
Exploring the Powerful
Features of PowerPoint
TED 121 Educational Technology
Dr. Steve Broskoske
PowerPoint Is…
Overhead projector
Slide carousel
+ Multimedia capabilities
Presentation software
Other Presentation Software
Google Docs
Purpose of PowerPoint
• The primary purpose of PowerPoint is
to allow a teacher to project
information during a live presentation.
• Most slides consist of bulleted lists of
Why use PowerPoint?
• Text and graphics of overhead projector
• Plus multimedia:
– Animations
– Sounds
– Movies
The best of the old technology,
plus a whole lot more!
Educational benefits?
Hold learner attention.
Provide multisensory instruction.
Provide clear, meaningful examples.
Address multiple learning styles.
Plus many other teaching/learning benefits!
Let’s explore some of the benefits to
Build a Slide
• Place all information on a slide.
• Reveal (build) the slide contents as you are
• Pace the lesson.
• Ask a question:
– What other technology does this resemble?
• Answer: The overhead projector.
Illustrating Your Point
<A HREF = “http://www.misericordia.edu”> Misericordia </A>
URL (Web
address) in
“Hot text” Closing
to appear Anchor
on page.
Tricks with Graphics and Text
You can insert a text box over a
graphic to produce some nice
effects. Here, it looks like this
teacher is writing on the
You can add animations and shapes for
illustration. Look how the animation is more
explanatory than a static image!
Illustrate through Artistic Effect
Easily use drawing tools and background painting to
create effects that illustrate a point or invoke a
sensory experience.
The Process of Making Steel
Steel is forged in very hot ovens. It is heated to several
hundred degrees Fahrenheit! Take the hottest summer day
you have ever known, and multiply by 10!
Add Attention-getting Devices
Add devices to draw attention to, highlight, or
illustrate important concepts, OR add pure attentiongetters.
Point to important information.
Highlight salient points or words.
Call attention to items.
Focus attention through effects.
Add pure attention-getters.
Creating Hypertext
Using text and graphics creates a realistic effect. Click on the
hyperlink below. It is real hypertext. It really works!
(Clicking a hyperlink will open up a Web browser. Close the
browser window to return to PowerPoint.)
Go to MU’s Web page.
Write/Draw on a Slide
You can use the electronic pen to draw or write
on a slide during a presentation.
Record Lecture Notes
• In the editing mode, record notes for
instructor use during a presentation.
• Will not be seen by students.
• Print out with a picture of slide to use when
Print Handouts
• Print handouts from slides.
– Eliminate need for students to copy everything.
– Allow students to focus on you.
– Allows students to take home the teacher’s
• Choose from the following formats:
– 2, 4, 6, 9 slides on a piece of paper
– 3 slides (with lines to take notes)
Hyperlink to Web Sites
Using hypertext or action buttons, create active
links to Web sites. All the work is done in
advance to eliminate technology concerns during
the presentation.
Misericordia Home Page
PA Department of Education
Run Other PC Applications
Use action buttons to open documents (in Word),
spreadsheets (in Excel), and databases (in Access).
Run any software application on the computer.
Again, this eliminates concerns about technology
during the presentation.
Open Microsoft Word
Add Interactivity
Use simple devices to add interactivity to a
presentation. Imagine how these devices can be used
in the K-12 environment!
Read about lions.
See and hear a lion.
Answer a question.
Read about lions!
• The lion is known as the “king of the
• Many lions roam free in the country of
• Lions make a loud roaring sound!
See and hear a lion!
Answer a question.
In which area of the world do lions primarily
• North America
• Africa
• Europe
Link to a Video
Finishing Touches
• Finally, you can “fancy up” your
presentation by adding transitions between
• For example, watch closely as you advance
to the next slide…
Finishing Touches
• What do you think of this slide transition?
Pretty cool?
Benefits to Faculty
• Easy to edit/update.
• Upload to Web site/Blackboard.
• Save as a Web presentation.
to create.
Think of the Possibilities…
• Support classroom presentations.
• Prepare handouts for students.
• Prepare electronic handout for students with
links to Web sites and other resources.
• Further…
Think of the Possibilities…
• Have students use PowerPoint as a
multimedia canvas to create an electronic
submission instead of a poster or a paper.
• Use PowerPoint as “glue” to assemble a
multimedia lesson.
Dr. Steve’s
Technology Philosophy
I. Technology is fun &
II. Technology can be a
powerful teaching tool!
So relax, be creative, and have fun!
Written and Directed by
Dr. Steve Broskoske
Inspired by Sr. Pat and the entire
TED faculty.
Click the mouse one more time to end the presentation.
Enjoy PowerPoint!!!!!!!!