Whole School Pay Policy - Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School

Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School
This policy was adopted/updated:
Jul 2013
This policy was reviewed:
Jul 2015
This policy will be reviewed:
Jul 2016 (or when required)
Statutory policy
School Pay Policy
1. Basic Principles .................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Staffing structure and job descriptions............................................................ 4
1.3 Pay discretions ............................................................................................... 5
1.4 Support for staff .............................................................................................. 5
1.5 Appraisal and Pay Reviews ............................................................................ 5
1.6 Procedures ..................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Delegation of Pay Policy Implementation ....................................................... 6
1.8 Appeals .......................................................................................................... 7
2. Discretions in Basic Pay Determination ............................................................... 9
2.1 Pay range for Headteacher ............................................................................ 9
2.2 Determination of Discretionary Payments to Headteachers ........................... 9
2.3 Pay range for Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers ................. 9
2.4 Discretionary experience points for Classroom Teachers .............................. 9
2.5 Part-time teachers ........................................................................................ 10
2.6 Short notice .................................................................................................. 10
2.7 Unqualified teachers ..................................................................................... 11
2.8 Unqualified teachers’ allowance ................................................................... 11
3. Performance Pay ............................................................................................... 13
3.1 Funding ........................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Links between pay, career stages and Appraisal ......................................... 13
3.3 Headteacher ................................................................................................. 13
3.4 Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers ..................................... 14
3.5 Leading Practitioner (LP) .............................................................................. 14
3.6 Movement to the Upper pay Range (UPR) ................................................... 15
3.7 Classroom teachers on the main scale......................................................... 16
3.8 Support Staff ................................................................................................ 17
4. Discretionary Allowances and Payments ........................................................... 19
4.1 Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments (TLRs) ............................. 19
4.2 Special Educational Needs allowances ........................................................ 19
School Pay Policy
4.3 Fast Track .................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Other Payments............................................................................................ 20
4.5 Out-of-school learning activities.................................................................... 21
4.6 Recruitment/Retention Incentives and Benefits ............................................ 21
5. Pay Policy Annexes ........................................................................................... 22
Annexe A: School’s Staffing Structure ...................................................................... 23
Annexe B: School Procedure for the Hearing of Appeals ......................................... 24
Annexe C: Definitions of Performance ...................................................................... 25
Annexe D: Teachers’ Pay 2014 – Outer London ...................................................... 26
Basic Principles
All teachers employed at Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School are paid in
accordance with the statutory provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and
Conditions Document as updated from time to time. A copy of the latest
version may be found in the school office and is also on-line at
ndconditionsdocument. All pay-related decisions are made taking full account
of the school improvement plan and teachers and unions have been consulted
on this policy. This policy statement will apply to all paid workers, whether
temporary or permanent, and will be in full regard to Equal
Opportunity/Diversity Policy with relevant equalities legislation:
Employment Relations Act 1999, Equality Act 2010, Employment Rights Act
1996, The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment)
Regulations 2000, The Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less
Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, The Agency Workers Regulations
2010.The following principles will apply:
posts will be graded appropriately within the conditions of employment
identified in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
and the conditions of service for support staff of the school;
the annual assessment of all teachers, including members of the
leadership group, and the annual performance review of the headteacher,
will be fairly and properly conducted;
assigned increased management responsibility, whether on a temporary
or more permanent basis will be recognised;
 as far as is practicable, pay levels in other schools, particularly those of a
similar type in the locality will be taken into account.
This policy statement applies to all employees of the school whether
temporary or permanent and is be available to all the staff of the school.
The Governing Body will review this policy annually or on any occasion when
it is requested to do so by the headteacher.
The Governing Body shall consult with the staff and relevant Trade Unions at
the time of the annual or any other review of the policy.
Staffing structure and job descriptions
The headteacher will ensure that each member of staff is provided with a job
description in accordance with the staffing structure agreed by the Governing
Body and published as appropriate.
Job descriptions and selection criteria will be in place at the time of
appointment. Job descriptions will identify key areas of responsibility
accountability and the Occupational Standards - knowledge, skills and
competencies required for the post. They will be reviewed as part of the
appraisal process.
Pay discretions
Criteria for the use of pay discretions are set out in this policy and
discretionary awards will only be made in accordance with these criteria, thus
ensuring that all new awards are dealt with on a fair and consistent basis.
Support for staff
The Governing Body will provide support for all staff including PPA, leadership
and management time for teaching and other staff, as appropriate, in line with
the requirements of the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document. Due
consideration should also be given to the support required by other staff who
are employed on Local Government Services National Agreement on Pay and
Conditions of Service. All members of staff will be told how the training and
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy affects them and will have
the opportunity to review their training and development needs with their line
manager and with recognised trade unions, as appropriate. The Governing
Body will observe all health and safety requirements particularly with regards
to working time. The Governing Body notes that from September 2009,
teachers should only rarely provide cover and the need to set interim targets
to achieve this objective.
Appraisal and Pay Reviews
Appraisal of teachers and the headteacher will take place in accordance with
their contract of employment, The Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal)
(England) Regulations 2012, the School’s Appraisal Policy, the School
Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and the Conditions of Service for
Schoolteachers in England and Wales (‘The Burgundy Book’). The appraisal
cycle and its relationship with the pay determination process is set out in the
school’s appraisal policy. For all teachers the appraiser will make a
recommendation on pay based on performance. This policy should be read in
conjunction with the school’s appraisal policy and guidance which sets out the
framework for the assessment of teachers and the headteacher’s overall
The appraisal of support staff will take place in accordance with School’s
appraisal procedures; it will take into account the National Joint Council for
Local Government Services National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of
Service (‘The Green Book’).
The one-year appraisal cycle links with planning for school development and
target setting for pupils.
In agreeing the School budget, the Governing Body will ensure that
appropriate funding is allocated for performance pay progression of teachers
and other staff at all levels. The Governing Body recognises that funding
cannot be used as a criterion to determine pay progression of teachers.
The Pay Committee has the delegated authority from the Governing Body to
take decisions relating to payment of staff in accordance with published
appraisal procedures. In making decisions the Pay Committee will be mindful
of the long-term consequences of any decision taken. The headteacher has
delegated authority to make recommendations to the Pay Committee in
relation to the payment of staff.
The Pay Committee will record the reasons for the award of any salary
discretions. Decisions will be communicated by the headteacher to each
individual member of staff in writing. The Pay Committee will communicate in
writing to the headteacher decisions on his/her pay. An instruction to the
School’s payroll provider to amend pay from the relevant date will be issued
immediately after the time limit for lodging an appeal has passed or
immediately after an appeal has been concluded.
The Pay Committee will review the salaries of teachers, deputy/assistant
headteacher(s) annually on or soon after 1 September and no later than by
31 October and for the headteacher by 31 December and its decision will take
effect from 1 September. Reviews may take place at other times of the year
to reflect any changes in circumstances or job description that lead to a
change in the basis for calculating an individual’s pay. The School will provide
each member of staff with a written statement in which his/her salary and any
other financial benefits to which s/he is entitled, are set out, after each review.
The Governing Body will ensure that objectives have been agreed or set for
the headteacher by the end of August each year.
Where a pay determination leads or may lead to the start of a period of
safeguarding, the Governing Body will give the required notification to the
teacher concerned as soon as possible and no later than one month after the
date of the determination.
Each member of staff will receive before 31 October a written statement of
the determination of his/her pay. Casual staff are also entitled to a written
statement as appropriate, with their pay determined in the same way as that
of other teachers or support staff.
Delegation of Pay Policy Implementation
The Governing Body will appoint a Pay Committee to make recommendations
to the Governing Body on decisions that might need to be taken as a result of
application of this policy. The number of governors on the committee shall be
at least three. No governor who is employed at the school may be a member
of the Pay Committee.
The Governing Body will review the terms of reference and the membership
of this committee at least once a year. Except where it is considering the
headteacher’s pay, the Pay Committee will receive recommendations from
the headteacher for teaching staff that are in accordance with the The
Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012, the
School’s Appraisal Policy. It will meet at least once a year to consider the
salary position of all members of staff. It will keep up to date with
developments on pay.
The Governing Body will separately appoint two or three governors to
undertake the headteacher’s appraisal review.
A separate Pay Appeal Committee will consider appeals against decisions
taken by the Pay Committee. It will consist of three governors who are not
currently serving on the committee that made the pay decision. The decision
of the Pay Appeal Committee is final.
The day-to-day management of the policy is delegated to the headteacher in
consultation with the Chair of Governors. The headteacher will report to the
Chair of Governors, those occasions when the delegated responsibility has
been exercised in respect of the discretionary elements of the School
Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and the pay provisions for support
The headteacher, in accordance with this policy, will make annual
recommendations on the salary of all staff to the Pay Committee. The Pay
Committee has authority delegated from the Governing Body to approve
these recommendations. The Governing Body may choose to accept the
recommendation of the headteacher or delegate the decision to the
The Governing Body requires that the headteacher, in exercising the
delegated responsibilities, has appropriate regard to the budget and the
requirements of employment legislation.
Pay decisions will be communicated to each member of staff by the
headteacher in writing, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the School
Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. Decisions on the pay of the
headteacher and deputy headteacher will be communicated by the Chair of
Governors in writing, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the School Teachers’
Pay and Conditions Document.
The Chair of Governors will be available to the headteacher for consultation
on those matters of this policy delegated to the headteacher.
The arrangements for considering appeals are as follows:
A teacher may seek a review of any determination in relation to his/her pay or
any other decision taken by the Governing Body (or a committee or individual
acting with delegated authority) that affects his/her pay.
The following list, which is not exhaustive, includes the usual reasons for
seeking a review of a pay determination: that the person or committee by
whom the decision was made:
a) incorrectly applied any provision of the Document;
b) failed to have proper regard for statutory guidance;
c) failed to take proper account of relevant evidence;
d) took account of irrelevant or inaccurate evidence;
e) was biased; or
f) otherwise unlawfully discriminated against the teacher.
The order of proceedings is as follows:
1. The teacher receives written confirmation of the pay determination and
where applicable the basis on which the decision was made.
2. If the teacher is not satisfied, he/she should seek to resolve this by
discussing the matter informally with the decision-maker within ten working
days of the decision.
3. Where this is not possible, or where the teacher continues to be
dissatisfied, he/she may follow a formal appeal process.
4. The teacher should set down in writing the grounds for questioning the pay
decision and send it to the person (or committee) who made the
determination, within ten working days of the notification of the decision
being appealed against or of the outcome of the discussion referred to
5. The committee or person who made the determination should provide a
hearing, within ten working days of receipt of the written appeal, to consider
the appeal and give the teacher an opportunity to make representations in
person. Following the hearing the employee should be informed in writing
of the decision and the right to appeal.
6. Any appeal should be heard by a panel of three governors who were not
involved in the original determination, normally within twenty working days
of the receipt of the written appeal notification. The teacher will be given
the opportunity to make representations in person. The decision of the
appeal panel will be given in writing, and where the appeal is rejected will
include a note of the evidence considered and the reasons for the decision.
Discretions in Basic Pay Determination
Pay range for Headteacher
The Governing Body will determine a pay range (ISR) for the Headteacher
taking into account the school’s Headteacher Group and the related pay range
and is aligned to Group 2 Leadership Range (see Appendix).
Any changes to the Individual School Range shall be in accordance with the
School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.
The Governing Body have discretion to consider movement by more than one
point within the range.
Determination of Discretionary Payments to Headteachers
Where the Governing Body makes a determination to pay the Headteacher
additional payments, the total sum of these payments in any school year must
not exceed 25% of the amount that corresponds to the Headteacher salary.
Discretionary payments should exclude payments for residential duties or for
relocation purposes.
The Governing Body may make a determination to pay an additional payment
where the Headteacher has reached the maximum point of their pay range,
the Governing Body can consider a pay increase within the 25% discretionary
Pay range for Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers
The pay range for the deputy headteacher is to be set individually by the
Governing Body according to experience and qualifications.
The pay range for assistant headteachers will be set individually by the
Governing Body according to experience and qualifications.
Any changes to the pay range for the deputy headteachers and assistant
headteachers shall be in accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay and
Conditions Document.
A deputy headteacher or assistant headteacher will be paid within the
minimum and maximum of the leadership range.
Discretionary experience points for Classroom Teachers
When placing a classroom teacher on the main scale, the Governing Body
will consider awarding an extra point or points on the scale in recognition of
other relevant experience that would not attract mandatory experience points
in the following circumstances:
One point on the main scale for each complete year of service as a
qualified teacher in an school, a city technology college, a city college for
the technology of the arts or an independent school.
One point on the main scale for each period of three years of service as a
qualified teacher in an overseas school outside the European Economic
Area, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the USA in the
maintained sector of the country concerned.
One point on the main scale for each complete year of service teaching in
higher education or further education, including sixth form colleges.
The Governing Body will consider awarding on a case-by-case basis, one
point on the scale for each complete period of three years spent outside
teaching but working in a relevant area. This might include industrial or
commercial training, and experience with children/young people.
The Governing Body will not award more points for experience under
paragraphs 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 of this policy than the teacher could have achieved
had s/he entered teaching at the age of 22 years and progressed on the
classroom teachers’ pay spine at the rate of one point per year. The maximum
number of points the Governing Body will award under the heading of
experience of value is three points.
The Governing Body may award one point for the purposes of the determination
of a classroom teacher’s salary in accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay
and Conditions Document, where the teacher’s performance in the previous
School year was assessed as excellent having regard to all aspects of his
professional duties in particular classroom teaching at his/her performance
management review meeting.
Part-time teachers
Teachers employed on an ongoing basis at the school but who work less than
a full working day or week, are deemed to be part-time. The headteacher will
give them a written statement detailing their working time obligations and the
mechanism used to determine their pay, subject to the provisions of the
statutory pay arrangements. The written statement will clearly state the
sessions and hours the part-time teacher will be required to work.
Short notice
Teachers who work on a day-to-day or other short notice basis have their pay
determined in line with the statutory pay arrangements in the same way as
other teachers. Teachers paid on a daily basis will have their salary assessed
as an annual amount, divided by 195 and multiplied by the number of days
Teachers who work less than a full day will be hourly paid and will also have
their salary calculated as an annual amount which will then be divided by 195
then divided again by 6.5 to arrive at the hourly rate.
Unqualified teachers
The Governing Body, will, when determining on which point to place
unqualified teachers on the unqualified teachers’ pay range when they are
appointed, take account of any relevant qualifications and experience.
Unqualified teachers will be appointed above the minimum in the following
Recognised overseas teaching qualification.
Recognised post-16 teaching qualification.
Recognised qualification relevant to their subject area.
For each period of three years of service as an overseas-trained teacher.
For each complete year of service teaching in higher education or further
education, including sixth form colleges.
The Governing Body will consider awarding on a case by case basis, for each
period of three years spent outside teaching but working in a relevant area.
This might include industrial or commercial training, time spent working in an
occupation relevant to the teacher’s work at the school, and experience with
children/young people.
In order to progress up the unqualified teacher range, unqualified teachers
will need to show that they have made good progress towards their objectives.
If the evidence shows that a teacher has exceptional performance, the
Governing Body will award enhanced pay progression.
Judgments will be properly rooted in evidence. As unqualified teachers move
up the pay range, this evidence should show:
 an improvement in teaching skills;
 an increasing positive impact on pupil progress;
 an increasing impact on wider outcomes for pupils improvements in specific
elements of practice identified to the teacher;
 an increasing contribution to the work of the school;
 an increasing impact on the effectiveness of staff and colleagues.
Unqualified teachers’ allowance
The Governing Body will pay an unqualified teachers’ allowance to unqualified
teachers when the Governing Body consider their basic salary is not adequate
having regard to their responsibilities, qualifications and experience.
The Governing Body will pay an unqualified teacher on one of the employment
based routes into teaching on the unqualified teachers’ scale.
An unqualified teacher will not be paid a TLR
Performance Pay
The Governing Body agrees the school budget and will ensure that
appropriate funding is allocated for performance pay progression at all levels.
The Governing Body recognises that funding cannot be used as a criterion to
determine progression.
Links between pay, career stages and Appraisal
Induction – the final review meeting of the induction period will be used to
agree objectives and professional development opportunities as the first stage
of the teacher’s subsequent appraisal cycle.
Aspects of pay progression decisions made by the Governing Body for all
teachers/headteacher will be based on information about a
teacher’s/headteacher’s performance. Information from the appraisal
statement and review must be used to inform those decisions.
The headteacher must demonstrate sustained high quality of performance,
with particular regard to leadership, management and pupil progress at the
school and will be subject to a review of performance against appraisal
objectives and standards before any performance points will be awarded.
The appraisal objectives for the headteacher will be set in accordance with
the schools’ appraisal policy and guidance and will reflect priorities identified
in the school’s development plan.
The annual review of the headteacher’s performance will be carried out as at
1st September by the panel of governors appointed as set out in section 3.3.5.
The External Partner will support them in carrying out the performance review
of the headteacher.
Annual pay progression, within the range set for the post by the Governing
Body, is not automatic and will be related to performance. The School
Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document allows a Governing Body the
discretion to award up to two pay points in any one year. This decision will be
reviewed at least annually.
The panel of governors appointed to undertake the review of the
headteacher’s performance will report to the Pay Committee, which will then
make recommendations to the Governing Body about the salary of the
headteacher in a written statement, giving reasons for the recommendation
and the level of salary that it is recommended should be paid from 1st
September of the relevant year. The Governing Body will make its decision
known to the headteacher in writing.
Pay determination will be madein relation to whether the agreed standards in
the most recent appraisal review have been met.
Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers
The deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers must demonstrate
sustained high quality of performance in respect of school leadership and
management and pupil progress and will be subject to a review of
performance against performance objectives and standards before any
performance points will be awarded
The performance objectives for the deputy headteachers and assistant
headteachers will be set in accordance with the schools’ appraisal policy and
The appraisal of the deputy headteacher’s performance will be carried out by
the headteacher. The appraisal of assistant headteachers performance may
be delegated to the deputy headteacher by the headteacher. Annual pay
progression within the range for the post set by the Governing Body is not
automatic. The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document allows a
Governing Body the discretion to award up to two pay points in any one year.
The headteacher will report on the performance review of the deputy
headteachers and assistant headteachers to the Pay Committee, which will
then make recommendations to the Governing Body about the salary of the
deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers in a written statement,
giving reasons for the recommendation and the level of salary that it is
recommended should be paid from 1 September of the relevant year. The
Governing Body will make its decision known to the deputy headteachers and
assistant headteachers in writing.
Pay determination will be made in relation to whether the agreed standards in
the most recent appraisal review have been met.
Leading Practitioner (LP)
The Governing Body notes that it has the power to create Leading Practitioner
posts for experienced classroom teachers who have the primary purpose of
modelling and leading improvement in teaching skills. LP posts will be
considered each year. The Governing Body will determine the individual pay
range within the minimum and maximum set out in the school teachers pay
and conditions document.
A Leading practitioner post should include responsibility for:
a) the induction of newly qualified teachers;
b) professional mentoring of other teachers;
c) sharing good practice through demonstration lessons;
d) helping teachers to develop their expertise in planning, preparation and
e) helping other teachers to evaluate the impact of their teaching on students;
undertaking classroom observations to
performance management process; and
g) helping teachers improve their teaching practice including those on
capability procedures.
Movement to the Upper pay Range (UPR)
Qualifying teachers may apply to the headteacher to be paid on the upper pay
range in accordance with current arrangements published by the DfE.
All applications should include the results of reviews or appraisals, including
any recommendation on pay. Applications should contain evidence from the
two most recent appraisal reviews (if the applicant is a new joiner to the school
then recent appraisal reviews from their previous school should be used). The
school will inform teachers of their eligibility to apply for the UPR assessment
one year ahead of their becoming eligible, along with both the mandatory
deadline for applications and any local administrative deadline.
The assessment will be made within 20 working days by the headteacher.
Teachers whose two most recent appraisals demonstrate they fully met all
performance expectations and who have made a significant wider contribution
to the school that has impacted on pupil progress and the effectiveness of
colleagues will be eligible for consideration.
Teachers who meet the required performance expectations for UPR1 (see
Annexe C) will meet the required criteria and will be appointed to Pt 1 of the
UPR with effect from 1st September in the year in which the successful
application was made.
Teachers who, after written feedback from the headteacher believe that they
have been wrongly assessed as not yet meeting the required performance
expectations have the right to apply under the appeals mechanism within this
Pay Policy.
Progression on the Upper Pay Range will be based on two successful
consecutive performance appraisal reviews, other than under the exceptional
circumstances as set out in the current School Teachers Pay and Conditions
Where it is clear from the evidence that the teacher’s performance is assessed
as outstanding as defined in Annexe D, and where the teacher has
consistently exceeded their performance expectations, the Pay Committee
will use its flexibility to decide on enhanced progression from the minimum to
the maximum of UPR.
Where a teacher is a post-threshold teacher by virtue of paragraphs (b), (c),
and (e) – (i) of the definition of post-threshold teachers in Part I of the School
Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (pages 20-22), the Governing Body
may determine which point on the Upper Pay Range to place them, rather
than being required to place them on to U1. When doing so, the Governing
Body will consider any pay progression which such teachers made in their
previous employment which was based on an assessment of standards and
contribution comparable to the requirements for progression on the upper pay
scale; and will not unreasonably withhold appointment at the equivalent point
on the Upper Pay Range.
3.6.10. A teacher on the Upper Pay Range will be paid within the minimum and
maximum of the upper pay range.
Classroom teachers on the main scale
In this school all teachers can expect to receive regular, constructive feedback
on their performance and are subject to annual appraisal that recognises their
strengths, informs plans for their future development, and helps to enhance
their professional practice. The arrangements for teacher appraisal are set
out in the school’s appraisal policy.
Decisions regarding pay progression will be made with reference to the
teachers’ appraisal reports and the pay recommendations they contain. In the
case of NQTs, whose appraisal arrangements are different, pay decisions will
be made by means of the statutory induction process. It will be possible for a
‘no progression’ determination to be made without recourse to the capability
Classroom teachers on the main pay range will receive one incremental point
each year their performance is assessed as good through the appraisal
process. An extra point on the main scale may be awarded for excellent
performance over the previous academic year, having regard to all aspects of
their professional duties but in particular classroom teaching. At this school
this means their performance is assessed as outstanding within the appraisal
process. (See Annexe D and appraisal policy and guidance for definition of
outstanding, good and need for improvement).
Should a teacher be assessed as needing to improve, this may result in an
incremental point being withheld. Teachers whose performance is assessed
as unsatisfactory are considered to be those subject to formal capability
To be fair and transparent, assessments of performance will be properly
rooted in evidence. In this school we will ensure fairness by requiring all
appraisers to be members of the SLT to receive appropriate training, and to
be appraised on the quality of their work. All appraisers will meet to monitor
and moderate their feedback and assessments. The evidence we will use will
include a range of sources that may be used as the basis for assessing
performance. These are set out in the appraisal guidance document.
Teachers’ appraisal reports will contain pay recommendations. Final
decisions about whether or not to accept a pay recommendation will be made
by the Governing Body, having regard to the appraisal report and taking into
account advice from the senior leadership team. The Governing Body will
consider its approach in the light of the school’s budget and ensure that
appropriate funding is allocated for pay progression at all levels.
In this school, judgements of performance will be made against the relevant
standards and appraisal objectives and teachers will be eligible for pay
progression if their performance is assessed as good or outstanding against
the relevant performance expectations.
A teacher on the main pay range will be paid a salary within the minimum and
maximum of the main pay range.
Support Staff
Staff members in Community Schools are employed on the salary scales of
the LA and their salary is determined under the terms the National Joint
Council of Local Government Services.
On appointing a member of the support staff, the job description determined
for the post of which the employee is to be appointed will be evaluated in
accordance with an approved scheme. Advice will be sought from persons
engaged by the Governing Body.
The headteacher, in consultation with the Chair of Governors will determine
the appropriate point on the evaluated scale having regard to:
i) relevant qualifications and/or experience
ii) recruitment/retention needs of the school in respect of the post.
The decision of the headteacher will be reported to the Pay Committee.
If at any time the headteacher, in consultation with the Chair of Governors,
considers that a member of the support staff is being asked to undertake, or
has undertaken, increased responsibility on a permanent or temporary basis,
she will refer the job description of the post, with the new responsibilities, to
be evaluated. If the evaluation provides for a higher salary, that salary will be
paid to the post holder from a date determined by the headteacher and, in the
case of a temporary increase in responsibility, the date to which the new
salary will be paid. The new salary level will be reported to the Governing
Body at their next meetings.
The appraisal policy applies for support staff and at the time of making the
annual assessment of the teachers’ salaries, the headteacher may also make
any recommendation to the Pay Committee in respect of the salary of any
member of the support staff. Any recommendation will be based on the
performance of the member of the support staff in accordance with the
appraisal policy.
If any member of the support staff wishes to appeal against his/her salary
level s/he may ask for a re-evaluation of the job description of the post to be
undertaken. In the event that a member of the support staff wishes to appeal
against a decision of the Pay Committee, then s/he shall follow the appeals
Discretionary Allowances and Payments
Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments (TLRs)
TLRs are awarded to the holders of the posts as indicated in the school’s
staffing structure.
A Teaching and Learning Responsibility payment (“TLR”) may be awarded to
a classroom teacher for undertaking a sustained additional responsibility in
the context of the school’s staffing structure for the purpose of ensuring the
continued delivery of high-quality teaching and learning for which they are
made accountable. The award is attached to the post in the structure and the
teacher may receive the TLR payment whilst the teacher remains in the same
post or occupies another post which attracts a TLR in the temporary absence
of the post-holder.
Before awarding a TLR, the Governing Body will need to satisfy itself that the
teacher’s duties include a significant responsibility that is not required of all
classroom teachers, and that the responsibility:
a) is focused on teaching and learning;
b) requires the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgement;
c) requires the teacher to lead, manage and develop a subject or
curriculum area; or to lead and manage pupil development across the
d) has an impact on the educational progress of pupils other than the
teacher’s assigned classes or groups of pupils; and
e) involves leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of
other staff.
Before awarding a TLR1, the Governing Body must be satisfied that the
significant responsibility referred to in the previous paragraph includes in
addition line management responsibility for a significant number of people.
The relevant body may award a fixed-term third TLR (TLR3) to a classroom
teacher for clearly time-limited school improvement projects, or one-off
externally driven responsibilities. The annual value of a TLR3 must be no less
than £511.00 and no greater than £2,551.00. The duration of the fixed term
must be established at the outset and payment should be made on a monthly
basis for the duration of the fixed term. Where a TLR3 is awarded to a parttime teacher it must be paid in full to an individual and not on a pro-rata basis.
A teacher may not hold a TLR1 and a TLR2 concurrently, but if in receipt of a
TLR1 or 2 may also hold a TLR3. A TLR could be based on a job description
that itemises several different areas of significant responsibility.
Special Educational Needs allowances
SEN allowance 1 will be awarded to all classroom teachers who are engaged
wholly or mainly in taking charge of special classes of children who are
hearing-impaired or visually impaired or who teach pupils with statements of
special educational needs in designated special classes. In this respect, a
“special class” is defined as Resourced Provision.
SEN allowance 1 may also be awarded to classroom teachers who make a
particular contribution to the teaching of pupils with special educational needs
which is significantly greater than that which would normally be expected of a
classroom teacher i.e. teach and support SEN full-time across the school.
The headteacher may, at the time of the annual assessment referred to in this
policy, make a written recommendation to the Governing Body that a level 2
SEN allowance be awarded to a classroom teacher who has an allowance at
level 1, in recognition of any qualifications and/or experience considered
appropriate in respect of such pupils. Any award will be paid from the
beginning of the following September.
An SEN allowance of no less than £2043.00 and no more than £4034.00 per
annum is payable to a classroom teacher
SEN allowances are not payable to Unqualified Teachers
Fast Track
The Governing Body notes the Fast Track Scheme and will determine a policy
applicable to fast track teachers if it is decided to take part in the Scheme.
Other Payments
Continuing professional development. Teachers (including the headteacher)
who undertake voluntary continuing professional development outside the
school day will not be entitled to an additional payment, but will have these
undertakings taken into account when reviewing performance, particularly in
relation to Wider Professional Effectiveness. The impact that the training has
had on the rest of the school will be of paramount importance.
Initial teacher training activities. Teachers (including the headteacher) who
undertake voluntarily school-based initial teacher training activities which are
not seen as part of the ordinary running of the school will be given separate
contracts of employment to cover areas of work that are not part of their
substantive teaching job or contract of employment.
The following activities will attract a payment of £250.00 per day:
Planning an initial teacher training course.
Preparing course material for teacher training.
Undertaking the marking, finance and administration of the course and
taking responsibility for the wellbeing and tuition of initial teacher training
Such payments will be funded solely from monies provided for the purposes
of initial teacher training.
Out-of-school learning activities
Teachers (including the headteacher) who agree to provide learning activities
outside of the normal school hours and whose salary range does not take
account of such activity will be entitled to an hourly rate of pay for teaching or
support staff.
The activities that will attract payment are:
Booster Classes after school
Easter or Summer School (study support, Literacy, Numeracy and Gifted
and Talented)
Such payments cannot be made to headteachers, deputy/assistant
headteachers or ASTs, but will recognise the additional responsibility of
organising, managing and providing Out-of-school hours learning as part of
the determination of the ISR or pay ranges.
Recruitment/Retention Incentives and Benefits
The Governing Body may pay recruitment and retention awards as an
incentive for the recruitment of new teachers and the retention of existing
teachers. Incentives may, for example, include a cash sum, a percentage
uplift of salary, or defined benefits such as childcare costs or health care
Headteachers, deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers should not
be awarded recruitment or retention allowances, other than as reimbursement
for reasonably incurred housing or re-location costs. If this discretion has been
applied in setting a pay range for recruitment purposes any further payment
should not be made.
The Governing Body will determine the level of payment and the fixed-term
duration over which the payment is to be made. These arrangements will be
subject to regular formal reviews.
Pay Policy Annexes
Annexe A: School’s Staffing Structure
Annexe B: School Procedure for the Hearing of Appeals
Annexe C: Definitions of Performance
Annexe D: UPR1 Performance Expectations
Annexe E: Teachers’ Pay 2014 – Outer London
Annexe A: School’s Staffing Structure
Senior Assiatant
Team Leader
Team Leader
Team Leader
Annexe B: School Procedure for the Hearing of Appeals
Appeals against pay decisions, including threshold applications, should
usually be notified in writing within ten working days to the Clerk to the
The Clerk to the Governors will arrange for an appeal committee to be
conducted with reasonable notice and normally within twenty working days of
receipt of a written appeal notification.
The appeal committee shall comprise at least three members. The appellant
shall be given at least ten working days notice of a meeting of the appeal
committee. The member of staff may attend the meeting of the committee and
will be entitled to be accompanied/represented by a ‘friend’, who may be a
work colleague or a representative of his/her trade union. The committee may
have an adviser present.
No one who has been involved in a prior decision should be involved in
hearing an appeal.
Appeal decisions should be given in writing. Where an appeal is rejected, the
decision should also communicate in writing the evidence considered and the
reasons for the decision.
Pay appeals decisions are final and binding on both parties and may not be
reopened under grievance procedures unless a specific breach of equal
opportunities or other relevant employment legislation.
Appeals Against the Contents of Review and Planning Statement
An appraisee can use the school’s grievance procedure to appeal against the
contents of their review and planning statement. This should be deferred until
after any moderation process is complete, i.e. after 10 days where
headteachers do not think that changes are needed, and after 20 days in cases
where the headteacher has requested changes to be made.
Annexe C: Definitions of Performance
 80% of all lessons observed formally are judged as outstanding
 Quality of provision is consistently outstanding
 All pupils taught reach their agreed expected targets and the average class
progress is outstanding as defined by Ofsted. (3.9 KS2 and 6.0 KS1)
 All pupils taught reach their expected targets and at least 30% exceed
expected progress
 Lead, a significant new initiative for school development that is sustained
beyond implementation and is embedded into the ethos of the school
 Feedback from stakeholders demonstrates the individual is highly regarded
and whose work is highly valued by those who want to learn from them
 All performance expectations are met exceeded through the appraisal cycle
 All lessons observed formally are consistently good or outstanding
 Quality of provision is consistently good or outstanding
 All pupils reach their agreed expected targets in relation to progress and
 Effective leadership of a subject, project or directed task that makes a positive
contribution and impact on the school
 All performance expectations met
 All teacher standards fully met
Requires Improvement
Any lesson formally observed as “needing improvement”
Quality of provision needs improvement
Some pupils not reaching agreed expected targets
Leadership of subject, project or directed task does not make a positive
contribution and impact on the school
 Some performance expectations not met
 Any teacher standard not fully met
Annexe D: Teachers’ Pay 2014 – Outer London