Plant Pigment Chromatography and Photosynthesis

Plant Pigment Chromatography
and Photosynthesis
Warm up (11-23-15)
• Explain what you know about plants.
• Try to be specific and use scientific terms if
• Objectives
• Plant Background Info
• To gain background information about plants
and how they colonized land
Warm up (11-24-15)
• What is the difference between a sporophyte
and a gametophyte?
• What do you think the difference is between a
gymnosperm and an angiosperm?
• Objectives
• Plant Notes
• To gain background information about plants
and how they colonized land
Where did ‘plants’ come from?
• Land plants evolved from green algae
– Charophyceans
• Evidence to support the relationship between
algae and plants
– Plants: multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic
– Algae: certain types of green algae, brown, and
red algae are also multicellular, eukaryotic,
photosynthetic autotrophs
Where did plants come from?
• Both plants and green algae (also
dinoflagellates, and brown algae) have cell
walls made of cellulose
• Both plants and green algae (also a few
dinoflagellates, and euglenids) have
chloroplasts with chlorophylls a and b
Evidence for plant relationship
• 4 characteristics that plants share with
1. Rose-shaped complexes for cellulose synthesis
Rosette cellulose-synthesizing complexes (charyphyceans)
2. Peroxisome enzymes: minimize loss of organic
products as a result of photorespiration
3. Structure of flagellated sperm
4. Formation of a phragmoplast: alignment of
cytoskeletal elements and Golgi-derived vesicles
across the midline of the dividing cell during cell
Adaptations to Survive on Land
• Charophycean algae inhabit shallow areas that
may dry out
• Natural selection favors the algae that can
survive without the water during those
periods of drying
How are plants different from algae?
• Embryophytes: plants with embryos
– This is the plant kingdom under the traditional
scheme for dividing the kingdoms
• Five traits that are different between
charophyceans and plants
Apical meristems
Alternation of generations
Walled spores produced in sporangia
Multicellular gametangia
Multicellular dependent embryos
Apical Meristems
• Responsible for plant growth
• Localized regions of cell division at the tips of
shoots and roots
• Cells produced here differentiate into various
• Shoot (produce leaves) and root (produce
roots) apical meristems
Alternation of Generations
• Sporophyte and gametophyte
– Cells of the gametophyte are haploid
• Produced by mitosis of haploid gametes (eggs and
sperm) that fuse during fertilization, forming diploid
• Mitotic division of the zygote produces the multicellular
sporophyte (spore-producing generation, diploid)
• Meiosis in a mature sporophyte creates haploid spores
(reproductive cells)
How are Land Plants Grouped?
• Based on the presence of vascular tissue
• Plants with this tissue are called vascular
• Plants without this tissue are called
nonvascular plants (liverworts, hornworts, and
– bryophytes
How are Land Plants Grouped?
• Vascular plants form a clade
– Specified into smaller clades
1. Seedless Vascular plants
1. Lycophytes (club mosses and relatives)
2. Pterophytes (ferns and relatives)
2. Seeded Vascular plants
1. Gymnosperms(seeds not enclosed in chambers)
2. Angiosperms (flowering plants, seeds develop in
ovaries which mature into fruits)
Terrestrial Adaptations of Seed Plants
• Common seed plant attributes: reduced
gametophytes, heterospory, ovules, and
• Advantage of reduced gametophytes
– Gametophytes of seed plants are mostly
– Allows for development of spores contained in the
sporangia of the parental sporophyte
• Protects the female gametophyte
Evolutionary Advantage of Seeds
• Sperm fertilizes an egg of a seed plant, zygote
grows into a sporophyte embryo
• Whole ovule develops into a seed, contains an
embryo, food supply, surrounded by a
protective coat
Evolutionary Advantage of Seeds
• Seed is multicellular structure that is more
resistant than spores
• Seeds can be dormant for days, months, or
• Germinates under favorable conditions
• They can be carried to distant locations by
wind or animals
• “naked seeds” – not enclosed in ovaries
• Typically on cones
• Cone-bearing plants – conifers
– Pines, firs, and redwoods
• 4 phyla: Cycadophyta, Ginkophyta,
Gnetophyta, and Coniferophyta
• Pollination for most is wind-directed
Phylum Cycadophyta
• Cycads
• Large cones, palmlike leaves (true palm
species are angiosperms)
Phylum Ginkophyta
• Ginkgo biloba is only species of this phylum
• Fanlike leaves
• Fleshy seeds smell rancid as they decay
Phylum Gnetophyta
• Some are tropical, some in deserts
• Grouped based on molecular data
Phylum Coniferophyta
• Largest of the gymnosperm phyla
• 600 species
• Evergreens – retain leaves throughout the
• Winter – photosynthesis still occurs with sun
Life Cycle of a Pine
• Have flowers and fruits
• Flower
– Specialized for sexual reproduction
– Insects or other species can transfer pollen from
one flower to the female sex organs on another
flower for most
– Some have wind-directed pollination
• Dense populations
• Why would this be more advantageous?
• Sepal
– Usually green, enclose the flower before it opens (rosebud)
• Petals
– Brightly colored, aid in attracting pollinators
– Wind-pollinated flowers (what do you think their colors are?)
• Stamens
– Microsporophylls, produce microspores that give rise to pollen grains
that contain male gametophytes
– Consists of filament (stalk) and anther (terminal sac where pollen is
• Carpels
– Megasporophylls, make megaspores, female gametophytes
– Stigma – sticky, receives the pollen
– Single carpel or group of fused carpels is called a pistil
• Sepals and petals are sterile floral organs
– Not directly involved in reproduction
• Consists of a mature ovary
• May include other flower parts
• Wall of the ovary becomes the pericarp (thickened
wall of the fruit) with hormonal changes after
• When mature, can be fleshy or dry
• Dry fruits: beans, nuts, grains
• How are seeds dispersed?
– People, wind, animals, water
– What about edible fruits? How are those seeds
Angiosperm Life Cycle
Vascular Plants
• Review of Transport:
– Active and passive
– Transport proteins
– Proton pumps
• Plasma membrane, uses energy from ATP to pump hydrogen
ions out of the cell
• Causes proton gradient and a differential charge on opposite
sides of the membrane causing membrane potential
• Plants use the stored energy of membrane potential and
proton gradients to help with transport of materials
Water Potential
• Pressure and solute concentration
– Solute potential is sometimes called osmotic potential –
solutes affect the direction of osmosis
– Solute potential of pure water is 0, solute potential of a
solution is always negative
– Pressure potential – physical pressure on a solution, can
be positive or negative relative to atmospheric pressure
– If external solution has lower(more negative) water
potential, water will leave the cell and the cell’s protoplast
will plasmolyze – shrink or pull away from its wall
• Flaccid cell: limp cell
• Walled cell that has greater solute concentration than its
surroundings is turgid – very firm
Water Transport
• Water is moved across the membranes of plant
cells by water potential
• Water transport across biological membranes is
too quick and specific for diffusion to be the only
– Water crosses vacuolar and plasma membranes
through aquaporins – transport proteins
– These channels don’t affect water potential gradient
or direction of water flow… they only affect the rate at
which water diffuses down its water potential
Transport in Plants
• Compartmental structure of plant cells
1. Protoplast is surrounded by cell wall
2. Plasma membrane is directly involved with
movement of molecules
3. Vacuole – large organelle can occupy up to
90% or more of protoplast’s volume
• Vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) – regulates
molecular traffic between cytosol and
vacuolar contents
Transport in Plants
• Most plants, cytosol and cell wall are
continuous from cell to cell
• Connected by plasmodesmata
• Symplast: cytoplasmic continuum
• Apoplast: continuum of cell walls plus
extracellular spaces
Warm up (11-30-15)
• Explain some of the evolutionary advantages
to seed-bearing plants.
– Why is the seed an evolutionary advantage?
• Why are the flower and fruit further
evolutionary advantages?
Plant Transport Experiment
Plant Background Notes
Plant Transport Video
• To gain background information about the
structure of plant cells and plants to
determine how nutrients are transported
through the plants.
Celery Transport
• You will need 2 stalks of celery
• Take 1 stalk of celery, cut off the bottom end (2 cm or so)
• Place in beaker full of colored water (you can choose what
color you want)
• Set the beaker off to the side.
• In your composition notebooks
– Take notes on what you notice about the structure of the 2nd
stalk of celery.
– You may cut up this stalk of celery and examine the structure
– You may draw diagrams and pictures to help describe what you
are seeing
– Pay careful attention to the leaves of the celery as well
Flower Dissection
• See if you can identify the parts of your flower.
• You may need to use your notes
• You can cut open the side of the reproductive
organs and get a more detailed view of the
Flower Dissection
Plant Structure to Determine How
Transport Occurs
Water Potential
• Pressure and solute concentration
– Solute potential is sometimes called osmotic potential –
solutes affect the direction of osmosis
– Solute potential of pure water is 0, solute potential of a
solution is always negative
– Pressure potential – physical pressure on a solution, can
be positive or negative relative to atmospheric pressure
– If external solution has lower(more negative) water
potential, water will leave the cell and the cell’s protoplast
will plasmolyze – shrink or pull away from its wall
• Flaccid cell: limp cell
• Walled cell that has greater solute concentration than its
surroundings is turgid – very firm
Water Transport
• Water is moved across the membranes of plant
cells by water potential
• Water transport across biological membranes is
too quick and specific for diffusion to be the only
– Water crosses vacuolar and plasma membranes
through aquaporins – transport proteins
– These channels don’t affect water potential gradient
or direction of water flow… they only affect the rate at
which water diffuses down its water potential
Warm up (12-1-15)
• How does plant structure help determine its
– Think of things like gymnosperms and
angiosperms, seeded plants versus non-seeded
• Objectives
• Plant Notes
• To gain background information about the
structure of plant cells and plants to
determine how nutrients are transported
through the plants.
Transport in Plants
• Compartmental structure of plant cells
1. Protoplast is surrounded by cell wall
2. Plasma membrane is directly involved with
movement of molecules
3. Vacuole – large organelle can occupy up to 90%
or more of protoplast’s volume
1. Not shared with neighboring cells
• Vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) – regulates
molecular traffic between cytosol and vacuolar
Transport in Plants
• Most plants, cytosol and cell wall are
continuous from cell to cell
• Connected by plasmodesmata
• Symplast: cytoplasmic continuum
• Apoplast: continuum of cell walls plus
extracellular spaces
Routes of Short Distance Transport
1. Transmembrane Route: requires repeated
crossings of plasma membranes as the
solutes exit one cell and enter the next
2. Symplast Route: requires only one crossing
of the membrane, after entering one cell,
solutes can move via plasmodesmata
3. Apoplast Route: without entering the
protoplast, solutes can move through the
continuum of cell walls
Bulk Flow – Long Distance Transport
• Diffusion takes too long
• Bulk Flow: movement of a fluid driven by
– Move through the tracheids and vessels of the xylem
and through the sieve tubes of the phloem
– Ex. In phloem… loading sugar causes high positive
pressure at one end of a sieve tube, forcing sap to the
opposite end of the tube
– Ex. In xylem… tension(neg. pressure) drives long
distance pressure
• Transpiration: evaporation of water from a leaf helps reduce
pressure in the leaf xylem
Leaf Structure
• Upper Epidermis: contains stomata (allow CO2
exchange between surrounding air and photosynthetic
cells inside the leaf, loss of water), guard cells (regulate
opening and closing of stomata)
• Mesophyll: contains parenchyma cells specialized for
– Palisade Mesophyll: elongated parenchyma cells, upper
part of leaf
– Spongy Mesophyll: loosely arranged parenchyma cells,
contains air spaces for Co2 and oxygen to flow through,
larger spaces around stomata
• Lower Epidermis: similar structure to the upper
• Take notes on this video!!!
• Conversion of light energy to chemical energy
stored in sugar and organic molecules
• Autotrophs: self-feeder, producers
• Heterotrophs: other-feeder, consumers
• Leaves are the major sites of photosynthesis
• 6CO2 + 12 H2O + Light energy => C6H12O6 +
6O2 + 6H2O
Why are Plants Green?
• Chloroplasts: contain chlorophyll (green
pigment that gives the plants their color)
– Found in mesophyll tissue
– Double membrane structure
– Stroma: fluid within the chloroplast
– Thylakoids: interconnected membranous sacs
within the stroma, chlorophyll is in the thylakoid
• Thylakoid space: interior of the thylakoids
– Grana: stacks of thylakoids
• Chloroplasts split water into hydrogen and
– Allows plants to “give off” gases into the atmosphere
• Redox Process
– Redox reactions
– Reverse electron flow than from cellular respiration
• Water is split, electrons transferred with hydrogen ions from
water to carbon dioxide, reducing it to sugar
• Electrons increased in potential while moving from water to
sugar – processes requires energy (light)
ReDox Reactions
• Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
• Talking about electrons…
– Oxidation is lost
– Reduction is gained
Light Dependent Reactions
• Thylakoid
• Conversion of light energy to chemical energy
• Light absorbed by chlorophyll transfers electrons and
hydrogen from water to electron acceptor called
NADP+ (temporary storage for electrons)
• Use solar power to reduce NADP+ to NADPH by adding
electrons and H+
• Generate ATP using chemiosmosis
– Photophosphorylation – chemiosmosis to add phosphate
to ADP = ATP
• Photosystem I and Photosystem II
– Produce energy that will be used to produce sugar
Sunlight and the Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Wavelength: distance between crests of 2 consecutive
– 380nm – 750 nm visible light – detectible to the human
• Photons: discrete particles, not tangible objects but
behave like so, fixed amount of energy
• Pigments: substances that absorb visible light, specific
to wavelengths
– Spectrophotometer: measures ability of pigment to absorb
specific wavelengths
– Absorption spectrum: pigment’s light absorption versus
– Action spectrum: profiles relative effectiveness of different
wavelengths of radiation in driving photosynthesis
Pigments in Chloroplasts
1. Chlorophyll a : absorbs violet-blue and red light
– Blue-green
2. Chlorophyll b : almost identical to a but structurally
different which causes different absorption spectra
– Yellow-green
3. Carotenoids: hydrocarbons, absorb blue-green and
violet light
– Photoprotection: absorb and dissipate excessive light
energy that might damage chlorophyll or interact with
oxygen causing oxidative molecules
– Phytochemicals: antioxidant powers
Excitation of Chlorophyll in the
• Within the thylakoid membranes are
photosystems (reaction center surrounded by
light-harvesting complexes)
• Light harvesting complex: contains the
pigment molecules bound to specific proteins
• Reaction center: protein complex contains 2
special chlorophyll a molecules and a primary
electron acceptor
Dark Reactions / Calvin Cycle
• Calvin Cycle
– Stroma
• Reduce carbohydrates
1. Carbon Fixation: incorporate carbon into organic
compounds existing in chloroplast
2. Reduce Carbon Dioxide: all electrons, reducing
power is provided by NADPH
3. Convert Co2 to Carbohydrate – need energy ATP
**Has to run through 6 times to make 1 molecule of
Warm up (12-2-15)
• Explain the importance of plant pigments.
• What are some inferences you can make as to
what would happen if plants didn’t have those
• Objectives
• Photosynthesis Notes
• Photosynthesis video
• To gain background information about the
structure of plant cells and plants to
determine how nutrients are transported
through the plants.
Warm up (12-3-15)
• What are some things that you are still
confused about regarding photosynthesis or
cellular transport in plants?
• Determine more background information
about photosynthesis and cellular transport
within plants.
• Gain background knowledge on
photosynthesis and cellular transport within
Photosynthesis Lesson
• Side 1 - describe photosynthesis pg. 185
Include overall equation
Include overall process
Include light and dark reactions and where each takes place
Add as much detail as possible
Electromagnetic spectrum and which wavelengths are absorbed
by plants
• Side 2 – Electron Transport Chain and photosystems pg.
– Include what happens in order for a photon to be absorbed
– Look at what happens within a photosystem
– The process of the electron transport chain and the specifics of
this process (products and reactants)
Warm up (12-4-15)
• Explain what you have learned so far about
transport in plants.
• Explain what you have learned so far about
• Objectives
• Photosynthesis drawings
• HOMEWORK: Quiz: plant cell transport and
photosynthesis – print out your results and
turn them in on Monday
• Demonstrate knowledge of Photosynthesis by
taking the photosynthesis and plant transport
Photosynthesis Lesson
• Side 1 - describe photosynthesis pg. 185
Include overall equation
Include overall process
Include light and dark reactions and where each takes place
Add as much detail as possible
Electromagnetic spectrum and which wavelengths are absorbed
by plants
• Side 2 – Electron Transport Chain and photosystems pg.
– Include what happens in order for a photon to be absorbed
– Look at what happens within a photosystem
– The process of the electron transport chain and the specifics of
this process (products and reactants)
Photosynthesis Quiz
• This one is just for practice, you may talk with one another
to figure out the answers.
• This one is for real… You need to work by yourself, alternate
computers and come up with your own answers. I want to
see what you know.
Extra Info on Plants
Warm up (12-7-15)
• What is the purpose of the plant pigment and
chromatography lab?
• In your lab notebooks, write a hypothesis for
each of the parts
• Objectives
• Plant pigment and chromatography lab prep
• Plant pigment and chromatography lab
• To prepare for the plant pigment and
chromatography lab by reviewing information
about the plant pigments
• To conduct the plant pigment and
chromatography lab to gain insight as to what
the purpose of plant pigments are.
Plant Pigments and Chromatography
Lab Walk Through
Warm up (12-8-15)
• What are some ways that you think this lab
can be improved?
• In other words, what are some areas that you
are finding difficult to complete? How would
you provide suggestions and hints to future
scientists to make this lab easier for them to
• Objectives
• Plant pigment and chromatography lab
• To conduct the plant pigment and
chromatography lab to gain insight as to what
the purpose of plant pigments are.
• Watch the following video to gain background
information regarding Transpiration
• Read through the following web page and take
notes on Transpiration!
Lab Walk Through
Warm up (12-9-15)
– Give some reasons why transpiration rates might
be lower in desert plants.
– How would lower transpiration rates be an
evolutionary advantage to desert plants?
• Objectives
• Transpiration lab walk through
• To explain the process of transpiration in
• To identify the structures in plants that help
with the function of transpiration
Warm up (12-10-15)
• How might the results of this lab be different if
we used a leaf that was just about to fall off of
the tree in autumn after it had changed
• Objectives
• Transpiration lab walk through and analysis
• Photosynthesis lab walk through?
• To explain the process of transpiration in
• To identify the structures in plants that help
with the function of transpiration
• Identify the products and reactants of
• Explain how the process of photosynthesis
Warm up (12-11-15)
• Why do you think leaves change color in the
• Are the leaves really dying when this
• What is happening within the leaf that causes
it to change color and no longer be green?
• Objectives
• Transpiration lab walk through and analysis
• Photosynthesis lab walk through?
• To explain the process of transpiration in
• To identify the structures in plants that help
with the function of transpiration
• Identify the products and reactants of
• Explain how the process of photosynthesis
Warm up (12-14-15)
– Why does the rate of photosynthesis matter?
What can that tell us about the plant?
– Do you think all plants photosynthesize at the
same rate?
– Give some examples of plants that might
photosynthesize at different rates and why this
might be helpful for a plant.
• Objectives
• Lab Walk through wrap ups
• Review for Final
• To prepare for the transpiration lab and set up
the lab.
• Be able to have a basic understanding of the
process of transpiration and relate that
process to the structure of a plant.
Warm up (12-15-15)
• Write down any questions or confusions you
have about photosynthesis, transpiration, and
plant structure specialized for transport.
• Objectives
• Review
• Review for the final exam over photosynthesis,
transpiration, and specialized plant structures
for cell transport.