Bild 1

Organisational Change and
Development, 15 hp
Course Coordinator: Henrik Kock
Organizational Change and Development
- several dramatic notions on this issue
”Not since the industrial revolution have the stakes of dealing
with change been so high” (Economist 2012)
”Organizations must change or die” (Times, 2011)
”Low success rate – about 70 % of all change initiatives fail”
(Harvard Business Review, 2000)
”Executives need to understand the nature and process of
organizational change better – Leaders needs to crack the code of
change” (Harvard Business Review, 2011)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students in need to understand the nature and process of
organizational change better?
 Students need to crack the code of change?
Course Objectives
 … to contribute to a deeper understanding of
organizational change and development and how
certain factors and conditions can be viewed as
enabling/constraining organizational change and
 … overview of key areas of planned organizational
change and describes various theoretical
perspectives that can be applied to study change
processes in organizations,
 … how organizational change can be organized in
Organisational Change and Development
viewed from several perspectives
Leading Organizational Change
Learning and Organizational Change
Politics and Organizational Change
Management and Steering Large Scale Projects
Participation and Organizational Change
Gender and Organizational Change
Restructuring the Public Service Sector
 Researchers connected to HELIX Vinn Excellence Centre
Examination and requirements
 Readings texts
 Discussing texts in work groups
 Submitting questions to seminars and active participation
in seminars
 Writing a paper
 Discussing and Defending the paper in a Seminar
A Typical Week:
Leadership and Organisational Change
Reading texts
Lecture: Leadership and
Organizational Change
Reading texts
Group work: Analysis and
Reflections. Preparing
questions to the seminar
Seminar: Leadership and
Organizational Change
Avolio (2009)
Andriopoulos (2008)
Yukl (2006)
Wallo &
Course Literature (734G47, 759A37) Compulsory readings on basic and advanced levels
Beer, Michael, and Nitin Nohria (2000). "Cracking the Code of Change". Harvard Business Review 78,
(May-June 2000), pp. 133-141.
Beer, M., Eisenstat, R. A., & Spector, B. (1990, November/December). Why change programs don't
produce change. Harvard Business Review, 68, pp. 4-12.
Brulin, G., & Svensson, L. (2012). Managing Suistainable Development Programmes. A Learning
Approach to Change. London: Gower (book).
Buchanan, D. and Badham R.J., (2008.) Power, politics and organizational change. Sage Publications
Ellström, P-E. (2010a). Organizational Learning, In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGraw (Eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Education, pp. 47-52 (pdf, will be distributed).
Ellström, P.-E. (2010b). Practice-based innovation: a learning perspective. Journal of Workplace
Learning, 22, No.1/2, pp. 27-40.
O`Reilly, C., & Tushman, M. (2004). The Ambidextrous Organization. Harvard Business Review, April.
Sundin, E. (1995). The Social Construction of Gender and Technology. A Process with No Definitive
Answer. The European Journal of Women´s Studies, 2, 3, pp.335-353 (paper copy, will be
Sundin, E. (2011). Entrepreurship and the reorganization of the public sector: A gendered story.
Economic and Social Democrazy, 32, 4, pp. 631-653.
Sundin E. & Tillmar, M (, 2010) The Masculinization of the Elderly Care Sector: Local-Level Studies of
Public Sector Outsourcing, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, spring 2010.
Svensson, L., Brulin, G., Jansson, S., & Sjöberg, K. (2009). Learning Through Ongoing Evaluation. Lund:
Studentlitteratur (book). Chapter 1-5, 14.
Wallo, A., Nilsson, P., & Kock, H. (2012). Accelerating and Braking in Times of Economic Crisis:
Organisational learning in a top management team. Submitted to the Journal of European
Training. (PDF, will be distributed).
Weick, K. E and Quinn, R. E. (1999.) Organisational change and development. Annual Review of
Psychology, 50, pp. 361-86.
Wilson, J (1991) Participation - a framework and foundation for ergonomics? Journal of Occupational
Psychology, 64, 1, pp. 67-80.
Yukl, G., & Lepsinger, R. (2006). Leading Change. Adapting and Innovating in an Uncertain World.
Leadership in Action, April May, pp. 3-7.
Additional literature on advanced level
Adler, P., S. (2009). Marx and Organization Studies Today. In: P., S. Adler (Ed.), The
Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press
(pdf, will be distributed).
Andriopoulos and Lewis, (2009). Exploitation-Exploration Tensions and Organizational
Ambidexterity: Managing Paradoxes of Innovation, Organization Science, 20, No 4, pp.
Avolio, B., J., Walumbwa, F., O. , & Weber, T., J. (2009). Leadership: Current
Theories, Research, and Future Directions. Annual Review of Psychology, vol 60, pp.
Heller et al. (1998). Organizational participation - myths and reality. Oxford University
Press. (Chapter 5-6, paper copy, will be distributed).
Svensson, L., Brulin, G., Jansson, S., & Sjöberg, K. (2009). Learning Through Ongoing
Evaluation. Lund: Studentlitteratur (book). Chapter 7, 8, 10.
Ven, A. H. V. d., & Poole, M. S. (1995). Explaining Development and Change in
Organizations. Academy of Management Review, 20, pp. 510-540.