Describe and Evaluate Sigmund Freud's theory of Psycho

Psych Formative Assessment (HALF-TERMLY)
Submit your work for formal assessment by inserting the files into a copy
of this Word document. The contents, in order, should be:
1. This Page 1 coversheet, completed.
2. Page 2 of the coversheet, completed.
3. First draft of the work, with peer feedback comments on. (This may
be two copies for two different sets of feedback.)
4. Page 3 of the coversheet, completed.
5. Draft 2 of the work, if relevant.
6. Page 4 of the coversheet, completed.
7. Draft 3 of the work (call it this whether you did draft 2 or not.) This
is the draft your teacher will comment on and return.
8. Final draft (draft 4.)
9. Page 5 of the coversheet, completed with grades.
Candidate name:
Jesse Creaven
Exam level:
Unit and / or topic:
Last term’s graded piece:
Target grade:
Title of piece of work:
Marks and time available:
Describe and evaluate research into the multistore model of memory.
Marks 12
Final grade (self / teacher):
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Minutes 20
Psych Formative – Page 2
Peer markers should give comment and advice on the work using
the “Review” function in Word. They should not give a grade.
They should give an even balance of praise and criticism.
The two peer markers for my work were: (names + surnames)
Bryony Sheppard
Harley Knight
Include BOTH peer markers’ commented essays or the teacher
won’t help.
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
First Draft
Bryony’s Marking:
Describe and Evaluate Sigmund Freud’s theory of Psycho-Pathology (12 marker AO1 4 + AO2 8):
Freud devised the concept of “the Structure of personality” consisting of the ID; sexual drive;
energy; libido, the ego or the conscious self and the super-ego which can be considered as ones
conscience or morals that have been devised by internalising a parental figures ideologies. During
the oral stage of development (0-18 months) ones ID is situated in oral gratification, more
specifically, breast feeding. Should the impulse be over gratified or neglected, the individual may
inevitably suffer from oral fixation and an over dependency in relationships. Speculation from this
model can be contested, due to the fact that Freud did not directly study infants, but rather adults
who approached him with neurotic disorders (often extreme cases), calling to question the validity
of the model. The later stage of anal retention and exertion describes the concept that at this age
(18m-3yrs) children are given their first opportunity to exert control over their environment and
over gratifying this need has been suspected to result in hygiene issues and OCD behaviour.
However at that age can it really be suggested that children are fully aware of their actions let
alone the concept of power and control? There is no evidence to suggest that this stage can incite
Over-compulsive behaviour yet still it is stated. A more questionable and controversial stage
would be that of the phallic stage. At this time boys are suspected to develop what can be known
as the Oedipus complex, ID gratification is focused on the genital area and boys begin to have
desires for their maternal figure, though in fear of castration or loss of love from their fathers,
they later internalise their ideals and thus produces the super-ego to balance their actions and
desired gratifications. Though this concept is heavily questioned and, quite simply, absurd. Not
only is it phallocentric, hence the creation of the Electra complex (which lacks detail in
comparison), but there is no systematic proof or way of testing this using conventional
methodology, though it has been thought that his studies can be open to interpretation (Tolpin,
1993) as disorders have been linked to child sexual abuse, as well as the support of Ainsworth’s
correlation of adult behaviour based on early attachment types. Lastly, comes the latency period,
which lacks detail, as compared to the other stages. The lack of cognitive, biological or social
elements (such as Bandura’s Social Learning Theory) conveys the model to be lacking in overall
validity and, furthermore, the content is subject to cultural/historical limitations. Due to the
various lacking in support and evidence, this model should only be deemed hypothetical. Leaving
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
the concept of intra-psychic and the three defence mechanisms to be his more believable and,
perhaps, accurate model of coping.
Harley’s Marking:
Describe and Evaluate Sigmund Freud’s theory of Psycho-Pathology (12 marker AO1 4 + AO2 8):
Freud devised the concept of “the structure of personality” consisting of the ID or sexual drive or
energy (libido) the ego or the conscious self and the super-ego which can be considered as ones
conscience or morals that have been devised by internalising a parental figures ideologies. During
the oral stage of development (0-18 months) ones ID is situated in oral gratification, more
specifically, breast feeding, should the impulse be over gratified or neglected, the individual may
inevitably suffer from oral fixation and an over dependency in relationships. Though this
speculation can be contested due to the fact that Freud did not directly study infants, but rather
adults who approached him with neurotic disorders, calling to question the validity of the model.
The later stage of anal retention and exertion describes the concept that at this age (18m-3yrs)
children are given their first opportunity to exert control over their environment and over
gratifying this need has been suspected to result in hygiene issues and OCD behaviour. However at
that age can it really be suggested that children are fully aware of their actions let alone the
concept of power and control? There is no evidence to suggest that this stage can incite Overcompulsive behaviour yet still it is stated. A more questionable and controversial stage would be
that of the phallic stage. At this time boys are suspected to develop what can be known as the
Oedipus complex, ID gratification is focused on the genital area and boys begin to have desires for
their maternal figure, though in fear of castration or loss of love from their fathers, they later
internalise their ideals and thus produces the super-ego to balance their actions and desired
gratifications. Though this concept is heavily questioned and, quite simply, absurd. Not only is it
phallocentric, hence the creation of the Electra complex (which lacks detail in comparison), but
there is no systematic proof or way of testing this using conventional methodology, though it has
been thought that his studies can be open to interpretation (Tolpin, 1993) as disorders have been
linked to child sexual abuse, as well as the support of Ainsworth’s correlation of adult behaviour
based on early attachment types. Lastly, comes the latency period , which lacks detail, as
compared to the other stages.The lack of cognitive, biological or social elements (such as
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory) conveys the model to be lacking in overall validity and,
furthermore, the content is subject to cultural/historical limitations. Due to the various lacking in
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
support and evidence, this model should only be deemed hypothetical. Leaving the concept of
intra-psychic and the three defence mechanisms to be his more believable and, perhaps, accurate
model of coping.
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Psych Formative – Page 6
From the advice of your peer markers, write 5-10 lines
summarizing what you think you most need to work on and
change (this box expands as you write):
I feel that I need to structure my wording and presentation more effectively, in a less
confusing manor and provide further emphasis on the latency period and ego defense
If peer feedback revealed major issues you need to fix BEFORE
asking for the teacher’s help, then redraft (draft 2).
Otherwise, you can now pass this on to the teacher.
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Describe and Evaluate Sigmund Freud’s theory of Psycho-Pathology (12 marker AO1 4 + AO2 8):
Freud devised the concept of ego defence mechanisms (denial, repression, displacement) as a
means to combat “intra-psychic” (an imbalance of the three concepts of personality).“The
Structure of personality” consisting of the ID; sexual drive; energy; libido, the ego or “the
conscious self” and the super-ego, which can be considered as ones conscience or morals that
have been devised by internalising a parental figures ideologies. During the oral stage of
development (0-18 months) ones ID is situated in oral gratification, more specifically, breast
feeding. Should the impulse be over gratified or neglected, the individual may inevitably suffer
from oral fixation and an over dependency in relationships.
Speculation from this model can be contested, due to the fact that Freud did not directly study
infants, but rather adults who approached him with neurotic disorders (often extreme cases),
calling to question the validity of the model. The later stage of anal retention and exertion
describes the concept that at this age (18m-3yrs) children are given their first opportunity to exert
control over their environment and over gratifying this need has been suspected to result in
hygiene issues and OCD behaviour. However at that age can it really be suggested that children
are fully aware of their actions let alone the concept of power and control? There is no evidence
to suggest that this stage can incite Over-compulsive behaviour yet still it is stated. A more
questionable and controversial stage would be that of the phallic stage. At this time boys are
suspected to develop what can be known as the Oedipus complex, ID gratification is focused on
the genital area and boys begin to have desires for their maternal figure, though in fear of
castration or loss of love from their fathers, they later internalise their ideals and thus produces
the super-ego to balance their actions and desired gratifications. Though this concept is heavily
questioned and considered to be, quite absurd.
Not only is it phallocentric, hence the creation of the Electra complex (which lacks detail in
comparison), but there is no systematic proof or way of testing this using conventional
methodology, though it has been thought that his studies can be open to interpretation (Tolpin,
1993) as disorders have been linked to child sexual abuse, as well as the support of Ainsworth’s
correlation of adult behaviour based on early attachment types. Lastly, comes the latency period,
which lacks detail, as compared to the other stages. This particular stage provides the theory that
from the ages of 4/5 up until puberty, ID impulses towards others are relatively non-existent, a
controversy of this would be how the gap between “reamergence” does not account for
experiences or social influences in that time. The lack of cognitive, biological or social elements
(such as Bandura’s Social Learning Theory) conveys the model to be lacking in overall validity and,
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
furthermore, the content is subject to cultural/historical limitations, being that of an Austrian and
producing his theories in the late 19th century. Due to the various lacking in support and evidence,
this model should only be deemed hypothetical. Leaving the concept of intra-psychic and the
three defence mechanisms to be his more believable and, perhaps, accurate model of coping.
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Psych Formative – Page 9
From the advice of your peer markers, write 5-10 lines
summarizing what you think you most need to work on and
change (this box expands as you write):
If peer feedback revealed major issues you need to fix BEFORE
asking for the teacher’s help, then redraft (draft 2).
Otherwise, you can now pass this on to the teacher.
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Psych Formative – Page10
Place this sheet AFTER the new draft you did following peer
feedback. (If no redraft, this is straight after the Stage 2 sheet.)
Remember that the amount of teacher feedback you can get is
very limited and you should use it carefully and sparingly.
Place a cross (“X”) in ONE box:
“I HAVE redrafted after peer feedback”
“I HAVE NOT redrafted after peer feedback”
Now send all of the above on to your teacher. Make sure
EVERYTHING is included IN ORDER before you send it. Your
teacher will add their comments.
After it’s returned you will need to do a FINAL DRAFT bearing the
teacher’s advice in mind.
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Psych Formative – Page11
Draft 3, with guidance comments from the teacher, should be
BEFORE this sheet. Now rewrite it. You may want to use this box
to plan the changes you need to make (about 2-3 lines will do):
AFTER this sheet, place that Final Draft with improvements made
following the teacher’s advice.
When you have done that, return to the front sheet:
 use the mark scheme to give yourself a final grade
 your teacher will add their view
 if these are different, find some lesson time to ask about it
FINALLY – print it, staple it, and keep it in the folder in the
classroom (this will enable you to refer back to it with your
teacher in order to keep track of your progress.)
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
From plan to feedback to grade (appendix)
Planning might require just a
half-page, or a list of key
terms that must be used.
Summative marking
Formative feedback
Planning / drafting
Key terms list
Plan it
First draft
Depending on your
confidence level, you might
do the essay under timed
conditions (or not), open
book or closed, with plan and
key terms list visible (or not.)
Try to move up these
confidence levels – but not
too fast.
Self- or
© 2011 V Pedersen. No unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution without a valid license.
Peer feedback must come
first and is more
important than teacher
feedback. In the short
route, this is followed by
teacher feedback; or you
can redraft from peer
feedback before getting
teacher help. You won’t
get teacher help without
evidence of meaningful
peer feedback first.
Don’t hand the work to
the teacher to mark
summatively. You must be
able to use the mark
scheme to grade it yourself
– or you don’t understand
what the examiner wants.
The teacher can help you
“home in” on marking
accuracy but the onus is
on you to learn this skill.