Full Moon 5/3/2015

Full Moon 5th March 2015
Ahh, a bit of sunshine, it’s warming the heart and soul as well as the body. Fire
energy, warming, exciting, enthusiastic. Candles glowing gently creating a snug,
relaxed atmosphere, toasting our toes by an open fire, all images of the
blessings of fire energy. Suddenly a spark from the fire onto the rug, the
adrenalin rushes with the escalation to potential danger and we dash to it
before it gets out of hand. How quickly things can change from being comforting
to challenging. Looking at this Full Moon chart, there is the potential to spark
into fireworks that makes me think that maybe it should come with a warning!
There is a predominance of Fire, mainly the independent, direct, honesty-loving,
action-oriented Aries. Not afraid to challenge, this is an up-front, assertive
energy with the added unpredictability of Uranus that could tip from passion,
enthusiasm and inspiration in to frustration, impatience, irritation and
potentially anger and aggression. Quick to flare and equally quick to subside and
forget, usually, but this time the burn could go deeper as it fuels old emotional
scars. Blame, guilt and victim-martyr scenarios could be triggered by perceived
criticism or nit picking. If we are feeling wounded and hurt, it is important to
realise that the answer does not lie at the bottom of a bottle, in the fridge or
any other comfort, escapist route. The victim or martyr role solves nothing
either. Healing can occur if we allow ourselves to look deeply into what we are
feeling but not to get caught in recriminations, to ourselves or others. The
practicalities of everyday life need to be balanced with our spiritual needs; an
old karmic wound involving this may be opened up to be examined and healed.
Recalling my fire training from a previous “life”, it needs 3 things to burn, air
(oxygen), fuel and heat. Increase any of these, add fuel to the fire as the
saying goes, and things can get out of control. What could add fuel to this fire,
what could tip it into being destructive?
One potential fuel is the perfectionist nature of this Moon, critical, black and
white, reacting when things are not done the way it thinks it should be, based on
its own idea of what is “right” or “wrong”. But everyone is unique and we should
not feel criticised when others think differently. There are some original,
innovative ideas waiting to manifest, we can only embrace them if we put down
our preconceptions and take a logical look at the bigger, multi-coloured picture.
When we try to get people to do things our way, there is an innate, if
misconceived, intention to help others, we think we are being of service to them.
There can be a fine line between being of service and becoming a servant. Firm
boundaries should be in place and the intention should always come from the
heart, supporting and enabling, not trying to fulfil any emotional need of our
own. As long as the intention is pure, we cannot feel hurt or rejected if someone
wants to be independent and do things their own way instead.
Boundaries also prevent us from losing our independence and sense of self. We
do not have to give up our individuality to make a relationship work nor is it
healthy to be fiercely independent to the point of rejection or exclusion.
If we find we have to adjust and reinforce our boundaries, what are we willing
to fight for, what fuels our passion? What do we feel is oppressing us, what
restrictions do we want to break free from? Perhaps our freedom of speech has
been stifled. There’s something on the tip of the tongue, niggling in the mind
that hasn’t been voiced but the heart must be engaged to prevent a blast of
dragon-like breath that will scorch and destroy. Macho, testosterone-fuelled
aggression is not the answer either. Finding a way to compromise between our
needs and others is the aim, neither to be self-sacrificing nor to lose our
individuality. We have a whole realm of inner resources, probably more than we
recognise, that we can draw on to meet our emotional needs, rather than
expecting them to be met by others. Emotional empowerment is there for us to
embrace. Overall, this is about thinking in colour, not black and white, letting go
of those things we don’t want any more, trusting ourselves and the Universe or
whoever we believe in and going with the flow.
Some of these issues, especially if unresolved, will add to the underlying
tensions, the niggles of transformational pushes building towards the 16th
March, when we have the seventh in a series of revolutionary and evolutionary
alignments. There is no breakthrough without breakdown and emotional
downsizing is allowing us to move forward on a more genuine path. What do we
want to take forward with us, what will nurture our spirit and soul on our onward
journey? We have been stripping away the layers to the truth, the simplicity of
our own truth.
Ok, so now we’ve got the fire blanket and extinguisher
ready, let’s return to that vision of the cosy fire, after
all, it is only potential to tip and it is up to us how we
react to any and every situation, whether we are the one
likely to flare up or to be on the receiving end. The
positive tip of the scales could bring pleasant surprises,
unexpected, innovative solutions and opportunities, a lot of laughter and passion
(yes, that sort too!). Expect the unexpected is the theme!
With Venus caught up in the fire pit, relationships cannot escape the volatile
energies around and are more than likely to be the focus.
Existing relationships could be shaken up or can take a new,
exciting path and fresh approach whilst any new relationships
formed now are going to have something unusual or
unconventional about them. And remember that fire and
passion - enjoy! Finding passions to share will help sustain the
relationship if it begins to cool past the initial attraction.
This Full Moon is a good time to get in touch with our bodies, our health and look
at the mind-body link. It is the optimum time for detoxing, simplifying, looking
at diet and nutrition. Many people find it difficult to sleep at the time of a Full
Moon, this has a couple of factors that could exacerbate that, especially if we
have a tendency to feel “wired”. The best way to help ourselves is to make sure
we don’t work too late, giving us time to wind down, turn off the electronic
devices well before going to bed and do something quiet, chilling and relaxing
for at least an hour, preferably two, before trying to sleep otherwise the
internal mechanisms will be wanting to continue to run.
Looking ahead, the 20th will be a powerful day with a New Moon, Solar Eclipse
and then the Spring Equinox. After the stagnation of winter the virgin land is
warming and is ready for sowing. With the beginning of spring we have the
opportunity to sow our own seeds for the future we want and can take
advantage of the next 2 weeks to prepare the ground and clear it of weeds.
Meanwhile, I hope you feel a gentle glow and not scorched and the only dragons
you encounter our friendly ones!