Safeguarding Adults in Tri-borough Accountable Compassionate Courageous Outcomes for tri-borough adult safeguarding Community Engagement Measuring Effectiveness Case Review Group Safeguarding Adults Executive Board 2. People are able to report abuse and are listened to Outcomes Developing Best Practice 1. People are aware of safeguarding and know what to do if they have a concern or need for help 3. Concerns about harm or abuse are properly investigated and people can say what they want to happen 4. People feel and are safer as a result of safeguarding action being taken (but being safe on its own is not enough) 5. The wider well-being of people is maintained or enhanced as a result of safeguarding activity How to raise a concern Safeguarding h& or for case advice: 020 7641 5201/5222/4196 020 7361 2481/2919 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Authorisation Request Contact the DOLS Service: Andy Seymour and Gita Devi 020 7641 5200/5222 3rd Floor 77-89 Glenthorne Road London W6 0LJ