 11. CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINES 11.1 Antianginal medicines Atenolol Tablet 50 mg GH CHC PHC Tablet 30 mg GH Diltiazem Tablet 60 mg GH Injection 5 mg/ml GH 500 Tablet microgram GH CHC PHC (sublingual) s Glycerine Glycerine 0.5 mg GH trinitrate trinitrate SR Injection (Nitro 5 mg/ ml GH Glycerine) Isosorbide Tablet 5 mg GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre OPD OPD IPD IPD Sub centre IPD IPD IPD Sub centre IPD OPD OPD OPD IPD IPD IPD IPD IPD Page 24 OT 160 84 161 86 162 163 164 87 165 88 166 89 167 168 90 169 91 170 92 171 93 172 94 96 173 174 175 176 97 177 85 95 99 178 179 180 100 181 98 182 101 183 mononitrat e Isosorbide dinitrate Tablet 20 mg (SR) GH CHC PHC IPD Tablet 5 mg GH CHC PHC IPD (sublingual) Tablet 25 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Metoprolol Tablet 50 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Carvediolol Tablet 3.125 mg GH OPD 11.2 Antiarrhythmic medicines Adenosine (Phosphate Injection 3 mg/ ml GH IPD ) Digoxin Tablet 0.25 mg GH CHC OPD 11.3 Antihypertensive medicines Tablet 5 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Amlodipine Tablet 10 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Enalapril Tablet 5 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Maleate Hydrochlor Tablet 25 mg GH CHC PHC OPD othiazide Methyldop Tablet 250 mg GH CHC PHC OPD a Losartan Tablet 50 mg GH CHC PHC OPD HCL Nifedipine Tablet (SR) 20 mg GH OPD Tablet 2.5 mg GH OPD Ramipril Tablet 5 mg GH OPD Labetalol Tablet 100 mg GH CHC OPD Telmisarta Tablet 40mg GH OPD n HCL Methyldopa & Labetalol is listed for use in the management of pregnancy-induced hypertension only. Its use in the treatment of essential hypertension is not recommended in view of the availability of more evidence of efficacy and safety of other medicines. 11.5 Antithrombotic medicines 75 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Acetylsalic Tablet ylic acid Tablet 150 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Clopidogrel Tablet 75 mg GH CHC OPD 11.6 Thrombolytic Streptokin Injection 1500000 GH IPD ase powder IU Tablet 10 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Atorvastati n Tablet 20 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Page 25 102 184 185 103 186 104 187 105 188 106 189 107 190 108 191 109 192 110 193 111 194 112 195 113 196 114 197 115 198 116 199 11.7 Anti Fibrinolytic & Presser Agent 500 mg/5 Injection ml Tranexane mic Acid Tablet 500 mg GH CHC GH CHC Mephenter Injection 30 mg/ml GH mine 12. DERMATOLOGICAL MEDICINES (topical) 12.1 Antifungal medicines Cream 2%,15gm GH CHC PHC Miconazole (nitrate) Clindamyci 1% Cream GH n w/w,10gm 12.1 Skin(Complementary) Clobetasol + 0.05% + Ointment GH CHC PHC Gentamyci 0.1 %, 5gm n Permethrin (Only for Cream 5%, 30 gm GH CHC PHC scabies) 12.2 Anti-infective medicines Acyclovir Cream 5% GH Silver Sub sulfadiazin Cream 1%,250mg GH CHC PHC centre e 12.3 Anti-inflammatory and antipruritic medicines Cream Betametha (Dipropionate 0.1% GH CHC PHC sone ) Calamine Lotion 8% GH CHC lotion Fluticasone Ointment 0.005% GH 12.4 Medicines affecting skin differentiation and proliferation Momaetaso 0.1%, 15 Lotion ne Furoate ml GH Fluocinolo ne Ointment 0.1% GH Acetonide Benzoyl 2.5%, 10 Gel Per Oxide gm GH 12.5 Scabicides and pediculicides Gamma Sub Lotion 1%, 100 ml GH CHC PHC Benzene centre IPD OPD OT OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD Page 26 200 117 201 118 202 119 203 204 Solution 205 Solution 206 120 207 208 209 121 210 211 122 212 123 213 214 124 Hexachlori Cream 1%, 25 gm de 13. DISINFECTANTS AND ANTISEPTICS 13.1 Antiseptics Hydrogen Solution 1% Peroxide 20% conc. Cetrimide Solution for dilution Chlorhexidi 5% conc. Solution ne for dilution 215 125 216 126 217 127 218 Povidone iodine Solution 5%,500ml, 10%, 500 ml 5%,5 litre CHC PHC GH CHC PHC OT GH CHC PHC OT GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC OT OT GH OT CHC PHC 5%,15gm GH CHC PHC Ointment 5%,250 gm GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC 7.5%, 500 ml 13.1 Antiseptics(Complementary) 1%, 100 Cream gm Framycetin Cream 1 % 20gm 13.2 Disinfectants Bleaching Powder powder Glutraldeh Solution 2% / 2.4% yde 14. MEDICINES FOR UROLOGY 14.1 DIURETICS Tablet 40 mg Furosemid 10 mg/ml e Injection 2-ml ampoule Injectable 20%, 350 Mannitol solution ml Spironolact Tablet 25 mg one 14.2 Medicines for BPH Tamsulosin Hydrochlor Tablet 0.4 mg ide Sub centre Sub centre GH Ointment Scrub Sub OPD centre GH OT Sub centre Sub OPD centre Sub centre GH IPD IPD GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC GH GH IPD OPD Sub centre OT IPD OPD IPD IPD OPD CHC OPD Page 27 128 219 129 220 130 221 222 131 223 132 224 133 225 Tamsulosin + 0.4 mg + Tablet GH Dutasterid 0.5 mg e Flavoxate Hydrochlor Tablet 200 mg GH ide 14.3 Alkalising Solution Disodium 1.38 Hydrogen Suspension GH gm/100 ml Citrate 15. GASTROINTESTINAL MEDICINES 15.1 Antacids and other antiulcer medicines Aluminium 250 mg Chewable hydroxide +250 mg + GH Tablet + 25 mg magnesium 300 mg+ hydroxide Oral 150 mg+ + GH suspension 40 mg/ 5 Simethicon ml, 180 ml e Aluminium hydroxide + magnesium 240 hydroxide Chewable mg+100 GH + Tablet mg+25 mg Simethicon +60 mg e+ magnesium Carbonate Omeprazol Capsule 20 mg GH e 226 134 CHC OPD CHC PHC OPD CHC PHC OPD CHC PHC OPD CHC PHC OPD CHC PHC OPD Sub OPD centre Tablet (HCL) 150 mg GH CHC PHC Injection 25 mg/ml in 2-ml amp GH CHC PHC Tablet 10 mg GH CHC PHC Suspension 1 mg/ ml, 30ml GH CHC PHC Tablet 25 mg GH CHC PHC Ranitidine 227 OPD IPD 15.2 Antiemetic medicines 228 135 229 136 230 Domperido ne Cinnarizine Sub OPD centre Sub OPD centre OPD Page 28 231 137 232 138 139 233 234 235 236 237 238 140 239 240 141 241 142 242 143 243 144 244 245 145 246 Metoclopra mide Ondansetr on Tablet (Hydrochlorid e) Injection (hydrochlorid e) Tablet Injection Tablet Tablet Injection Tablet (hydrochlorid e) Elixir or syrup Promethazi (hcl) ne Injection (hydrochlorid e) 10 mg GH CHC PHC 5 mg/ ml in GH 2-ml amp CHC PHC PHC OPD IPD 5 mg 12.5 mg/ml 4 mg 8 mg 2 mg/ ml 2ml ampoule GH GH GH GH CHC CHC CHC PHC PHC IPD IPD IPD GH CHC PHC IPD 25 mg GH CHC PHC OPD 5 mg/ 5 ml GH CHC PHC OPD 25 mg/ml in 2-ml amp GH CHC PHC GH CHC GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC Doxylamin Tablet 10 mg e succinate 15.3 Antihaemorrhoidal medicines Local anaesthetic , astringent and Ointment or antisuppository inflammato ry medicines 15.4 Antispasmodic medicines Tablet Dicyclomin (hydrochlorid 10 mg e e) Mephenam ic Acid + 500 mg Tablet Dicyclomin +20 mg e Tablet 80 mg Drotaverin 40 mg/ 2 e Injection ml OPD IPD OPD IPD Page 29 146 247 248 147 249 148 250 251 149 252 253 150 254 151 255 152 256 257 258 153 154 259 155 260 156 261 262 157 263 Hyoscine Tablet 10 mg butyl Injection 20 mg/ ml bromide 15.5 Laxatives Bisacodyl Tablet 5 mg Milk of 11.25 ml + Magnesia 3.75 ml/ 15 Suspension +Liquid ml (50 ml Paraffin Packing) 15.6 Medicines used in Diarrhoea Powder for As per IP Oral solution rehydratio Powder for n salts For 200 ml solution Tablet 20 mg (Sulphate) Zinc Suspension 20 mg/5 (Sulphate) ml 16. HORMONES 16.1 Insulins and other antidiabetic Glibenclam Tablet 5 mg ide Glimipride Tablet 1 mg Tablet 40 mg * Gliclazide Tablet 80 mg Biphasic Isophane (R-DNA Injection 40 I.U/ml origin 30/70 Insulin 40 IU/ml in Injection (soluble) 10 ml vial Intermedia te-acting insulin (Lente) Injection Tablet (hydrochlorid e) Metformin Tablet (hydrochlorid e) 16.2 Ovulation inducers GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH GH GH CHC CHC CHC IPD Sub centre Sub centre Sub centre Sub centre OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD GH IPD GH IPD 40 IU/ml in GH 10 ml vial IPD 500 mg GH 1 gm SR GH CHC PHC OPD OPD Page 30 158 264 159 265 160 266 161 267 162 268 163 269 164 270 271 272 165 273 166 274 167 275 168 276 Tablet (citrate) 16.3 Progestogens Medroxypr ogesterone Tablet acetate Progestero Tablet ne Clomifene 50 mg GH OPD 10mg GH OPD 100 mg GH OPD Norethister Tablet 5 mg GH OPD one 16.4 Thyroid hormones and antithyroid medicines Levothyrox Tablet 50 mcg GH CHC PHC OPD ine (sodium) Carbimazol Tablet 5 mg GH OPD e 17. IMMUNOLOGICALS 17.1 Diagnostic agents All tuberculins should comply with the WHO Requirements Tuberculin, purified 2 T.U./0.1 protein Injection GH IPD ml derivative (PPD) 17.2 Sera and immunoglobulins All plasma fractions should comply with the WHO Requirements for the Collection, Processing and Quality Control of Blood, Blood Components and Plasma Derivatives. Anti-RHO50 mcg / Injection GH CHC PHC IPD D vial Immunoglo 150 Injection GH IPD bulin(Hum mcg/vial an) Injection (Polyclonal 300mcg/vi Injection GH CHC PHC IPD ) al (Thiomersa l Free) 17.3 For specific groups of individuals Tetanus 0.5 ml Sub Injection GH CHC PHC IPD vaccine Ampoule centre 1 % vial, 10 Hepatitis B Sub Injection mg/ml, 10 GH CHC PHC IPD vaccine centre ml vial Anti Injection ID 1 ml GH CHC PHC IPD Page 31 277 169 278 170 279 171 280 172 281 173 282 283 174 284 175 285 176 286 177 287 178 288 179 289 180 290 Rabies vaccine (ChickInjection IM 0.5 ml GH CHC PHC IPD Embryo/Ve rocell/Hum an Diploid) 18. MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY ACTING) AND CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS Atracurium Injection besylate Succinyl Choline Injection Vial 10 mg/ ml GH OT 50 mg/ml GH OT 500 mcg/ Injection ml in 1 ml GH amp 19. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS 19.1 Anti-infective agents Chloramph Ointment 1% GH enicol Neostigmin e (methyl) Ciprofloxac in Drops 0.3% GH Ointment 0.3% GH Ciprofloxac in + 0.3% Eye Drops GH Dexametha +0.1% sone Tobramyci 0.3%w/v, 5 Eye drops GH n ml Moxifloxaci 0.5%w/v, 5 Eye drops GH n ml 19.3 Anti-inflammatory agents Prednisolo Eye drops 1% GH ne (sodium phosphate) Flurbiprofe Eye Drop 0.03% GH n Flouromet Eye drops 0.1% w/v GH halone 19.5 Miotics and antiglaucoma medicines Acetazolam Tablet 250 mg GH OT CHC PHC CHC PHC Sub OPD centre Sub OPD centre OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD Page 32 ide 181 182 291 292 293 183 294 184 295 185 296 186 297 187 298 188 299 300 Pilocarpine (hydrochlo ride or nitrate) Timolol (maleate) Eye drops Eye drops Eye drops 19.6 Mydriatics Cyclopento Eye Drop late Tropicamid e+ Eye Drops Phenyleph erine 19.7 Lubricating Hydroxypr opyl Injection mehtylcell ulose 19.8 Anti Allergic Anti Eye Drops Allergic Disodium Cromoglyc Eye Drops ate 20. NASAL ENT Drops Xylometaz Drops oline 2% 0.25% , 5 ml 0.5%, 5 ml GH OPD GH OPD GH OPD 1% w/w GH IPD 0.8% + 5% GH IPD 2% GH IPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC OPD 0.05%, GH CHC PHC OPD 0.1% GH CHC PHC OPD 189 301 Saline Nasal Drops 0.6% GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre 190 302 Glycerin Solution 500 gm bottle GH CHC PHC OPD 303 Paradichlor benzene + Benzocain + Ear Drops Chlorbutol + Turpentine Oil 2 % + 2.7 %+5%+ 15 % GH CHC PHC OPD 191 Page 33 192 304 193 305 306 194 307 195 308 196 309 197 310 198 311 312 199 313 314 200 201 315 316 Chloremph enicol +Beclomet hasone 5 % w/v + dipropoina 0.025% te Ear Drops w/v + 1 % +Clotrimaz w/v + 2 % ole + w/v lignocaine Hydrochlor ide HCL Clotrimazol Ear Drops e 21. OXYTOCICS AND ANTIOXYTOCICS 21.1 Oxytocics Methyl ergometrin e Tablet 125 mcg GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC Sub OPD centre CHC PHC Sub centre IPD CHC PHC Sub centre IPD 200 mcg in Injection 1 ml GH ampoule 5 IU in 1 ml Oxytocin Injection GH ampoule 21.1 Oxytocics (Complementary) 25 Carboprost Injection mg/ml(250 GH mcg) Dinoprosto 0.5 mg, 3 Gel GH ne gm Mifepriston Tablet 200 mg GH e Tablet 25 mcg GH Misoprosto Tablet 200 mcg GH l 21.2 Antioxytocics Tablet 10 mg GH Isoxsuprin e Injection 5 mg/ ml GH (hydrochlo ride) Valethemat Injection 8mg/ml GH e 22. PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC MEDICINES 22.1 Medicines used in psychotic disorders IPD IPD CHC OPD IPD Sub centre CHC PHC IPD CHC PHC CHC PHC IPD CHC PHC IPD OPD Page 34 202 203 317 318 319 204 320 205 321 206 322 207 323 208 324 209 325 210 326 212 327 328 329 213 330 214 331 215 332 216 333 211 Chlorprom azine (hydrochlo ride) Fluphenazi ne (Decanoate ) Haloperido l Tablet 50 mg GH Injection 25 mg, 1 ml ampoule GH Tablet Injection 5 mg 5 mg , 1 ml ampoule GH GH OPD IPD OPD IPD Risperidon Tablet 2gm GH OPD e Quetiapine Tablet SR 50 mg GH OPD 22.2 Medicines used in depressive disorders Amitriptyli ne Tablet 10 mg GH CHC OPD (hydrochlo ride) Fluoxetine (hydrochlo Capsule 20 mg GH CHC PHC OPD ride) Sertraline Tablet (SR) 50 mg GH OPD 22.3 Medicines used in bipolar disorders Lithium Tablet 300 mg GH OPD carbonate 22.4 Medicines used in generalized anxiety and sleep disorders Tablet 0.25 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Alprazolam Tablet 0.5 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Donepezil Tablet 5 mg GH OPD Clonazepa Tablet 0.5mg GH OPD m 22.5 Medicines used for Deaddiction Bupropion Tablet 150mg GH OPD Buprenorp Tablet 0.4mg GH OPD hine (Sublingual) 23. MEDICINES ACTING ON THE RESPIRATORY TRACT 23.1 Antiasthmatic and medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cough Expectoren Salbutamol t 2 mg + Syrup GH CHC PHC OPD (Salbutamo Bromhexin l 2 mg + e 4 mg Bromhexin Page 35 e 4 mg) Inhalation – aerosol 334 217 335 Salbutamol 336 218 337 Beclometh asone + Salbutamol 338 219 339 340 220 341 342 221 343 344 222 345 346 223 347 224 348 225 349 226 350 Suspension Nebulizer solution (sulphate) 5 mg/ ml Inhalation (MDI) Tablet Etophylline Tablet + Theophylli ne Injection Budesonid e 100 microgram s/ dose 2 mg/5 ml Nebulizer solution GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC GH 115 mg + 35 mg, 231 mg + 69 mg 169.4 mg + 56.6 mg/2 ml 15 ml vial IPD OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC OPD GH CHC PHC GH CHC IPD IPD Tablet 2 mg GH CHC PHC OPD (sulphate) Salbutamol Tablet 4 mg GH CHC PHC OPD (sulphate) 24. SOLUTIONS CORRECTING WATER, ELECTROLYTE AND ACID-BASE DISTURBANCES 24.1 Parenteral Injectable 5%, Sub GH CHC PHC IPD solution isotonic centre 10% Glucose/de Injectable GH IPD solution isotonic xtrose Injectable 25% GH IPD Glucose 5% glucose with Injectable + 0.9% sodium GH CHC PHC IPD solution sodium chloride/sa chloride line Isolyte – P Injection GH CHC PHC IPD Potassium Injectable 11.2% in GH IPD chloride solution 20ml Ringer Injectable IV Sub GH CHC PHC IPD lactate solution centre Page 36 227 351 228 352 229 353 230 354 231 355 356 Sodium Injectable IV bicarbonat 7.5% solution e Sodium Injectable 0.9% chloride solution isotonic 24.2 Miscellaneous Water for 5ml Injection injection ampoule 25. VITAMINS AND MINERALS Ascorbic Tablet 500 mg acid Calcium salts Tablet 500 mg Syrup GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC PHC GH CHC PHC GH Sub OPD centre OPD OPD 232 357 Pyridoxine HCl Tablet 10 mg GH 233 358 Vitamin A Suspension 100000 IU/ml GH CHC PHC 234 359 360 361 Multi Vitamin Syrup Injection Drops GH GH GH CHC CHC CHC PHC PHC PHC 362 B-Complex Tablet GH CHC PHC 235 363 236 364 365 237 366 367 238 368 369 239 370 240 371 372 373 241 374 OPD Sub OPD centre OPD IPD OPD Sub OPD centre Cholecalcifero 1000 IU GH CHC PHC OPD l sachets Vitamin D Drops 4000IU GH CHC PHC OPD Tablet 60000 IU GH CHC PHC OPD (Chewable) 26. ANTIMALARIAL MEDICINES (TO BE PROCURED AT STATE LEVEL) Tablet 50 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Artesunate Injection 60 mg/ml GH CHC 80 mg/ml, Artemether Injection GH CHC 1 ml amp Sub 150 mg Chloroquin Tablet GH CHC PHC Centr OPD base e e (Phosphate 50 mg/ 5 ) Suspension GH CHC OPD ml 2.5 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Primaquine Tablet (Diphospha Tablet 7.5 mg GH CHC PHC OPD te) Tablet 15 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Quinine 300 mg/ (Dihydroch Injection ml, 2ml GH CHC loride) ampoule IPD IPD IPD Page 37 242 375 Sulfadoxine + Tablet Pyrimetha mine 500 mg + 25 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Page 38 Page 39 Schedule D Revised Haryana EML( Drugs Approved for Local Purchase) Total Drugs = 44 Total Components = 52 * All the drugs to be dispensed in OPD will be made available in IPD as and when required. * All drugs in OPD,IPD should be made available in OT as and when required. * The column IPD combines the drugs to be made available at different work stations of the hospital like wards,injection room,Labour Room, emergency department,ICU,SNCU,minor OT or any other. Drugs Sr. No. Comp. Sr. No. Medicines Dosage Forms Strength Category GH CHC Usage PHC/ Sub UD centre OPD IPD OT 1. ANAESTHETICS 1.1 General anesthetics and oxygen 1 1 Nitrous oxide Inhalation GH 2 2 Oxygen Inhalation (medicina l gas) GH CHC GH CHC OT PHC Sub centre OT 1.2 Local anaesthetics 3 3 4 Lignocaine Hydrochlori de Injection ( 2%, 2 ml Heavy) vial OT 4%, 30 ml GH vial 2. ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDICINES (NSAIMs), MEDICINES USED TO TREAT GOUT AND DISEASE MODIFYING AGENTS IN RHEUMATOID DISORDERS (DMARDs) Injection 2.3 Medicines used to treat gout 4 5 Allopurinol Tablet 100 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Page 40 OT 3. ANTIALLERGICS AND MEDICINES USED IN ANAPHYLAXIS 5 6 6 7 Methyl Prednisolon e Adrenaline Injection 1 gm vial GH Injection 1 mg/ml (1:1000) ( GH 1 ml ampoule) IPD CHC PHC IPD 4. ANTIDOTES AND OTHER SUBSTANCES USED IN POISONING 4.1 Non-specific 8 7 9 Charcoal activated Tablet 250 mg Tablet 500 mg GH IPD GH IPD 4.2 Specific 8 10 Calcium gluconate Injection 9 11 Naloxone Injection (hydrochl oride) 100 mg/ml, 10 ml amp 400 mcg,1ml ampoule 10 12 Pralidoxime (PAM) Injection 1 gm vial GH CHC GH GH IPD IPD CHC IPD 4.2 Specific (Complementary) 11 13 12 14 13 15 Disodium Edetate Penicillamin e Deferiprone (Iron Chelator) Injection 150 mg/mL ,2ml ampoule GH IPD Capsule/ Tablet 250 mg GH IPD Tablet/ca psule 250 mg GH IPD 5. ANTICONVULSANTS/ANTIEPILEPTICS Page 41 14 16 Clobazam Tablet 10 mg GH OPD 6. ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES 6.2.1 Beta Lactam Medicines(Complementary) 17 15 18 Ceftazidime (pentahydra te) Injection powder 250 mg GH IPD Injection powder 1 g vial GH IPD 250 mg GH OPD 6.3 Antifungal medicines 16 19 Griseofulvin Tablet 8. ANTIPARKINSONISM MEDICINES 20 17 21 Levodopa + Carbidopa Tablet 100 mg + 10 mg GH OPD Tablet 250 mg +25 mg GH OPD 8. ANTIPARKINSONISM MEDICINES(Complementary) 18 22 Bromocripti ne Tablet (mesylate ) 2.5 mg GH OPD 9. MEDICINES AFFECTING THE BLOOD 9.2 Medicines affecting coagulation 19 23 24 20 25 Heparin sodium Warfarin (sodium) Injection 5000 IU/ ml GH Tablet 2 mg GH OPD Tablet 5 mg GH OPD IPD 9.2 Medicines affecting Coagulation(Complementary) 21 26 Protamine sulphate (Heparin Injection 10 mg/ml, 5ml GH IPD Page 42 Antagonist) ampoule 11. CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINES 11.1 Antianginal medicines 27 22 Tablet 10 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Tablet 40 mg GH CHC PHC OPD Propranolol 28 11.2 Antiarrhythmic medicines 23 29 Amiodarone Tablet 100 mg GH IPD 24 30 Verapamil 40 mg GH IPD Tablet 11.3 Antihypertensive medicines 25 31 Nifedipine Capsule(S 5 mg ublingual) GH IPD 26 32 Labetolol Injection GH IPD 20 mg Methyldopa & Labetalol is listed for use in the management of pregnancy-induced hypertension only. Its use in the treatment of essential hypertension is not recommended in view of the availability of more evidence of efficacy and safety of other medicines. 11.4 Medicines used in heart failure 27 28 33 34 Dobutamine Injection Dopamine Injection (hydrochl oride) 125 mg/ 5 ml 40 mg/ ml in 5ml Ampoule GH GH IPD CHC IPD 12. DERMATOLOGICAL MEDICINES (topical) 12.1 Skin(Complementary) 29 35 Trichloroace Crystal tic Acid GH OT Page 43 12.2 Anti-infective medicines 36 30 37 Potassium permangana te Aqueous solution 1 : 10 000 GH CHC PHC IPD Crystal 100 gm GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC PHC IPD GH CHC 14. MEDICINES FOR UROLOGY 14.3 Alkalising(Complementary) 31 38 Sodium Bicarbonate Injection 7.5% 15. GASTROINTESTINAL MEDICINES 15.5 Laxatives 32 39 Glycerine Saline Enema IPD 16. HORMONES 16.4 Thyroid hormones and antithyroid medicines 33 40 Propylthiour Tablet acil 50 mg GH OPD 17. IMMUNOLOGICALS 17.2 Sera and immunoglobulins 34 41 35 42 36 43 Anti Rabies 3000 IU Immunoglob Injection GH IPD /ml ulin 18. MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY ACTING) AND CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS Vecuronium 4 mg Dry (bromide Injection Powder/ GH powder ) Ampoule Recronium 10 mg/ Injection GH Bromide ml 19. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS Page 44 OT OT 19.1 Anti-infective agents 37 44 Acylovir Eye Oint 5%, 5 gm GH OPD GH OPD 19.2 Anti Fungal 38 45 Natamycin Eye Drops 2% 19.4 Miscellaneous 39 46 Hyaluronida se 40 47 Tryphen Blue Dye Injection 1500 IU/ ml GH OT GH OT 19.6 Mydriatics 41 48 49 42 50 Atropine (sulphate) Homatropin e Drops 1% GH IPD Ointment 1% GH IPD Eye Drops 1% GH IPD 23. MEDICINES ACTING ON THE RESPIRATORY TRACT 23.1 Antiasthmatic and medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 43 51 Aminophylli ne 44 52 Ipratropium Nebulizin bromide – g Solution aerosol Injection 25 mg/ ml, 10 ml ampoule GH GH CHC IPD IPD Page 45 Schedule E List of Drugs from STG approved for Local Purchase Sr No. Sub Sr. No. Name of Drug 1 A.1 Tab Nicorandil 2 A.2 Tab Cyclizine 3 A.3 Cap Pancreatin 170 mg 4 A.4 Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin 3000-5000U 5 A.5 Tab Nimodipin 6 A.6 Human Immunoglobulin 7 A.7 Tab Cyclosporin A 8 A.8 Tab Pyridium 9 A.9 Tab Duloxetine 10 A.10 Capsaicin Cream 0.025-0.075% 11 A.11 Tab Sodium & potassium phosphate 1-1.5 mg 12 A.12 Tab Flucytosine 13 A.13 Hydrocortisone enema 14 A.14 Inj. Pancuronium 15 A.15 Inj sodium iodide 1gm 16 A.16 Sodium Poilstyrene sulphonate solution 10% 17 A.17 Inj. Flumazenil 18 A.18 Ethyl alocohol 19 A.19 Inj. Desferrioxamine 20 A.20 Inj Thiamine Page 46 21 A.21 Inj. Pyridoxin 22 A.22 Syrup Ipecac 23 A.23 Inj. Fomipezole 24 A.24 Inj Paraldehyde 25 A.25 Sodium thiosulphate 25% solution 26 A.26 Sodium nitrite 3% soln 27 A.27 Inj. Methylene blue 28 A.28 Inj. Physostigmine 0.56 mg 29 A.29 N-acetyl cysteine oral 30 A.30 Zinc oxide paste (Petroleum jelly 50%, zinc oxide 50%) 31 A.31 Hydrocortisone -17 butyrate ointment or cream 32 A.32 Salicyclic acid 3 % 33 A.33 Silver nitrate sol 0.25% 34 A.34 Retinoic acid Cream/Gel 0.25% 35 A.35 Intralesional Triamcinolone 10mg/ml 36 A.36 Intralesional Triamcinolone acetonide injections 37 A.37 Halcinoide ointment 38 A.38 Tar (6% in white vaseline) topical solution 39 A.39 Modified kligman formula contain Hydrocortisone 1`%, Hydroquinone 2%, Tretinoin 0.025 % 40 A.40 Hydroquinone cream/lotion 5% 41 A.41 Glycolic acid cream 6-12% 42 A.42 Topical psoralen photochemotherapy 43 A.43 Tab. Methoxsalen 10 mg Page 47 44 A.44 Nephazolin Eye drop 45 A.45 Chlormycetin Eye drop 46 A.46 Dexamethasone eyedrops 0.01% 47 A.47 Natamycin 5% suspension 48 A.48 Acyclovir 3% Eye Ointment 49 A.49 Tab Mementin HCL 50 A.50 Tab Naloxone 51 A.51 Tab Sildenafil 52 A.52 Inj Testosterone Enanthate 53 A.53 Tab Disulfiram 54 A.54 Tab Naltrexaone 55 A.55 Tab Acamprosate 56 A.56 Tab Tibolone 57 A.57 Tab Colchicine 58 A.58 Tab Risedronate 5 mg 59 A.59 Tab Risedronate 35 mg 60 A.60 Diazepam Rectal liquid 61 A.61 Calcium gluconate 10% solution 62 A.62 10 % Ichthamol in glycerin soaked wick pack 63 A.63 Antibiotic steroid wick pack (Polymyxin B sulphate 500 IU, Neomycin sulphate 3400 IU,Zinc bacitracin 400 IU, HydrocORtisone 10 mg/g) 64 A.64 Tab Ambroxol 75mg 65 A.65 Syrup Ambroxol 66 A.66 Tab Mefloquine Page 48 67 A.67 Tab Osltamivir 68 A.68 Syp. Osltamivir 12 mg /ml 69 A.69 Tab Clarithromycin 70 A.70 Tab Pyrimethamine + Tab Sulphadiazine 71 A.71 Inj Penicillin G 72 A.72 Tab Quinine 73 A.73 Inj Cloxacillin 74 A.74 Inj Acyclovir 75 A.75 Inj Pentamidine Isoethionate 76 A.76 Inj. Nafcillin 77 A.77 Inj Clindamycin 78 A.78 Inj Benzathin Benzylpencillin 79 A.79 Inj. Cefoxitin B. List of Drugs from STG having alternative in Haryana EML Sr. No. Sub Sr. No. Drug Name 80 B. 1 Tablet Betahistine 8 mg 81 B. 2 Tablet Betahistine 16 mg 82 B. 3 Inj. Fosphenytoin 83 B. 4 Inj. sodium valporate 84 B. 5 Terbutaline by aerosol Inhale 85 B. 6 1% Silver nitrate cream 86 B. 7 Hartman solution 87 B. 8 Tab Frusemide 20 mg+ Spironolactone 50 88 B. 9 Tab Benzthiazide 25 mg + Triamterene 50 mg Page 49 89 B. 10 Tab Idapamide 90 B. 11 Tab Lisinopril 91 B. 12 Tab Prazosin 92 B. 13 Tab Clonidine 93 B. 14 Inj. Nitroprusside 94 B. 15 Inj Hydralazine 95 B. 16 Inj phentolamine 96 B. 17 Inj Digoxin (Rapid digitilization) 97 B. 18 Inj. Verapamil 98 B. 19 Inj. Metoprolol 99 B. 20 Inj. Erythromycin 100 B. 21 CapTetracycline 101 B. 22 Hydrocortisone pellets 102 B. 23 Tab Mosapride 103 B. 24 Cap Lansoprazole 104 B. 25 Tab Pentoprazole 20mg 105 B. 26 Tab Pentoprazole 40 mg 106 B. 27 Magnesium sulphate suspension 107 B. 28 Tab Sodium picosulphate 108 B. 29 Isotonic polyethylene glycol (PEG) soln 109 B. 30 Tab Mebavaerine hcl 110 B. 31 Tab Propanthaline hcl 111 B. 32 Tab Mesalazine 112 B. 33 Tab Osalazine Page 50 113 B. 34 Tab Atovaquone 114 B. 35 Tab Ergotamine 115 B. 36 Tab Ergotamine(1 mg) + Caffeine (100 mg) 116 B. 37 Suppositary Ergotamine(2 mg) + Caffeine (100 mg) 117 B. 38 Tab Sumatriptan 118 B. 39 Inj Sumatriptan 119 B. 40 Tab Topiramate 120 B. 41 Inj. Meropenam 121 B. 42 Glycerol soln 122 B. 43 Tab Rivastigmine 123 B. 44 Tab Pramipixol 124 B. 45 Tab Ropinirole 125 B. 46 Tab Peribidil 126 B. 47 Tab Captopril 127 B. 48 Tab Chlorambucil 128 B. 49 Tab Gabapentin 600 mg 129 B. 50 Tab Gabapentin 75 mg 130 B. 51 Tab Pregabalin 75mg 131 B. 52 Tab Pregabalin 150 mg 132 B. 53 Tab Levocetrizine 133 B. 54 Tab Fexofenadine Hcl 120mg 134 B. 55 Tab Pheniramine Maleate 135 B. 56 Betamethasone nasal drop or 136 B. 57 Budenoside intranasal spray or Page 51 137 B. 58 Tab Betamethasone 138 B. 59 Eye drop Chloramphenicol 1% 139 B. 60 Eye ointment Tetracycline HCL 140 B. 61 Eye drop/ointment Norfloxacin 141 B. 62 Eye drop Olopatadine 142 B. 63 Betaxolol E/D 143 B. 64 Travoprost E/D 144 B. 65 Dorzolamide E/D 145 B. 66 Brimonidine tartrate E/D 146 B. 67 Cefazolin E/D 147 B. 68 Ofloxacin E/D 148 B. 69 Ketoconazole E/D 149 B. 70 Ganciclovir E/D 150 B. 71 Tab Terbinafine 151 B. 72 Cream 1% Ciclopirox 152 B. 73 Cap Itraconazole 153 B. 74 Gel Benzyl peroxide 154 B. 75 Tab Minocycline 155 B. 76 Tab Famcyclovir 156 B. 77 Tab Evening primrose oil 157 B. 78 Tab Trifluoperazine 158 B. 79 Tab Mirtazapine 159 B. 80 Tab Buspirone 160 B. 81 Tab Fluvoxamine Page 52 161 B. 82 Tab Zolpidem 162 B. 83 Tab Oxazepam 163 B. 84 Nicotine gum 164 B. 85 Tab Piroxicam 165 B. 86 Tab Febuxostat 166 B. 87 Inj Vitamin A 167 B. 88 Cap .Vitamin A 168 B. 89 Tab Chloramphenicol 169 B. 90 Inj. Chloramphenicol 170 B. 91 Oral Penicillin V 171 B. 92 Inj. Crystalline penicillin 172 B. 93 Inj. Pentamidine 173 B. 94 Syp Nalidixic acid Page 53