Alabama PhysTEC Program - Alabama-Physics

Alabama PhysTEC Program
J.W. Harrell, Stan Jones, Patrick
LeClair, Tim Mewes, Dennis Sunal,
Cynthia Sunal, Penni Wallace (TiR)
What is PhysTEC ?
• Physics Teacher Education Coalition – affiliated
with AAPT, APS, and AIP. (
• Goal is to address the US high school teacher
shortage problem
• More than 260 colleges and universities are
PhysTEC members.
• A select number are funded each year to
establish a model HS physics teacher
preparation program.
• 3-year award ($100K/yr) beginning Fall, 2012.
• A collaboration with College of Education but
centered in Physics & Astronomy.
• PhysTEC Faculty:
J.W. Harrell, Stan Jones, Patrick LeClair, Tim
Mewes, Dennis Sunal (Ed), Cynthia Sunal (Ed).
Major Components of UA PhysTEC
• Teacher-in-Residence (TiR). Experienced HS teacher
who spends the academic year in the department
assisting with the program.
• Learning Assistants. UGTAs who take a physics
pedagogy course and are mentored by physics faculty.
• Partnership with Alabama Science in Motion to
provide early teaching experiences.
• Teachers Advisory Group
• Curriculum development
• Mentoring of new teachers
Need for HS Physics Teachers
• Number of US students taking HS physics is
increasing, but there is a shortage of wellqualified teachers.
• Only a small fraction of HS physics teachers
have significant training in physics. Most are
teaching out of field.
• More than ¼ of Alabama students attend
school where physics is not offered.
Penni Wallace, Teacher-in-Residence
• B.S. 1998, Mississippi State University, ChemistryPhysics Education
• M.A. 2001, University of Alabama, General
• 1998-2002, Central High School
– Conceptual Physics, Chemistry, Pre-IB Chemistry
• 2002-2012, Hillcrest High School
– Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics B
– Department chair, Lead Science Teacher for
Tuscaloosa County Schools, GK-12 grant, Building
Alabama grant
ASIM High School Labs Course
• 22 Level 1 labs using Pasco equipment
• Only site in state where pre-service teachers
are trained
• Students meet 2 times per week
Mentoring New Teacher
• Tara Gernhardt, recent UA graduate, teaching
at HHS on emergency certification
– 2 first-year courses, AP Physics B
• Co-teaching approximately every 2 weeks
• Training on ASIM labs
• Class management, developing lesson plans,
Introducing program to classes
Talking to students
Visiting schools
Developing materials
Monthly newsletter
• Only a relatively small fraction of students will
want to teach.
• Certification process needs to be made clear
(good advising) and eventually improved.
• Number of PH
majors is rapidly
• Science in Motion
• Scholarship support
(Alliance for Physics Excellence)
• NSF-MSP award to AAMU with UA as a
partner. $8M/5yrs beginning fall, 2012
• Primary goal is to provide in-service training to
~ ¼ of HS physics teachers in Alabama (77
teachers + 11 ASIM specialists).
• 2-wk summer institutes + three 1.5 day inservice workshops for 3 years.
• Significant financial support for participants.
UA’s Role in APEX
• Extensive assessment of program
effectiveness (led by D. Sunal, COE)
• Scholarships for pre-service teacher training
- Ten 2-yr scholarships (junior/senior or masters
alt-cert). $16K/yr.
- Must teach in high needs district in Alabama
(1 year for each year of scholarship)
- Will complement PhysTEC in recruiting future
physics teachers.
Thank you!
• Any questions?
• Contact information: