Terms and conditions FAI School 5-a

Terms and conditions
FAI School 5-a-Side Competition at ROI Match during Half Time – AHIL Online Competition
The Promoter
The promoter is Aviva Health Insurance Ireland Limited, a company registered in Ireland
under No. 376607 with its registered office at One Park Place, Hatch Street, Dublin 2 (the
Eligibility Criteria
This competition (“Competition”) is open to people who (i) are aged 18 years or over, (ii) are
Residents of the Republic of Ireland, (iii) are a parent/guardian of a child aged between 10
years and 12 years of age inclusive on the 25th May 2014 who play in a 5-a-side school
soccer team, (iv) are an existing Aviva Health Insurance Ireland Limited policyholder and (iv)
have answered the Competition Question correctly. The Competition is not open to
employees of the Aviva Group and their families.
There will be two prizewinners. Each prizewinner shall be entitled to nominate their child’s
5-a-side school soccer team. Each teams must have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8
players and all players shall between 10 years and 12 years of age inclusive on the 25th May
2014. The two 5-a-side school soccer teams shall play a short exhibition match at half time
during the Republic of Ireland (“ROI”) v Turkey soccer match on Sunday, 25th May 2014 at
the Aviva Stadium, Lansdowne Road, Dublin (“Match”). Full names of all children and their
respective ages must be provided prior to the Match. Each of the 5-a-side teams must be
accompanied at the Match by one adult. The 5-a-side teams will sit pitch side during the
How to Enter – Persons may enter the Competition by completing the applicable Entry Form
available on our website avivahealth.ie/competition2 and answering the Competition
Question correctly before the Closing Date. Persons will be required to provide their policy
number or membership number on the Entry Form to evidence that they are eligible to
enter the Competition. A policy number or membership number will only be valid for a
single entry and persons may only use their own policy number or membership number to
enter. Only entries that are made in accordance with these terms and conditions will be
eligible to take part in the Competition. The Promoter accepts no responsibility should
persons be unable to enter the Competition for any reason. Only one entry per eligible
person will be accepted. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant for any
reason whatsoever in its sole discretion.
Closing Date – The Competition will run from the 7th May 2014 (“Opening Date”) until 12.00
midnight on the 19th May 2014 (“Closing Date”). The Promoter reserves the right to alter the
Opening Date and the Closing Date. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any delay or
failure in the submission of entries or for any entry which is not received by it before the
Closing Date for any reason. Only entries received through the specified web portal will be
accepted, entries received by any other means including post, email, fax or hand delivery
will not be accepted. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any entry, which due to a
technical error or any other reason, is not received or is delayed. Proof of submitting an
entry is not proof that the entry has been received by the Promoter. Only fully completed
entries which are received by the Promoter in accordance with these terms and conditions
and which contain a valid policy number/member number and the correct answer to the
Competition Question will be eligible for the Competition.
Terms of Participation
Entrants are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions by participating in the
The Prize
Each prizewinner shall be entitled to nominate their child’s 5-a-side school soccer team.
Each team must have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 players and all players shall
between 10 years and 12 years of age inclusive on the 25th May 2014. The two 5-a-side
school soccer teams shall play a short exhibition match at half time during the Republic of
Ireland (“ROI”) v Turkey soccer match on Sunday, 25th May 2014 at the Aviva Stadium,
Lansdowne Road, Dublin (“Match”). Each of the 5-a-side teams must be accompanied at the
Match by one adult. The 5-a-side teams will sit pitch side during the Match.
The 5-a-side team and accompanying adults must present to the Aviva Stadium VIP entrance
a minimum of 2 hours prior to the Match kick-off where instructions for the day will be
made available.
The Prize does not include transfers, accommodation or other costs associated with taking
the Prize. No cash will be offered as an alternative to any elements of the Prize. The
Promoter will not be responsible or liable in the event that the prizewinner or 5-a-side team
player is unable to attend the Match or otherwise utilise the Prize. The Promoter shall have
no liability to any entrant, the prizewinner, any player in the 5-a-side team or any third party
in the event that the Match does not take place on the advertised date, is cancelled or the
Prize cannot be redeemed for any other reason. The Promoter reserves the right to alter the
dates on which the prizewinner, the players in the 5-a-side team and any other adult
accompanying them may avail of the Prize should the advertised dates become unavailable
for any reason including unforeseen circumstances outside the Promoter's reasonable
control. The Prize is non-transferrable and cash will not be offered as an alternative to the
Prize. The Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value
should the advertised Prize become unavailable for any reason or where circumstances
Selection of Prize Winners
The prizewinner will be selected at random by a draw conducted by the Promoter. An
independent observer will supervise the draw. The draw will take place on the 20th May
2014. All eligible entries which contain the correct answer to the Competition Question and
all other relevant details which have been received by the Promoter before the Closing Date
will be included in the draw. The decision of the Promoter as confirmed by the independent
observer is final and correspondence will not be entered into with any entrant. The
Promoter shall notify the prizewinner by telephone on the 20th May 2014.
The Promoter shall not be responsible for any matter arising out of or resulting from the
enjoyment of the Prizes.
The Promoter cannot accept responsibility for the acts or omissions of third parties. The
Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever caused, whether direct,
indirect or consequential (whether in contract, tort or statutory duty or otherwise) arising
out of or in connection with the Competition and/or any Prizes other than death or personal
injury caused by negligence of the Promoter and/or the Promoter’s respective personnel
and/or deceit or fraud by the Promoter and/or the Promoter’s respective personnel.
The Promoter reserves the right to withdraw, cancel, suspend or amend the Competition or
the terms and conditions of the Competition, with no liability to any entrants, prizewinner or
any third party.
By entering the promotion, entrants acknowledge that should they win the Competition,
they and/or the players in the 5-a-side team and/or the third party accompanying them to
the Match may be required to participate in publicity without further consent or payment.
Such publicity may include without limitation use of the prizewinner’s, the players in the 5-aside team or third party’s name, any photographs and/or video footage of the prizewinner,
the players in the 5-a-side team/or third party accompanying them to the Match,
biographical information relating to the prizewinner, the players in the 5-a-side team and/or
third party accompanying them to the Match, and/or any statement made by the
prizewinner, the players in the 5-a-side team and/or third party accompanying them to the
Match, concerning the Competition and/or Prize. In particular, the prizewinner, the players
in the 5-a-side team, and/or third party accompanying them to the Match may be required
to participate in a photography session. The prizewinner, the players in the 5-a-side team,
third party accompanying them to the Match and/or any other members of the players in
the 5-a-side team’s family have no right to censor filming or photography, and no rights over
such imagery. The prizewinner, the players in the 5-a-side team and/or third party
accompanying them to the Match agree that any or all such elements may be used by the
Promoter in any and all media in perpetuity throughout the world as the Promoter in its sole
discretion sees fit.
The name and county of the prizewinner and the the players in the 5-a-side team may be
displayed on the Promoter’s website and facebook page for a reasonable period of time
after the Prize Winner has been selected or can be requested by sending a stamped
addressed envelope to the Promoter at the address given below.
The following terms which are used in the terms and conditions have the following meaning:
the term “we” or “us” means the Promoter; “you” “your” or “entrant” means a person who
participates in the Competition under the terms and conditions of the Competition; “entry
form” is the form produced by the Promoter in connection with the Competition; and
“prizewinner” means the person who wins the prize under the terms and conditions of the
Governing Law & Jurisdiction
The Competition and these terms and conditions are governed by Irish Law. Any dispute
arising out of or in connection with this Competition shall be dealt with exclusively by the
Courts of Ireland.
Data Protection
The Promoter respects your privacy rights. The Promoter will make use of and process the
personal data (which includes your name and contact details) to the extent and for the time
necessary to administer this Competition.
By entering the Competition you consent to the processing of your personal data as
described above.
Aviva Health Insurance Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. A private
company limited by shares. Registered in Ireland No. 376607. Registered Office: One Park
Place, Hatch Street, Dublin 2.