Implementation Plan for schools


Dr E Kritzinger – UNISA


Cyber Awareness Implementation Plan (CAIP) for schools



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Problem Statement

South African schools are often unsure of how to proceed with learners who are a victim of other cyber threats because of a policies and procedures vacuum on how to deal with cyber threats.


A framework for an Cyber Awareness Implementation

Plan (CAIP) to assist schools to take action against cyber threats.

Children & Technology

• Encourage learners to be computer literate

• MySpace, Face book, YouTube, e-mails, instant messages, chat rooms and blogs ….

• Increase use of school network and mobile phones

• Results in cyber threats (for example cyber bullying )

• No increase in awareness of safe practices in the use of technology

• No appropriate support by teachers, parents, government .

Children & Technology

South African studies shows that about 70% of

South Africans owns a cell phone where 98%-

99% of all high school learners own a cell phone

(Tustin, Van Aardt, Shai,2009; Czerniewic, 2010).

From those that own cell phones 75.4% uses mobile phones to access the Internet.

(Tustin, Van Aardt, Shai,2009; Czerniewic, 2010).

School & Technology


• Schools have a mandate to ensure that they are providing their learners with a quality and safe educational environment.

• Schools do not have policies & plans regarding how to address cyber safety.

• Teachers are mostly not trained to deal with cyber incidents.

• Teachers are often unsure of how to address issues regarding cyber safety.

School & Technology


• School do not have any curriculums in place regarding cyber safety.

• Lack of knowledge, skills and funds by teachers

Digital era

Negative impact of digital era:

• Inappropriate or illegal online behaviour,

• Physical danger and sexual abuse,

• Exposure to unsuitable materials,

• Plagiarism and copy infringement,

• Obsessive use of Internet and

• more

Cyber Awareness Actions

Vital to educate learners & teachers how to:

• Interpret and integrate information,

• Evaluate the quality of information,

• Manage information's effectively.

Only through proper cyber education & awareness can learners obtain “drivers licence” for using technology.

Proposed framework

• Cyber Awareness Implantation Plan (CAIP).

• Focuses on schools.

• Using current documentation:

 DOE e-guidelines

 Child protection act

 DOC Cyber security policy

 International document – Byron Report


DOE guidelines

SA Schools Act

Children's Act





Rules & Regulations

Education & Awareness

Role players


Cyber use Agreement

Incident handling

Evaluation & Monitoring


• It is vital that schools have c-safety initiatives and procedures in place to ensure cyber-safety

(Valcke, Schellens, Van Keer

& Gerars, 2006).

• Before any school can start managing c-safety, they should have a c-safety policy in place. This c-safety policy should be used as a guideline as to what must be managed and how this should be done

(Kritzinger & Von Solms,


• The primary purpose of a c-safety policy is to protect the school as well as the children again cyber risks.

CAIP – Rules & Regulations

• Two documents: Teachers & Learners.

• Outline the key terms and conditions of use of school. online services.

• Online behaviour.

• Access privileges.

• Consequences of non-compliances.

CAIP – Education & Training

• Training for teachers & children.

• General cyber awareness – Workbooks & Days.

• CAIP must be discussed.

• Awareness on a continuous basis.

• Technical issues: Antivirus software and monitoring.

• Non-technical issues: Cyber bullying and plagiarism.

CAIP – Role Players

It is vital that role players know what the issues are and how to address them

(Greenfield, 2004).

Role players are:

• School Management.

• IT teacher / Life skills teacher.

• Parents.

• Learners.


• Child protection service.

• Legal advice.

Role players & Responsibilities




C-safety team guidance


Initiatives monitor enforce


Cyber safe environment monitor enforce

Parents participate


CAIP -Agreement

• Cyber Use Agreements must be in place for all students & teachers.

• They must be agreed to and signed by the student and his/her parents.

• A signed copy of the agreement is placed in the student’s file for reference.

• They must be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure their appropriateness and effectiveness.

• Two separate policies can be developed, learner specific and teacher specific.

CAIP – Agreement

• The policy/s should be passed by a legal service, Child

Protection Act and SAPS.

• CAIP must explicitly cover the following:

 The school’s responsibility and rights towards ICT use;

 The learner’s responsibilities and rights towards ICT use;

 The parent/guardians responsibility and rights towards

ICT use; and

 The consequences if the policy is not adhered to.

• All learners should sign it, indicating that they accept the policy and related sanctions.

• All role players must be made aware of the content and consequences of the policy.

CAIP – Incident handling

Cyber incident


Is a suspected e-crime?


Is it a suspected child protection issue?


Is the incident a breach of CAIP


Education & Awareness


Contact SAPS



Contact abuse Report line

Contact School Management

Resolve issue


Keep record

Review CAIP

Assistance to Schools

Schools must also be provided with:

• Templates: Policies, Agreements, ….;

• Resources: Workbooks (next presentation);

• Training for life skills teachers and

• National cyber awareness day.

