Purpose AND/OR Contextual Knowledge

Section A (Source-Based Case Study)
Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates.
Study the sources carefully and then answer all the questions.
Study Source A. Why was this source published? Explain your [6]
Study Sources B and C. How far does Source B agree with Source [6]
C? Explain your answer.
Study Source D. This source is a Chinese poster. Does it mean it is of [6]
no use in understanding the Korean War? Explain your answer.
Study all Sources. “The USA escalated the Korean War.” How far do [7]
the sources support this view? Explain your answer.
Who escalated the Korean War?
Source A:
An excerpt from a high school textbook written in North Korea, published in
Upset by the fast and astonishing growth of the power of North Korea, the American
invaders hastened the preparation of an aggressive war in order to destroy it in its infancy.
The American imperialists furiously carried out the war project in 1950. The American
invaders who had been preparing the war for a long time, alongside their South Korean
puppets, finally initiated the war. In June 1950, the enemies unexpectedly attacked North
Korea, and the war clouds that hung over the once peaceful country, were accompanied by
the echoing roar of cannons. Having passed the 38th parallel, the enemies crawled deeper
and deeper into North Korea. The invading forces had to be eliminated and the threatened
fate of our country and our people had to be saved.
Source B:
The view of a North Korean general in October 1950.
The Americans do not understand the pain and sorrow suffered by the Korean people. Our
country has been cut into two and many families have been separated by an artificial
border created by the American imperialists. We will not stand for such outrage. We have
the right to unite all Koreans under one banner! Our aim is to drive the South Korean
government and their American allies out of Korea. Despite our setbacks, we will, at the
end, win this war because the Korean people will rally behind us; our allies, China and the
USSR will fight alongside us.
Source C:
A comment by Robert Leckie, an American military historian in 1962.
So the decision to invade was made, probably by Premier Stalin, whose retouched
photograph graced the wall behind Premier Kim’s desk in Pyongyang. Certainly Kim had
not the power to call the shots, and the Chinese did not even have an ambassador in
Pyongyang by June 1950. All the arms provided were Russian, either brought across the
northern borders by train or shipped from Vladivostok to North Korean ports on the Sea of
Japan. Many of the soldiers were combat veterans who had fought with the Chinese
Communist forces. By June 1950, there were 90,000 North Koreans with 150 tanks and a
small tactical air force against 65,000 South Koreans with no tanks and air force. The
“Russian” Koreans were also better organized than the “American” Koreans.
Source D:
A poster of the Korean War by a Chinese artist, 1951. The large soldier in
the center appears to be a caricature of American President Harry Truman.
The Chinese words translate into: The justified noose awaits them!
Source E:
From a statement issued by President Truman, 27 June 1950.
In Korea, the government forces were attacked by invading forces from North Korea. The
United Nations Security Council called on the invading forces to cease hostilities and to
withdraw. This they have not done, but on the contrary, they have pressed the attack. The
Security Council called on all members of the United Nations to give assistance. I have
ordered US air and sea forces to give the Korean government troops cover and support.
Answer Scheme
Study Source A. Why was the source published? Explain your answer. [6]
[Skill tested: Purpose]
Level Descriptor
Purpose AND/OR Contextual Knowledge
Award 5 marks for L3+Purpose OR contextual knowledge.
Award 6 marks for L3+ Purpose AND Contextual Knowledge
 Influence the North Koreans that America is to be blamed.
 Convince: Not accepted.
e.g. The purpose of the source is to blame the Americans for the Korean War
such that the North Koreans would be seen as the victims and were
completely blameless in the Korean War. (P) Furthermore, as this was published
in a North Korean textbook, the students would be influenced to believe that
Americans were evil and their real enemies, so that the students would
support the North Korean government’s policies against USA. (O)
e.g. blame the Americans for causing the Korean War: This can be seen in “The
American invaders who had been preparing the war for a long time, alongside their
puppets, finally initiated the war.” This suggests that the Americans have been
wanting to start the war for along time.
From my contextual knowledge, I know that at the end of the Korean War, there
was no peace treaty signed, and there was only an armistice. By 1999, North Korea
was still communist, and is still communist till this day. As a result, it would make
sense if they continued to resist the Americans by vilifying them.
b) Study Sources B and C. How far does Source B agree with Source C? Explain your
answer. [6] [Skill tested: Comparison + Purpose]
Level Descriptor
Agrees / Disagrees, with support
Award 4 marks for agreeing/disagreeing, with support.
Award 5 marks for agreeing AND disagreeing, with support.
Source B agrees with Source C with regards to the declaration that North Korea
would emerge victorious over South Korea and the United States forces / that
the North Koreans were better prepared. Source B states that “Despite our
setbacks, we will, at the end, win this war because the Korean people will rally
behind us; our allies, China and the USSR will fight alongside us.” This is supported
by Source C which clearly states that “By June 1950, there were 90,000 North
Koreans with 150 tanks and a small tactical air force against 65,000 South Koreans
with no tanks and air force. The “Russian” Koreans were also better organized than
the “American” Koreans.” As such, it is clear that North Korea had an advantage as
well as the conviction, and would thus win the Korean War.
Source B would have disagreed with Source C with regards to who was
responsible for starting the Korean war. Source B states that it was American
who was responsible while Source C states that it is Stalin who was
This can be seen is Source B which states “Our country has been cut into two and
many families have been separated by an artificial border created by the American
imperialist.” Source C states “So the decision to invade was made, probably by
Premier Stalin”. Hence, both sources disagree as to who was responsible for the
Korean War.
L3 + Difference in Purpose
The purpose of Source B and C are different.
Source B aims to convince the world (purpose word & audience) that the
Americans were responsible for the Korean War and that they were merely
trying to unite Korea. (entire purpose & outcome) This was so as to place the
blame of the Korean War on the Americans and to justify North Korea’s action.
Source C aims to convince the world that USSR was to be blamed(O). This
source was published during the Cuban Missile Crisis and therefore, sought to
influence the world that communism should be seen as evil and aggressive.
(P) This was so as to support USA’s actions against Cuba.
Study Source D. This source is a Chinese poster. Does it mean it is of no use? Explain your
answer. [6] [Skill tested: Utility + Cross reference]
Level Descriptor
L2 + Cross referencing to other sources.
Award 4m for cross reference to other sources for useful / not useful.
Award 5m for cross reference to other sources for useful AND not useful.
Yes the source is useful as it was published in 1951, during the height of the
Korean War. (provenance level) It tells us of the atrocities/violence committed
by the Americans. (content level) Furthermore, China had participated in the
Korean war. Also, the source depicts Truman and the use of force, and even the
threat of a nuclear attack.
When cross referenced to Source A, it supports Source D to show that Source D is
useful as as it states that America was aggressive towards North Korea. This can
be seen in “the American invaders hastened the preparation of an aggressive war in
order to destroy it in its infancy.” This tells us that Source D is useful, as it clearly
depicts the aggressiveness of America.
No, Source D is not useful as it is unreliable. It is drawn by a Chinese artist
and is therefore biased against America. China turned communist by 1949 and it
is likely that this is a propaganda poster to convince the locals that the enemy
is America. (PURPOSE) This can be seen in the exaggerated and
dehumanizing portrayal of Harry Truman almost as if he is a demon.
When cross referenced to Source C, it proves that Source D is not useful as it
contradicts Source D. Source C states that Stalin is to be blamed for the Korean
War, and not the Americans. This can be seen in “So the decision to invade was
made, probably by Premier Stalin”. This shows that Stalin was clearly the
perpetrator of the war as he not only made the decision but supported the Koreans
by providing weapons as well.
L3 + Contextual knowledge.
Source D is useful even though it is unreliable. This is because it shows the
hatred the Chinese had for the Americans and the extent of help rendered to
North Korea to protect the communist ideology. As based on my contextual
knowledge, I know that China joined the Cold War. The Americans had fought up to
the Yalu River and this threatened China. As such, China pledged full force to help
the Koreans. China was aware of American nuclear warfare and the threat of it,
hence sought to help North Korea in order to ensure its security as well. Many
Chinese had also died in the Korean War, thus the Chinese hatred of the
Americans during the Korean War.
Study all Sources. “The USA escalated the Korean War.”How far
do the sources support this view? Explain your answer.
[Skill tested: Inference (Understanding of the sources) and Evaluation]
Level Descriptor
Explanation of sources that supports AND/OR do not support.
Award 3-4 marks for an explanation of source(s) that supports or refutes.
Award 5-6 marks for an explanation of sources(s) that supports AND refutes.
Sources that agree with the statement
Sources A, B and D show that USA was responsible for the Korean War
escalating. All three sources show USA being aggressive.
In Source A, it clearly states that America was the aggressor as evident in “Having
passed the 38th parallel, the enemies crawled deeper and deeper into North
Korea”. This tells us that the aim of the Americans was to take over the whole of
North Korea as they “threatened [the] fate” of the North Koreans.
This is similar in Source B, where it states that “our country has been cut into two
and many families have been separated by an artificial border created by the
American imperialist”. The Americans were the aggressors that the North Koreans
wanted to remove as they had inflicted “pain and sorrow suffered by the Korean
Lastly, Source D clearly depicts the Americans as the evil invaders with their
threats of using nuclear warfare, as well as the death and destruction caused in
the wake of their invasion. As a result, there was a need to go against the
Americans so as to deal the hand of justice on the. This can be seen in the poster,
as well as in “The justified noose awaits them”.
Sources that disagree with the statement
Source C and E disagree that USA was responsible for the Korean War
escalating. Source C shows that it was USSR who was responsible for escalating
the Korean War. In Source C, “the decision to invade was made…by Premier
Stalin” and that “all the arms provided the Red of North Korea…were Russian”.
This shows that Stalin played a part in escalating the war due to the weaponry
support that he provided. Source E, on the other hand, states that it was North
Korea’s fault for escalating the war. This is evident in “The United Nations
Security Council called on the invading forces to cease hostilities and to withdraw.
This they have not done, but on the contrary, they have pressed the attack.” This
tells us that North Korea was aggressive and did not seek to end the war.
Evaluation + Conclusion using contextual knowledge
On the whole, USA and USSR are to be blamed.
USA was clearly paranoid and believed in the Domino Theory of communism
spreading and possibly taking over the world. Furthermore, when they sought to
defeat the North Korean forces who invaded South Korea, they did not stop after
taking over Pyongyang (capital of North Korea) but fought all the way till the Yalu
River. This act of aggression definitely worsened the conflict as it brought China
into the fray.