Board meeting - 19 November 2014

Item 1
Minutes of the NWC AHSN Board Meeting
Held on Wednesday 19th November from 2pm to 4pm
In Room S04, Vanguard House, Sc-Tech Park, Daresbury
 Gideon Ben-Tovim, Chair NWC AHSN
 Bruce Ash, Vice Chair, NEW AHSN & ABHI representative
 Dr Liz Mear, Chief Executive, NWCAHSN
 Professor John Goodacre
 Lorna Green, Commercial Director, NWCAHSN
 Dr Alex Gaw, Chair, Lancashire North CCG
 Harriet Lewis, Associate of British Pharmaceutical Industry
 Aidan Kehoe, Chief Executive, RLBUHT
 Tracy Bullock, Chief Executive, Mid Cheshire Hospitals
 Alan Welby, Executive Director, Liverpool City Region LEP
 Rosalind Way, Director of Operations, Liverpool Health Partners
 Professor Ken Wilson, Medical Director, CRN
 Kathy Blacker, Director of Operations, NHS England, Lancashire
 Dave Horsfield, Mi
In attendance:
 David Fillingham, AQuA
 Jeni Quirk, Communications Manager, NWCAHSN
 Pamela Briers, Acting Executive Assistant, NWCAHSN
 Patricia Roberts, Programme Manager, NWCAHSN (part)
 Gill Hamblin, Programme Manager, NWCAHSN (part)
 Lisa Butland, Associate Director of Innovation and Research, NWCAHSN
 Alison Bayley, Accountant, Lancashire Care Foundation Trust
 Professor Tony Gatrell, Dean, Faculty of Health & Medicine, University of
 Jackie Daniels, Chief Executive, University Hospitals Morecambe Bay
 Joan Smith, Partnership Development Manager, Self-Management UK
 Sally Spencer, Associate Director, Clinical Research, Lancashire Health Hub
 Kathryn Thomson, Chief Executive, Liverpool Women’s Hospital
 Katherine Sheerin, Chief Officer, Liverpool CCG
 Clare Duggan, NHS England
 Dr Umesh Chauhan, Research Lead, East Lancashire CCG
 Professor Ian Greer, Dean, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University
of Liverpool
 Kathy Hull, Executive Officer, Healthwatch, Liverpool
Gill Brown, Chief Executive, Healthwatch Lancashire
Andy Walker, Chief Officer, Lancashire LEP
Mark Gabbay, Director, NIHR CLAHRC NWC
Heather Tierney-Moore, Chief Executive, Lancashire Care NHS FT
Karen Partington, Chief Executive, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
Francis Lee, Executive Director, Cheshire and Warrington LEP
Jim Wilson, Chair, Healthwatch, Halton
Melanie Sirotkin, Public Health England, Knowledge and Transfer Team
Dr Andy Davies, Chair, Warrington CCG
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (dated 15th October 2014)
These were agreed as a correct record
Review of Actions from previous meeting:
AW/ LG confirmed that a meeting to consider funding streams had been set up for
CEO Update
LM reported as follows:
John Stewart and his team from NHS England had visited the NWCAHSN.
As part of this visit they were given a flavour and overview of the
campaigns from members of the AHSN and various stakeholders. They
outlined how the AHSN was fulfilling its purpose and was engaging with
other associated resident-facing organisations ie. Healthwatch in the right
way. An explanation of the AliveCor device was given as an example of
new technology that worked and was being adopted in GP surgeries. LM
stated this was a positive visit and the one request made by the AHSN was
for Simon Stevens to visit Brussels and be part of influencing European
Health Policy.
The AHSN will form part of the NHS England Architecture Review. There
are two consultations one in Leeds and one in London and Bruce Ash will
be attending as the AHSN representative. BA confirmed that in Simon
Stevens 5-year Forward View reference is made to the AHSNs and their
role in adoption of innovation across the NHS. The outcome of this review
should be known in December. Tracy Bullock confirmed that NHS England
had written to all trusts seeking their views on the AHSN.
The AHSN is working with the Beyond Green Space project and the Mersey
Forest organisation. LM confirmed this is a positive strand of work linking
health and green space.
A meeting had been held with the Northern AHSNs, which included a focus
on the Stroke/AF campaigns run across the four AHSNs and SCNs to
compare and contrast what was going well/ lessons learned.
LM outlined how a new Non-Executive post had been discussed and
approved by the Finance and Business Performance Committee, following
review and comparison of the NWCAHSN governance structure in relation
to other AHSNs. The Board was asked to approve this decision and also to
approve a temporary appointment alongside the advert for the
substantive post. A potential candidate has been identified who brings
knowledge around pharma, research and funding.
The Board approved the decision to establish a new Non-Executive position and an
interim appointment.
AQuA Presentation and Report on Shared Fees
David Fillingham presented and explained the role of AQuA and explained they
were formed as a membership body, which works to improve health and the
quality of healthcare. He highlighted that they had tendered for and been
appointed as a provider for the AHSN’s Patient Safety Collaborative work and saw
this as a way to support the acceleration of service improvement. DF presented
AQuA’s mission and vision, priorities, plan on a page and patient safety metrics.
The presentation was distributed to stakeholders.
A paper on strengthening the partnership between the NWCAHSN and AQuA was
discussed. The paper addressed the issues and concerns around the shared
membership fee for the two organisations, rather than the NWCAHSN levying a
separate membership fee for NHS organisations, in order to deliver the service
improvement aspect of its remit. It was noted that both AQuA and the NWC
would work together to agree shared goals around the AHSNs requirements, so
that the AHSN will be able to deliver its service improvement remit. David
Fillingham explained that the shared fee was also in place with Greater
Manchester AHSN and it was decided to align 50% of the AQuA business plan with
the AHSNs objectives. He outlined how the Patient Safety Collaborative work was
additional to the ‘core’ AQuA offer.
Aidan Kehoe (AK) asked about why the Patient Safety Collaborative work had to be
tendered to preferred providers. LM outlined how procurement advice was
sought from Lancashire Care NHS FT, the host of the AHSN on this topic, which like
any other NHS organisation has clear rules around procurement. AK outlined how
he was pleased that AQuA had won the contract as they have a proven record in
working with acute providers to deliver patient safety development work for staff.
Lorna Green raised the issue around efficiency programmes which was seen to be
something that would be introduced by NHS England. Bruce Ash confirmed they LG
will want to see improvements in quality, reduction in costs and aim to show the
benefits in productivity. AK confirmed that he felt the right approach would be to
focus on quality with strong clinical engagement, expanding programmes and
metrics and that he would want to get involved in this rather than standard cost
improvement programmes. LM confirmed that she had meetings set up with CCGs LM
to discuss their commissioning plans and subsequent requirements from the
The Board approved the adoption of a shared fee structure between AQuA and the
NWCAHSN for 2015/16..
Performance& Finance Report including PSC Update
LM presented the Performance and Finance Report. Six campaigns now RAG rated
green. Systems integration and wealth creation were reported as amber/green. It
was noted that with regards to IT systems integration, support is being given to
pull all work streams together in the NWC region, potentially with support from
Hartree. The Specialised Commissioning workstream had been halted due to
changes at a national level. Wealth creation was rated as amber green due to slow
progress on the investment fund, however the AHSN has been awarded business
assist programmes by both Liverpool City Region and Lancashire LEPs to support
SMEs in the health sector and the AHSN is match funding a post for LCR LEP to
work across both organisations.
Patient Safety Collaborative
LM stated that a Regional Event had taken place in September to look at what the
priorities and principles were for the NWC. Following the recent selection process
to roll out specific aspects of the PSC the following providers were awarded
Haelo to support measurement and data analysis.
AQuA to support safety improvement priorities, building leadership
capacity, patient safety champions and networking leaders and
Edge Hill will undertake evaluation of the PSC and will develop e-learning
LM confirmed that the NWC had appointed an Associate Director of PSC, Aly
Hulme to lead on this programme for the AHSN. Aly is a very skilled improvement
practitioner and is currently undertaking a PhD on patient safety.
Financial Performance
A financial underspend of £1.2m was noted at the present time but it was noted
that a large amount of expenditure was committed into Q4 for investment in the
Investment Fund Update
LG is now working with Enterprise Ventures who are a local investment
management company, with a view to establishing a NW fund in collaboration
with GMAHSN. Several regional investors however have already committed to
investing in an Alderley Edge based fund and this has slowed progress. LG to look
at the feasibility of setting up a smaller fund for the AHSN to run as a pilot with a
view to attracting a larger fund in the medium term. There may be an opportunity
to secure investment partners for social enterprise funding and / or investors from
Merseyside and Lancs who are not involved in Alderley Edge plans.
In looking for a smaller fund, the AHSN/ LG will examine options for match funding
which would mean a fund of c£1m for the region. We would be looking for
investment projects from academia, SME’s etc
LG stated that she would be looking at a social enterprise fund. A European
meeting is being held and LG is attending to explore opportunities for social LG/
enterprise funding and social impact bonds for the health sector. LG is meeting AW
with Alan Welby from LCR LEP and Enterprise Ventures on Nov 24 to discuss these
Funded Projects
GE Healthcare Finnamore funding has now been almost exhausted, the general
view is that they have been value for money as the larger bids they wrote all went
through to second stage. A review meeting is planned with them for December in
the meantime it was agreed we would extend the contract as needed for the
100,000 genomes bid and review any further requirements as they arise.
£150k is being matched by Liverpool LEP for personalised medicines, which had
previously been allocated into this area but with Liverpool University. AW stated
that he had put together a commercialisation plan to develop a co-ordinated
approach on what activities are available in the area of Personalised Medicines so
that we would match this money into a business engagement programme. LHP is
involved in this work for the Liverpool region and RW stated that she had met with
Jules West and Helen Jackson from the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University
Hospital NHS Trust to understand their strategy.
Harriet Lewis highlighted Munir Pirmohamed had been instrumental in developing
a document around stratified medicine and stated that there was to be a big R&D
conference on stratified medicines. LM confirmed that Tricia Roberts was
attending for the AHSN.
AW confirmed that the AHSN has invested monies into procuring a tender so that a
document can be produced for the region around the commercialisation of
personalised medicines.
Kathy Blacker highlighted potential overlaps with the Lancashire People Record
Exchange Service and Funding.
Funding Request for Cheshire Research Hub
LM confirmed that the AHSN Finance and Performance Committee had approved
‘pump-prime’ funding of £26k towards to the Cheshire Innovation and Research
Centre as a joint project between the University of Chester, Countess of Chester
NHS Foundation Trust and Cheshire and Wirral Partnership to create a research
innovation hub. The AHSN will work with these partners to develop a model that
can be complementary to the hubs for Lancashire and Liverpool that have already
been created.
The Board were supportive of this investment.
The Board noted the financial position and update on investment funds and
funded projects.
Medicines Optimisation Policy
Tricia Roberts (TR), AHSN Programme Manager presented a paper on Medicines
Optimisation (MO). She stated that it was recognised that the NHS and residents
are not getting value from medicines across clinical pathways and outlined how
the AHSN wanted to create a unique innovation space for MO for the North West
Coast. She outlined the paper she had circulated, which focussed on bringing
meaningful innovation to the MO agenda engaging with stakeholders to drive
change at pace and scale. TR outlined how this would help to embed a culture of
innovation for people and align our projects to areas of greatest need.
She highlighted that this will involve a 4 stage strategic process
 Clarifying the context - environmental analysis
 Guiding elements to include the mission, vision, values and principles
 Strategic direction to clarify the intended outcomes
 Planning and implementation
Alex Gaw raised the issue of application and strategic vision and stated he was
struggling to make the connection for involvement primary care and linking into
these stakeholders T R confirmed that the NWC has engaged with a Dutch
company, Digitalis and was focusing initial actions and research on care pathways
right across primary, secondary and tertiary care. AG stated one of the key issues
was how to maximise and improve the effective prescription of medicines and
ensure that we have the right people on the advisory boards.
Tracey Bullock stated this was partly a chief pharmacist issue and to look for a mix
of chief pharmacists to support the agenda. TR confirmed that with Digitalis she
had engaged with stakeholders across health and social care in across Cheshire
and Mersey, including many Chief Pharmacists, aligning to stage-one of the
strategy - understanding the environment.
AK expressed the need to have patient involvement and their perspective to see
what they saw as value from this topic. TR confirmed that patient and carers had
been consulted and included and this would continue as the programme TR
JG highlighted made the link to the Proteus Programme and outlined how
technology can support the agenda of care closer to home.
Harriet Lewis raised the issue of culture and behaviour change and that was need
suggesting the use of experts using academic intelligence for behaviour change.
TR outlined how the project includes behavioural factors approaches.
TR explained that in terms of timescale she was looking launching the plan in
January 2015. She asked that Board members keep the paper confidential due to All
branding and IP issues around the name and content. A plan on a page will be
produced for sharing with stakeholders.
JG stated it would be good to build the advisory boards up. TR confirmed that the
AHSN had been asked to established a network of Chief Pharmacists and to do this TR
she would be engaging with local pharmacy networks.
The Board noted and approved the Medicines Optimisation Policy.
Genomics Update
Gill Hamblin, AHSN Programme Manager presented a paper on Genomics, updated
the Board on progress to date and showed a video link relating to this project,
which is being used for both public and professional education and awareness at
all events (see link below).
The regional bid for the 100,000 Genomes Project has been shortlisted to the 2nd
stage and Angela Douglas had been pivotal in pulling the bid together for
submission. This is a 3 year project and an operational plan for delivery and
governance is now in place. Reporting mechanisms are currently awaited from
NHS England on KPIs. If the region is successful with it’s bid the work will go live
from 2nd February. LM confirmed that out of 14 bids still left in the process these
will be assessed and 6 national centres will be awarded. GH confirmed she would
update on whether the bid is successful.
The Board were asked to note the progress to date on the Genomics Project.
Minutes of the Finance and Business Performance Committee
BA presented the revised minutes of the Finance and Business Performance
Committee from the 16 July and the minutes of 15 October and highlighted that
these were signed off by the Committee.
The Board noted and approved the two sets of minutes of the Finance and
Business Performance Committee Meeting.
AOB & Date of Next Meeting
The Board were asked to note the NWCAHSN celebration event on 11th December All
at St Georges Hall.
Date of next Meeting: 14th January commencing at 2pm in Vanguard House