Veterans Memorial High School 3750 Cimarron Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX January 15th 8:00am The longest running strength clinic in the state. This clinic is aimed directly to the High School coach and their situations. SPEAKERS John Mitchell-Head Strength Coach Veterans Memorial High School Developing the Well Rounded Athlete Dustin Meaux-Head Coach St Joseph High School Developing the Absolute Strength Jason Halliburton-Head Strength Coach Hutto High School Iron Hippo Strength Practical Observation Open “Round Table” Discussion Coach Mitchell serves as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Coach Meaux serves at the Head Coach at St Joseph’s High School in VMHS. He has served at the same capacity at A&M Consolidated, Victoria. He was a stand out player at Goliad HS, and continued PSJA Memorial, NB Canyon, and Austin Reagan HS. He also served playing at Texas Lutheran. He has not only achieved success as a on strength staff at Baylor University under Bob Fix, and interned at the powerlifting coach, but competes professionally. He placed 1st at The University of Texas under Jeff Madden. He is certified as a CSCS with Arnold last year. Has a personal best of 700-DL, 804-SQ, and 622- the NSCA and Level 1 with USAW. Ben. Coach Halliburton , has a Master’s in Kinesiology, NSCA Registered Strength Conditioning Coach (RSCC), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach, Level 1 USA Track & Field Coach. He has currently at Hutto HS, but has also served at Galveston ISD, and Yucaip California as Head Strength Coach. He has also coached at Stephen F. Austin, and Tarleton as an Assistant Strength Coach. He qualified as a member of the 2008-2009 US Bobsled Team. Name_______________________________ School________________________ Paid $35 Single Attendee_________ Paid $75 Staff Attendence_________ Make Checks to Veterans Memorial Athletics Brian Boone P.O. Box 10900 Corpus Christi, Texas 78460 Friday Night Texas Hold’em Tournament Limited to First 100 Registered CASH PRIZE DRAWINGS January 16-17, 2015 At the conclusion of each lecture January 15-16, 2016 Holiday Inn - Airport 5549 Leopard St Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 361-289-5100 CBCA Clinic Registration Form Football Speakers School: ______________________________________ Friday January 15, 2016 Friday, January 15, 2016 City: ________________________________________ 12:00-2:00 Registration - Hotel Lobby 1:00 - 2:00 Phone: ______________________________________ Number of Registrants: _________________________ 1:00-2:00 Total Registration Fee: __________________________ Make Checks payable to: Coastal Bend Coaches Association or CBCA 1 Coach........ $80 2 Coaches......$150 3 Coaches......$210 4 Coaches......$270 5 Coaches.....$320 6 Coaches.....$370 7 Coaches.....$400 8 Coaches.....$56 ea Mail Registrations and Payment to: Coastal Bend Coaches Association Brian Boone P.O. Box 10900 Corpus Christi, Texas 78460 Coaches Names (PLEASE Print or Type) 1. Tom Allen, HC Sinton “Pirate Defense” 2________________________________________ 3. 3________________________________________ 4. 4________________________________________ 5. 5________________________________________ 6. 6________________________________________ 7. 7________________________________________ 8. 8________________________________________ 9. 9________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Cody Simper- President Phone: 281-902-6143 E-mail: Jamie Gill, HC Tuloso Midway Volleyball 2:10 - 3:10 Tony Greystone, HC TAMUCC Volleyball 3:20 - 4:20 Jess Odem, HC Goliad 2:10-3:10 Jeff Fleener, HC SA Brandeis “RPOs and QB Run Game” 3:20-4:20 Sean McAuliffe, HC SA Judson “Rocket Defense, Back to Front” 4:30-5:30 Shaun McDowell, HC Foster “Power Run Game From the Gun” 5:40-6:40 Aaron Woods, Asst HC Cedar Hill “Developing a Winning Game Plan” 6:50-7:50 Lee Fedora, HC Navasota “Rattler Offense” 1________________________________________ 2. Volleyball Speakers 8:00 - ??? Hospitability and Texas Hold Em Tournament Saturday, January 16, 2016 7:00 FCA Breakfast, Delra Glover, TAMUK Football Alum 8:30-9:30 Kirk Thor, HC Lake Ridge “Tempo Offense” 9:40-10:40 Matt McDaniel, DC Katy “Defending the Spread from 3-4” 10:50-11:50 Mike Burget, HC Weslaco East “Wildcat Football” 12:30 Hall of Honor Luncheon Breakout Sessions following each session Volleyball Track Speakers Friday, January 15, 2016 1:00 - 2:00 Rose Brimmer, Uni. of Texas Women’s Interim Head Coach “Hurdle Training” 2:10 - 3:10 Rigo Morales, HC Carroll “Shot Put Training” 3:20 - 4:20 Rose Brimmer, Uni. of Texas Women’s Interim Head Coach “Fall Training That Counts” Saturday, January 16, 2016 8:00 - 9:00 9:10 - 10:10 10:20-11:20 11:30–12:30 12:30 Rigo Morales, HC Carroll “Discus Training” Jack Sands, H C Sum m er Creek “400 & Relay Training” Strength/Conditioning John Mitchell, CC-VMHS Strength/Conditioning Spunk Fowler, Calallen Hall of Honor Luncheon Holiday Inn - Airport 5549 Leopard St Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 361-289-5100 CBCA rates are $89/night plus tax if reservations are made by January 4, 2016