Beth Dixon’s Lesson Plans Reminders Morning Activity & Jobs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Journal I feel____ because____. I can_______. Journal I feel____ because____. I can_______. Journal I feel____ because____. I can_______. Journal I feel____ because____. I can_______. Journal I feel____ because____. I can_______. Neil Armstrong Chapter 7: A scout’s pace Neil Armstrong Chapter 9: Another new school Vocab: engineer Neil Armstrong Chapter 11: Airplanes to Astronauts Vocab: squadron, carrier, fraternity Comprehension: discuss the importance of the choices he madeapplying for the scholarship, the college, the job at Edwards- each choice led him to become an astronaut Neil Armstrong Chapter 13 Preparations Vocab: Comprehension: Breakfast 5th grade read aloud Neil Armstrong Chapter 8: Winners and Losers Vocab: photoelectric cell, turbine 5th grade Non-fiction read aloud Week Of: September 13-17, 2010 Explorers research Explorers research Neil Armstrong Chapter 10: Flying Lessons Comprehension: why was it important for Neil to go to a High school that was strong in math and science? Explorers research Neil Armstrong Chapter 12: Successes & Failures Vocab: civilian, thruster, frogmen Explorers- time lines Neil Armstrong Chapter 14 The 1st man on the moon Vocab: Comprehension: Neil Armstrong Chapter 15 A hero’s welcome Vocab: Comprehension: Constitution videoShh! We are writing the constitution (Safari Montague) Oral Language work on timeline (built own planes, science fair, ninth grade) Find time order words work on timeline.(1944-10th grade, went to Bloom High school, formed a jazz group 1945- war ended ) Find time order words work on timeline (1946- got pilot’s license, 1947received US Navy scholarship, ) Find time order words 5th grade walls that teach 2/3rd grade Walls that teach 3rd grade whole group work on work on timeline() timeline.(1948- went Find time order to Perdue University, words 1950- Korean War, called to fight, 1952- war ended, returned to Perdue; 1955- graduated from Perdue, got a job at Edward’s air force base; 1956got married; 1960flew the x-15) Find time order words work on timeline( 1962- became the first civilian to become an astronaut, 1966Neil’s first flight in space; 1968parachuted out of the LLRV) Find time order words Match vocab words to definitions Match vocab words to definitions Make vocabulary flash cards Match vocab words to definitions Match vocab words to definitions Add words: the, a, of, had Wordo Rivet Slap the word Add words: have, do, be, that Basketball Aerobics Reading passage: Rampanion Teacher pages: 198l-200b Reading passage: Prudy’s Problem and How She Solved it pg. 202- Reading passage: Prudy’s Problem and How She Solved it pg. 210- Reading passage: Choral read Prudy’s Problem and How She Solved it pg. Reading passage: Meeting the challenge of collecting APK discussion: How can you get ideas to solve a problem? Comprehension strategies: find 3 details and the main idea; Monitor and Fix up Vocabulary: introduce vocabulary words collection, enormous, realize, scattered, shiny, strain Oral language: Irregular plural nouns Centers Fluency/ Listening 209 Teacher pages: 200-209 APK discussion: How do you know when you have a problem? Comprehension strategies: using a dictionary, main idea and details, monitor and fix up; review character Vocabulary: sort vocab words in centers- apply in reading Oral language: develop irregular plural nouns Fluency/ Listening Word Study/spelling Word Study/spelling Word Study/spelling Word Study/spelling Word Study/spelling Teacher Time (using literacy first kits) Research/writing Word Cards Payton/ Jonathan/ Montrell: - CVCshort a James: consonant diagraphs- sh Devin: open syllables Research/writing Word Cards Payton/ Jonathan/ Montrell: CVCshort e James: consonant diagraphs- ch Devin: open syllables Research/writing Word Cards Payton/ Jonathan/ Montrell: CVCshort e James: consonant diagraphs- ch Devin: open syllables Research/writing Word Cards Payton/ Jonathan/ Montrell: CVC- short o James: consonant diagraphs Devin: open syllables Research/writing Word Cards Payton/ Jonathan/ Montrell: CVC- short o James: consonant diagraphs Devin: open syllables Stick up for yourself: student pages 45-48 near future and far future dreams- write down 3 near future dreams, 1 five year Stick up for yourself teacher’s edition pg 65-67 sections 1-3 naming your dreams Stick up for yourself teacher’s edition pg 67: part 4 dream volley game Stick up for yourself teacher’s edition pg 69: section 5 talking things over with yourself student pages 59-60 Stick up for yourself: teacher’s edition pg. 70-72 I did it list & closing- make an I did it list in journals Tribes 218 Teacher pages: 210-219 APK discussion: How does Prudy solve her Problem? Comprehension strategies: main idea and details, monitor and fix up, Dictionary; review character Vocabulary: sort vocab words in centers- apply in reading Oral language: apply irregular plural nouns 202-218 Teacher pages: 202223 APK discussion: How does correcting a mistake sometimes lead to great inventions? Comprehension strategies: Vocabulary: sort vocab words in centers- apply in reading Oral language: practice irregular plural nouns Fluency/ Listening Fluency/ Listening Teacher pages: 220-223 APK discussion: At the beginning of the week, we talked about getting ideas to solve problems. Let me ask again, how can you get ideas to solve a problem? Comprehension strategies: reteach main idea; review dictionary; comprehension quiz Vocabulary: vocabulary quiz Oral language: Fluency/ Listening dream, 1 life dream 2nd grade 2nd grade non-fiction read aloud 2nd grade fiction read aloud 5th grade Math Dismissal 2:40 (talk about your dreams) write in journals PA: short vowel sounds & rhyming words file folders People & Places Pgs: OK2-Ok3 Vocabulary: ocean, plain, border Activity: color Oklahoma on a map PA: short vowel sounds & rhyming words file folders People & Places Pgs: OK4-OK5 Vocabulary: cardinal directions Activity: label the room with North, South, East, West Ask kids to look East, etc. (make it a game) Old Hat New Hat Old Hat New Hat Teacher reads/ kids Echo read listen PA: short vowel sounds & rhyming words file folders BALLET PA: short vowel sounds & rhyming words file folders People & Places Pgs: pg 8-11 Living in a neighborhood Vocabulary: law, vote, laws Activity: make a list of “laws” for the classroom Old Hat New Hat choral read PA: short vowel sounds & rhyming words file folders People & Places Pgs: pg 6-7 Vocabulary: group; preview unit vocab on pages 4-5 Activity: find pictures of groups of people in the book. Read the Captions Old Hat New Hat choral read Saxon Math lesson 18 Saxon Math lesson 19 Saxon Math lesson 20 Saxon Math assessment Saxon Math Investigation Hand out folders with homework & point sheets. Hand out folders with homework & point sheets. Hand out folders with homework & point sheets. Hand out folders with homework & point sheets. Hand out folders with homework & point sheets. Old Hat New Hat Kids read/ teacher listens