ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT SECTION II: Assessment Process // 2011 -2012 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT – SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT PROCESS COLLEGE / SCHOOL / DIVISION: The Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social Work PROGRAM/UNIT: BSW ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR: Mrs. Carrie Waites, MSW, LCSW Year: 2011-2012 a. Identify individual(s)/committee responsible for designing and implementing assessment process in the program/unit. The following individuals are members of the assessment committee which has responsibility for designing and implementing the assessment process in the BSW program. The assessment committee members for the academic year 2011/2012 are: Entry Level: Dr. Colita Fairfax Ms. Brenda Exum Interval Level: Dr. Theodore Burke Ms. Esonija Fulgham Mrs. Lendora Riddick Mrs. Carrie Waites Exit Level: Mrs. Lendora Riddick Follow-up Mrs. Carrie Waites Mrs. Mary Yanisko (Values Survey/Pre and Post Tests) (Comprehensive Examination, Admission to the Professional Program and Field Application Process) (Adjudicated Assessment Activity) (First- Year and Third-Year Post Graduation Surveys) The student representatives’ names are Leslie Davis and Maile Williams (alternate) Carrie Waites, Chair BSW Assessment Committee b. Indicate whether the program/unit assessment plan for the current year is approved by program faculty/staff in the beginning of fall semester. (Upload/attach minutes – “Assessment Reports” folder – [year] – “Supporting Evidence”). Yes c. Discuss the chronological organization of the assessment process in the program/unit. When are program outcomes assessments conducted? (Upload timeline or flowchart of assessment activities – “Assessment Reports” folder – [year] – “Supporting Evidence”). Page 1 of 4 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT SECTION II: Assessment Process // 2011 -2012 BSW program outcomes assessment activities are conducted according to the timeline below. Timeline of assessment activities Fall, 2011 Entry level activity Interval Mid-level OCT Survey administered and scored Field application and interview process Exit activity NOV DEC Field application and interview process. Application to the professional program Comprehensive examinations administered in SWK 300 Social Welfare Policies and Services II and SWK 309 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II Exit questionnaire and interviews Outcome adjudicated assessment Competency based practice evaluation by external and internal evaluation Follow up activities Conducted once a year – Spring Semester Timeline of assessment activities Spring, 2012 Entry level activity Interval Mid-level Exit activities Follow up activities JAN Survey Administered and scored FEB MARCH APRIL Field application and interview process Application to the professional program Comprehensive examinations administered in SWK 300 Social Welfare Policies and Services II and SWK 309 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II Focus group convened Exit questionnaire and interviews Field satisfaction survey administered Outcome adjudicated assessment MAY Alumni satisfaction survey 1st yr and 3rd yr post graduates d. Discuss assessment data collection methods and tools. i. Identify and briefly describe major data collection approaches/tools (tests, exams, rubrics, surveys, document analysis, process maps, observations, etc.). The major data collection tools are surveys, comprehensive examinations, focus groups, and adjudicated work sample presentations. ii. Briefly discuss why these particular tools have been adopted in the program/unit. Page 2 of 4 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT SECTION II: Assessment Process // 2011 -2012 These tools are consistent with the ones adopted by the professional social work community. They provide pertinent information related to the knowledge, skills and values associated with performance practice based profession. iii. Briefly discuss what steps the program/unit takes to ensure the quality of assessment approaches/tools. The program reviews assessment approaches with the faculty, consultants, and colleagues in the professional community who engage in on going assessment planning and implementation. Also, assessment approaches are reviewed as a part of the reaccreditation process. As it is known assessment is a key standard within the CSWE accreditation protocol. e. Indicate how assessment results are disseminated and discussed in the program. (Upload minutes/agendas/other evidence – “Assessment Reports” folder – [year] – “Supporting Evidence”). They are discussed in faculty meetings and departmental meetings as well as in subcommittee meetings. f. Reflect on assessment findings in the past year. What do overall program assessment results tell you and the Division administration about the effectiveness of the program/unit? Overall assessment results for the past year showed that the BSW program learning outcomes are being met at a high level of proficiency. The benchmarks for each of the ten core competencies were met. In addition, data gleamed from satisfaction surveys showed an overall level of satisfaction in the range of excellent to good. Based on your analysis of assessment data, identify and briefly discuss i. The areas of excellence (strengths). The top six strengths for the BSW program are: 1. A structured sequential curriculum connected to the CSWE mandated competencies; 2. A protocol for advisement which embraces intensive advisement and outreach; 3. Faculty members who are dedicated and committed to undergraduate education; 4. Students who rate their overall satisfaction with the program as high on exit and follow-up surveys; 5. Strong community support particularly, as evidenced by the level of engagement from a variety of diverse community organizations, agencies, and citizen groups; and 6. Effective use of technology to deliver courses, including distance learning. ii. The areas for improvement (weaknesses). The following areas in need of improvement identified via the assessment data are: 1. To implement a technology based strategy to collect more follow up data; 2. To decrease the advisor/advisee ratio; 3. To continue to develop training opportunities for external evaluation; and, 4. To reevaluate the entry level activity/social work values survey. g. How were assessment results used in the past year to make improvements in student learning and development and/or program enhancement? What is the impact of assessment data-based innovations? Please be specific. Assessment results in the past year were used to support curriculum review and the CSWE self-study. Modifications in syllabi to include measures of the required core competencies were accomplished. Assessment data informed the ongoing development of on line courses and are used to facilitate the potential implementation of an on line degree program. Page 3 of 4 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT SECTION II: Assessment Process // 2011 -2012 h. Discuss in detail one (1) concrete and documented example of program improvement based on analysis of specific assessment data for one program outcome i. Identify the program outcome To prepare students for beginning professional level employment. ii. Provide and discuss specific assessment results that initiated action Results from data collected in the follow up survey activity showed a need for additional support in the area of employment opportunities. iii. Describe specific implemented improvement action(s) The BSW program will reinstate employment oriented seminars for graduating students, beginning Fall 2012. iv. Describe and discuss the impact of implemented actions. Not evaluated at this time. i. If applicable, discuss how assessment is integrated in the program’s off-site locations and distance education courses offered by the program. Discuss how the program ensures comparability of student learning outcomes in face-to-face and distance education settings (academic degree programs only). Students in the off-site location participate in all of the assessment activities of the host school. All activities are identical to those of the host school. The integration of assessment activities are ensured and coordinated by the site coordinator in concert with the program director. j. If applicable, discuss how the program ensures the quality of courses offered through consortial and contractual arrangements (academic degree programs only). Page 4 of 4