
UVic Engineering Students Society
Date: 2013/10/8
ESS Meeting
Executives in Attendance:
Start @ 5:33
 President
1. Next Saturday: public speaking workshop by IEEE, run by Peter H
and Tyler B, looking for a couple extra volunteers (Tyler L, Brendon,
2. Bug Push, this Sunday, need people to run stuff
3. EEE tomorrow, singing songs
4. Move next week’s meeting to Tuesday 6pm (send out email with
 VP Academic
1. Haven’t been to any meetings
2. Joel attended meeting: ELEC 299 or CSC 299 to replace ELEC 200, will
keep CAD tools and printed circuit board design. Looking for input
from students, what critical skills are needed before year 3, what
skills should be learned in 2nd year, project ideas. Will be in 2A before
ELEC 250, propose to swap ELEC 250 and ELEC 216.
3. Helping with bug from 9:30-10:30
4. Make googledoc form for merch ideas
 VP External Relations
1. NCWiE: took Peter off signing authority, this is bad
2. Congress applications for both streams right now
3. Bringing team together on Sunday
4. Policy change: after going to a conference, required de-briefing
 VP Finance
1. Reimbursement from Retreat to ESS, not done
2. Regina owes us money from EM, will reimbursement 50$ for every
person who attended
3. Club funding proposal meeting, VPs and Prez, sometime next week
4. Sunday at 6am for bug push
 Director of Communication
1. Not enough info about EEE in this issue
2. 9:30-10:30 Friday
3. Garrett will be there from 11-1 on sunday
 Director of Events
UVic Engineering Students Society
Not coming out Friday but will be there most of day Sunday
Chris G will help clean up
Riley, Tim are sober people, sign up, run through seats
Singing: no engineering-related songs, sing appropriate songs (big
5. No drinking on bus
 Director Corporate Relations
1. We have a follow car and other goodies, Jim Pattinson Volvo place
2. 9:30-11:30 on Friday for bug push
3. Contact Joel about renting car
 Director of Sport
1. Will be there all day for bug on Sunday
2. Rock Climbing: can’t have more than 12 people on weekday, between
10-12 on weekends with exact numbers so not happening
3. Extra money can go to kegger laser tag to replace d&d
4. Extra money could also go to a food giveaway day during exams/last
day of class
 Director of IT
1. Girl said she registered for a locker through uvic website
2. Bug push Friday after 1:30
3. Get essbcom@uvic.ca account set up
 Director of Services
1. UVEC planning, booked a room request
2. Have publicity stuff out next week
3. Slushies not happening tomorrow
4. Jacket order will happen
5. Cut locks asap
6. Need toner for printer
7. 2 kinds of jackets in cabinet, use money from selling old jackets for
8. Get t-shirts with agenda design
9. Will be there all day on sunday
 Director of Student Relations
1. November 7th: poll for movie suggestions, need popcorn and a room
2. Add pins or something to frosh or orientation
3. Merch ideas later
4. Bug push tomorrow 11:30-1
5. Bringing a team on Sunday
6. Monthly open forum between students and ESS
UVic Engineering Students Society
 Secretary
1. Tomorrow 9:30-11:30
2. Sunday after 3
 DALs
Need burgers and hot dogs (financed by ESS)
Should be water there (big container and cups)
Tomorrow bug is coming out at 9:00-3:00
Sunday: car out by 5:30-6 (Chris, Chris, Trevor, Conrad)
Branding for UVic engineering: stickers (expensive), buttons (collect
them all) (may have access through UVSS), t-shirts, long-sleeve tshirts, hoodies
6. Monthly WESST meetings
 Other business
1. Relocate VPA and Student Relation money for a tutoring session, buy
a tutor and food (starbucks, cobs, thrifty’s) right before exams begin
2. ESS vuvuzelas, safety vest
Concluded @ 6:54