ppt - Star Tap

Tom DeFanti (Principal Investigator)
Maxine Brown (Co-Principal Investigator)
IRNC Award SCI-0441094
• In cooperation with US and European
national research and education networks,
TransLight/StarLight will implement a
strategy to best serve established
production science
• TransLight/StarLight will support usage by
those scientists, engineers and educators
who have persistent large-flow, real-time,
and/or other advanced application
Scope of Work
• Procure and maintain (minimally) one OC-192 circuit that connects
UCAID’s Abilene network in New York City (NYC) to TERENA’s
GÉANT L3 network in Amsterdam.
• Evaluate feasibility of a second OC-192 for L1/L2 production
services for high-flow data/collaboration-intensive applications.
• Ensure that appropriate traffic monitoring, measurement and
analysis are accomplished through NSF-designated partners.
• Provide related management, documentation, engineering support
and education and outreach efforts, and attend relevant networking
and/or discipline science meetings and conferences.
• Promote and support availability to the advanced science,
engineering and education communities who require ongoing
transatlantic production services.
TransLight/StarLight IRNC
HPIIS Euro-Link
OC-192 connection
in place until June
30, 2005
Tender out for new
link(s); responses
due first week in
New link(s) to be
live on July 1, 2005
Details of Interconnectivity
• OC-192(s) between US and Europe
– From MAN LAN in NYC to NetherLight in Amsterdam
– HDXc ports to be generously provided by Abilene and SURFnet
• 1st OC-192: Abilene and Abilene ITN L3 connectivity
– OC-192 between HDXc in NYC/MAN LAN and HDXc in NetherLight
– NOC services to be provided by Abilene and DANTE
• 2nd OC-192 (possible): L1/L2 connectivity
To Europe via Netherlight, GEANT2 and other circuits
Throughout North America via NLR, AtlanticWave, HOPI, CA*net4
To Asia via JGN-II and TransLight/Pacific Wave
NOC services to be provided by Argonne/CENIC/PNWGP
• NSF encourages use by transatlantic Fednet applications
• All IRNCs connect via Abilene at L3
Leveraging ~12xOC-192s Trans-Atlantic
US TransLight/StarLight (black)
10-20Gb NYC—Amsterdam
–~1-10 Gb Chicago—Amsterdam
GEANT/Internet2 (red)
–30Gb London, etc.—NYC/DC?
UKLight to US (magenta)
–10Gb London—Chicago
SURFnet to US (Green)
–10Gb Amsterdam—NYC
–10Gb Amsterdam—Chicago
CERN to US (cyan)
–10Gb CERN—Chicago
IEEAF (blue)
–10Gb NYC—Amsterdam
Canadian CA*net4 to US (white)
–40Gb Chicago-Canada-NYC
–10Gb NYC—Amsterdam
European (not GEANT) (yellow)
–20Gb Amsterdam—CERN
–10Gb Prague—Amsterdam
–10Gb Stockholm—Amsterdam
–10Gb London—Amsterdam
Monitoring Plans and Problem Resolution
L3 NOC services to be provided by Abilene and GÉANT
L1/L2 NOC services to be provided by PNWGP, CENIC, Argonne and SURFnet
L1/L2 NOC services typically include:
Pre-installation design, engineering and post-installation top-level engineering support
Assistance with international circuit provisioning, including with domestic and international local loops
International and domestic circuit delivery
Coordination of circuit, lambda, fiber connection and/or other cross-connect provisioning between providers
and network organizations
Cross-connections for physical fiber, including options for specialized equipment provisioning and crossconnections for experiments, testing, and demonstrations
Service installation coordination (circuits, peering, addressing requests, equipment, wavelengths etc.)
Consulting on networking equipment selection and configuration for international and domestic circuits
including fiber and wavelength interconnections
Assistance with, and provisioning of, out-of-band circuit provisioning for management and control
Hands-on services, e.g. changes to equipment, including installation of equipment in cabinets, replacing
hardware boards, and verifying equipment state, changing cross-connects, etc.)
Continuous maintenance and outage notification
Proactive device, wavelength, fiber continuity and circuit monitoring
Problem analysis and escalation (incorporating full trouble-ticketing)
Direct engineering service contact interfaces for all technical service problems and after-installation services
Full service information database including: point of contact information for all services, providers, customers
and equipment; all circuit wave and/or fiber information with contacts; including circuit ids and customer
escalation lists), all open activities, etc.
Assistance with equipment shipping including international shipping and customs processing
Reporting on wave and fiber availability and performance.
Maintain and test, on a continuing basis, out-of-band access to all optical equipment.
Custom monitoring, analysis, and reporting for services and equipment.
Relevant Opportunities for Coordination
with other IRNC Award Activities
Measure with Matt & Matt
Discuss security incidents and relevant security issues
Assist transatlantic GLORIAD, African efforts
Trade tools among TransLight, GLORIAD, UvA, I2, etc.
Promote MAN LAN as an Open Exchange
Serve together on the IRNC Program Management Group
Come together at iGrid2005 Workshop Sept. 26-30
TransLight Science and Engineering
Pledged Collaborators
Gabrielle Allen (LSU); Paul Avery (U Florida); Joe Bannister (USC/ISI);
Chaitan Baru (UCSD); Micah Beck (U Tennessee); Fran Berman
(UCSD/SDSC); Alan Chave (WHOI); Peter Clarke (UCL); Les Cottrell
(SLAC); Donna Cox (UIUC/NCSA); Brian Davis (USGS EDC); Cees de Laat
(UvA); John Delaney (U Washington); Rich DeMillo (Georgia Tech); Jack
Dongarra (U Tennessee); Mark Ellisman (UCSD); Ian Foster (U Chicago
and ANL); Robert Franza (U Washington); Eric Frost (SDSU); Jim Gray
(Microsoft); Bob Grossman (UIC); Laurin Herr (PII); Ron Hutchins
(Georgia Tech); Gwen Jacobs (Montana State); Lennart Johnsson (U
Houston); Jim Kennedy (GEMINI); Rolf-Peter Kudritzki (U Hawaii); Jysoo
Lee (KISTI); Jason Leigh (UIC); Shawn McKee (U Michigan); Harvey
Newman (Caltech); Mike Norman (UCSD); John O’Callaghan (APAC);
John Orcutt (UCSD/SIO); Steve Parsley (JIVE); Ed Seidel (LSU); Satoshi
Sekiguchi (AIST); John Shalf (LBL); Rick Stevens (U Chicago/ANL); Alex
Szalay (Johns Hopkins); Valerie Taylor (TAMU); Frank Vernon
(UCSD/SIO); Alan Whitney (MIT Haystack); Bob Wilhelmson (NCSA/UIUC);
John Wooley (UCSD); Charlie Zender (UCI)
• Heidi Alvarez (FIU/WHREN); Tomonori Aoyama (Tokyo/JGN-II);
Ruzena Bajcsy (UCB); Alan Blatecky (UNC); Jacqueline Brown (U
Washington); Natasha Bulashova (UIUC/GLORIAD); Aubrey Bush
(Georgia Tech); Charlie Catlett (U Chicago and ANL); Greg Cole
(UIUC/GLORIAD); Bill Collins (NCAR); Chip Cox (FIU/WHREN);
Jerry Draayer (SURA); Louis Fox (U Washington); Tom Greene
(MIT); Jan Gruntorad (CESNET); Julio Ibarra (FIU/WHREN); Ann
Marie Kimball (APEC); David Lassner (U Hawaii); Ed Lazowska (U
Washington); Xing Li (CERNET); Joe Mambretti (NU); George
McLaughlin (AARNet); Jun Murai (Keio/WIDE); Kees Neggers
(SURFnet); Dan Reed (UNC); Don Riley (U Maryland/IEEAF); Larry
Smarr (Cal-(IT)2); Bill St. Arnaud (CANARIE); Peter Villemoes
(NORDUnet); Frank Williams (U Alaska/ARSC); Steve Wolff (Cisco);
Eugene Yeh (NCHC/TWAREN)
• Erik-Jan Bos (SURFnet); René Hatem (CANARIE); Wendy Huntoon
(PSC); Caren Litvanyi (IU); Marla Meehl (NCAR); Peter O’Neill
(NCAR); Jim Pepin (USC); Dave Reese (CENIC); Victor Reijs
(HEAnet); David Richardson (PNWGP/NLR); Vijay Samalam
(SDSC/UCSD); Jerry Sobieski (MAX); Alan Verlo (UIC/StarLight);
Linda Winkler (ANL/I-WIRE/TeraGrid/StarLight)
iGrid 2005 Organizing Institutions
AARNet (Australia’s Research and Education Network), Australia
APAN/TransPAC2, Asia Pacific/USA
Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, USA
Calit2 (California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology), University of California San Diego and University of
California Irvine, USA
California Institute of Technology, USA
CENIC (Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California), USA
CESNET, Czech Republic
Chinese Academy of Science, Computer Network Information Center, China
ESnet, Department of Energy, USA
European Commission, DG Information Society, Research Infrastructure, Europe
Florida International University, Center for Internet Augmented Research & Assessment (CIARA)/WHREN, USA
HEAnet, Ireland
IEEAF (Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation), USA
Indiana University, USA
Internet2, USA
Japanese Gigabit Network II (JGN-II), Japan
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)/UKERNA/UKLight, United Kingdom
KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information), Korea
National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC), Taiwan
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)/ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National LambdaRail (NLR), USA
NetherLight, The Netherlands
NORDUnet/NorthernLight, Nordic Countries (Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway)
Northwestern University, International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR), USA
Pacific Interface, Inc., USA
PRAGMA (Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly), 23 institutions around the Pacific Rim
StarLight, USA
SURA (Southeastern Universities Research Association), USA
SURFnet, The Netherlands
TERENA (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association), Europe
The Quilt, USA
University of Amsterdam, Advanced Internet Research Group (AIR), The Netherlands
University of Illinois at Chicago, Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), USA
University of Southern California, USA
University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory/GLORIAD, USA
University of Washington/Pacific Northwest GigaPoP/Pacific Wave/Research Channel, USA
• Political
L3 bandwidth increases ~4X: balance?
Impedence matching with DANTE
L1/L2 allocation and measurement/reporting
New IRNC AUP definition and enforcement
• Technical
L1/L2 bandwidth doubles: control?
L1/L2 allocation and measurement/reporting
New IRNC AUP implementation
Time for Q&A and Discussion
Same Timeless Outfit