ISS 310: People and Environment Spring 2000 Prof. Alan Rudy INTRODUCTION: Jan-08-01 Introduction: Introduce TA(’s) Victor Torres-Velez ???? A little about Dr. Rudy. 4th Year at MSU PhD: UC Santa Cruz Soc of Env’t/Ag/Sci-Tech Entomological Sociology Review the Syllabus The Course: What the course is and is not. Kinds of questions to be asked. The Structure of the Class Lectures WebTalk Exam Prep Exams Research Evaluation Opp. after Exam 1 What we will and won’t be doing: Focus on historical co-generation of society and nature. Not focus on science, technology, mapping, landscapes, regulation, movements or attitudes. Focus on environmental history and political ecology: Social ecological coevolution Political economy of environments Political Ecological Questions: Where and what is Nature/natural? First Nature or second nature? People or Society, Environment or Nature? Peoples and Environments? Industrial vs. Developing people(s) and environment(s)? Human nature(s)? Book Topics/Questions: Nature and Colonial New England Changes Nature, Extraction and 19th C Chicago Nature’s in the Land Metropolis Race and Env’talism in 20th C Gary, IN Environmental Inequalities Pest/icides and Env’tal Contradictions Nature Wars Structure of the Course: Interactive lectures No attendance taken Mandatory discussion sections Attendance will be taken One unexcused absence WebTalk participation One screen’s-worth a week. Exams (multiple choice/essay) How WebTalk Is Organized: WebTalk is a structured bulletin board ISS 310 WebTalk Home Page Click on link to WebTalk pages. Topic List There will be one Topic per book. Conversation List There will be a Conversation per week for contributions. For Example: Topic: Nature’s Metropolis Conversation: “The Wealth of Nature: Lumber.” Student 1 Student 2 new issue, response to Student 1 Student 3 new issue, response to Student 2, 1 Student 4 etc. Student 5 etc. etc. All of the Topics will be on one page, all of one Conversation will be on another. Readings/Exams ~4 weeks of Change in the Land Exam ~5 weeks of Nature’s Metropolis Exam = 15 points ~2 weeks of Nature Wars Exam = 30 points ~3 weeks of Env’tal Inequalities Exam = 20 points = 15 points (finals week) TOTAL EXAMS = 80 POINTS Evaluation Scale Exams = 80 points Sections = 20 points 10 points attendance (-3/miss) 10 points participation (subjective) WebTalk 1 point a week -2 points each miss Total possible = 114 No preset standards/curves