COMMERCIAL PRIMARY SCHOOL Term 2 Class Newsletter for

Term 2
Class Newsletter for Rooms 15/16
General info
Welcome to our second P7 newsletter. We have a busy term coming up.
This term our class novel that we will
use for Workshop for Literacy is A
Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
We will be doing a number of reading
and writing activities linked to this
 To show understanding of the
text both orally and in writing.
 To use inference to answer open
questions around the text.
 To read with fluency and
 To understand the relationship
between characters
 Skimming and Scanning
 Personal Writing
 Notetaking
 Debate and persuasion
 Themes and Imagery
 Developing characterisation
 Report Writing (through IDL)
All of the above will encompass
elements of the following;
use of apostrophes, direct speech,
similes and metaphors, plurals,
commas, indirect speech, connectives,
quotation marks, sentence structure.
We will also be looking at different
types of poetry, and writing our own
Interdisciplinary Topic
We will be studying the topic Politics,
and will be doing this through a
storyline approach, involving creating
our own political parties and staging an
 To understand the roles of
councillors and politicians.
 To know how an election works
 To understand the working and
functions of the Scottish
 To know the main features of a
democracy and understand how
this works
Numeracy and Maths
 Multiples, factors and primes
 Roots and Powers
 Adding, subtracting, multiplying
and dividing decimals
 Long multiplication strategies
(standard written methods and
 Co-ordinates
 Symmetry and Transformation
Children will continue to practise
multiplication tables, number bonds and
mental strategies weekly.
Health and Wellbeing
We will be discussing healthy eating and
nutritional needs. We will be aware of
the journeys food makes from source
to consumer and will investigate
Listening and Talking
 To give opinions around the text
with reasons
 Discussing a text
 Philosophy and critical thinking
 Homework class presentations
Working on the P7 school handwriting
To join and form letters
To use correct letter height
To write legibly and fluently
Spelling will be linked to our Workshop
for Literacy novel, to allow children to
spell words in a meaningful context.
Spelling patterns will be revised as
We will be using research skills
To use features of Microsoft
 Use an animation package to
create a presentation.
 To be aware of copyright
We will be discussing bias and
credibility of sources and plagiarism.
sustainable food choices. We will be
investigating the detrimental effect of
certain food choices on the
environment and humans eg: palm oil
In PE we will be practising Scottish
Country Dancing. We will also be
continuing to work on increasing our
fitness through circuit training and
HITT. Some of us will be taking part in
a P7 hockey festival
We will be working with Mrs Cosgrove
and studying the beliefs and cultures of
various faiths
Expressive Arts
We will be using various media and
techniques to create observational
seasonal drawings and designs
Music and Drama
We are working with Mr Short on the
following targets:
To listen to and learn melodies and
song words
To work tohether to put on a
musical performance
We will be working on talking about
ourselves, months and days of the year,
Christmas, weather and numbers to 50.
How can parents/ families help? (Including homework information)
By supporting with homework
By encouraging independent working at home
By ensuring children have appropriate outdoor clothing
Other news from our classes:
We will be continuing our John Muir work, looking at classification, habitats and
seasonal changes.
We will be performing our Christmas carol concert in December, details to follow
We will be visiting the Scottish Parliament