Progressive Era

Bell Ringer 8-25-14
•What are the two
main political
parties in the
United States?
•Democrats and Republicans
Third Party Systems
What is a Third Party?
•Third parties often focus on issues the main
parties (democrats & republicans) ignore.
•Third-party candidates can split the major
party with which they are most similar,
leading to the other major party's victory.
Populist Party
• Populist Party –
established in 1890s;
comprised of poor
farmers from the south;
generally opposed to
banks, railroads, and
upper class;
Populist Party
• William Jennings Bryan was the
most popular populist
Progressive Party
• Progressive Party –
formed in 1912 as a
result of a split in the
Republican Party
• Also known as the “Bull
Moose Party”
Progressive Party
• Theodore Roosevelt
most popular candidate
Closing Task
• Examine the populist and progressive parties.
• You will complete the following:
• You will create a poster, your poster will signify the impact of
third parties in the US.
• Make sure to include facts about the populist party and the
progressive party.
• Use your notes and page 107-111 pg the Jarrett Book.
• Your poster must be in color.
How did the Third Party
system impact the US?
Populist party:
What was it?
Why were they significant?
Bell Ringer 8-26-14
•After analyzing the
title of the book,
what do you think is
the definition of a
•Muckrakers –are authors
that published truthful
reports involving social
Group Assignment
• Match the correct reformer to its description.
You have 7 minutes to complete this task as a group.
• Once complete you will be responsible for the following:
• Each group member will be assigned a reformer.
• You will answer the following questions about your assigned reformer:
Describe the occupation of this reformer
What impact did this reformer have on American society?
Is the reformer a Muckraker? Explain why/why not.
Susan B. Anthony (123)
Ida B. Wells (114)
Upton Sinclair (113)
WEB Dubois (114)
You have 7 minutes to complete this task individually.
Round Robin
• You are now responsible for sharing your reformer with your group
• You will be given 4 minutes to share your reformer with your group members
• You will be given 7 minutes to write down the information shared by your
group members.
Make sure the material on your
handout is correct!
If you need to add information, now
is the time!
Upton Sinclair
•Upton Sinclair – an author wrote “The
Jungle” which exposed the conditions in
the U.S. meat packing industry, causing a
public uproar and leading to the passage of
the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat
Inspection Act
Upton Sinclair
Pure Food and Drug Act
• Pure Food and Drug Act – was passed for
preventing the manufacture, sale, or
transportation of adulterated ,misbranded,
poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs,
medicines, and liquors, as well as for regulating
• The government passed this law in response to
Upton Sinclair’s work The Jungle
Susan B. Anthony
•Susan B. Anthony –
American reformer
and leader of the
women’s suffrage
(voting) movement
Ida B. Wells
•Ida B. Wells – American
reformer and leader in
the anti-lynching
(hanging) crusade
W.E.B. DuBois
• W.E.B. DuBois – helped found the
NAACP (National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
• He encouraged a liberal arts
education for African American
civil rights leaders.
The publication of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair in 1906 was
instrumental in getting the members of congress toA.
Enact stronger anti-trust laws
Support conservation of public land
Establish a system of meat inspection
Legalize strikes by labor unions
Closing Task
• I will create a newspaper article describing and
identifying the following reformers:
• Reformers:
Susan B. Anthony (371, 422)
Ida B. Wells (371, 383)
Upton Sinclair (430, 443)
WEB Dubois (384, 421, 442, 501)
• You will answer the following questions in your
1. Who is this person? (what DID THEY DO FOR A LIVING?)
2. Evaluate THE impact they made on American society.
Bell Ringer 8-27-14
•What impact did this
book make on United
States History?
•It made people push the
government to pass the Pure Food
and Drug Act.
Video links
Ida Wells
Susan B. Anthony
Upton Sinclair
W.E.B DuBois
Fcorte pass: fc3927
Closing Task
• Pick two U.S. History topics and create an acrostic
• Topics: Freedom, The West, Gilded Age , Progressive Era
Bell Ringer 8-28-14
•What impact has technology
made on the U.S.?
Important Bell Ringer!!
•Impact on the nature of work
• Innovations in technology contributed to longer
workdays and higher levels of production (assembly line
• Light bulbs enabled factories to remain open at night.
•Impact on business
• Patents gave individuals and companies exclusive rights
over inventions.
• Allowed businesses to reduce cost, become more
flexible, and meet consumer demands.
• Transportation
• Automobiles increase the ability to travel distances and created new
• Mass transportation such as cable cars and subway systems facilitate
access to jobs, retail, and recreation
• Raised standard of living allowed people to have more housing and
employment choices
• Electric light
• Longer work day
• Improved quality of life by bringing light into dark homes and
tenement buildings
• Communication
• Access to information – telephone, telegraph, computers, radios,
televisions, Internet, cellular, and satellite technology
Understanding Text
• Individually read/skim the handout on Jane Addams and Francis
• 5 Minutes
Group Work
• As a group write a sentence about each individual.
• Pick a speaker for your group
• You will present your findings to the class.
Terms for you to Understand:
• Social: of or relating to society or its organization
• Political: of or relating to the government or the public affairs of a
• Economics: financial considerations; production and consumption of
goods and services.
Jane Addams
• Jane Addams – co-founder of Hull
House which helped new immigrant
women with job skills, educational,
and artistic programs to become
successful and productive citizens
• Her goal was to provide a center for a
higher civic and social life; to institute
and maintain educational and
philanthropic enterprises and to
investigate and improve the
conditions in the industrial districts of
Frances Willard
• Frances Willard promoted the cause
of women and reform as a pioneer
educator and especially as the most
prominent leader of the nineteenth
century movement to end alcohol
abuse. (Prohibition)
• Frances Willard – suffragette and
member of the WCTU (Women’s
Christian Temperance Union)
Closing Task 8-28-14
• You are to create a fake facebook profile for Jane Addams and
Frances Willard
• The profile must include the following:
• 1.) A profile picture
• 2.) 2 status updates on something that the individual might have
• 4. Create an about me section and answer the following
• What was their political contribution to America during the
Progressive Era?
• What was their social contribution to America during the
Progressive Era?
• What was their economic contribution to America during
the Progressive Era?
Bell Ringer
• List the differences between Jane Addams and Francis Willard.
You have 10 minutes to complete assignment!
• You are to create a fake facebook profile for Jane Addams and
Frances Willard
• The profile must include the following:
• 1.) A profile picture
• 2.) 2 status updates on something that the individual might have
• 3.) Create an about me section and answer the following
• What was their political contribution to America during the
Progressive Era?
• What was their social contribution to America during the
Progressive Era?
• What was their economic contribution to America during
the Progressive Era?
You have 7 minutes to complete the 5 week quiz!
Good Luck!
Progressive Era: Environmental
Closing Task: 8/29/2014
• Complete the assigned handout on Environment Agencies.
• Environmental Protection Agency
• Endangered Species Act
• National Park System
• Make sure to write in complete sentences.
Forest Reserves
• John Muir helped persuade Theodore Roosevelt to set
aside 148 million acres of forest reserves and over 50
wildlife sanctuaries and several national parks.
• The National Park Service is a U.S. federal agency that
manages all national monuments and parks.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – established in 1970 due to
elevated concern about environmental pollution.
• EPA's mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural
environment- air, water, and land.
Endangered Species Act
Endangered Species Act – the Endangered Species Act of 1973 provides
for both the conservation and protection of plant and animal species
that face the threat of extinction, as well as for "the ecosystems upon
which they depend."
Bell Ringer
September 2, 2014
•After analyzing
this political
cartoon, describe
the Federal
Answer: Federal Reserve
• The Federal Reserve Act created the central banking system
in the United States and granted legal authority to issue
legal tender. The Federal Reserve now acts to regulate U.S.
monetary policy.
• Due to an imbalance in balance of payments and a trade
deficit, in 1971, the U.S. moved away from the gold
standard to fiat money; this move Intended to prevent the
devaluation of the dollar, foreign price gouges, and the
depletion of U.S. gold reserves to foreign countries
Cost and benefits of laissez-faire
• Laissez-faire (in this context) by definition
means freedom of economic conduct from
dictation by the government.
• Cost – limiting government control reduces the
possibility of regulation and corruption
• Benefit – allows the market to govern itself, based
on supply and demand
Closing Task
•Students will write a quick
paragraph describing the cost and
benefits of Laissez Faire.
•You may use your notes.
Bell Ringer
September 3, 2014
Describe an anti-trust act. What do you
believe it means?
•Anti-trust acts – the Federal laws
forbidding businesses from monopolizing a
market or restraining free trade.
Anti-Sherman Anti-Trust Act
• 1890 the purpose of this federal law was to stop monopolies engaging
in unfair practices that prevented competition. Changed the attitude
of Congress toward the abuses of big business.
• Monopoly: a company having complete control over the supply of a
product or service.
Political Reforms
• 16th – allowed the government to collect an
income taxes
• The purpose was to raise revenue for
government programs and reduce reliance on
•17th amendmentgave the individual
voter more political
power because it
allowed the direct
election of the US
Senator's by popular
•18th – enabled
•19th Amendment–
gave women
• Initiative – (a) the power
or right of citizens to
introduce a new legislative
measure and (b) the right
and procedure by which
citizens can propose a law
by petition and ensure its
submission to the
• Referendum – the submission of a proposed
public (like a petition) measure or actual
statute to a direct popular vote; this allows the
people to have more influence on the decisionmaking process
• Recall – the procedure by which a public official may
be removed from office by popular vote; with the
right to employ this procedure, the people can hold
their elected leaders accountable for their actions
Impact of Progressive Era Reforms
• During the Progressive era,
political reforms were
initiated which gave the
people more say in how
their government was run
and operated, resulting in a
more participatory and
democratic government as
well as more accountability
for elected officials.