Lifelong Learning Network for Greater Manchester Rick Crowshaw – Development Manager for Progression and Collaborative Partnership Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 The Greater Manchester Data Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Manchester Headlines • Population > 2.5 million • Comprises 10 Boroughs • Nearly 600,000 have no formal educational qualifications • 6 of the 10 Boroughs are in the 50 most deprived boroughs in the country • Majority of wards have below average proportion of residents with Level 4/5 qualifications – falling to below half the national average in large parts of the conurbation Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Manchester Headlines • One of largest HE student populations in Europe > 110,000 students registered at Greater Manchester universities • Additionally > 3,500 HE students at Greater Manchester FE colleges • 60% of HE entrants in the 10 Boroughs are to local universities – rises to 73% when just take those over 21 • Entrants from wards with high deprivation – 90% stay local Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 What is the GMSA? Established in 2003 - Pre-dates LLNs Alliance of: 6 Greater Manchester HEIs 22 Further Education Colleges 1 WBL Provider Plus Related Organisations e.g. LSC, FdF, Aimhigher, GONW, M:KC, Membership organisation Largest HEFCE LLN by funding (£5.7m) at Rick Crowshaw GMSA September time 2007 GMSA membership by main site location Rochdale Myerscough College Bury Bolton Bolton Community College Centre for Recording Achievement Bury College Holy Cross 6th Form College University of Bolton Oldham Hopwood Hall College University Centre Oldham City College Manchester St John Rigby College Wigan Wigan & Leigh College Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce & Manchester Solutions Salford University of Salford Salford College NHS North West Pendleton College Manchester College of Arts & Technology Eccles College University of Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University North Trafford College of FE • Greater Manchester Learning & Skills Council • North West Development Agency Xaverian College Manchester Enterprises • Foundation Degrees Forward NW • Government Office North West Tameside Manchester Manchester: knowledge Capital South Trafford College Ashton 6th Form College Greater Manchester Open College Network Trafford Also included are: Tameside College Royal Northern College of Music Greater Manchester Aimhigher & Open University of the North West Stockport College of Further & Higher Education Stockport Cheadle & Marple 6th Form College • Open University North West Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Aquinas College Understanding the Territory Aimhigher LSC / NWDA JISC LLN NWLLNS HLSP FdF Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 G M S A OUR VISION To be a vibrant and effective alliance of Greater Manchester universities, colleges and other stakeholders, promoting progression into higher education by adding value through working in partnership. Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Strategic Priorities 2006-2009 Progression routes into and through HE that are relevant & communicated clearly to learners and employers Partnerships between providers of higher level learning programmes and employers / networks Provision that is relevant to current and forecast employment and higher skills needs, and delivered in a way that is accessible to vocational learners Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Core Linked Themes IAG & Learner Support Progression through Collaborative Working Curriculum New Infrastructure Vocational Learning Cross Cutting Theme Research Evaluation & Dissemination Sector Development Groups (SDGs) F&PS Creative & DM Regeneration Health & SC ICT Construction Retail / Logist. Land Based Leadership, Management & Enterprise Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 GMSA Council Steering Group GMSA Management Board Champions Sector Development Groups Finance & PS Health & Social Care ICT Creative Industries Construction/ Built Environment Regeneration Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Land Based Retail & Logistics Partner Institutions Engagement at different levels: • Council and Steering Group • Management Board • Champions and Sector Groups Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Guiding Principles • Celebrate our diversity • Understand and respect each other and each others working cultures – No poor relations – we all offer different but equally valuable contributions to the partnership • Play to our strengths • Agree areas for collaboration • Mutual TRUST and UNDERSTANDING between GM Providers (HEIs, FECs, WBL providers) is critical to our success Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Budget for Sector Development Groups as main delivery vehicle for themes. Funding for SDG lead Membership from HEIs, FECs, Aimhigher, SSCs & WBL Providers Creates a communication forum Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Funding for a post in each member institution, depending on size, to allow allocation of an Institutional Champion. Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Collaborative not competitive! Work together on: • Working groups • Development activities • Appointment panels Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 PROGRESSION PROGRESSION Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 OUR MISSION for PROGRESSION! ‘we would expect LLNs to develop progression agreements that adhere to the following principles: •they support learners' legitimate expectation to progress from specific programmes or institutions to other programmes or institutions, and establish the commitment of institutions to meet those expectations •they are negotiated to make credit transfer a reality •they are developed on a network-wide basis, with all the institutions that form part of the LLN.’ (HEFCE) Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Progression Agreements Development Group produced: ‘Progression Agreement Scheme’ Turning the ‘Scheme’ into reality • Communication of concept Quick Guide Website and FAQs Agreement Template Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Identify other Needs e.g. new provision Define Learner Constituency Identify Key Feeders and Map to GM HE Provision Involve Champions Agree Target Awards in terms of Numbers Progressing Final signed Agreement Task Groups Identify Details Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Understanding the Data GCE AS Level Information and Communication Technology 17% Unitisation (approved external qualification) Level 3, Information and Communication Technology (SSA 6), PW B 26% GCE AS Level Computing GCE A2 Level Information and Communication Technology GCE A2 Level Computing BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners (General) 14% 2% Conversion from Advanced VCE to Advanced VCE (Double Award) in Information and Communication Technology Advanced VCE (Double Award) in Information and Communication Technology 2% GCE AS Level in Applied Information Communication Technology 2% GCE AS Level in Applied Information and Communication Technology (Single Award) 2% BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners (Software Development) 3% 10% 3% BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners (ICT Systems Support) BTEC National Certificate for IT Practitioners (General) 3% 3% 5% Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 8% Other 2007 Understanding the Data Map Data: Crown Copy right Crown Copy right material is reproduced with the permission of the controller of HMSO and the Queen's printer f or Scotland BURY BURY ROCHDALE ROCHDALE BOLTON BOLTON HOPWOOD HOPWOOD HALL HALL COLLEGE COLLEGE OLDHAM OLDHAM BURY BURY COLLEGE COLLEGE THE THEOLDHAM OLDHAM COLLEGE COLLEGE WIGAN WIGANAND AND LEIGH LEIGHCOLLEGE COLLEGE OLDHAM OLDHAM MBC MBC OLDHAM OLDHAM SIXTH SIXTH FORM FORM COLLEGE COLLEGE SALFORD SALFORD COLLEGE COLLEGE PENDLETON PENDLETON COLLEGE COLLEGE WIGAN WIGAN CITY CITYCOLLEGE COLLEGE MANCHESTER MANCHESTER MANCAT MANCAT TAMESIDE TAMESIDE XAVERIAN XAVERIAN COLLEGE COLLEGE SALFORD SALFORD STOCKPORT STOCKPORT COLLEGE COLLEGE AQUINAS AQUINAS COLLEGE COLLEGE Agriculture, horticulture and the built environment TRAFFORD TRAFFORD CHEADLE CHEADLEAND ANDMARPLE MARPLE SIXTH SIXTHFORM FORM COLLEGE COLLEGE STOCKPORT STOCKPORT Full-time provision by institution 70 35 7 Rick Crowshaw GMSA September MANCHESTER MANCHESTER 2007 0 5 miles 10 Understanding the Data Construction Art and Design Part time HE Full timeHE Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Part time HE Full time HE Understanding the Data • Allows identification of meaningful progression opportunities • Ability to reach verbal agreement in Sector Development Groups • Begin the process of institutional agreement • Leading to signed agreement Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Progression Agreement SUBJECT AREA: Built Environment – BTEC National Diploma into HE This Progression Agreement is between: MANCAT University of Bolton Salford College Stockport College Tameside College University Centre, Oldham University of Salford Wigan and Leigh College Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Progression Agreements • Completion of ‘sector-wide’ agreements e.g. Built Environment: Potential 250 Level 3 learners – 7 Providers - to 3 HEIs -with up to 30 programmes all with guaranteed interview. ICT: Potential 500 Level 3 learners – 12 Providers – to 4 Receivers with 6 programmes all with guaranteed interview. Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Progression Agreements Development • Agreements should become ‘living’ documents • Should not appear to restrict options • Network-wide • Should reflect equal access as A’ levels • Publicised through web Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Progression Agreements Issues Barriers Technical Existing Experience Partnerships •Competition •Areas of interest Institutional •Committee structures • Level of authority required Admissions •Understanding of processes •Central v. devolved systems Cultural •Effects on autonomy •Quality/standards Guarantees •What can be guaranteed • Litigation •Language used •Process of gaining approval Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 Key Messages • Recruits not conscripts • Involve the institutions at every stage • Pilot in staged approach • Communication, Communication, Communication! Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007 For further information please see our website: Rick Crowshaw GMSA September 2007