Questions Strengthening Families Hub and Spoke

Strengthening Families Hub and Spoke RFP Call Notes
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
 Partnership between CDD / VB3, funded through RTT ELC
 Dates – Nov. 15, Nov 30, January Start Date
 Review team- VB3, CDD, others using the criteria stated on the RFP
 RFP was sent out to: VACCRA directors, PCCs , RDs, HS directors, SP leaders, mentors,
BBF Regional Director, and others.
 To support the diverse needs of the regions the RFP is deliberately open ended.
Proposals will be considered as long as the proposal fits the requirements of the grant
and the framework of SF.
Emailed Questions:
1. ….clear about the linkage between the family support and the work with the provider would supports be targeted for families in the program that is doing the work? We are
assuming that as we do that now but it is not clear. The project will support the 10
providers participating as well as the families enrolled in each of the 10 programs.
2. Specifics on the food program will be tricky! Do you have guidelines for those "quality"
standards? Can we use dollars for this as it can be expensive... Who and how is it
determined that the provider "demonstrates quality nutrition practices" if not a part of the
CACFP? If the program is not in the Food Program they must use the STARS definitionMy program is not in the CACFP, but I provide nutritious snacks and/or meals that meet CACFP
nutrition Standards. Enclosed with this form are two items:
a. A monthly menu of meals and/or snacks served to enrolled children and that meets
CACFP standards; and
b. Copies of a month of receipts for food expenses related to the monthly menu.
Can a 1 STAR provider start with the intent of reaching 4 STARS by 12/2017...and if so what if
they are not successful in reaching the 4th STAR? The intent would be that the program shows
progression toward the 4 star goal over the length of the grant and reach 4 stars. If a provider
is not making progress the hub would address that during the grant and continue to update
during grant reports.
During the call you mentioned that you could send the budget from the pilot project to
interested grantees; we would like to receive that to review. I can send a sample budget to
anyone who is interested. Email LouAnn for that-
5. …many of us already took the 17 hour training this spring - would that qualify or would
we be required to take again under the grant timeline? Address that in your proposalFor instance, would you plan for a higher level of training and what would that be?
6. What does the job description/roles and responsibilities of the Family Resource Coach look
like? This position does not need to be called the FRC, or might not need to be a particular
position at all. That is the term that Lamoille Family Center used in their pilot, and can be used.
The role: support development of strong linkages and connections between the provider and
community resources as described in bullet 2 under the hub will: The hub can define this in the
way that they see it working.
In the performance measures, what does Direct Service Case Management mean in #4 and
what is the scope of this? This is when a family is in need of services provided through a typical
service provider in the community- CIS, EEE, etc. Referrals to direct service.
8.  Can you give more information about the flexible funds for families and the scope of these?
As long as the plan for administering funds is clear, consistent and aligned with SF framework
this can be defined by the proposal. Examples might be gas cards, food cards, housing, housing
Can you describe the difference between Reflective Supervision and Reflective Practice?
Reflective Practice is what the provider will be doing with Reflective Supervision provided by
the hub. These providers might be new to Reflective Practice and will need support. Group
reflective practice is what we are aiming for.
10. Can our proposal include a smaller number of providers than 10 if we think that is a
large number for our community? You can apply for a smaller number or you could
consider expanding the boundaries of your region.
11. What if a provider drops out? It would depend on timing. If it is early on in the project
could a new provider be brought in? Or, if it is 2 years into the project, probably not.
VB3 will help with that issue and others that are similar in nature.
12. The RFP specifies Monthly trainings. What if our model describes a different role out of the
trainings- Again, as long as the intent of the guidelines of the grant are met, you can put a
different time line of rolling out the trainings in your proposal.
13.If a child is in foster care and is on CCFAP PS, will the state still pay the co-pay to a provider
participating in this grant? Jan is checking on this now. When I receive the
answer I will get it out to the group.
14. Can we include providers who are not in the cohort of ten in the training and in group reflective
practice? The intent of this project is to develop a cohort that works closely together in a
supportive way. It would seem that trainings for others would be done separately. This idea,
though could be proposed.
15. The activities and approach seem open-ended - is that the case? Region driven? Yes
16. 2) Does each region determine their own financial program as far as what qualifies for an event,
incentive and family need? Yes, within the guidelines of the grant and SF framework.
17. 3) How many hours per week would the 'coordinator' position require?
18. 4) Would the 'coordinator' offer on-site coaching, event coordination and administrative support?
Both of these can be defined in the proposal.
19. 5) What would the impact be on the project and or outcomes should a program close? Again, if
it was early on in the project, the program could be replaced if there was a program wishing to
join. If it is later in the project, this would be recorded in the reports.
20. 6) What type of data are we collecting and what are the measurable outcomes the project is
looking for? See the performance measures.
21. 7) What are the requirements to be a 'Hub'? A hub is an agency or entity in the region that has
the capacity and will to support the project and to work with family child care programs.
Examples include, but are not limited to PCCs, Child Care Community Support Agency, public
school, licensed program