WALTON PRIORY MIDDLE SCHOOL Beacon Rise, Walton, Stone, Staffordshire. ST15 0AL Headteacher Mr. M. Pierzchalla M.Ed. Tel: 01785 814 930 Email: office@waltonpriory.staffs.sch.uk Fax. 01785 819 304 Web address: http://www.waltonpriorymiddleschool.co.uk November 2013 To All Applicants, On behalf of the Stone Community Federation may I thank you for your interest in the post of Deputy Headteacher. Enclosed with this letter are the following documents which offer a comprehensive view of the type of person the governors wish to appoint and the more specific roles associated with the post itself: Deputy Headteacher – Person Specification Deputy Headteacher – Job Specification Standards for Federation Leadership At the moment the Stone Community Federation comprises two schools – Walton Priory Middle School and Manor Hill First School and the responsibilities and duties described in this pack apply across both institutions. Should you require further clarification of any aspect of the role before you submit a formal application please do not hesitate to call the school to speak to the Executive Headteacher or the present Deputy Headteacher who will be pleased to answer any queries you may have. If, having read the documentation, you feel you wish to make a formal application the Federation Governing Body will be pleased to consider it carefully. Yours sincerely, Amanda Brooke (Chair of Governors)