Seven Steps to an Effective Safety and Health Program

Thomas McGee, L.C.
920 Main Street, Suite 1700
Kansas City, MO 64105
(816) 842-4800 * Toll Free (800) 423-9044
Workplace Violence
2 million workers are victims each year
Homicide – 4th leading cause of occupational
fatalities in U.S.
Homicide – leading cause of death for women in
the workplace
• Total declined by 7% in 2010
• Those involving women increased by 13% in 2010
• 17% of their alleged attackers were current or former
husbands or boyfriends
Workplace Violence is Costly
Business interruption with customers/clients
Loss of productivity
Turnover of employees
Increase in workers compensation claims
Increased legal expenses
What definitions are associated with workplace
violence prevention?
What are the four categories of workplace violence?
What are the general risk factors and common
prevention actions?
What are the components of an effective prevention
What do you do after an incident of violence?
What are some resources available for this topic?
Definition of a Workplace
Building or work area, including
offices, reception areas, hallways
A remote site when workers are
engaged in business
A vehicle, private or employer
owned, when used for business
Workplace Violence Definition
Three main types of violence:
Verbal Abuse / Threats
Threatening Behavior
Physical Assault
Any of these behaviors alone or
together constitute an incident
Verbal Abuse vs. Threats
Are abuse and threats different?
Abuse may be intended to hurt
feelings or humiliate someone
• May include profanity
• Obscene phone calls
Threats create fear and cause
concern for safety
Risk Factors That Contribute to
Workplace Violence
A poor economy
Increased trend to define ourselves by our jobs
Significant rise in stress levels
Easy availability of guns and other types of
Company downsizing
Four Categories of Violence
Violence by Strangers
Violence by Customers or Clients
Violence by Co-Workers
Violence by Personal Relations
Violence By Strangers
Usually involves criminal intent
Someone enters workplace to commit a robbery
or crime
Risk Factors – Violence By Strangers
Face-to-face contact with public
Exchange money with public
Guard valuable property
Work late night/early morning
Work alone or in small numbers
High crime area or community settings
Working with unstable or volatile persons (social
service and criminal justice settings)
Mobile workplaces
Prevention – Violence By Strangers
Drop safe or limited access safe
Silent alarms
Adequate lighting
Control access to worksite
Install security cameras
Provide security personnel
Address employee isolation factors
Train workers in prevention
Violence By Customers or Clients
Assailant receives services from or is
under custodial supervision of
workplace or victim
This type of violence accounts for
most non-fatal injuries
Assailants can be current or former
customers or clients
High risk occupations:
• Bus drivers, social service providers, health care
workers, teachers, law enforcement employees
Risk Factors – Violence By
Customers and Clients
Work in isolation
Work after regular hours
Site has uncontrolled access
Clients with past violent behavior
Potential weapons visible and accessible,
including desk supplies and heavy objects
Lack of quick communication capability to
Lack of escape route
Prevention – Violence By Customers
and Clients
Provide a quick method to alert security
– panic buttons, personal alarms
Limit employee isolation with
customers or clients
Implement client referral and/or
assistance programs
Set up worksite so employees have
easy exit – escape route
Eliminate access to any weapons
Violence By Co-Workers
Assailant has employment
related involvement – usually a
current or former employee or
Often seeking revenge when
feel they are a victim of unfair
Risk Factors – Violence By
Staff cuts
Excessive overtime
Stressful work environment
Stress outside of workplace
Personality differences
Substance abuse
Lack of protocols for discipline
History of violent behavior
Lack of training
Prevention – Violence By Co-Workers
Develop management policies for disciplinary
actions, lay-off’s, terminations, etc.
Prohibit weapons at work
Enforce a no tolerance policy for workplace
Encourage employee assistance and counseling
Violence By Personal Relations
Assailant confronts an employee at the worksite
with whom they have a personal relationship
outside of work
Current or Former Spouse
Risk Factors – Violence By Personal
Individual with history of violent or
threatening behavior
Domestic violence offender
Lack of providing controlled
access to worksite
No policy regarding restraining
orders or protection of employees
dealing with potentially threatening
domestic issues
Prevention – Violence By Personal
Control worksite access
Encourage employees to report
harassment, stalking, domestic
violence, restraining orders
Enforce policies on prevention and how
to handle violent confrontations
Relocate employee to safe worksite
Notify other staff as needed
Prohibit weapons
Components of Effective Workplace
Violence Prevention Program
Establish and implement
Employee Assistance
Program (EAP)
Develop training program
Review program regularly
Should clearly indicate
zero-tolerance of violence
at work
Review by legal counsel
Update periodically as
Train on policies
• New
• Amended
• Existing
Review policies
Implement and/or discuss EAP
Practice effective preemployment screening methods
Train management and
Effective termination and layoff
Recognize and report potential
workplace violence problems
Review crisis response plan
Physical Security
Conduct threat assessment
Exterior access control
• Gates, fencing, alarm
system, cameras
Interior access control
• Locked doors, enclosed
counters, cameras, door
access cards/codes
Emergency plans
How Employers Can Protect
Provide safety education for employees
• What conduct is not acceptable
• What to do if they witness or are subjected to
workplace violence
• How to protect themselves
Secure the workplace
Install video surveillance where appropriate
Extra lighting
Alarm systems
Minimize access by outsiders
How Employers Can Protect
Employees (cont.)
Equip field staff with cell phones
Require field staff to prepare daily work plan and
keep a contact person informed of their location
throughout the day
Keep employer-provided vehicles properly
Instruct employees not to enter any location where
they feel unsafe
Have a “buddy system”, escort or police assistance
in potentially dangerous situations
How Employees Can Protect
Learn how to recognize, avoid or diffuse
potentially violent situations
Alert supervisors to any safety or security
Report all incidents immediately in writing
Avoid traveling alone into unfamiliar locations or
situations when possible
Carry only minimal money and required
information into community settings
Handling Violent Situations
Familiarize yourself with company policies and
emergency procedures
Report any physical or verbal threats
Never touch a violent person
Use a calm, non-confrontational approach
Take all threats seriously
Familiarize yourself with resources available
Seek immediate assistance if situation escalates
In Emergency Situation
Call 911 and security personnel if you have them
Make sure to call using a phone out of sight and
hearing of violent person
If you can, stay on the line until police arrive
Do not intervene physically
Get yourself and others to a safe place as soon as
Following an Incident of Violence
Provide for immediate medical and psychological needs
Notify police and support them in their investigation
Account for all workers and assure continued safety of
those remaining in the area
Provide accurate communication to agencies, media and
law enforcement
Provide EAP or other counseling services for employees
if needed
Assure confidentiality and protection from discrimination
to prevent victims suffering further loss
Following an Incident of Violence
Assure a detailed investigation
is performed
Include all incidents and near
Do not delay, important
evidence can be destroyed
Focus on fact finding
Keep detailed records
Following an Incident of Violence
Collect facts on who, what, when, where and
how incident occurred
Get witness statements
Photograph damage/injuries
Identify contributing causes
Recommend corrective action
Consider changes in controls, procedures, or
Top 10 Ways To Prevent Violence In
The Workplace
Foster a supportive, harmonious work environment
Train supervisors and employees how to resolve
Negotiating skills
Effective communication
Team building
Resolving disputes
Develop effective policies to protect employees from
harassment – defines harassment, specifies how to
report it, explains how complaints will be investigated,
presents consequences
Top 10 Ways To Prevent Violence In
The Workplace (cont.)
Establish procedures for handling grievances
Provide personal counseling through an EAP
Train supervisors how to refer employees for help
Implement security programs that protect employees
Provide employee safety education programs
Provide job counseling for employees who have been
laid off or fired
Train supervisors how to recognize signs of a troubled
Set up a crisis plan
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Crime Prevention Council -
National Center for Victims of Crime -
Employee Assistance Program Provider
Search for “workplace violence” in the search box
at the top right corner of the home page
You will find a great number of useful resources
Workplace Violence Prevention
Model Policy
Sample Forms
Threat and Assault Log
Five Warning Signs of Escalating Behavior
Sample Workplace Weapons Policy
Workplace Violence Prevention (cont)
Risk Factors
Prevention Programs
Training Resources
Violence Prevention Brochure
What is disruptive, threatening, or violent
Preventive steps to maintain a safe workplace
Dealing with performance problems or conflicts
Indicators of problem behavior
How to respond to threatening or violent
“In an emergency”
Post incident response