Safeguarding Adults Standard 1 - Solihull Community Enterprise for

Meeting Core Objectives for Information,
Advice, Advocacy and Support Services in
Solihull Partners' Workshop
27th August 2014
Sue Walton – SSAB Business Manager
Shaping Solihull – Everything We Do, Everyone’s Business
Two set safeguarding questions
4 levels of contact with vulnerable individuals
with different requirements
12 Safeguarding Adults Standards
Question 1
Where contracts are tendered which provide services for children or
adults at risk, i.e. Caring provision, accommodation, tenderers must
demonstrate that they are able to meet the requirements of Working
Together to Safeguard Children, No Secrets 2000 guidance, ADASS
Safeguarding Adults - A National Framework of Standards for good
practice and outcomes in adult protection work, Dignity in Care
Campaign and Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Detail how you meet level 3 as described in the table below, addressing
each bullet point in turn. Include any relevant documentation to support
your submission.
Detail how you meet each of the Safeguarding Standards shown for
Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) and Solihull Local
Safeguarding Children Board.
Level 3 - contact with vulnerable individuals
Services that have frequent contact with individuals who
may be vulnerable due to age, disability or illness and
provide direct services to them e.g. day care.
Safeguarding policy
Disciplinary Policy
Induction includes safeguarding
Named individual
Safe recruitment
Code of Conduct
Level 1 safeguarding training
Level 2/3 training commensurate with role responsibility)
Health and Safety procedures
Safeguarding Adults Standard 1
Identify a senior manager/individual responsible for
ensuring safeguarding vulnerable adult arrangements
and the promotion of independence, well being and
• Who/position
• How will this work.
• What this will achieve - what are the benefits
• Skills, knowledge, experience.
Safeguarding Adults Standard 2
Have a clear statement of their responsibilities towards
safeguarding adults at risk and maintaining and promoting
dignity, choice and independence.
• Zero tolerance
• “Mission” statement
• Your commitment
• How is it communicated
Safeguarding Adults Standard 3
Have a robust safeguarding adult’s procedure which are
compatible with national guidance, legislation and multi
agency procedures used in Solihull and detail clear lines of
•Tell us how this service/your organisation complies with the West
Midlands Policy and procedures
•Tell us what you see as your responsibility
•How do you monitor compliance?
Safeguarding Adults Standard 4
Ensure service development takes account of the need to
safeguard adults at risk, promote independence, wellbeing
and choice, and is informed by the views of people who use
the service.
•Tell us how your customers experience and feedback will inform
improvement and changes
•How will you consult with customers about changes and growth
•Case example
Safeguarding Adults Standard 5
Have robust recruitment practices
• Tell us why this is important
• What do you do to ensure compliance
• Do you do anything innovative?
Safeguarding Adults Standard 6
Ensure staff working with adults at risk have the relevant
qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience to carry
out their role.
•Tell us what you expect and why
•Think wider than general safeguarding and identify other training/skills
that supports safe ways of working and protection
•Think about how competence is assessed and monitored.
Safeguarding Adults Standard 7
Have arrangement in place for effective information
sharing and partnership working.
• What are the arrangements
• How are they communicated and monitored?
• Case example would be really good.
Safeguarding Adults Standard 8
Recognise and respond appropriately to issues of
diversity in their safeguarding practices.
Identify the diversity issues and how you and your staff will
Give a case example
Safeguarding Adults Standard 9
Work closely and effectively with Solihull’s
Safeguarding Adults Board through agreed systems to
monitor performance in Safeguarding and promoting
independence, wellbeing and choice.
• What performance data do you collect and monitor and why.
• SSAB Quality Assurance Framework
• Give an example.
Safeguarding Adults Standard 10
Are committed to maximising dignity, choice, control and
inclusion and protecting their human rights as important
ways of meeting their individual outcomes and reducing
the potential for abuse.
• Dignity champions - what do they do?
• Training
• How will you and your staff empower customers to be in
control, have choices?
Safeguarding Adults Standard 11
Have in place procedures for handling complaints,
allegations against staff and whistleblowing.
• Confirm what you have, explain why they are important, detail how
they are monitored.
• Give a case example
Safeguarding Adults Standard 12
Follow the 5 principles of The Mental Capacity Act 2005.
• How does the MCA relate to this service?
• What do staff needs to know? Why is it important? How will they
be trained?
• Case example
Question 2
What would you identify as being the key safeguarding
risks for service users in the delivery of this service and
how will you eliminate or minimise these risks?
• 3-5 key safeguarding issues
• Case studies
General principles
Be clear
Don’t assume we know
Make it individual to Solihull
Use examples
Be concise
Government Policy on Adult Safeguarding
Agencies should use the following principles to measure existing safeguarding
adult arrangements and to measure future improvements.
The Principles are not in order of priority; they are all of equal importance.
Empowerment -Presumption of person led decisions and informed consent.
Prevention -It is better to take action before harm occurs.
Proportionality – Proportionate and least intrusive response appropriate to the risk
Protection -Support and representation for those in greatest need.
Partnership -Local solutions through services working with their communities.
Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and
Accountability -Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.