Board meeting - 15 October 2014

Minutes of the NWC AHSN Board Meeting
Held on Wednesday 15th October from 2pm to 4pm
In Room S04, Vanguard House, Sc-Tech Park, Daresbury
 Gideon Ben-Tovim, Chair NWC AHSN
 Bruce Ash, Vice Chair, NEW AHSN & ABHI representative
 Dr Liz Mear, Chief Executive, NWCAHSN
 Professor John Goodacre
 Lisa Butland, Director of Research & Innovation, NWCAHSN
 Professor Tony Gatrell, Dean, Faculty of Health & Medicine, University of
 Kathryn Moorby, Accountant, Lancashire Care Foundation Trust
 Alison Bayley, Accountant, Lancashire Care Foundation Trust
 Joan Smith, Partnership Development Manager, Self-Management UK
 Sally Spencer, Associate Director, Clinical Research, Lancashire Health Hub
 Kathryn Thomson, Chief Executive, Liverpool Women’s Hospital
 Alan Welby, Executive Director, Liverpool City Region LEP
 Rosalind Way, Director of Operations, Liverpool Health Partners
 Jackie Daniels, Chief Executive, University Hospitals Morecambe Bay
 Alan Rice,
 Professor Ken Wilson, Medical Director, CRN
 Kathy Blacker, Director of Operations, NHS England, Lancashire
In attendance:
 Nicola Allen on behalf of Clare Duggan, NHS England Merseyside
 Tony Woods on behalf of Katherine Sheerin, Liverpool CCG
 Clare Perkins on behalf of Clare Duggan, Public Health England, Knowledge
and Intelligence Team
 Alan Rice, on behalf of Dr Alison Rylands, Assistant Medical Director, NHS
England, Cheshire
 Pamela Briers, Acting Executive Assistant, NWCAHSN
 Margo Kane, Cheshire & Merseyside LWEG
 Lorna Green, Commercial Director, NWCAHSN
 Katherine Sheerin, Chief Officer, Liverpool CCG
 Clare Duggan, NHS England
 Dr Alex Gaw, Chair, Lancashire North CCG
 Dr Umesh Chauhan, Research Lead, East Lancashire CCG
 Professor Ian Greer, Dean, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University
of Liverpool
Harriet Lewis, Associate of British Pharmaceutical Industry
Kathy Hull, Executive Officer, Healthwatch, Liverpool
Andy Walker, Chief Officer, Lancashire LEP
Marry Gabbay, Director, NIHR CLAHRC NWC
Aidan Kehoe, Chief Executive, RLBUHT
Heather Tierney-Moore, Chief Executive, Lancashire Care NHS FT
Karen Partington, Chief Executive, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
Tracy Bullock, Chief Executive, Mid Cheshire Hospitals
Francis Lee, Executive Director, Cheshire and Warrington LEP
Jim Wilson, Chair, Healthwatch, Halton
Melanie Sirotkin, Public Health England, Knowledge and Transfer Team
Dr Any Davies, Chair, Warrington CCG
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (dated 16th July 2014)
These were agreed as a correct record
Review of Actions from previous meeting:
LM confirmed that the AHSN had supported a regional bid for the 100,000
genomes project Genomics and that this had been shortlisted to the 2nd stage with
a timescale of Mid November, for submission.
LM confirmed that following discussions with a number of CEOs who sit on the
AHSN Board the joint fee agreement with AQuA is to be refreshed. A letter had
been sent out to Trusts from LM and David Fillingham with a joint paper describing
the principles which underpin the partnership and member subscription. Board
members were agreeable to this approach. A paper will be presented at the AHSN
Board next month and DF will attend to present on AQuA’s work across the region,
which is relevant to AHSN priorities.
CEO Update
LM reported as follows:
1. GBT and LM had now visited all Universities and had informed them about
the work of the AHSN and what value they were able to add for them.
Opportunities taken by universities so far include the shaping of an approach
for joint health and social care training, the award of contracts to two of our
universities for telehealth assessment and telehealth readiness. Each
university had also been sent the preferred supplier documentation for the
Patient Safety Collaborative.
2. As part of its work relating to the green and natural world economy the AHSN
has been working with Mersey Forest and the Heseltine Institute. The
NWCAHSN will support a PhD student to work on this subject who will utilise
office space at Vanguard House. On 27th January there will be an event
Beyond Green Space, further details to be sent out to Stakeholders.
3. The NWCAHSN is to provide Programme support for the Forerunner
Workforce Planning Project looking at the Health and Social Care workforce.
Further updates will be brought back to the Board. This project is being led
by Margo Kane.
4. Lots of work has been delivered against the European strategy, raising the
profile of the region.
5. The second European healthcare Connected event was held at Chorley Town
Hall und was very well received. These are run every quarter.
6. The AHSN has supported a number of funding bids across the region including
a bid to the Integrated Care Digital Fund for the Lancashire Digital
programme, interviews have been held and a response as to whether we
have been successful is awaited. A bid has also been submitted with five
Mersey councils to the Transformation Challenge Fund.
7. The Northern Industry Forum comprising of all northern AHSN’s and industry
have met for the first time and will continue to meet on a quarterly basis.
This is part of the strategy to promote the ‘northern powerhouse’ aimed at
how we can promote the North as the best place to invest and locate a
Board Terms of Reference
LM presented the new Board Terms of Reference for approval, which are partially
modelled on other hosted AHSNs.
With regards to the list of board
responsibilities, these were standard responsibilities and LM drew the Boards
attention to
- The sharing of minutes of associated meetings across the footprint to
ensure transparency and sharing of good practice. It was felt that sharing
minutes would be too burdensome but that sharing themes or strands
would be useful where there are complimentary areas. GBT suggested a
mechanism capturing information from the five closely related bodies
where they are supposed to be developing joint working – these being the
- Terms of membership for Board members were agreed at 2 years with the
possibility of extension.
- There is one Board Sub-Committee – the Finance and Business
Performance Committees. Preparing the terms of reference for the board
had highlighted a ‘gap’ in the approvals for this committee. The Board–
were happy for the Finance and Business Performance Committee to
approve funding requests of up to £50k and changes to job roles.
- Accountability –it was noted that Board members are representative of
their area of work not representatives of their work area but may be asked
infrequently to consult colleagues
It was agreed that deputies for Board members can attend the Board
The Board approved the Terms of Reference for the Board and revised Finance and
Business Performance Committee Terms of Reference in accordance with the
Forerunner Workforce Planning project
Margo Kane presented the Forerunner Project for future workforce planning and
developing a workforce strategy across Cheshire & Merseyside. This project is
about the future pipeline of workforce and Margo confirmed she had undertaken a
Gap analysis to identify key recommendations and develop new ways of working.
Key stakeholders she had already engaged in have welcomed this. With regards to
apprenticeships she confirmed she had a model for providing apprentices and was
working with young people and colleges. She confirmed that the LWEG were also
undertaking some work which will be shared. They had lots of connections they
were able to make and she was also looking to gain some international best
practice. MK confirmed she would undertake a further presentation on this at the
Academic Summit in December.
The AHSN are providing project support for this project.
The Board noted the work on the Forerunner project for future workforce planning
across NWC.
Finance and Business Performance Committee
LB presented the Business & performance report highlighting the current
performance on 8 campaigns. She noted that the 2 campaigns reported as amber
in the last report were now green, two campaigns were on amber green due to
NHS England policy changes and lack of information.
It was noted that the minutes of the last meeting were not yet approved but will LM
be circulated in the November Board Pack.
BA confirmed this Committee had its own Terms of Reference highlighting it was
an audit type meeting which was bound by statutory obligations to the
stakeholders and the delivery of plans. As the NWC had an agreement with NHS
England, they need to make sure they were fulfilling their obligations. He raised
the issue of governance and highlighted there may be occasions when the Execs
would need to get things signed off without going outside their authority limits.
The financial position at month 5 was highlighted with an underspend of £665k
was noted. A breakeven point was forecast at year end, with a bulk of expenditure
being programmed for the last two quarters of the year. BA requested that a KM
forecast be produced for the next 6 months. With regards to financial allocation
for next financial year, this would not be known under March.
Investment fund & Funded Projects
LM updated the Board on the progress of the investment fund and confirmed that
GMAHSN had appointed Enterprise Ventures as the fund manager. They are well
established in the North West with offices in Liverpool, Preston, Manchester and
Sheffield. The current proposal is for the NWC AHSN to work together with
GMAHSN and to run a bigger fund across the North West with the potential of
extending this further to include the other northern AHSNs including Yorkshire and
Humber and North East. This is currently work in progress and a further update
will be presented at the next Board Meeting.
Kathy Thomson stated the need to identify what innovations were going on across
the patch and what the process was to test this out. It was recognised that
Apposite had undertaken this trawl. Lorna Green had this information and would LG
update at the next Board.
Alan Welby highlighted the large number of potential innovations and products for
investment. He stated there was a Biomedical Fund run by Spark and there is the
North West Fund. GBT confirmed there needed to be more clarity around the
North West Funds performance and the NWCAHSN needed to link in with Alan LG
LM reported on LG’s paper regarding funding projects and highlighted that
Liverpool CCG had done a lot of work around the telehealth study and have been
able to share lessons. This will form a piece of work around adoption for the
telehealth readiness tool. The NWCAHSN have funded £25k into a Cumbria/ CSC
study on readiness for telehealth.
LM highlighted the 13/14 funding for Alder Hey was for the Training and
Development Centre and that phase 2 of this centre is an innovation hub and
simulation centre. She stated that it may be something we would want to think
about but as yet no decisions have been made on this next piece of work. This
was recognised as an exemplar model given the success of Alder Hey’s digital
health solutions.
The Board noted the financial position and update on investment funds and
funded projects.
Patient Safety Collaboration
LM presented a paper on the patient safety collaboration. She asked the Board to
discuss and approve the patient safety topics and other priorities chosen by
members and to note the process for and suggested providers of support service
for the collaborative.
She highlighted that the NWC AHSN had been working with the Netherlands and
Northern Ireland around medicines optimisation, as part of its mandate to
introduce global innovation to the NHS.
Three additional areas of clinical priority had been identified and the project was
rolling out to include management of Sepsis, transition between paediatric and
adult care and hydration.
On 14th October a national launch event was held. The national launch brochure
was circulated to The Board.
NWCAHSN have been asked to look at letting contracts for procurement to LM
preferred suppliers. This decision was taken following procurement advice to the
AHSN. Tenders have been sent out in 3 lots covering 5 areas.
Building leadership capacity and capability, and networking
Board development
3. Measurement and data analysis.
Closing date for return of proposals is 20th October.
The NWC AHSN are currently in the process of recruiting an Associate Director of
Patient Safety Collaborative to head up its activities in this area.
On 17th September the NWCAHSN held a Stakeholder Event around patient safety
and LM drew the Boards attention to the creative comic strip minutes. The short
film of this was played to the Board and can be accessed via YouTube or the AHSN
LM confirmed that this was a 5 year programme and sought the Boards view.
Tony Gatrell confirmed his approval in principle and asked what the practical
consequences of this will be. He wanted to know how this would be disseminated
to Trust Boards who have relentless focus on patient safety. LM confirmed there
would be two campaigns one around PSC and also the Sign up to Safety Campaign.
Nicky Allen highlighted that moving forward the key challenges will be to focus on
the challenges of the CCG’s around enhancing service and self-help standards and
best practice. She stated that hydration and medicines optimisation are the
reasons for readmission and these would need to be embedded in the
Sally Spencer explained the need to identify leads for priorities. It was recognised
the need to have leads other than the AHSN. LB to liaise with SS and take forward. LB
The Board approved the topics for dissemination and the approach taken to issue a
preferred supplier document..
Commercial Director’s Update
LM reported on LG’s behalf.
LM confirmed that NWCAHSN are working with Proteus who are an American
Company who produce an ingestible sensor to track medicines compliance. They
are currently working on a clinical trial and have set up a Steering Group chaired by
JG to oversee the variety of workstreams arising from this.
LM confirmed that the NWCAHSN had won a tender from Liverpool City Region
(LCR) LEP for a business assist programme supporting companies who wish to
engage with the NHS. AW confirmed this was a good opportunity to join the LEP
work with the AHSN. He highlighted this would be a one stop shop for business.
LG is meeting with Cumbria LEP in November and it is hoped we will be able to do
something with them shortly.
NWCAHSN have sponsored the North West Procurement Development Excellent in
Supplier Awards in November.
The 1st anniversary celebration and stakeholder event will be held in December key
note speaker, the Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP.
NWCAHSN working with the DoH has the lead on procurement across the AHSN
network. A first meeting has been held at a national level to position procurement
as an enabler of services.
The Northern Industry Forum met in September bringing together the 4 Northern
AHSN’s and industry. This was a successful meeting and will continue on a
quarterly basis.
The board noted the update on Commercial activity.
European Strategy
LB presented a paper regarding the AHSN’s European Strategy. She confirmed the
NWCAHSN intention to deliver the strategic plan through active participation via
European networks including Coral and ECHAlliance. It was noted that working on
a regional level is common to other European countries. NWCAHSN were recently
invited to participate in a European consultation exercise and to submit views on
potential funding.
LB to share with the Board the report commissioned on “Towards a European
Strategy for
North west Coast Academic Health Science Network”. LB/ PB
AW welcomed this strategy and working with partners across the patch. He would
like to focus on Horizon 2020 and link SME’s into a transnational European
Funding. He recognised that the translational research side they have not done
well on and feels there is a gap. RW highlighted the need to recognise what is
going on already in order to bid effectively for it and the need to link in with SMEs LB/
to bid. It was identified that for Horizon 2020 we could ring fence funding to go to AW
SME’s and is something that could be explored more. JG confirmed that
Christopher Kelly the Academic Liaison Officer is talking to universities about this.
In terms of next steps we need to look at how systems are running the integrated
health systems and a potential study visit was welcomed by the Board.
The Board Noted noted and approved the report.
Any other Business
LM confirmed that the deadline for the AHSN on NHS Service Architecture was due
on 17th October.
Sally Spencer confirmed she had received comments from a business who had
worked with a number of AHSNs. their view was the NWC AHSN was a more
joined up network and that they would want to work with us in future.
Details of Next Meeting
Date: Wednesday 19th November
Time: 2 to 4pm
Venue: Board Room, Vanguard House, Sci-Tech Park, Daresbury, Warrington