Secrets of NIH SBIR and STTR Grant Applications 2010

To subscribe to this approximately monthly newsletter, send an E-mail message to with the words SUBSCRIBE SBIR UPDATE in the title.
Greetings. You are receiving this Update because you have either attended an SBIR/STTR training
program sponsored by the NJ Commission on Science & Technology and coordinated by NJSBDC, or are
thought to have a possible interest in these programs. In addition to SBIR/STTR information, it includes
other information that companies interested in SBIR are also likely to be interested in. This month’s
edition includes information about:
-NJ Technology Council Bootcamp, May 13, Newark
-Advanced Invention 2 Venture: Venture Acceleration Bootcamp, May 18-21, Newark
-Venture Association of NJ: Entrepreneurs Expo & Elevator Pitch Olympics, May 24, Whippany
-NJEN Angel Investor Roundtable Featuring Regional Angel Networks, June 2, Princeton
-BioNJ’s BioPartnering 2010 Conference, June 14-15, Princeton
See description of events in Section IV below.
CST Sponsored SBIR/STTR Training Still on Hold
Commission on Science and Technology expenditures continue to be frozen at their January
commitment level. The Commission has consequently been unable to act on NJSBSC’s 2010 SBIR
Training and Proposal Preparation Assistance Services proposal. During 2009, the Commission’s
$42,240 investment enabled NJSBDC to help NJ entrepreneurs win approximately $2,714,000 in
SBIR/STTR funding awards, thereby returning federal funding back to New Jersey. In addition, late 2009
proposal submissions have resulted in $900,000 in new awards to date in 2010. It is hoped that training
and proposal preparation assistance will be able to return in the fall.
The good news is that all is not lost. In October 2008, NJCST and NJSBDC sponsored “Secrets of NIH
SBIR/STTR Grant Applications” presented by Dr. Gregory Milman of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, at Princeton University. Rutgers University has invited Dr. Milman back to New
Jersey to deliver:
Secrets of NIH SBIR and STTR Grant Applications 2010
May 11, Rutgers Busch Campus, Piscataway
Given the recent major changes in NIH’s SBIR/STTR proposal requirements and evaluation criteria,
those of you who heard Greg speak in Princeton will want to hear him address these important changes.
See program description in Section IV. below.
In addition, long time training cosponsor Amper, Politziner and Mattia will present:
Staying Out of Government Auditor Quicksand:
Accounting System Compliance for All Types of Federal Grants and Contracts
Friday, June 11, NJEDA Commercialization Center for Innovative Technologies, N. Brunswick
Program description follows in Section IV. below:
-Environmental Protection Agency, proposals due 5/11
-Department of Transportation FY 10.2, proposals due 6/2
-Department of Homeland Security-S&T Directorate FY 10.2, proposals due 6/10
-Department of Defense 2010.2 (2 of 3), proposals due 6/23
This second Department of Defense solicitation consists of topics from the Army, Navy, Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Microelectronics Activity, Defense Threat Reduction
Agency, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. It is presently in “pre-release,” which means that
between now and May 18 entrepreneurs can contact the designated technical points of contact (TPOC)
for each topic and ask questions. These conversations can prove very useful and I strongly encourage
Each topic abstract in the solicitation is typically 1-2 pages in length. Prior to a topic being selected for
inclusion in a solicitation, there has often been a significant number of E-mail messages, memos and
papers exchanged about the origins of the problem that led to the topic and efforts that have been
undertaken to address it. By speaking with the TPOC, you can often tap in to some of this information
and better assess the fit between the topic and your technology. However, be forewarned that some
TPOCs are much more helpful than others. This opportunity ends on May 18 and proposals are due on
June 23. Be aware that proposals must be received by 6 a.m. Eastern Standard time.
Department of Homeland Security-Science and Technology Directorate
As with DoD, this solicitation is in pre-release through 5 /10 and entrepreneurs can contact the topic
TPOCS with their questions.
Links for recent releases and other current solicitations are found in Section I. below.
Proposal Preparation Assistance
In addition to SBIR/STTR training, NJCST and NJSBDC offer cost shared proposal preparation assistance
services. Up to 12 hours of assistance is available to SBIR/STTR training seminar attendees a rate of $20
per hour, with the balance of the cost covered by NJCST and NJSBDC. Services consist of written
critiques of draft proposals and assistance in strengthening them. The service is available on a first
come first served basis and availability may become limited as submission deadlines approach.
Coaching and guidance in drafting proposals continues to be available at no cost.
Technology Commercialization Assistance
In addition to providing SBIR/STTR proposal preparation assistance, the NJSBDC Technology
Commercialization Program serves NJ entrepreneurs as a free one-stop resource for financing science
and technology based businesses and commercializing new technologies. Funding strategies including
state financing programs, angel investments and venture capital are identified to fit with a company’s
technology, goals and stage of development. The Center then helps companies identify their best
prospects and will assist them in preparing and strengthening the required funding proposal, business
plan or investor presentation. Reviews and critiques of Edison Innovation Fund and other Commission
on Science & Technology programs proposals are available.
Technology Commercialization Assistance services are limited to NJ based small businesses located
outside the NJ Business Incubation Network. Assistance can be requested at
or by sending an E-message to:
Randy G. Harmon,
Technology Commercialization Consultant,
NJSBDC/Rutgers Business School;
SBIR/STTR Training Coordinator for NJCST;
Co-founder, Foundations Business Development Group, LLC
phone: 908-754-3652
Solicitation Schedule
Training Schedule
State Funding Opportunities
Financing, Networking and Related Events and Information
The following agencies presently have open solicitations:
Department of Homeland Security- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office FY 10.1
Proposals due 5/11,
Environmental Protection Agency
Proposals due 5/11,
Department of Transportation FY 10.2
Proposals due 6/2,
National Science Foundation 2011 SBIR, proposals due 6/9
Department of Homeland Security-Science and Technology Directorate FY 10.2
Proposals due 6/10,
Department of Defense 2010.2 SBIR
Proposals due 6/23,
Public Health Service/NIH, CDC, FDA, ACF SBIR/STTR 2010
Proposals due 8/5, 12/5/2010.
There are 2 parts to this solicitation. The program descriptions and research topics can be found at:
The proposal writing instructions can be downloaded at:
Special NIH SBIR/STTR Initiatives (PAs & RFAs) In addition to the main PHS/NIH SBIR/STTR grant
solicitation and the fall contract solicitation, NIH issues numerous small contract solicitations throughout
the year focused on specific health areas. They are listed at
Secrets of NIH SBIR and STTR Grant Applications
Workshop & Networking Reception
Featuring Dr. Gregory Milman, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Tuesday, May 11, 2010, from 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Rutgers University, CAIT Auditorium, 100 Brett Road, Piscataway
When the going (funding) gets tough, the tough go shopping (for grants and contracts). As NIH success
rates enter single digits and venture capital funding diminishes, academic investigators and small
companies collaborate to obtain federal small business funds (SBIR and STTR). Participate in a workshop
led by Gregory Milman, Ph.D., Director of the Office for Innovation and Special Programs in the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Dr. Milman manages the $100 million NIAID small
business programs and is acclaimed for his advice on NIH grant preparation and research funding. Hear
the secrets of the $700 million NIH SBIR and STTR programs.
RSVP to Varinia Roberson
Accounting System Compliance for All Types of Federal Grants and Contracts
Friday, June 11, 8:30 am-12 pm
Hosted by: NJEDA Commercialization Center for Innovative Technologies, North Brunswick
Sponsored by: -NJ Small Business Development Centers of Rutgers-Amper, Politziner & Mattia, LLPWant to keep your award? Of course you do, but the real answer may depend on your accounting system.
Government business requires government accounting – a major leap beyond traditional accounting that
contractors often do not realize until an audit is upon them and they are at risk of losing their award. Even
worse, companies can be at risk of having to repay disallowed costs from completed contracts. This seminar
will help attendees get their accounting system right from the start or address existing problems now to
minimize the risk of being mired in government auditor quicksand later.
Who Should Attend:
 Contractors initially establishing their accounting systems
 Contractors seeking tips to improve their current system
What Attendees Will Learn:
 Elements of an accounting system
 Compliance requirements
 Accounting system impact on an audit
 Basic cost pool structure (direct and indirect costs).
Attendees are eligible to receive a complimentary consultation with Amper, which will focus on a review of
your current accounting system set-up.
For more information and online registration visit
12th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference
June 2-3, Raleigh, N. C.
Attendees will learn the ins and outs of the NIH SBIR/STTR program, the funding opportunities available
to small business researchers, and how the NIH SBIR/STTR program can be a valuable resource to help
you start and/or grow your company.
The Clean Energy Solutions Edison Innovation Project (EIP) Fund
This is a $15 million, competitive grant program, created to assist in the deployment of deserving
projects in New Jersey most impacted by the recession and the lack of credit and capital. Projects must
evidence innovative uses of a commercially available energy efficient, renewable energy or alternative
energy technology and further the goals established for the State Energy Program (“SEP”) under ARRA
and the New Jersey Energy Master Plan (“EMP”). Both public and private entity projects are eligible and
partnering is permitted.
Funding is provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (“ARRA”) of 2009, via the State
Energy Program, which is managed by The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (“BPU”). The New Jersey
Economic Development Authority (“EDA”) is a sub-recipient of SEP funding, and administers the
program in partnership with the BPU.
Preference will be given to projects with technology formed, created, or invented in New Jersey. Eligible
projects should have the ability to create jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase sources of
renewable energy, and/or reduce energy consumption in the State of New Jersey. It is also expected
that projects must be able to be commenced and be completed expeditiously in alignment with the
preferences of the ARRA Act.
Total funds awarded include up to 35% of total project costs, not to exceed $5,000,000 per project.
Aggregate State public funding cannot exceed 50% of the project cost (excluding ARRA funds). Fees will
be imposed on private sector applicants and include a $5,000 application fee. A private sector applicant
must be a small or medium sized business, the holder of a patented technology or the holder of a license
to use a patented technology and must agree to use the ARRA proceeds for purposes of expanding the
commercialization and deployment of that technology.
For more information visit:
NJ Technology Council Bootcamp
Thursday, May 13
NJIT Enterprise Development Center, Newark
Bootcamp is an intense day long conference for entrepreneurs and executives of seed to early stage
technology companies. It will provide entrepreneurs with the tools to start and grow their business.
Participants will hear from leading experts on the following topics:
- ABCs of Raising Money
- Intellectual Property
- Building a Solid Team
- Advice from experts in law, accounting, investing, and state government programs
Incubator tenants and NJSBDC clients can attend for $45.
Advanced Invention 2 Venture (AI2V Venture) Venture Acceleration Bootcamp
Tuesday, May 18 thru Friday May 21
Hosted by: NJIT Enterprise Development Center, 211 Warren St., Room 407, Newark
Startup teams often get caught up in the hectic, day-to-day activities and don't stop to analyze the
business opportunity and develop breakthrough strategies that will propel their ventures forward. The
certified SuperCoach instructor, along with coaches and mentors, will help formulate your plan to raise
money, recruit team members, and further your technology. This world-class venture accelerator
workshop has helped advance early-stage start-ups to shorten their time to market with proven results.
For more information, contact Judith Sheft,, or call 973-596-5825
Venture Association of NJ: Entrepreneurs Expo & Elevator Pitch Olympics
Monday, May 24, Marriott Hanover, Whippany, NJ
This program provides a good opportunity to exhibit and pitch your business to the regional venture
community. The program begins with company exhibits in the morning followed by a luncheon
featuring a moderated panel of equity investors. Following the luncheon and perhaps the highlight of
the day, exhibitors present their elevator pitch, which is scored by the panel.
NJEN Angel Investor Roundtable Featuring Regional Angel Networks
June 2, 12-2 p.m., Princeton
NJEN is organizing a roundtable featuring representatives of several regional angel groups to meet with
you on June 2. We will use a combination of Q&A time and our unique “reverse venture fair format” in
which you will be able to meet individually with each of the representatives.
BioNJ’s BioPartnering 2010 Conference
June 14-15, Westin Princeton
BioNJ's 2010 BioPartnering Conference will serve as a gathering place for industry leaders from the
region and beyond. Here participants will be able to reach an audience of senior executives from the
biotechnology, pharmaceutical, research and funding communities. Network among industry executives
who are actively seeking business opportunities. Hear new ideas. Build relationships. Discuss possible
collaborations. Forge partnerships for developing your innovative products and technologies. Showcase
your company.
All registered life science companies will have the opportunity to make a 15-minute Company
Presentation at no additional charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Requests to make a Company
Presentation will be made through the BioPartnering Web site, beginning May 12. Enter your company
profile information now and plan to schedule your presentation on May 12.
NJ Entrepreneurial Network: Angel Investor Roundtable
Wednesday June 2, 12-2 p.m., Princeton Marriott,
NJ Entrepreneurs Forum
Thursday, May 13, 4-6 p.m., NJEDA Commercialization Center, North Brunswick,
Venture Association of NJ: Entrepreneurs Expo & Elevator Pitch Olympics
Monday, May 24, Marriott Hanover, Whippany, NJ,