Spilling the Beans

Sara Ortiz, Janki Parekh, and Pinar Oguz
Where it Comes From
 The coffee is extracted from the coffee
seed which is also known as the coffee bean.
Coffee beans comes from plants in the Coffea
 The species is generally an evergreen
tree or bush that can grow as high as 16 to
30 feet
 After removal of the pulp, the green
coffee beans are dried, cleaned, packed stored
and transported around the world for further
treatment like decaffeination.
 Some locations where coffee is found are
Costa Rica, Columbia, Brazil, and Hawaii
 Coffee is farmed throughout the world
and is very important to the survival of many
countries. It can be farmed on plantations or
 Some of the uses for coffee are
 Sprinkling wet coffee grounds over
ashes from a fireplace before you
remove them. This way the ash
and dust won't pollute the
atmosphere around the fireplace
 You can also dye fabric by soaking
it in black coffee
 coffee grounds will anything
 They will also get rid of rotten food
smell from freezers
 Millions of people also drink coffee
on a daily basis because it gives
you energy and stimulates the
Environmental Issues
Growing coffee involves cutting down tress and putting chemical
fertilizers in our soil that can run into our water and pollute it.
 Companies are preventing this problem by installing special
pipes that collects all the waste.
Discharges from coffee beneficios, processing plants, are a major
source of river pollution in northern Latin America. The process of
separating the beans from the coffee cherries puts large amounts of
waste material in the form of pulp, residual water, and parchment.
The Guatemala-based Instituto Centroamericano de
Investigación y Tecnología Industrial estimated that over a six
month period during 1988, the processing of 547,000 tons of
coffee in Central America generated 1.1 million tons of pulp
and polluted 110,000 cubic meters of water per day. This
resulted in discharges to the region's waterways equivalent to http://www.treepicturesonline.com/coffeetree-292.jpg
sewage dumping from a city of four million people
 Some impacts from the discharge of pollutants
from beneficios to waterways are killing aquatic plants and
wildlife of essential oxygen. The Costa Rican government
estimates that coffee processing residues about two-thirds of
the total biochemical oxygen demand
The companies are substantially reducing the volume of
water polluted by using "wet" processing of coffee. This
reduces the amount of water requiring treatment before
being discharged from the processing facilities. People
are also composting coffee husks mixed with farm animal
manure to use as organic fertilizer on crops
Cultural Consequences
Hawaii’s $30 million Kona coffee industry is in danger. The coffee borer beetle is quickly infesting Hawaiian
farms and has destroyed a big percentage of the coffee at multiple locations.
 About 4,000 acres of coffee are grown on the island itself.
 If the issue does not get resolved then the state will lose a lot of profit and the company will go under.
Another issue is that more than 15 million Americans are hooked on coffee, and a majority of the people
aren’t even aware of it. This is America's number one drug problem.
 Some symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are headaches, irritability, inability to work effectively,
nervousness, restlessness, and lethargy. A steady user of caffeine may, at times, experience tight
headaches in the back of the neck area and be quick to anger or irritation.
 Coffee can cause an increase in blood sugar, but it can quickly be followed by an instant decrease. It
stimulates the release of adrenaline and this causes the body tissues to be broken down into sugar and
 Beauveria bassiana fungus produces white
mustarding disease naturally when it comes
in contact with the coffee borer and kills the
 State Ag has given approval to test this
insecticide to keep the infestation under
control. The fungus grows in soils
around the world and naturally acts as a
 No industry is working to keep the coffee
consumption under control. Wall Street, most
stock exchanges, and the cultures of many
South American and Mediterranean countries
would probably come to a halt if people
stopped or even lessened the amount of
coffee they drink.
 However students think that people should
drink other beverages besides coffee to keep
 Some drinks are black tea, green tea,
cocoa and certain types of herbal teas.
 People can also drink organic coffee to
reduce caffeine consumption and
pesticide intake
Works Cited
 Chamberlin, Katy. "America's Number One Drug Problem—Coffee ." (2009):
n.pag. Web. 24 Sep 2012. <http://amazingdiscoveries.org/H-deception-healthcoffee-drinking-caffeine-risk>.
 "Hawaii Coffee At Risk." n.pag. Web. 24 Sep 2012.
 "What else can coffee be used for?." Coffee Coffee Coffee(2007): n.pag. Web. 24 Sep
2012. <http://coffeeshopresearch.blogspot.com/2007/11/what-else-can-coffeebe-used-for.html>.
 Falsetto, Sharon. "Where Does Coffee Come From?."Origin of Coffee - Botanical
and Historical Profile (2010): n.pag. Web. 24 Sep 2012.
 "Coffee, Conservation, and Commerce in the Western Hemisphere
." ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: HEALTH n.pag. Web. 27 Sep 2012.
 Butler, Graham. "The Truth About Coffee." Health n.pag. Web. 27 Sep 2012.