Test Prep Questions Ch. 10 1.

Test Prep Questions Ch. 10
1. ____ is defined as the unique qualities
and distinctive behavior patterns of an
individual across time and situations.
A. Genetic makeup
B. Psychopathology
C. Personality
D. Social history
E. Psychic determinism
2. Freud believed that Thanatos was the
driving force behind
A. Sex and loving behaviors
B. Altruistic and prosocial behaviors
C. Destructive and aggressive behaviors
D. Self preservation
E. Hunger and thirst drives
3. A Freudian psychoanalyst would
interpret a client’s impulsive need for
immediate gratification as due to forces
from the
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. Defense mechanisms
E. instincts
4. In the different ______stages, children
are thought to associate pleasure with
different bodily regions.
A. Psychosexual
B. Psychogenic
C. Psychic
D. Psychotic
E. psychosocial
5. The personality of a child who is fixated
in the anal stage tends to be excessively
A. Clean
B. Jealous
C. Modest
D. Honest
E. neurotic
6._______ is the ego defense mechanism
that functions to exclude unacceptable
feelings from consciousness.
A. Sublimation
B. Repression
C. Denial
D. Projection
E. Accommodation
7. The concept of psychic determinism
suggest that
A. Situational variables dictate how people respond in a given circumstance
B. All acts are determined by unconscious motives, not by chance
C. People are reinforced by significant others and tend to repeat behaviors that are
D. People learn behaviors and ways of interacting by watching others
E. Much of what we do is random or accidental
8. Research shows that the Rorschach
inkblot test is
A. Highly valid
B. Of questionable validity
C. Very objective
D. Best used with brain injured patients
E. None of the above is correct
9. The concept of ___includes “instinctive”
memories that are shared by all people of
all cultures.
A. Working memory
B. The preconscious
C. Declarative memory
D. Collective unconscious
E. Wish fulfillment
10. Karen Horney believed that _____may
block the normal development of
A. Fear of death
B. Castration anxiety
C. The Electra complex
D. Basic anxiety
E. The “shadow”
11. In order to overcome feelings of
inferiority , Adler believed that individuals
A. Use projection
B. Model an archetype
C. Create neurotic needs
D. Create fixations
E. Compensate
12. ____proposed the first trait theory,
involving cardinal, central and secondary
A. Allport
B. Maslow
C. Costa and McCrae
D. Bandura
E. Rogers
13. A psychologists who gives his clients a
brochure “Personal Growth and Making Life
Improvements” is likely to have a(n)
A. Humanistic
B. Freudian
C. Non-Freudian
D. Cognitive
E. Eclectic
14. Social –cognitive psychologists are
different from humanistic or
psychoanalytical psychologists in that
they emphasize
A. The unconscious
B. Rewards and punishments
C. Expectations
D. The good in all people
E. Neurotic needs
15. ____refers to the concept of the
mutual influence of cognition, behavior
and environment
A. Sublimation
B. Reciprocal determinism
C. Environmental psychology
D. Field theory
E. psychoanalysis
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. E
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. B